The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.
Gertrude S. Wister
Welcome Srijana! Our metro area OSU Master Gardener™ Program leader
Srijana Shrestha
We are so very pleased to share the news that Srijana Shrestha, Assistant Professor of Practice, has started her position leading our OSU Extension Service metro area Master Gardener Program. Srijana’s position serves the whole metro region, which includes Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties.
Learn more about Srijana, her horticulture passions and her excitement about leading the Master Gardener Program.
Welcome to, and from, our new Statewide Master Gardener Manager, Dr. Leslie Madsen
Dr. Leslie Madsen
After a national search, Dr. Leslie Madsen (she/her) has joined OSU Extension as the Statewide Master Gardener Manager, beginning December 29th, 2023. She most recently was the Associate Director for Educational Development in the Center for Teaching and Learning at Boise State University. The OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Program extends a hearty welcome to Dr. Madsen!
Learn more about Dr. Madsen and read her note to all Oregon Master Gardeners HERE.
Master Gardener, Mariella teaching at Head Start event. Photo: Amy Espinoza, OSU
As we begin a new year, we look back with gratitude on the tremendous impact and contributions that metro area OSU Master Gardeners had in the community in 2023. Master Gardeners reached over 59,000 community members and answered over 12,000 gardening questions!
You served at resource fairs, farmers markets, libraries, schools, gardens, and a wide variety of community outreach events. Learn all the details in our OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener “2023 Impact Report”, click the download button below. Kudos to all, for your dedicated service educating Oregonians about successful and sustainable gardening practices!
Be sure to check out the 2023 Summer and Fall Recap highlighting how Master Gardeners gathered, learned and served. In addition, we congratulate the 2023 Master Gardener award winners.
We extend our best wishes and sincere thanks to Lisa Kirby, Education Program Assistant, who is setting her sights on new endeavors and has moved on from OSU. Over the past year, Lisa has enthusiastically supported the OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Program and volunteers. Lisa has been integral in event planning, delivering curriculum, and supporting community educational outreach. We are grateful for her dedicated service.
Community Outreach Events Commence
Photo: Marcia McIntyre
As we see signs of spring emerging in the garden, our Master Gardener community outreach events also start to bloom this time of year. Be sure to check CERVIS, periodically, so you can sign up for some fun, engaging opportunities as they are continually posted.
2024 Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series
One in five people face hunger in Oregon. The cost of food keeps climbing and the pandemic showed us the fragility of our supply system. Growing our own food – for ourselves, for our families, for our neighbors – is an action gardeners can take to strengthen food security in their local communities. This year’s “Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up series” is aimed at helping gardeners take a bite out of hunger.
Nine, free, closed-captioned webinars will be broadcast via Zoom and streamed on our Facebook page. You can view them on the second Tuesday of the month, at noon, from February through October 2024. Experts in their field from OSU and beyond, will present on topics such as how to get the most yield from cool season veggies, growing produce to donate to food banks, and how to grow culinary mushrooms.
The series is open to all, and each webinar will be recorded. “Growing Oregon Gardeners” webinars count for one hour of designated Master Gardener continuing education.
Master Gardener Training. Photo courtesy of Sherry Sheng
We are eagerly looking forward to and busily preparing for our 2024 OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Training. The training will launch this spring in all three counties. If you know anyone who loves learning about gardening and has a desire to share their knowledge with the community as a garden educator, please direct them to our home page. Those who sign up on our interest list will be notified when we start accepting applications.
Annual Master Gardener Requirements
It is not too early to start keeping track of your Volunteer Service and Continuing Education hours for 2025 recertification. Please follow the link below for a refresher on the annual requirements to maintain your Master Gardener certification.
During the summer and fall of 2023, our metro area Master Gardener Program was in high gear! Master Gardeners reconnected with fellow volunteers and served their communities in many different ways. Below, we take a look back at some of the activities, continuing education opportunities, and community outreach events that Master Gardeners participated in.
June 4th: Celebrate!
On June 4th, 2024, metro area Master Gardeners enjoyed a lovely sunny afternoon as they gathered to celebrate and cultivate community at Millennium Park Plaza in Lake Oswego. The event provided an opportunity to re-connect with fellow volunteers and also to make new connections. Informational and educational displays, door prizes, food, drink, and a lovely cupcake tree made the celebration festive.
Community Outreach
Metro area Master Gardeners ventured far and wide across communities in the metro area to share solid gardening information with Oregon Gardeners. Master Gardeners could be found at area farmers markets, community resource fairs, making gardening presentations, hosting classes, and teaching in the garden.
Metro-area Master Gardeners Recognized for Their Service
Each year, the three metro area Master Gardener Association chapters nominate and designate members for special recognition through the Oregon Master Gardener Association (OMGA). This year, one group project and two metro area Master Gardeners received special statewide recognition for their exemplary service.
We extend our sincere gratitude to the following Master Gardeners and enthusiastically congratulate them for their valuable contributions!
The Clackamas County Master Gardener Association’s “10-Minute University™ Let’s Grow Together!” webinar series, has been awarded the statewide “Search for Excellence” award. The webinar series, developed and launched in 2020, delivers sound and sustainable gardening information on essential gardening topics, from fruit tree pruning to garden wilding. The team is being recognized for their high-quality programming and its positive impact on gardeners in Oregon and beyond. Recordings of the webinar series can be viewed HERE.
Marilyn Berti – Statewide Master Gardener of the Year
Marilyn Berti – Statewide Master Gardener of the Year Photo: Marcia McIntyre
Marilyn Berti, co-recipient of the statewide “OSU Master Gardener of the Year” award, is being honored for her strong commitment to the educational outreach mission of the Program. A Master Gardener volunteer since 2009, Marilyn was instrumental in the development of the Washington County Master Gardener Association’s Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate. She has also worked on a wide variety of educational outreach programing and informational signage at the garden. Marilyn is always keenly focused on sharing sustainable gardening information with the community, whether developing educational programing, giving tours at the garden, or tabling at community events.
Dennis Brown – Statewide Growing and Belonging Award
Dennis Brown – Growing and Belonging Awardee Photo: Marcia McIntyre
Master Gardener volunteer, Dennis Brown, is the inaugural recipient of the statewide, “Growing and Belonging” award. The award honors a Master Gardener volunteer who works collaboratively with community to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and/or social justice in the Master Gardener Program and in the wider community. An OSU Master Gardener since 2017, Dennis has initiated innovative partnerships with community organizations such as developing garden curriculum for under-served communities. Most recently, Dennis has been working with individuals experiencing houselessness at the Bybee Lake Hope Center. He teaches “Gardening for Life” classes on sustainable gardening to Hope Center participants and other community members. In addition, Dennis makes dozens of gardening presentations annually to community groups, libraries, and at events including the City of Portland’s “Fix-it Fair”. You can learn more about Dennis’ service in this OSU Extension Service article. You can also hear Dennis talk about cultivating community in his February 2024 presentation for the Washington County Master Gardener Speaker Series. Follow this link. Once there use this passcode: T+128y^J
County Association Awards
The following are the 2023 nominees from each of the three metro area Master Gardener associations:
Clackamas County Master Gardener Association
Kathy Krentz – Master Gardener of the Year
Kathy Krentz – CCMGA Master Gardener of the Year
Before she even finished her Master Gardener training in 2019, Kathy Krentz was generously volunteering to support the Master Gardener program. The Clackamas County Master Gardener Association (CCMGA) recognizes her tremendous contributions by naming her their 2023 Master Gardener of the Year. Kathy volunteers over 400 hours, annually, at the “Grow an Extra Row” garden, which grows food to donate to area food pantries. She has served as the CCMGA Board treasurer for 4 years. Her dedication extends to the “Spring Garden Fair”, where she has volunteered over 600 hours serving as the Vendor Sales Chair.
