Academic Distinction Reception

Spring: May (exact Date TBA) Last6


  1. Articulate academic expectations and reflect on their achievements
  2. Converse with a member of the OSU faculty or staff
  3. Recognize yourself as a part of a community of scholars
  4. Develop a connection to fellow OSU students


  1. Dessert reception to recognize students in the residence halls who currently have a 3.5 cumulative GPA through winter term 2014 (or 3.85 term GPA for Winter).  Students will be invited to attend this event, and their achievements will be recognized using a similar scale as the OSU academic achievement standards for Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, and Summa Cum Laude.  Each student will receive an individual recognition item.  In addition, there will be a few individual awards presented (for leadership, outstanding faculty, etc) and a keynote speaker.
  2. Res Ed Staff role is to promote this within each community


  1. This event would be co-planned by Alpha Lamda Delta, NRHH, and the Res Ed Recognition Committee
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