• Tackling ChatGPT Head On: A Student Assignment

    It is hard to not see a reference to ChatGPT in musings and reflections on higher education today. The A.I. software that can write essays, responding to most prompts with ease, is worrying many faculty who fear students will use this technology to cheat.  Students can, and probably will, use this software.  What they use…

  • It’s January Again, Time for New Year’s Teaching Resolutions

    Every time I teach, there are elements that I notice that I want to change. I often have a clear idea of what needs to be different (often right as I walk back from finishing class), but I do not always get around to making the change. As CTL Executive Director, and someone who reads…

  • Alternative grading: A framework for emphasizing learning and de-emphasizing grades

    By Funmi Amobi, OSU Center for Teaching and Learning What does an A, B, C, or D really mean in terms of student learning? Grades are overly emphasized in the assessment of student learning. Instructors give agonizing attention to decisions about how many points or how much partial credit to allocate to students’ work. Students…