Cheryl Borden – Behind the Scenes Master Gardener
Cheryl Borden, CCMGA Behind the Scenes Master Gardener
For the past 15 years, Cheryl Borden has been working quietly behind the scenes educating Oregon gardeners from youth to adults. She is part of the 10-Minute University team and was responsible for developing and delivering three new 10-Minute U. webinars. She offers generous support to the Master Gardener Program teaching hands-on workshops and has served many years answering questions on the Helpline. In her commitment to educate youth, she has developed curriculum for Master Gardener outreach education kits and often volunteers for community events serving young gardeners.
Multnomah County Master Gardener Association
Marilyn Frankel – Master Gardener of the Year
Marilyn Frankel, MCMGA Master Gardener of the Year Photo courtesy of John Jordan
The Multnomah County Master Gardener Association’s 2023 Master Gardener of the Year, Marilyn Frankel has dedicated hundreds of hours of her time volunteering, annually, at the MGMGA’s Demonstration Garden. Marilyn serves at the garden in every capacity, from designing to constructing, to digging and installation.
In addition, Marilyn has actively served as an OMGA representative. She has also been a generous supporter of the Master Gardener Program through assisting with training.
Mary Abplanalp – Behind the Scenes Master Gardener
Mary Anplanalp, MCMGA Behind the Scene Master Gardener of the Year Photo courtesy of Carole Hardy
Mary Abplanalp was recognized as the Multnomah County Master Gardener Association’s (MCMGA) “Behind the Scenes” Master Gardener as she quietly made big contributions in support of the Association. Mary served as Editor for MCMGA’s eNews in 2021-2022, delivering engaging messages to their membership. She also dedicated time to the design and development of the “Naturescape” bed at the Association’s “Demonstration Garden”. Along with her daughter, Mary developed a detailed new map of the “Demonstration Garden” to guide volunteers and visitors alike.
Washington County Master Gardener Association
Leslie Ray – Behind the Scenes
Leslie Ray, WCMGA Behind the Scenes Master Gardener
For nearly 10 years, Leslie Ray may have been tirelessly volunteering behind the scenes, but her service has had a direct impact on the community. She is a dedicated Helpline volunteer, spending time answering gardener’s questions. She initiated a Washington County Master Gardener translation project which makes resources available in Spanish. She was an integral part of the WCMGA’s “Grow 1 – Give 1” project where Master Gardeners grow veggie starts to distribute to food pantries. In addition, she has served on the statewide level as the WCMGA Oregon Master Gardener Association (OMGA) representative.
Empowering Master Gardener Educators
To bolster volunteers in their role as garden educators, two skill-building workshops were held in September and October. Speakers Guild and Educational Outreach workshops were offered as opportunities for volunteers to train in how to give presentations and how deliver engaging gardening curricula in youth educational settings.
Both events were fun, engaging and power our service educating gardeners.
Special thanks to Kelly Welch and Wendy Wilson for developing the curriculum for the Education Outreach training. They generously shared their professional insight, leading the training and guiding participants.
The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.
Harriet Ann Jacobs
The arrival of spring has metro area Master Gardeners eagerly awaiting so many opportunities. The opportunity to return to active gardening once again by plunging hands into the warm soil, sowing seeds and nurturing garden dreams. It also means a return to favorite Master Gardener service activities or trying new ones. So much is in store for our Master Gardener Program this spring season.
Save the Date! Celebrate our Master Gardener Community!
Metro area Master Gardeners are invited to a celebratory gathering to cultivate community and seed our future! The date is Sunday, June 4th, from 1:00pm-3:00pm at Millennium Park Plaza in Lake Oswego.
Look forward to an afternoon filled with informational and educational displays, door prizes, food, drink, and festive celebration!
We hope you will join in, and bring family and friends as we joyfully reunite and celebrate our Master Gardener Community, together.
More event details to come!
“Let’s Talk Plants” at Markets and Community Events
Our Master Gardener ‘Let’s Talk Plants’ information tabling opportunities at area Farmers Markets and community events are launching soon! Check your schedule and get ready to sign-up for your favorite market or try visiting a market new to you.
Please look for an email notification this week announcing the opening of registration on CERVIS for most market/community events. Continue to check CERVIS throughout the season as more opportunities are posted.
Important Note: to allow as many MGs as possible to volunteer for their favorite market, we are limiting sign up for one specific market to 2 shifts maximum, for the first two weeks that registration is open. Please honor this request so that we will not need to unregister those who sign up for more than 2 shifts.
Update Your CERVIS Profile
Sign-up for upcoming volunteer shifts at Farmers Markets and other special volunteer opportunities will be on CERVIS. In order to be ready to sign-up, when the time comes, please visit CERVIS and update your profile, including your email address, mailing address and phone numbers.
Weston Miller, A Grateful Farewell
Weston Miller
It is bittersweet as we send a fond and grateful farewell to Weston Miller. In February Weston sent a letter to all metro area Master Gardeners sharing the news that he was moving on to a new career opportunity.
Read more as we wish Weston the best on his new venture.
Welcome Amy and Lisa!
We are pleased to welcome two new members to the metro area OSU Master Gardener Program team.
Amy Espinoza
Amy Espinoza is serving as an Education Program Assistant based in Washington County. She supports the Master Gardener volunteer program with a focus on expanding community outreach and service.
Amy holds a bachelor’s degree with a dual major in Spanish/Arts & Letters, and a Master of Education in Library Media/K-12 classroom teaching. She brings over 20 years of professional experience working with several school districts and libraries, including teaching adult Spanish classes through Portland Community College.
Amy has a passion for gardening, instilled in part by her mom and aunt, both accomplished gardeners. This year she is keenly focused on ensuring that her one-year-old Pix Zee peach tree will bear fruit despite our cold, wet start to spring.
Lisa Kirby
Lisa Kirby joins the Master Gardener team as an Education Program Assistant based in Multnomah County. She is enthusiastic about the OSU Master Gardener Program having served 10 years as a Master Gardener volunteer.
Lisa has a broad outreach and engagement background with non-profit organizations. Recently Lisa served as both a volunteer and staff member at the Leach Botanical Garden. Her experience with plants extends to working for a number of nurseries in the area.
Lisa is a dedicated sustainable gardener and readily speaks about the impact gardeners can have taking care of the earth and each other. Whether a gardener grows native plants to support pollinators, veggies and fruits to bring to the table, or flowers to share beauty with others.
Both Amy and Lisa bring a wealth of skills and enthusiasm to support the Master Gardener program. Welcome, Amy and Lisa!
Dam Proud Day – One Day, Everyone Together
On April 26, 2023, Master Gardeners and supporters will come together to show our belief in the Master Gardener program and Oregon State University’s Dam Proud Day.
This 24-hour period is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of the Oregon State community, including supporting Master Gardeners, and stretching ourselves toward our aspirations.
