After 22 years as the Metro-area, OSU Master Gardener Volunteer Coordinator, Jordis Yost retired on July 31st and is starting a new chapter in her life.
We are both excited for Jordis and her family, yet very sad to see her go!
Jordis started her adventure (career) with OSU by taking the Master Gardener training in 1992 with her husband Michael. Their goal was to get a handle on how to maintain their amazing property in rural Multnomah County.
Jordis instructing 2018 Master Gardener trainees
Jordis believed so strongly in the power of community-based outreach and engagement that she applied for a job with the MG program in 1996. Since then, she has supported 1000s of volunteers in the Master Gardener training and volunteer experience.
Jordis has embodied the spirit of community and volunteerism during her tenure with OSU. Patience, a sense of humor, and purpose-driven investment of time and energy are just some of the traits that Jordis has brought to her work. Jordis also served in volunteer support roles for the Master Recycler, Master Watershed Stewards, and Metro Natural Gardening programs along the way.
Jordis has guided, and educated Master Gardeners with a delightful sense of humor, levelheaded perspective, kindness, and grace. We are immensely grateful to Jordis for her dedicated service, hard work and steadfast commitment to the OSU Master Gardener program and the Master Gardener volunteers.
Our heartfelt thanks to you Jordis! Wishing you a wonderful retirement!
On September 2nd, OSU Master Gardeners, OSU Extension staff, family and friends gathered to celebrate and honor Jordis. Here is a snippet of photos from the festivities…
Jordis and Mike Bondi, OSU Extension Service – Clackamas County – Regional Director Photo courtesy of Sharon AndrewsCheers to Jordis! Photo courtesy of Sharon Andrews
Jordis with Master Gardeners John Jordan (left) and Xuan Sibell (right)
Jordis’ Family Celebrates With Her
Jordis and Weston at the photo booth.
Jordis and her husband Michael take a moment at the photo booth.
Clackamas MGs sending the love to JordisWashington, Multnomah and Clackamas County Chapter representatives express their gratitude and present a gift to Jordis.
Not only in the garden, but also as an OSU Master Gardener volunteer – it’s harvest season! Time to gather and record your hours of volunteer service and submit your volunteer log sheet, prior to the October 1st deadline.
Metro-area Master Gardeners, you are stellar in your contributions educating and supporting the gardening public, and we want to share that fantastic fact!
The October 1st deadline allows the metro MG program office enough time to compile and share the great news of your tremendous contributions with the state Master Gardener program and OSU Extension Service.
Help us get those statistics to the state level by recording and submitting your hours this month! We will share the grand totals at our Fall Recertification Training.
New MG Volunteer Reporting System
We are excited to have a new online volunteer reporting system (via Qualtrics) to ease the process of submitting your volunteer hours and signed 2018-2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service form.
To report using the online system – follow the links sent to you in an email from Marcia McIntyre on August 28th.
The online system prompts you through several questions to record your volunteer hours, a space to upload your volunteer log sheet, plus the opportunity for you to rate your satisfaction with the Master Gardener program. A separate link allows you to upload your signed, Conditions of Volunteer Service Form.
You still need to record your volunteer hours onto a Word or Excel form – but now you can upload those hours via the new online system.
NOTE: You can refer to your CERVIS log to track your hours – but you also need to log all CERVIS hours on your volunteer log sheet. Most “Program” hours are recorded in CERVIS. “Partner” events and activities are not recorded in CERVIS. Be sure to record all your volunteer hours and continuing education hours on your log sheet.
A special thank you to those who have already submitted your hours! Great going early birds!
For those of you who are still seeking Recertification/continuing education or volunteer opportunities look for some great opportunities below.
How to Maintain Master Gardener Certification
Need a refresher on how to maintain your Master Gardener certification? Here you can find the details. Whether you are a 2018 trainee or a Veteran MG, to continue to serve as a “current” OSU Master Gardener you must submit an annual, signed Conditions of Volunteer Service form. A 2019 certification sticker will be given to all MGs who meet the criteria and submit their signed forms.
Fun fall volunteer opportunities, sign-up on CERVIS!
