RA/Resident One-on-One Meetings AS (Interaction – PD, CD, CE)

Fall/Winter/Spring: Weekly

  • Have opportunity to reflect on their academic, social, personal experiences at OSU
  • Articulate academic expectations for self
  • Develop a connection to fellow OSU students
  • Set personal goals for first-year success
  • Identify areas of successes and areas of challenge
  • Articulate knowledge of where to go for support for areas of challenge


  • Each term in 2013-14, each RA will conduct 15-30 minute one-on-one meetings with all first-year students (defined as any student who has their first term at OSU during the academic year).  The overall goal of these meetings is to have students reflect on their academic experiences and help the RAs partner with them to develop next steps.  RAs will conduct 6-8 one-on-ones per week to ensure their workload is balanced and to fully engage with residents.  Resident Directors will develop a process for ensuring RAs have completed their meetings and will check in during supervisory meetings with RAs to discuss strategies for assisting students based on feedback from the one-on-ones.  Though the main focus of these meetings is academic reflection, each FYE sub-group has developed discussion prompts and a sample questions list to facilitate conversations and allow the resident to dictate where the conversation goes.


  • 1-1 Instructions with Sample Prompts: 1-1 agenda
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