The Master Gardener Program as been chosen as a featured fund on Dam Proud Day, so we have a special opportunity to raise money to support our work.
On one day, can you imagine what we could do together?
Here’s how Master Gardener volunteers, past and present, can help NOW.
1. Follow OSU Extension Master Gardener on social media. and @mastergardenersOSU on Instagram. Share our stories and posts about Dam Proud Day with your friends and followers.
2. Show up on April 26th and make a donation online signaling your support for the Master Gardener program. It’s all online, all on one day. Donations large and small are all appreciated. Let’s see if the Master Gardener program can solicit the most donations on Dam Proud Day!
For Oregon State University’s Dam Proud Day, the Master Gardener Program is fundraising to support the Seed to Supper Program and an update of our foundational textbook, the Sustainable Gardening Handbook. The Seed to Supper program is a introductory vegetable gardening course for beginning and low-income gardeners, that includes considerations for gardeners who don’t have easy access to land. Our Sustainable Gardening Handbook is the text used to teach new Master Gardener volunteers. We need to update this resource, to include advances in the science of sustainable gardening, as well as consideration of climate change impacts on Oregon gardeners.
Donations can be as low as $5. A symbolic gift of $50 recognizes the 50 years that the Master Gardener Program has been serving communities across the United States! Every donation helps us get closer to our goal, and unlocking the FIVE challenge grant gifts that we have set up.
On one day, we can show up for gardening and Master Gardeners in Oregon!
OSU Master Gardeners Showing their Pride
Check out the stories of OSU Master Gardeners who reached out to the statewide program team to share why they are #DamProud to be a Master Gardener. Plus see some familiar faces of your fellow metro area Master Gardeners. To read their stories visit the OSU Master Gardener Program News
Get Ready! It’s Plant Sale Season!
We are all eager for high gardening season and with that comes the excitement of the annual fundraising plant sales of the three metro area Master Gardener Associations. A chance to load up on wish-list plants and to sign-up for some fun volunteer opportunities
Spring Garden Fair!
May 6th and 7th the iconic Clackamas County Master Gardener Association’s Spring Garden Fair will satisfy anyone’s plant lust! Perennials, annuals, natives, ornamentals, veggie, fruit, herbs, garden art and garden supplies! 10-minute University classes, Soil pH testing, New Plant Introductions, a fabulous raffle and more! Clackamas County Event Center, Canby.
May 6th the vibrant Washington County Master Gardener Association’s Gardenfest Plant Sale guides home gardeners in creating beautiful gardens that thrive! Perennials, shrubs, vegetables, annuals, herbs, and garden tools! Classes that support successful gardening! Find ideas that inspire as you tour the Washington Co. Master Gardener’s Education Garden. PCC Rock Creek Campus, Portland
To volunteer for the Gardenfest contactLarina Hoffbeck:
Incredible Edibles Plant Sale!
Order TODAY! Plant orders are now open for the Multnomah County Master Gardener Association’s Incredible Edibles Plant Sale. The sale has moved to a pre-order format and is taking orders for organic veggie, fruit and herb plant starts now! Mini classes will guide gardeners in growing a bountiful harvest. Plant orders will be available for pick-up on Saturday, May 13th (NE 16th and Hancock Street).
Be sure to mark your calendars to join in the fun volunteering and/or shopping to your heart’s content!
In remembrance: Dr. Bernadine Strik
Dr. Bernadine Strik Credit Dave King
We saddened to share that Dr. Bernadine Strik passed away on April 24. Dr. Strik was a renowned OSU berry researcher, and educator for 34 years. She was incredibly generous, sharing her time and vast knowledge teaching Master Gardener classes over the decades. No doubt thousands of Master Gardeners have benefited from her teachings, as she traveled across the state. We send our heartfelt sympathies to her family. Here is more about the dedicated, amazing, kind, generous, Dr. Strik.
As 2022 nears its end, we want to take the opportunity to extend warm winter wishes and our utmost gratitude for your dedicated service as OSU Extension Service Master Gardeners. Thank you for your selfless commitment educating others in successful and sustainable gardening practices.
This year as we transitioned back to familiar, favorite, and new favorite volunteer opportunities know that your efforts have positively impacted so many in our community! Thank you!
We look forward to seeing you in the New Year, as you continue to share your passion for education and gardening!
Annual reporting, stickers and badges. Oh my!
Thank you to all who have submitted the annual required forms and reported your continuing education and volunteer service hours for 2022! As we transitioned back to in-person volunteer opportunities, you rose to the challenge generously supporting our communities with valuable gardening guidance and leveling up your knowledge by diving into a wide range of continuing education opportunities! Kudos to one and all!
2023 OSU Master Gardener Recertification sticker
For those who have fulfilled the requirements to maintain their status as an active and “current” Master Gardener you will receive a 2023 Recertification sticker to proudly display on your MG badge in mid-January. The sticker is a designation that you are current and up-to-date, having completed all annual requirements.
Perennial MGs who have fulfilled the 10-hour continuing education requirement and have submitted the required forms will be sent their 2023 MG sticker in January. For Perennial MGs still needing to complete their annual 10-hours of continuing education please refer to the September/October newsletter for designated continuing education opportunities and also see the information in the article below regarding recordings of our Fall Recertification webinars.
2020 and 2022 cohort members who have completed their Master Gardener training requirements will receive our hearty congratulation and their shining new OSU Master Gardener badge in January.
All 2020 and 2022 cohort members who have submitted the annual required forms will be sent (in January) a 2023 Master Gardener sticker to be displayed on their new OSU Master Gardener badge or if still working toward meeting the training requirements, displayed on their cohort training badge.
In November, we enjoyed the reprise of our Fall Recertification with 4 webinars focusing on information to support you in your role as garden educators. Many thanks to our presenters, Cecile Evans, Dr. Gail Langellotto, OSU Master Gardener Program Manager, Alex Gorman, OSU Forestry and our very own Weston Miller, who all provided thoughtful, informative presentations.
To enrich our 2022 OSU Extension Service Master Gardener training, we ventured into the garden and offered 36 hands-on workshops for Master Gardener trainees. Nineteen garden-focused topics were presented that ranged from ‘Insect Identification’ to ‘Gardening for Wildlife’.
Gardening for Wildlife Hands-on Workshop Photo courtesy of Eddie RosenPlant Identification Hands-on Workshop
The workshops were made possible all thanks to a team of experienced Master Gardener volunteers who developed and delivered the engaging hands-on instruction. 388 class slots were filled. Participants shared their appreciation for the hands-on opportunity, “The instructors were top-notch”, “I loved being in the garden, seeing plant pests and diseases up-close”.
A special shout-out of gratitude to Susan Albright, Sherry Sheng, and Corinne Thomas-Kersting for their time and efforts coordinating and guiding the development of the Hands-on Workshop curriculum in their county’s.
These science-based workshops support our Master Gardener training cohort members in serving as effective community educators.
Hearty thanks to these metro area OSU Master Gardeners who volunteered their time to plan and deliver 36 fantastic hands-on learning opportunities…
Do you enjoy teaching garden-focused classes to youth? Do you have interest in going into school classrooms and/or school gardens to teach, fun, engaging garden concepts? We are looking for a team of Master Gardener volunteers interested in school outreach.
