• Students’ Ratings of Instruction: Fair Usage?

    Despite the preponderance of research documenting the limitations and inappropriate use of students’ ratings instruction as a primary evaluation of teaching quality,  many universities continue to rely heavily, if not solely on eSETS to make professional decisions. Check out this NPR blog to see why this practice is, at the very least inappropriate and as…

  • The 4 Properties of Powerful Teaching

    Article in the Chronicle of Higher Education outlines four broad characteristics of powerful teachers: Personality,Presence, Preparation and Passion. http://m.chronicle.com/article/The-4-Properties-of-Powerful/228483/ Using their article as a launching point, I have added a few tips and tricks below. Powerful teachers have personalities that are, in general, good natured and approachable.  Students are not intimidated by you and all…

  • Institutional Proficiency Levels?

    Dear Colleagues, Vicki Tolar Burton and I recently received an interesting question from a new OSU teacher: What [are the] general expectations at OSU for undergraduate writing competencies, and what resources are there for a student whose skills are less than adequate? CTL Response: Your question is appropriate and pertinent.  At this point, no institutional…