• Remote Teaching = Blended Learning: Part 2

    At the outset of Oregon State’s Spring term in late March, the first post in this series suggested considering this sudden shift to remote teaching as an extension of the widely used, evidence-based blended learning modality. Now that we’ve passed the halfway point of the term and faculty are thinking ahead to Summer Session remote…

  • Reducing Screen Time Through Podcasting

    Who else is suffering from eye strain, migraines, a sore neck or back? I can’t imagine I’m the only one.  I used to complain about how much time I spent staring at a computer screen. Looking back, past me had no idea how bad it could get. Between my work for the CTL, the Zoom…

  • THANK YOU EDUCATORS: National Teacher Appreciation Day!!!

    We interrupt our regularly programmed activities, zoom and otherwise, to bring you THIS important message: THANK YOU FACULTY AND STAFF FOR ALL YOUR EFFORTS AS YOU KEEP TEACHING and help our students KEEP LEARNING!!!! As we stride towards the summer and into the latter half of Spring term 2020, there is a lot to celebrate.…