Every year we receive multiple requests for Master Gardeners to teach at area schools and with these requests we have realized the need to have prepared ‘garden education kits’ which Master Gardener volunteers can easily take into classrooms and school gardens to deliver focused and engaging garden education curriculum.
In anticipation of school requests in the coming year, we are seeking Master Gardeners interested in participating in teaching youth. Master Gardeners would teach alongside a fellow MG volunteer. In advance of signing up to teach a specific class there will be an orientation to familiarize all volunteers with the ‘garden kit’ curriculum, along with completion of a criminal history check which is required by OSU for volunteers teaching youth.
A small yet mighty committee of metro area Master Gardeners have developed seven ‘garden education kits’ to launch this project.
The topics include:
Calling All Pollinators
Invertebrates/Vertebrates In the Garden
Some Insects are Heroes
What Makes an Insect an Insect
Wonderful Worms
Each kit includes learning objectives and an outline for delivering the class, including activities, and supplies. Volunteer time designated as ‘Program’ hours.
If you are interested in serving as a garden educator, alongside another metro area Master Gardener at area schools, please contact Marcia McIntyre.
Sincere thanks to the Education Outreach committee for developing these engaging and valuable lesson plans: Cheryl Borden, Cheryl Brock, Jane Collier, Larina Hoffbeck, Jack Lazareck, Corinne Thomas-Kersting, and Hope Preston.
New! Valuable Pest Management Resource
After several years of extensive planning, collaboration, and fine-tuned development, a user-friendly, science-based, online resource to help urban and rural communities to solve pest problems is now a reality! In partnership with OSU and Oregon stakeholders, Solve Pest Problems launched this fall with 50+ web pages focused on high-priority pests, pesticide safety, and pesticide risk reduction methods.
The project led by the vision of our very own metro area OSU Master Gardener Program manager, Weston Miller, prioritizes low-risk pest management approaches. The content focuses on topics to help Oregonians and anyone in the Pacific Northwest solve common pest problems.
Solve Pest Problems has hundreds of high-quality color photos to correctly identify pests, along with practical prevention and control methods. With it’s science-based solutions it will serve as an invaluable resource for Master Gardeners guiding and supporting Oregon gardeners in successful and sustainable gardening practices.
OSU Extension Service Master Gardener Program News
Read the latest state-wide Master Gardener Program updates on the OSU Extension Master Gardener Program News blog. November updates share how diversity, equity and inclusion work is going for the Master Gardener Program and how we are growing who we are, who we serve and steps to creating a community where everyone belongs. Read all the details here.
Winter Master Gardener Trivia
Master Gardener Trivia continues into the New Year in January and February. Open to Master Gardeners throughout Oregon, join-in for an evening of multiple-choice trivia, online. With 50 questions per session, learn about timely gardening topics, have fun, and earn valuable prizes.
Our metro area Master Gardeners fared well this fall with 2 prize winners! Congrats Megan and Rhonda!
Each session qualifies for one-hour Master Gardener Continuing Education credit.
How it works
Register below for each night you plan to play. Then the night of the event, join via Zoom, and play along via the trivia app “Slido” on your phone or computer. Instructions will be sent upon registration.
Valuable prizes each session!
1st place: $100 gift certificate*
2nd place: $50 gift certificate*
3rd place $25 gift certificate
*Gift certificates to mail-order garden companies in the PNW such as Territorial Seed Company, Conifer Kingdom, Heirloom Roses, Noname Nursery, etc. Winners will receive gift certificates approximately one week after each event.
Master Gardeners, are you interested in honing your observation skills to be a part of an important community science network? Join in to learn about Oregon Season Tracker, an Oregon State University Extension program. Volunteer observers across the state contribute to a network of data collection on precipitation and plant phenology by monitoring rain gauges and observing native plants in their backyards, farms, woodlands, and schools.
“Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree.”
– Emily Brontë
‘Tis the Season for Master Gardener Annual Reporting
Autumn marks the season for annual reporting of volunteer service and continuing education hours for metro area OSU Master Gardeners. All current, certified, metro area Master Gardener volunteers received an email from Marcia McIntyre in September with a survey link to report their hours.
Note: for 2022 the 20-hour volunteer service requirement was waived. 10-hours of designated continuing education hours are required for Perennial Master Gardeners in 2022.
2020 and 2022 cohort members have an additional year to complete their Master Gardener training requirement of 40 hours of volunteer service but please take the time to respond to the survey.
A big shout out of thanks to all who have submitted your hours by answering the survey and uploading your log sheets. We love seeing where you are serving in the community.
For those who have yet to respond to the survey, please respond, so that you will be kept on the active, certified Master Gardener role. We have extended the deadline to October 31, 2022
In addition to this survey, we sent, via email, the annual Conditions of Volunteer Service document and a Standards of Youth Safety document. To make the process quick and easy, the documents were sent via DocuSign, from OSU Extension office specialist Catalina Santamaria.
Please answer the survey and return your signed Conditions of Volunteer Service form no later than Sunday, October 31, 2022.
Time remains to fulfill continuing education requirement
Annually 10-hours of designated continuing education hours are required for Perennial Master Gardeners to maintain certified status. For 2022, we have extended the deadline for fulfilling and reporting the required 10-hours of continuing education until October 31, 2022.
There is a great variety of designated continuing education opportunities to enrich and support you in your role as a garden educator. Opportunities include webinar recordings that can be accessed from the comfort of your home! So put your favorite streaming service aside and start binge watching some great designated, garden education presentations.
The following opportunities can be counted as ‘Continuing Garden Education’ hours for Perennial Master Gardeners and can serve as educational enrichment for 2020/2022 cohort trainees.
OSU Master Gardener Growing Oregon Gardens: Level Up Series –education for the experienced gardener led by OSU horticulture experts from across the state. Perennial MGs earn 1-hour continuing education credit. Great educational enrichment for 2020/2022 training cohorts.
Designated Master Gardener Association Speaker/Lecture Series/10-Minute U – Perennial MGs earn one hour recertification credit for each designated ‘continuing education’ Speaker/Lecture Series/10-Minute U Noon-time Chats, whether in-person, webinar or recording of a past webinar.
Look for continuing education designation of two asterisks **, indicating if a Speaker/Lecture Series recording counts as continuing education.
MG Study Group – Time spent participating in the Study Group sessions earn continuing education credit for Perennial MGs, and educational enrichment for 2020/2022 cohort trainees. Develop your skills identifying and understanding plant diseases, insects, spiders and more. The group meets twice a month via Zoom. All metro area Master Gardeners welcome. If interested in attending email:
Read! OSU Extension Service publications. – Perennial MGs earn continuing education credit reading an OSU Extension publication on home gardening topics and submitting a brief report about what you learned to Marcia McIntyre.
Fall Recertification Returns!
Our annual ‘Fall Recertification’ returns this November when we will host 4 webinars highlighting information to support you in your role as an OSU Master Gardener educator. Each webinar will count towards continuing education for 2023.
An invitation to register for the ‘Fall Recertification’ webinars of your choice will be sent out later in October.
Save the dates.
