Join a supportive cohort of faculty in January to boost your teaching skills! The Winter ’21 Blended Faculty Learning Community, sponsored by CTL and Academic Technology, will help OSU faculty advance their teaching. The group will focus on applying effective practices for blended learning–in remote, blended, hybrid or flipped courses–and the skillful use of educational…
Why did I choose to read Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? I feel the answer lies in my background as a white male who grew up in the 1960’s and 70’s, and I’d like to share how I think the book can impact people of my generation. The period…
OSU’s Keep Teaching team, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and Academic Technology are collaborating to offer workshops and webinars to help you prepare your Winter 2021 courses. Sign up today! Using Canvas to Give Better Feedback to Students - Wondering how you can give your students more efficient and effective feedback through Canvas? Are you…
academic success accessibility active learning ai assessment blended blended learning call for proposals Canvas ChatGPT classroom Course Design CTL engagement equity events faculty development faculty learning communities flipped learning hybrid inclusive teaching learning learning community lesson planning media pandemic pedagogy professional development remote remote teaching research Research Advancing Pedagogy (RAP) resilient teaching resilient teaching voices students student support study Syllabus teaching technology timely teaching tips tools video workshop Zoom