• Congratulations, Class of 2024!

    The Center for Teaching and Learning congratulates the 7,648 graduates in the Oregon State University Class of 2024. You did it! CTL also expresses deep appreciation to OSU faculty, GTAs, learning assistants, advisors and student support services for your dedication and unflagging efforts to skillfully teach, nurture, mentor and guide students. Have a great summer!

  • The role of gratitude in resilient teaching

    By Ashley D’Antonio, OSU College of Forestry Resilience is one of the first concepts I learned as a recreation ecologist. In recreation ecology, “resilience” is the ability of part of an ecosystem (i.e., vegetation, wildlife) to recover from the disturbance caused by outdoor recreation. I think about resilient teaching similarly, as the ability of a…

  • Resilient teaching and technology

    By Will Later, OSU College of Liberal Arts Depending on how many years a person has been teaching, that person has seen many changes in technology in the classroom. From just chalkboards to having to make transparency copies for the overhead projector or making sure the projector is on, developing online modules in Blackboard or…