Wednesday, November 2, 6:30pm Solve Pest Problems with Weston Miller, metro area OSU Master Gardener Program manager
Thursday, November 3, 6:30pm Introduction to Food Sovereignty with Cecile Evans, 2020 Master Gardener cohort
Wednesday, November 9, 6:30pm Emerald Ash Borer: ID the Pest, Signs, and Symptoms with Alex Gorman, OSU Extension Service, Forestry & Natural Resources
Thursday, November 10, 6:30pm Native Plants for Gardens and Pollinators with Dr. Gail Langellotto, Oregon Master Gardener Program Manager
Master Gardener Trivia
Open to Master Gardeners throughout Oregon this fall and winter, join us once a month for an evening of multiple-choice trivia, all online. With 50 questions per session, learn about timely gardening topics, have fun, and earn valuable prizes.
Each session is good for one-hour Continuing Education Credit in the Master Gardener program.
How it works
Register below for each night you plan to play. Then the night of the event, join via Zoom, and play along via the trivia app “Slido” on your phone or computer. Instructions will be sent upon registration.
There are prizes
Valuable prizes each session!
1st place: $100 gift certificate*
2nd place: $50 gift certificate*
3rd place $25 gift certificate
*Gift certificates to mail-order garden companies in the PNW such as Territorial Seed Company, Conifer Kingdom, Heirloom Roses, Noname Nursery, etc. Winners will receive gift certificates approximately one week after each event.
The whole schedule (separate registration for each):
Metro-area Master Gardeners Recognized for Their Service
Each year the three metro area county associations nominate and designate members for special recognition, through an Oregon Master Gardener Association (OMGA) nomination.
We enthusiastically congratulate and extend our sincere gratitude to the following individuals who are being recognized for their extensive contributions as an OSU Master Gardener volunteer!
Sherry Sheng – OSU Behind the Scenes Master Gardener of the Year!
Sherry Sheng, OSU Behind-the Scenes Master Gardener of the Year
We are excited to share that Sherry Sheng has been recognized as the 2022 OSU Behind-the-Scenes Master Gardener of the Year! Sherry’s deep commitment to providing quality education to all those interested in gardening is evident in her thousands of hours of volunteer service (logging over 7,500 hours the past 17 years). Sherry has led the Clackamas County Master Gardener Association’s, highly successful, 10-Minute University Program for 12 years. With the onset of the pandemic, Sherry realized a deep public need and led the launch of a noontime chat webinar series that engaged over 7,000 viewers from around the world. Sherry is a generous supporter and champion of the OSU Master Gardener Program. We are extremely grateful to Sherry for her many years of generous leadership and service! We extend hearty congratulations to Sherry for this well-deserved recognition!
Clackamas County Master Gardener Association
Clackamas County Master Gardener of the Year
Sharon Andrews, CCMGA Master Gardener of the Year
If you know about the Clackamas County Master Gardener Association’s (CCMGA) events and community education opportunities, it is most likely due to the dedicated efforts of Sharon Andrews. Sharon became a Master Gardener in 2009 and since then she has communicated gardening knowledge and information throughout the Clackamas chapter, the local community and across the country. Her skills in social media, print media, web development and event promotion have helped elevate the CCMGA, including the iconic Spring Garden Fair. She also serves as an OSU Master Gardener educator at the Pioneer Gardens at the End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center.
Multnomah County Master Gardener Association
Multonomah County Master Gardener of the Year
Dennis Brown, MCMGA Master Gardener of the Year
Dennis Brown is a dedicated Master Gardener who clearly understands the mission and values of the Master Gardener program by educating and inspiring both Master Gardeners and the public. Dennis has initiated innovative partnerships with community organizations developing garden curriculum for under-served communities. Most recently Dennis has been working with individuals experiencing houselessness at the Bybee Lake Hope Center. Dennis makes dozens of gardening presentations annually to community groups and libraries including city of Portland Fix-it Fair, and both the metro area OSU Master Gardener program, and the statewide Growing Oregon Gardeners webinar series.
Multnomah County Behind the Scenes
Cheryl Brock, MCMGA Behind-the-Scenes Master Gardener of the Year
The challenges and the constraints of the pandemic did not deter Cheryl Brock, who created, developed and implemented a successful educational outreach with the Garden Grow Kit project. The project provided garlic and/or seeds to gardeners and included research-based information and resources to support their success. The project was funded with a Garden Education Grant from the MCMGA. Garden kits were distributed to community gardens with the goal of reaching diverse and under-served community members. In her four years as a Master Gardener, Cheryl is keenly focused on educating others with solid garden guidance.
Washington County Master Gardener Association
Washington County Master Gardener of the Year
Pat Simmons, WCMGA Master Gardener of the Year
Pat Simmons views change as an opportunity, not a roadblock. Through her leadership, a new model for education and fundraising successfully developed and launched for the Washington County Master Gardener Association (WCMGA). Gardenfest! was not only financially successful and well attended, but also engaged 75% of the WCMGA membership. Pat has secured grants and donations, established online sales platforms and assisted in rewriting chapter bylaws and strategic planning. In addition, she established the plant propagation team and served on the board and as OMGA alternative representative.
Washington County Behind the ScenesMaster Gardener of the Year
Shirley Wolcott, WCMGA Behind-the-Scenes Master Gardener of the Year
During Shirley Wolcott’s five years as an OSU Master Gardener, she has served on the WCMGA board, established a monthly recognition program and welcome program for volunteers, and helped survey new members for their skills and interests. She has helped research questions asked by the public to be used as a teaching aid for members. She leads the plant propagation committee and taught Seed to Supper for two years.
Oregon Master Gardener Association News
The Oregon Master Gardener Association’s (OMGA’s) fall issue of the ‘Gardener’s Pen’ newsletter is posted for your reading pleasure. Check out the important updates on the OMGA’s advocacy for improving funding for the Master Gardener Program.
“Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don’t they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers.”
– Ray Bradbury, Dandelion Wine
As summer kicks-off we are happy to be resuming our core community service, educating Oregonians with sound, sustainable gardening guidance at Farmers Markets, via our OSU Master Gardener Helplines (both office and remote), Speakers Guild and community events. Keep an eye out for volunteer opportunities by logging into CERVIS, reading this newsletter, plus email updates from our metro area program.
Annual OSU Master Gardener requirements
As we resume our community service activities we also want to provide a brief review of annual volunteer service and continuing education requirements for Perennial Master Gardeners.
2020 Cohort members please refer to a recent email sent by Marcia McIntyre for your Master Gardener training requirements.
2022 Cohort members please refer to Master Gardener training requirements in CANVAS, in the ‘Modules’ tab, under ‘Volunteer Activities (2022)’.
Perennial Master Gardeners Annual Requirements
To maintain your certification as an active Perennial OSU metro-area Master Gardener, the following are the annual (minimum) volunteer service and continuing education requirement. Master Gardeners are considered current when these criteria are met.
20 hours of volunteer service in Metro MG approved activities (with at least 10 hours volunteered toward “Program” activities). Other hours can be served with approved “Partner” activities. You can serve all your volunteer hours in “Program” activities, if you prefer.
10 hours of Continuing Garden Education hours
Reporting Volunteer Service Hours
Record your volunteer service hours using your favorite method spreadsheet, online app, or use the following 2022 Volunteer Log Sheet. In September, we will supply you with an online link to report your hours.
Remote MG Helpline. Photo courtesy of Connie Kirby.
In May we were excited to kick-off resumption of Master Gardeners volunteering on the Helpline in the Extension offices. Currently we have volunteers serving in the Clackamas and Washington Extension offices. Master Gardeners now have a hybrid Helpline system with an opportunity to volunteer both remotely from their homes and the Extension offices. This is a ‘Program’ volunteer activity.
