• Ed Tech on the Edge: Demo and Dialogue

    Outside of conferences like Educause, or trade expos like CES, instructors don’t have many dedicated opportunities to interact with different technologies designed for (or leveraged by) educators. OSU’s Center for Teaching and Learning sought to remedy that in its first-ever session with an exclusive focus on Ed Tech, hosted by Cub Kahn and me. The…

  • Information Density in Lectures: How much content is too much?

    Keeping up with the volume of information continually produced in any discipline often feels like a herculean endeavor, and that’s for experts. When we then try to structure our courses so that they reflect the “best,” “most current,” and “cutting edge” information in our field, the problem becomes all the more fraught. On a ten-week…

  • What students don’t know about OSU technology

    I recently had a chance to read through the Top 10 questions received by the College of Forestry’s student computing help desk during the last academic year. The range of topics in the list indicates that students’ familiarity with OSU computing resources is spotty. Moreover, students’ ability to adapt the technologies they use (from laptop…