Homecoming TAB (Interaction – CE)

October 21 to October 27


  1. Increase first-year student knowledge of homecoming: it’s purpose, events, and symbolism, alumnus participation
  2. Develop residence hall affiliation
  3. Increase involvement of RHA in homecoming events
  4. Create sense of pride in institution and it’s legacy
  5. Earn Inter-Hall Challenge points for the hall

Delivery Options (How is the staff going to execute this?)

  1. Hall bulletin board messages about homecoming
  2. Hall decoration contests/open houses for returning alumni of the halls (Materials by Friday, October 18 | Judging will take place on the morning of Thursday, October 24, Winners will be announced on Friday, Oct 25 at After Dark)
  3. RHA led homecoming float/walking group
  4. Participation in the homecoming parade and bonfire (Thursday, October 24)
  5. After Dark @ Dixon Recreational Center- 9PM-Midnight


  1. Alumni Association- Suzanne Flores
  2. Hall Council Boot Camp (Week 3)
  3. Campus partners
  4. History of Homecoming at OSU
  5. Homecoming Schedule (Still being Updated)
  6. 2013 Homecoming Parade Route
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