Perennial Master Gardeners who are interested in volunteering on the Helpline either at an Extension office or remotely from home please contact Marcia McIntyre to schedule a one-hour pre-requisite orientation.
Interested 2020/2022 cohort members please attend Skill Session ‘Answering Gardening Questions’ Session 3 for a review of the online Helpline system and orientation.
Oregon State Fair If you want a big dose of summer fun, sign-up for the MG Clinic table at the Oregon State Fair, on Sunday August 28.
Give sage (OSU proven) garden advice to fair visitors and take a bit of time, before and after your shift, to grab some shaved ice and check out the fair competitions whether it is honey products, the largest homegrown fruits and veggies, or the best home brew or chocolate layer cake! You get free-entry into the fair the day you volunteer! Register on CERVIS. This is a ‘Program’ volunteer activity. Be sure to register for appropriate shifts: Perennial or Intern.
Community BioBlitz Join the Estacada Library’s Community BioBlitz, on Saturday, August 6, 12pm to 4pm by supporting and guiding participants in using iNaturalist. Help to identifying insects and critters discovered, as participants learn about the biological diversity in Wade Creek Park, adjacent to the library. If interested in serving as a BioBlitz guide, please contact Marcia McIntyre. This is a ‘Program’ volunteer activity.
Farmers Markets
MG Clinic booth at People’s Farmers Market. Photo courtesy of Susanne Cavicchi
We are thrilled this year to return to a favorite community service, answering gardening questions at Farmers Markets and community events. Currently Master Gardeners are tabling at the Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsdale, Molalla, People’s Co-Op, and Oregon City farmers markets. Sign up for these ‘Program’ volunteer service opportunities and more on CERVIS.
‘Partner’ Volunteer Service Opportunities
Demonstration/Learning Gardens Aching to get your hands in the soil and spend time with your fellow Master Gardeners? Our supporting Master Gardener associations are a great place to dig in! For details about the gardens visit the association websites. Volunteer time at association gardens counts as ‘Partner’ hours.
Growing Gardens Home Gardens Program Garden Mentors The Growing Gardens Home Gardens Program helps BIPOC and low-income English and Spanish-speaking families learn to grow fresh organic produce at home. Families participate in Growing Garden’s program for 3 years and are provided with raised garden beds, tools, seeds, plant starts, classes, and mentoring. Master Gardeners can serve as Garden Mentors to the Home Garden’s families by providing sustainable gardening guidance and one-on-one support to beginning gardeners, including visiting gardeners for summer consultations. BIPOC volunteers and Bilingual Spanish speakers are needed. This is a ‘Partner’ volunteer activity. If interested in volunteering contact: Antonio Rodriguez 503-284-8420
International Rose Test Garden Tours Master Gardeners conduct 45-minute tours of the garden. Master Gardeners will educate the public about best gardening practices, specifically as they relate to roses. This may include IPM, site selection, hardiness zones, winter care, and research based methods for encouraging beautiful gardens. Some history of the International Rose Test Garden and Portland’s designation as the City of Roses will be incorporated into the tour. Scripts and training are available for all guides. This is a ‘Partner’ volunteer activity. If interested contact Harriet Ottaviano via
NOTE: Rose pruning, weeding, maintenance does not count as volunteer service hours.
Continuing Education Opportunities
The following opportunities can be counted as ‘Continuing Garden Education’ hours for Perennial Master Gardeners and can serve as educational enrichment for 2020/2022 cohort trainees.
OSU Master Gardener Growing Oregon Gardens: Level Up Series –education for the experienced gardener led by OSU horticulture experts from across the state. Perennial MGs earn 1-hour continuing education credit. Great educational enrichment for 2020/2022 training cohorts.
Designated Master Gardener Association Speaker/Lecture Series/10-Minute U – Perennial MGs earn one hour recertification credit for each designated ‘continuing education’ Speaker/Lecture Series/10-Minute U Noon-time Chats, whether in-person, webinar or recording of a past webinar. Look for designation with listings of association Speaker/Lecture Series.
Find many of the association Speaker/Lecture Series recordings and a couple of 10-Minute University Noon-time Chat recordings HERE. Look for those presentations designated for continuing garden education with the double asterisk before the title of the presentation (**).
MG Study Group – Time spent participating in the Study Group sessions earn continuing education credit for Perennial MGs, and educational enrichment for 2020/2022 cohort trainees. Develop your skills identifying and understanding plant diseases, insects, spiders and more. The group meets twice a month via Zoom. All metro area Master Gardeners welcome. If interested in attending email:
Read! OSU Extension Service publications. – Perennial MGs earn continuing education credit reading an OSU Extension publication on home gardening topics and submitting a brief report about what you learned to Marcia McIntyre.
Pacific Northwest Handbooks Online
The go-to resource for Master Gardeners diagnosing plant and pest problems are the Pacific Northwest Handbooks, often referred to as PNW’s. Starting this year Oregon State University is only offering the PNWs online with no print option. Therefore if you are tabling at a Famers Market or other community tabling event, you will not see those familiar tomes in the clinic supplies.
While at a remote MG clinic table, like a Farmers Market, you can access the PNWs via your smartphone or if you prefer not using your phone to look up information to assist a client, please refer the client to our Master Gardener Helpline. Each clinic box has a yellow tear-off pad with contact information for the Helpline.
Here comes the sun, and with it the potential for searing temperatures and we want to make sure that you take care of yourself at Master Gardener volunteer events.
When taking part in metro area OSU Master Gardener or supporting Master Gardener association outdoor volunteer service activities, please take steps to protect yourself from the extreme heat.
Heat illness is a serious medical condition resulting from the body’s inability to cope with a particular heat load and can progress quickly from mild symptoms to a serious and life-threatening illness.
Please be sure to take regular breaks in the shade if your volunteer shift is in the sun.
Bring enough cool water so that you have access to 32 ounces per hour during your shift.
Be aware of how your body is coping with heat. If you develop any heat-related illness, excuse yourself from the shift and take care of yourself. Ask for help from another person if needed.
Please keep an eye on your fellow volunteers and watch for any signs of heat exhaustion or heat stroke and take the appropriate action to assist them if you recognize symptoms.
Please contact Weston Miller (metro area OSU MG program manager) to report any heat-related illness.
Save the dates and stay tuned for our virtual ‘Fall Recertification’ when we will host 4 webinars highlighting information to support you in your role as an OSU Master Gardener educator. Each webinar will count towards continuing education. Save the date and stay tuned!
Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of spring?
Neltje Blanchan
Favorite Master Gardener Activities Resume
We are excited to be resuming favorite Master Gardener volunteer opportunities in the next few months. Please look for announcements in the coming weeks and months as we resume our in-person helplines, Farmers Markets and Master Gardener tabling at community events. We will send out notification when these events are open for registration.
Master Gardener Helplinesto Open
We are happy to announce we are opening the metro area Master Gardener office helplines in the coming months. The resumption will be staggered across the 3 counties, as we train volunteers to use our new online helpline system.
The online helpline system is the same system we have been using to serve the public remotely the past two years.
An orientation on the new helpline system is a prerequisite to volunteering in the office. Look for upcoming announcements to register for an orientation.
