• Is Your Grading Model Fair or a Risk Factor?

    The processes teachers use to calculate grades can be a major risk factor for students… and institutionally, we need to stop and take a look at whether we are using what the research suggests as being fair.  At Oregon State University, The Center for Teaching and Learning take this type of issue very seriously.  Last…

  • Top Three Tips to Promoting Student Success

    As we ready for the new academic year teachers we reviewing our course syllabi and readying for new students. Some classes are large, some are online, others are blended or hybrid courses with some teaching on line and some face-to-face. Regardless of the delivery model, there are still three critical characteristics that directly influence students’…

  • Return on Investment

    What if a college instructor could appreciably increase the likelihood of the long-term well-being of a student by simply having a few conversations with the student? Great Jobs Great Lives, the recently released 2014 Gallup-Purdue Index National Report, links the quality of one’s college experience with subsequent well-being and with workplace engagement. This report is an eye…