• Build Resilience! Join a Resilient Teaching Cohort This Winter

    Want to be part of a supportive community of faculty focused on resilience and improvement of teaching? Looking for an enjoyable way to energize your Corvallis or Cascades campus teaching? Join the Winter ’24 Resilient Teaching Faculty Learning Community sponsored by the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). A small cohort of faculty from across…

  • Can AI Tools Reshape the Way We Educate?

    By Dr. Shrikant Londhe, Dept. of Chemistry History has shown that when new technologies emerge, there is often resistance and skepticism regarding their adoption. The introduction of tractors and other mechanized equipment received apprehension from farmers in India, who were concerned about their jobs being taken away by machines. However, those who embraced the technology…

  • New!  Apply to Join the Teaching and AI Faculty Learning Community

    “Ready or not, ChatGPT is now in your classroom. It can write papers, essays, and poems. It can create art and write computer code in many languages. This is not however the time to panic; it is the time to focus on the value you offer students as their instructor.” –Ryan Watkins, Update Your Course…