Update Your CERVISProfile
Sign-up for upcoming volunteer shifts at Farmers Markets, Helplines, and special volunteer opportunities will be on CERVIS. In order to be ready to sign-up, when the time comes, please visit CERVIS and update your profile, including your mailing address and phone numbers.
Welcome 2022 Cohort
MG trainees at Soils Workshop, with Master Gardener instructor Claudia Groth
We would like to extend a warm welcome to our 140 trainees from Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties.
We are excited to have you join our program of committed garden educators. Your online training is winding down, and soon you will be out in the community actively practicing and sharing your newfound knowledge
Possibilities will abound with a wide range of volunteer opportunities. We hope you will dig in, have fun, and share your passion for gardening with fellow MGs and the gardening public. This is an opportunity to further your garden education and gain confidence in teaching others how to sustainably and successfully garden.
A big shout out of thanks to all the Master Gardener associations and volunteers who have developed and are leading the instruction of hands-on workshops to the trainees. You have created a stellar line-up of educational offerings to support trainees in their journey to serve the community as garden educators!
Perennial Master Gardeners, as you start volunteering in-person this spring and summer, be sure to extend a warm welcome to both our 2020 and 2022 Cohort members as you meet them at events.
Education/Demonstration Gardens
Currently our supporting Master Gardener associations are a great place if you are aching to get your hands in the soil and spend time with your fellow Master Gardeners.
Be sure to visit all of our supporting Master Gardener association webpages for details about their education/demonstration gardens.
Spring is in the air, along with an excited buzz as our supporting associations in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties resume fundraising activities this spring.
Two favorite plant sales are back!
The iconic Clackamas County Master Gardener Association’s Spring Garden Fair kicks off at the Clackamas County Fair Grounds and Event Center, April 30 and May 1.
The Multnomah County Master Gardener Association’s Incredible Edibles Plant Sale, a celebration of growing your own food, resumes on Saturday, May 7th, in NE Portland, (NE 16th and Hancock Street).
You will also find a wide array of great gardening tools and books at the Washington County Master Gardener Association’s ‘Gifts for Gardeners’ booth at both the Spring Garden Fair and the Incredible Edibles Plant Sale.
Be sure to mark your calendars to join in the fun volunteering and/or shopping to your heart’s content!
Your OSU Community Horticulturist and Master Gardener instructor, Weston Miller, has had several appearances on local and national radio programs, sharing a wealth of guidance and insight for gardeners. Take a listen…
The Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series offers Master Gardener continuing education opportunities (1 hour), focusing on an array of subjects. Whether you want to learn better irrigation techniques, understand if clearing leaves in the fall is really good for garden insects or not, or if you get excited for all things roses, there’s a webinar for you!
Can’t make a date or missed a webinar. Don’t despair! Recordings are made available for all webinars following the live broadcast.
The closed-captioned webinars are broadcast via Zoom and streamed via our Facebook page the second Tuesday of the month, at noon, February through November 2022. This series is open to the public and OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers receive 1 Continuing Education Credit for each class. All webinars are recorded and will be available to view on our website within two weeks of airdate.
“A light exists in spring, not present in the year, at any other period, when March is scarcely here.”
-Emily Dickinson
Springing back to in-person volunteer service!
With spring quickly approaching we are incredibly excited to be able to start a gradual resumption of our in person, Master Gardener volunteer activities. Please look for announcements in the coming months as we resume our in-person helplines, Speaker’s Guild and Master Gardener tabling at community events.
In addition, if you are aching to get your hands in the soil and spend time with your fellow Master Gardeners, be sure to visit all of our supporting Master Gardener association webpages for details about their education/demonstration gardens.
Welcome to 2022 Cohort
Last month, with eager anticipation and excitement, we launched our 2022 OSU Master Gardener training Cohort for the metro area. We are pleased to welcome 140 trainees from Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties. This year the training is a combination of online modules and remote webinar ‘Q and A’ sessions. In addition, trainees have the opportunity to participate in hands-on training workshops. A big shout out of thanks to all the Master Gardener associations and volunteers who have developed and are leading the instruction of these workshops to the new Master Gardener trainees. You have created a stellar line-up of educational offerings to support trainees in their journey to serve the community as garden educators!
Perennial Master Gardeners, as you start volunteering in-person this spring and summer, be sure to extend a warm welcome to both our 2020 and 2022 Cohort members as you meet them at events.
Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series Launches for 2022
The Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series offers Master Gardener continuing education opportunities (1 hour), focusing on an array of subjects. Whether you want to learn better irrigation techniques, understand if clearing leaves in the fall is really good for garden insects or not, or if you get excited for all things roses, there’s a webinar for you!
The closed-captioned webinars are broadcast via Zoom and streamed via our Facebook page the second Tuesday of the month, at noon, February through November 2022. This series is open to the public and OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers receive 1 Continuing Education Credit for each class. All webinars are recorded and will be available to view on our website within two weeks of airdate.
March is Women’s History Month: A message from fellow Master Gardener, Celina Ratliff.
In recognition of Women’s History Month, metro area OSU Master Gardener and state-wide OSU Master Gardener DEI Task Force member, Celina Ratliff, has compiled and shared a variety of inspiring, informative resources highlighting gardening and landscape accomplishments of women. See her letter to fellow Master Gardeners and her list of recommendations in the most recent OSU Extension Master Gardener News blog.
“The February sunshine steeps your boughs and tints the buds and swells the leaves within.”
William Cullen Bryant
OSU Master Gardeners Impact Our Communities
Last month we highlighted the steadfast commitment of metro area Master Gardeners to serve the community and build their knowledge and skills as we navigated through another year of challenges.
Now read those highlights in the 2021 OSU Master Gardener Impact Report, and see the resolute spirit the OSU Master Gardener Program has throughout the state, to grow knowledge and grow reach, all in the midst of challenging times.
Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series Launches for 2022
It’s a new year and a new slate of free online learning webinars with Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series. Whether you want to learn better irrigation techniques, understand if clearing leaves in the fall is really good for garden insects or not, or if you get excited for all things roses, there’s a class for you!
Metro area Master Gardener, Dennis Brown, kicks off the series on Tuesday, February 8, 12noon Presenting: ‘The Science and Practice of Seed Starting: Secrets to success when growing by seed’
The closed-captioned webinars are broadcast via Zoom and streamed via our Facebook page the second Tuesday of the month, at noon, February through November 2022. This series is open to the public and OSU Extension Master Gardener volunteers receive 1 Continuing Education Credit for each class. All webinars are recorded and will be available to view on our website within two weeks of airdate.
OSU Master Gardener Program’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity Task Force
The first cohort of the statewide OSU Master Gardener Diversity, Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) Task Force was launched last year. The Task Force includes over two dozen Master Gardener volunteers from around the state and seven Master Gardener program staff and faculty.
Read about the professional training and work of the Task Force Group in the 2022 OSU Master Gardener Impact Report which includes testimonials from Task Force Members.
Applications Being Accepted for 2022 JEDI Task Force Members
Applications for the second cohort of Master Gardener JEDI Task Force Members are now being accepted. Click here to submit your application. Applications will be accepted through February 28, 2022. We are specifically seeking applications from Master Gardener volunteers, across the state of Oregon, who are
committed to advancing Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity with in the Master Gardener program.
wanting to deepen their own understanding of inequities, historical racism, and colonialism within horticulture, Land Grant Institutions, and Oregon.
able to make a 12 month commitment (April 2022 – March 2023), of 4-6 hours per month, for Task Force work.
willing to be a bridge between the Task Force, and their local Master Gardener group, to ensure that the work that we do on the Task Force is brought back to county Master Gardener Programs.
