• Sign up for Guided Review of Your Blended, Flipped or Hybrid Course

    This CTL workshop on Tuesday, July 9, offers a great opportunity for you to use new course review guidelines to take a close look at a blended, flipped or hybrid course you teach. You’ll be guided through a self-assessment of one of your courses to explore strengths of the course design and delivery and potential…

  • Congratulations, OSU Graduates!

    The Center for Teaching and Learning congratulates all Oregon State University graduates in the Class of ’19 and offers our best wishes for a wonderful future! And as another academic year draws to a close, we extend our deep appreciation to all OSU teaching faculty for everything you’ve done this year on behalf of your…

  • Teaching Hybrid: What Works Well?

    The Center for Teaching and Learning surveyed OSU Corvallis and Cascades campus faculty in Oct. 2016 to determine effective hybrid teaching practices from the perspective of instructors. Results: There was significant consensus among the 28 respondents from 7 OSU colleges. More than three-fourths of the instructors that used each of the following 11 practices rated…