• Thank you for the endorsement President Ray.

    “Each of us can contribute to the university’s student success initiative…share with students that you are here to help their success and help them succeed. Or attend one of the Tuesday Tech Talks put on by the Center for Teaching and Learning.” – President Ed Ray, Oregon State University. From his address to the campus…

  • CTL Reaches out to OSU Faculty in Eastern Oregon

    The faculty of OSU’s Agriculture and Natural Resource Program at Eastern Oregon University participated in a CTL workshop on Blended, Flipped and Hybrid Course Design and Teaching. The Agriculture and Natural Resources Program is a long-standing cooperative relationship between EOU and OSU’s College of Agricultural Sciences to serve students, communities and industries of eastern Oregon…

  • Start Strong: Tips for an Effective First Day of Class

    The first day of class sets the tone for the rest of the semester (Lang, 2019; Saucier 2019). Also, the first day of class comes with some nervousness, “first-day jitters,” even for experienced university teachers. There are several instructional tips for ensuring that the first day gets off to a good start. Lang encapsulates them…