JEDI stands for Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity. Sometimes, we call ourselves the DEI Task Force. Sometimes, we call ourselves the JEDI Task Force, because frankly, the word ‘JEDI’ is both more representative of what we are trying to do, and is also more fun to say.
Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. […] You only need a heart full of grace.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
New Year’s Greetings and Gratitude
With another year of challenges in our rear-view mirror, we extend our utmost gratitude for the on-going support and service of metro area OSU Master Gardeners. You have remained strong in your commitment to serving your community and expanding and strengthening your knowledge through continuing garden education.
In 2021, metro area Master Gardeners took part in over 3,000 hours of continuing garden education opportunities. With Oregonian’s steady demand for gardening guidance, metro area Master Gardeners answered nearly 6,000 questions via our remote helpline, virtual community events and OSU’s ‘Ask Extension’. Once again, you dug deep into your community and home gardens, and our supporting county association gardens, by growing and donating nearly 12,200 lbs. of produce to area food pantries. Despite the challenges of 2021, metro area Master Gardeners volunteered over 15,000 hours in service to your community! Kudos to one and all!
2022 Master Gardener Training We are entering the coming year with excitement as we get ready to welcome a new Master Gardener training class. Our 2022 Master Gardener training will be a combination of online modules, webinars and outdoor hands-on workshops. Training will commence mid-February. Look to meet and welcome new trainees at Master Gardener events in the spring and summer of 2022.
OSU Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Events
Movie and Discussion: The Ants and the Grasshopper, and a climate change discussion for gardeners with Vivek Shandas
Gardeners in Oregon saw what climate change looks like last summer: widespread leaf scorch and leaf drop from trees, bees at risk from heat stress, and plants succumbing to a record-breaking “heat dome”. Dr. Vivek Shandas saw it too, and on the hottest day of the year he set out with his son to measure air and ground temperatures in some of Portland’s most vulnerable communities. His research on climate adaptation and climate justice shows that how people fare during extreme heatwaves is in large part dictated by where they live. Halfway around the globe, Anita Chitaya lives with climate change in Malawai, as a farmer and community activist. She traveled to America to speak with farmers, growers, community organizers, and politicians about climate change and how we can work together to reduce its rapid trajectory.
Join the OSU Master Gardener Program for the 40th anniversary of OSU’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Service. Gather virtually to reflect upon environmental justice as a component to achieving social justice. We will watch the documentary that chronicles Anita Chitaya’s story, “The Ants and the Grasshopper”. Afterward, stay for a live discussion with Dr. Vivek Shandas about climate change effects on vulnerable communities, the intersection of climate change and social justice, and what role gardeners can play to promote healthier living environments for all.
‘The Ants and the Grasshopper’ Film Screening and Post Film Discussion When: Monday, January 17, 2022, 6pm movie, 7:15 pm discussion Where:Online, via Kinema
About the movie, The Ants and the Grasshopper : How do you change someone’s mind about the most important thing in the world? Anita Chitaya has a gift: she can change farmers’ minds about what to grow, she can change what people love to eat, and she can even persuade men to fight for gender equality. Now, to save her home in Malawi from extreme weather, she faces her greatest challenge: persuading Americans that climate change is real.
About Dr. Vivek Shandas: Vivek Shandas is a Professor in the College of Urban and Public Affairs at Portland State University. His work focuses on developing strategies for addressing the implications of climate change on cities. His teaching and research examine the intersection of exposure to climate-induced events, governance processes, and planning mechanisms. As the Founder and Director of the Sustaining Urban Places Research (SUPR) laboratory at PSU, he brings a policy-relevant approach to research, including the evaluation of environmental stressors on human health, developing of indicators and tools to improve decision making, and the construction of frameworks to guide the growth of urban regions. Over the past several years, research from the SUPR Lab has appeared in the Smithsonian Magazine, National Public Radio, Washington Post, Minnesota Public Broadcasting, NY Times, Qatar Times, and several other national and international media.
About this event: The OSU Extension Master Gardener program is sponsoring this event as one small part of OSU’s 40th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day of Celebration. This event is open to all gardeners, including Master Gardener volunteers, and is intended to provide an opportunity to reflect on Dr. King’s legacy, and our programmatic commitments to diversity, equity, and inclusion, as well as climate change.
How to access this event: Tickets are free but require registration. Once you register at Kinema you’ll be provided sign-in information from Kinema. You must view the movie and discussion through Kinema at the time this event is scheduled.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service – Ways to Serve from Home
In 2022, commit to exploring how gardeners can align to combat climate change. Here are some practical ideas for steps gardeners can take, from OSU horticulturist Brooke Edmunds
Commit to learning how those most vulnerable to climate change intersect with that reality, and the need for environmental justice. Determine what role you can take to elevate and support the voices of impacted communities.
Support our OSU Extension Food Hero and Grow This! program, by signing up to provide guidance and advice to participants of the Grow This! Oregon Garden Challenge. Find details in our December newsletter.
Make seed tape or mason bee houses to donate to your local community garden or school garden. Scroll down in this newsletter to see the ‘How do I create seed tape’ video from fellow Master Gardener, Dennis Brown
Make your vegetable garden plan to include growing fresh veggies and herbs for donation to your local food pantry
If your Master Gardener Association hosts an annual plant sale, include plant donations to local organizations who support under-served community members. Donate garden tools and seeds to organizations who support a community garden or support gardeners in under-served communities.
Metro area Master Gardener Recognized for Service
OSU Master Gardener, Rhonda Frick-Wright
Last month, at OSU staff’s annual Extension Service Conference, metro area Master Gardener, Rhonda Frick-Wright was presented with the OSU Extension Association ‘Ask Extension’ Volunteer of the Year award in recognition of her service answering questions via Ask Extension. Sandy Reichhuber, OSU Extension co-coordinator for Ask Extension, presented the award and stated “Not only does Rhonda know what she is talking about, she answers questions in a graceful easy-to-understand and knowledgeable way.”
Of course, we in the metro area Master Gardener program know Rhonda as a valued, generous volunteer and we are delighted that Rhonda was given a celebratory shout-out for her service educating Oregonians.
Congratulations and utmost thanks Rhonda for your committed service!
Pre-order OSU Master Gardener’s New Book
In our December Newsletter we shared the exciting news…fellow OSU Master Gardener, Elizabeth Price, has written a book ‘Native and Ornamental Conifers of the Pacific NW’ that OSU Press will be publishing in the spring of 2022.
More good news! You can now pre-order Elizabeth’s book! Use Promo Code SP22 when you order online, for 20% off and free shipping (offer expires May 15, 2022).
The book is an outcome of the outstanding conifer ID workshops Elizabeth has led over the past 10 years for the metro area MG Study Group. It will serve as such a valuable resource for anyone wanting to expand their knowledge of conifers in the Pacific NW.
New Year – Garden Plans – DIY Projects
As we embrace winter, our thoughts move towards gardening plans and ‘hope of spring’. If this year’s gardening plans include starting your own plants by seed, here are some great DIY project videos presented by fellow OSU Master Gardener, Dennis Brown.