Monthly Archives: October 2018
October 2018
Ringing in the New Year! The ‘Master Gardener New Year’ That Is!
‘Ringing in the New Year’ may sound like we are pushing the seasons a bit – but for the metro-area Master Gardener program, October 1st is the beginning of our new year. Like the start of any new year – we take the time to reflect on the past and look to a promising future.
As we reflect, we see a dedicated group of garden educators who have provided generous committed service as OSU Master Gardener volunteers! Thank you for sharing your time, knowledge and passion with the community and your fellow Master Gardeners.
We look forward to a new year that will be full of fresh opportunities to educate and support our community in successful and sustainable gardening practices!
Thanks for the Volunteer Log Submissions!

Thank you to all of you who used our new online submission system or sent in your volunteer log sheets via email or snail mail! It is very impressive to see all the wonderful ways that you have been educating and serving the community! Immense thanks to you all for your dedicated service to the OSU MG program and the greater community!
It’s Not Too Late…Submit your Volunteer Log! For those of you, who have not submitted your volunteer log sheets, please send in your hours by Monday, October 8th. To review how to submit volunteer logs see the article at the bottom of this newsletter “New MG Volunteer Reporting System”.
We need all logs by that date to allow time to order new Master Gardener badges for those finishing their MG training and to have enough 2019 stickers for Veterans and trainees alike. Plus, we want to include your generous service contributions in the report sent to the state MG Program, which in turn is submitted to Oregon State University! Help us to highlight all the great garden education Metro Master Gardeners are spreading throughout the tri-county region!
Signed, Sealed and Delivered!
Remember every October a Conditions of Volunteer Service form needs to be ‘signed, sealed and delivered’. You can submit your signed form via the new online submission process (see article, ‘New MG Volunteer Reporting System’ at the bottom of this newsletter) or you can mail your signed form via snail mail to 200 Warner-Milne Drive, Oregon City, OR 97045 or email them to
For your convenience:
- How-to Maintain ‘active’ Master Gardener status (both Veterans and 2018 trainees)
- Conditions of Volunteer Service Form 2018-2019
- 2018 Metro-area Master Gardeners Volunteer Log Sheets
Expand your Garden Knowledge at the Fall MG Recertification Training

Our Fall MG Recertification Training is being held Saturday, November 10th, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus, Event Center.
This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity. Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending. Veteran MGs and new Veterans who trained in 2018 need 10 hours of recertification training annually to retain status as an ‘Active’ OSU Master Gardener. Fall Recertification is a great way to earn 6 hours of credit for 2019.
We have a stellar line-up of speakers. This year’s presenters all bring their wealth of experience from their work with OSU Extension Service.
- ‘The Science of Ecological Gardening: updates from the Garden Ecology Lab’ with Gail Langellotto Ph.D., OSU
- Plant ID – Beyond the Basics with Heather Stoven, OSU
- Update Japanese Beetle with Jessica Rendon, Oregon Department of Agriculture
- Pollinator Health with Andony Melathopooulos, OSU Assistant Professor, Pollinator Health Extensions
The event is free to all Master Gardeners both Veterans and those who trained in 2018.
Bring a snack to share on the community table and your own sack lunch.
2019 MG Training Spread the Word!
Some of you have said you have found your tribe, have nurtured a long-time passion or have expanded your garden knowledge through the Master Gardener training. Help spread the word about the MG training program and let your interested friends, family and colleagues know that registration for the 2019 Master Gardener training will open on November 1.
Interested individuals can sign-up for open registration notification on our Metro Master Gardener Website at this link:
Once again, training classes are held in Washington, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties.
More Continuing Education Opportunities

