• Last Chance for Summer Faculty Development Opportunities

    With finals underway and graduation only days away, summer is upon us! CTL is offering two great new professional development opportunities that you can still add to your summer plans: No Strings Attached Book Club – Interested in the science of memory, alternative approaches to grading, or techniques to energize the college classroom? Get a…

  • An Update on the Blended Learning Innovations in Pedagogy Initiative

    In late January, a Request for Proposals went out to all instructional faculty to join the Blended Learning Innovations in Pedagogy (BLIP) Initiative. After reading through many strong proposals, we (Center for Teaching & Learning and Academic Technologies) selected five brave faculty, teaching high enrollment courses, to conduct a complete course redesign. This redesign was…

  • Reflecting on the Resilient Teaching Symposium: Working with Faculty

    About the author: Brenna Gomez, MFA, is the Director of Career Integration in the Career Development Center. She works with OSU faculty and other stakeholders on helping students connect the dots between the coursework they take at OSU and their future career goals. In her free time she writes fiction. In April, the CTL held…