MGs at Lents International Farmers Market
MG Clinic Table @ Hillsboro Ace Hardware Grand Opening! Friday and Saturday, September 7th and 8th. Fun event with the opportunity to educate the eager gardening public. Sign-up on CERVIS.
Farmers Markets – opportunities to volunteer at a Farmers Market remain for Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsdale, Lake Oswego, Lents, and Tigard. Grab an open slot on CERVIS
Guide home gardeners through the fall and winter season!
As the days shorten and the temperatures cool, a new host of gardening conundrums perplex the home gardener. You can assist and expand your own knowledge, collaborating with other MGs as you research and advise gardeners. Sign-up on CERVIS or contact a phone coordinator.
We bid a fond and grateful farewell to Jordis Yost – Read more here!
Save the Date! Saturday, November 10th – FALL RECERTIFICATION!
Gail Langellotto
Gail Langellotto will be presenting ‘The Science of Ecological Gardening’ at the 2018 Fall Recertification
Our annual Master Gardener Fall Recertification Training is scheduled for Saturday, November 10th, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at Portland Community College – Rock Creek Campus. This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity. Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending.
A great line-up of speakers is forming. We are thrilled to announce that OSU’s Andony Melathopoulos, Gail Langellotto and Heather Stoven will be part of our line-up of guest presenters.
*Attendance and participation at the November 10th, Fall Recertification Training counts as 6 hours continuing education credit for the 2018-2019 Master Gardener Volunteer Season. Record your attendance on your 2019 Volunteer Log.
2018 Master Gardener Trainees to Receive OSU MG Badges
Matt proudly displays his Veteran MG badge at the 2018 Recertification Training. Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen
Our November 10th, Fall Recertification Training (see details above), also gives us the opportunity to congratulate the new class of Master Gardener interns as they step-up to Veteran status after completing their volunteer requirements.
We will present 2018 Interns with their OSU Extension Service Master Gardener badges and a big shout-out for successfully completing the program. 2018 Interns are cordially invited to attend the full day of training – which will count toward your continuing education/recertification hours for 2019.
Two of Our Own Honored
We know very well, the tremendous contributions metro-area Master Gardeners accomplish through their volunteer service. Now the public knows a bit more after two of our very own metro-area Master Gardeners were honored.
Eve Freeman and Nancy Muir received the Fox News 12 “Be the Change Award” for their dedicated work, growing vegetables for area food banks – along with their fellow MG volunteers, at the Clackamas County Master Gardener’s “Grow an Extra Row” garden.
Congratulations Eve and Nancy for your remarkable dedication and service!
Are you a Veteran MG who is seeking opportunities for continuing education (recertification) credits before September 30th? Here are a few great options to further your education and help to fulfill the annual minimum requirement to maintain your OSU MG certification.
Advanced Training Webinars A great way to further your garden education – watching recordings of the OSU Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinars. The webinars focus on a garden pest or disease, with an OSU expert recommending Integrated Pest Management techniques for control. Each webinar viewed earns 1 hour of continuing education credits.
*List any Advanced Training Webinars that you view on your Volunteer Log Sheet.
Metro-area Master Gardener Online Training Modules Another great way to earn continuing education credit is to view the 2018 metro-area Master Gardener training modules. Each module that you view and successfully pass the module’s quiz, counts for 2 hours continuing education. Earlier in the year, you received an email with a link to access the online content, along with instructions. If you no longer have that link and access, please email:
Two more great videos with garden tips and tricks.
Benny will be marching in the parade! Join us! Photo credit: OSU
Beaver supporters of any age or ability are welcomed and from any town or city! Wagon to wheel chair!
If you would enjoy walking slowly in 1.5 mile “Celebrate Beaverton” parade route for one hour representing OSU Extension in Washington County with Benny Beaver, signs and balloon decos, lots of swag to hand out we need YOU!!
Saturday, September 8
Meeting at 9 am at Beaverton Christian Church
Parade begins at 10 am
Last entry finishes at 12pm at Griffith Park
Only requirement is that you dress for your program area (MG shirts, 4-H shirts, Food Hero, Porta Potty Princess,….hold a tree branch, bring your dog – you get the idea and we’ll help) OR in a provided Extension t-shirt….and have fun!