Many have enjoyed and learned from the Master Gardener Training Webinars, brought to us from Brooke Edmunds and her OSU colleagues.
3 more timely topics are being presented as live webinars in 2018.
- Monday 10/22 at 11am PT. Aaron Anderson (OSU Ph.D. student in the Department of Horticulture) will present First Look: OSU Research on Native Plants in the PNW Garden. Details and pre-registration here:
- Monday 11/19 at 11am PT. Melodie Putnam (OSU Plant Clinic) will present on The Weird and Wonderful World of Plant Galls. Details and pre-registration here:
- Monday 12/17 at 11am PT. Kaci Buhl (OSU Extension) will present on Weed Management in the Garden & Landscape: Understanding Herbicides. Details and pre-registration here:
If you missed any previous live webinars, recordings are also available from earlier 2018 webinars and the 2017 webinar recordings too!
New MG Volunteer Reporting System
We are excited to have a new online volunteer reporting system (via Qualtrics) to ease the process of submitting your volunteer hours and signed 2018-2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service form.
If you still need to submit your 2018 forms, please consider reporting using the online system – follow the links re-sent to you in an email from Marcia McIntyre on October 2nd
The online system prompts you through several questions to record your volunteer hours, a space to upload your volunteer log sheet, plus the opportunity for you to rate your satisfaction with the Master Gardener program. A separate link allows you to upload your signed, Conditions of Volunteer Service Form.
You still need to record your volunteer hours onto a Word or Excel form – but now you can upload those hours via the new online system.
NOTE: You can refer to your CERVIS log to track your hours – but you also need to log all CERVIS hours on your volunteer log sheet. Most “Program” hours are recorded in CERVIS. “Partner” events and activities are not recorded in CERVIS. Be sure to record all your volunteer hours and continuing education hours on your log sheet.
When Pesticides Change
Natter’s Notes
When Pesticides Change
Jean R. Natter, OSU Master Gardener
You know the rule about pesticides: “Read and follow label directions.”
Well, that catchy little phrase has become more critical than ever. Several popular home-use products have changed their formulations with minimal fanfare. There’s no indication of “new” on the label.
To compound the confusion, labels on the revised formulation closely resemble the old ones. Unless the user is more observant than average, it’s very likely something may go awry. The application method may have changed; the precautions may have been modified; and/or the end result may be different than expected.
The explanations below were published in “When Familiar Pesticides Change.” (“Pests in the Urban Landscape;” August 29, 2018.
When Sevin is no longer carbaryl
Sevin is a familiar insecticide brand name for home gardeners used to control insects in lawns, on ornamental plants, and on vegetables. Sevin and the active ingredient carbaryl are practically synonymous. Recently, the active ingredient in some Sevin products was changed from carbaryl (a carbamate) to zeta-cypermethrin (a pyrethroid).” . . . This pyrethroid is less toxic to mammals but both carbaryl and zeta-cypermethrin are highly toxic to bees and aquatic species. The new label on Sevin Insect Killer states that it controls more pests than the old product containing carbaryl, which may seem great, but the product may also kill some of the good bugs like lady beetles (ladybugs).

Another very important difference is the time the products can safely be applied on fruits and vegetables before harvest (called preharvest interval or PHI). Following the PHI reduces your pesticide exposure when you eat the food. For fruits such as apples and peaches, the PHI for the zeta-cypermethrin Sevin is 14 days, but for the Sevin with carbaryl it’s 3 days. For other fruits and vegetables, the PHI for the new Sevin label may be shorter than the carbaryl label. Again, check the label.
When Roundup is no longer glyphosate
Another familiar pesticide name is Roundup, a product known historically for containing the herbicide active ingredient glyphosate. Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup, now produces an extensive line of Roundup products containing multiple active ingredients, rather than just glyphosate alone. Many of these products contain triclopyr or diquat in addition to glyphosate. Some don’t contain any glyphosate at all
“Roundup Landscape Weed Killer” is a new product which contains pendimethalin instead of glyphosate. It’s both a non-selective herbicide and a pre-emergent.
When Corry’s Slug and Snail Killer is no longer metaldehyde
In 2012, the active ingredient of the well-known Corry’s Slug and Snail Killer was changed from metaldehyde to sodium ferric EDTA, but the general look of the product box didn’t change. This relatively new active ingredient is less toxic and less attractive to dogs and still effective against snails and slugs. However, the amount users apply and how quickly it works both differ from the previous active ingredient. If you are familiar with the old product you may have noticed a change, but unless you read the label, you may not know why.
A Bonus Snippet on a different topic
MGs who volunteered this summer probably received multiple inquiries about the seemingly overabundant wasps this summer. Well, the general public is seriously confused concerning the differences among bees, yellowjackets, and paper wasps. When they see a somewhat elongated yellow and black insect, they assume “wasp;” that is, yellowjacket. (Don’t bother asking how I know.)
But yellowjackets have a near twin: European paper wasps, Polistes dominulus, invasive insects officially identified in Oregon years ago. Most paper wasps are mild-mannered whereas P. dominulus is nasty. To easily differentiate them from yellowjackets, check the antennae. Text and images are at “Invasive paper wasp responsible for increasing yellow jacket complaints.” ( )
PDF Version:
When Pesticides Change
Horticultural Updates – October 2018
By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Staff-retired, OSU Master Gardener
October 2018

