• Reassessing Assessment in Covid-19 Crisis: The Importance of Discursive and Performative Reflection

    The Covid-19-forced pivot to remote teaching has upended productive discourse about evidence-based pedagogical practices. The recurring theme in the myriad of recommendations and best practices for engaging students in remote learning is the need to communicate care and hope, and to maintain a sense of connectedness. The pandemic is a great equalizer; the resultant uncertainties,…

  • Addressing Burnout

    In the past few weeks, I have heard from instructors and learners alike about how stressed they are. People are finding themselves more irritable, apathetic, experiencing insomnia, headaches, or inability to focus. I can say that I am also experiencing similar symptoms that have been exaggerated by remote learning and teaching. Acknowledging this problem and…

  • RAP ON: Live Streamed or Face to Face? Comparing Efficacy

    Editor’s Note:  Universities nationwide are preparing for the summer and fall terms. After a quick pivot to emergency remote teaching this spring, there is now a small window of time to prepare for the next phase of education during the pandemic. One of the most common models on the drafting table involves “Rotating Classes”.  According…