Find the identity of a mystery tree! Try your hand at identifying a tree genus using a dichotomous key. Great practice! (Common Trees of the Pacific Northwest, OSU)
Chemicals found in vegetables prevent colon cancer in mice. “Chemicals produced by vegetables such as kale, cabbage and broccoli could help to maintain a healthy gut and prevent colon cancer, a new study shows.” (The Francis Crick Institute via
The chemistry of aubergine (eggplant) colour, bitterness and browning. (
When the seed becomes a plant, it has 48 hours to survive. “When a seed germinates, it only has two days to turn into a seedling capable of photosynthesis, before having exhausted its reserves. In a new study, researchers reveal the underlying mechanism of this process.” (University of Geneva via
The rewards of chasing nectar. “We know that flowers entice pollinators with nectar, but how much and what causes a flower to produce as much or as little nectar as it does.” (Amy Parachnowitsch, Jessamyn Manson & Nina Sletvold via Botanyone)
The walking and jumping of Equisetum (Horsetail) spores-watch the cool video! (Philippe Marmottant,
The Polish entomologist who invented puppet animation films. (Jacek Borowski,

Photo credit: Purdue Extension
Bringing houseplants back indoors. “Many houseplants thrive during the long, bright summer days, especially when properly moved outdoors. But these plants may have some trouble adjusting back to indoor conditions when colder weather strikes.” (Rosie Lerner, Purdue Extension)
Ladybug, where have you gone? Aphid fighters tend to roam. (Dean Fosdick,
The Poison Gardens of Alnwick Garden– behind a locked gate, there’s the Poison Garden: it contains only poisonous plants. Watch the video tour. (Tom Scott,
Rhododendron? Hydrangea? America Doesn’t Know Anymore. “The country has a growing case of ‘plant blindness’—a term used by botanists to describe the inability to identify basic plants. Even biologists struggle.”(Douglas Belkin,

Save your vegetable seeds for next years’ planting. “You can save vegetable seeds from your garden produce to plant next year. Seed saving involves selecting suitable plants from which to save seed, harvesting seeds at the right time and storing them properly over the winter.” (University of Minnesota Extension)
Parasitic vines that feed on parasitic wasps that feed on trees (Veronique Greenwood,
Bees love blue fluorescent light, and not just any wavelength will do. (OSU via
How eggplants became Asian: Genomes and elephants tell the story. “The evolutionary context of the eggplant was until recently very poorly known. Historical documents and genetic data have shown that the eggplant was first domesticated in Asia, but most of its wild relatives are from Africa.”(University of Helsinki, via
Why mosquitoes bite some people more than others. (Richard Halfpenny, Staffordshire University, via
New process in root development discovered. Scientists uncover communication at the root tip. “As the plant root grows, a root cap protects its fragile tip. Every few hours, the old cap is lost and a new one replaces it. Researchers have now, for the first time, observed regular cycles of root tip loss and regrowth in real time. In doing so, they uncovered the signal and receptor that coordinate this process.” (Institute of Science and Technology, via
A dangerous parasitic illness spread by bugs that bite people’s faces at night is spreading in the US, doctors warn. (
Why Victorian gardeners loathed magenta. “For decades, British and American gardeners avoided magenta flowers. The color had associations with the unnatural and the poisonous.” (Allison Meier,
The bark side of the force “-What forces enable trees to stand upright? To grow straight, plants need a motor system that controls their posture by generating forces to offset gravity. Scientists have long thought that this motor force was controlled only by the internal forces induced in wood. In a new study, scientists show that bark is also involved in the generation of mechanical stresses in several tree species.” (CNRS, via
When roots crack and worms crunch. “Roots can be “listened to” while growing – and worms when burrowing. Researchers … present a new method for soil analysis.” (Michael Walther, ETH Zurich, via
Insectivorous birds consume annually as much energy as the city of New York! (University of Basel,
A conversation between plants’ daily and aging clocks. “Scientists have found out how the two clocks talk to each other genetically…”(Institute for Basic Science via
Control Freaks-Scientists spent years on a plan to import this wasp to kill stinkbugs. Then it showed up on its own in New Jersey. (Kelly Servick,
Great photos of spiders found in Oregon! (ODA, via
Great info on how design a school garden. (