We hope to have each program area represented through some type of creative signage, decorated hat or clothing. Historical dress is great as the parade theme is “Looking Back, Stepping Forward”.
Our goal is showing our program areas to the viewers.
If interested or questions please see or contact Vicki 503-821-1127.
New invasive ‘aggressive biter’ tick spreads across multiple US states, sparks concern. (Whew! It’s not in Oregon yet!) (James Rogers,
Genomic study ties insect evolution to the ability to detect airborne odors. (U of Illinois via
Fossils shine light on the history of gall-making wasps (Indefenseofplants)
30 Oregon plant species at risk of extinction. (Kale Williams,
Step inside 12 of England’s most beautiful gardens. (Alex Schechter,
The horticulture industry’s age problem is bigger than you think. “There’s an age gap in commercial horticulture, a drastic and obvious lack of people under the age of 40.” (Adrian Higgins,
Tiny paragliding beetle that lived with dinosaurs discovered in amber. (
What is growing in my landscape mulch? Possibly Mushrooms, Slime Molds, Bird’s Nest Fungus, or Artillery Fungus. (Elizabeth A. Brantley, Donald D. David and Larry J. Kuhns; Penn State U)
Spinach. Photo: Alex Stone, OSU
The chemistry of spinach: the iron myth and ‘spinach teeth.’(
More discussion and research on barerooting/rootwashing plants– shrubs, woody perennials, and herbaceous perennials. Learn what WSU’s Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott has to say. (Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott,
Conventional and organic product overview for home vegetable gardeners in Tennessee. While specific to Tennessee this pdf has a lot of helpful info on different pesticides.
NOTE: Master Gardeners only use OSU references for pesticide recommendations, and only refer brand names if included in such references.)
(Natalie Bumgarner, Zachariah Hansen & Karen Vail; University of Tennessee Extension)
Nature really doesn’t like Hard Rock music (but Folk is OK.) (
With a sniff and a signal, these dogs hunt down threats to bees. “In Maryland, a state employee is training dogs to inspect hives for harmful bacteria — a crucial job as honeybees are sent around the country to pollinate crops.” (Tejal Rao, New York Times)
Fierce weapon: New wasp species with giant stinger discovered in Amazon region. Ouch! (Bret Mollina,
The botanical artist who translates plant science into beautiful art. The Smithsonian’s first and only botanical illustrator brings her subjects to life in all their scientific glory. (Leila McNeill,
After 17 years and 1,800 tests, researchers find Cat flea pesticide remains effective. (Ed Ricciuti,
Are there plants that produce nectar that is poisonous to either honey bees or humans? (John Skinner, University of Tennessee;
Insect Identification: Experts and guides to ID that bug you found. Great list of resources! (
Host plants tell insects when to grow longer wings and migrate (Laura Lavine & Scott Weybright, WSU;
Insect invaders: Perils of global trade– Brown Marmorated Stink Bug, Spotted Wing Drosophila and more. (David Eddy. Growing
Want to know why your plant is not setting fruit? Sex and the Single Squash: A study in plant sex, sexuality, reproduction, and seed saving. (John Porter,
Tropical forests suffered near-record tree losses in 2017. (Brad Plumer,
Beyond dead dirt: healthy soil is alive. “Most people would probably be surprised to know that bacterial cells out number human cells in our bodies by 10-to-1 and that just one teaspoon of healthy soil contains more than 1 billion bacteria and fungi (microbes for short). Yuck, right? Well, not exactly.” (Sara Via, U of MD; Marylandgrows.umd)
How do you name an insect? Bry the Fly Guy explains. (Lish Fejer,
Drought damage. Photo: Dave Shaw, OSU
Another rough year for Willamette Valley trees, Part 1. (Brad Withrow-Robinson, OSU Extension;
What do Earwigs do with those pincers anyway? (Josh Cassidy,
Pesticides, People, and Pollinators: Answers to tricky pesticide questions for Master Gardeners. (Alicia Leytem & April Strid, NIPC;
How spiders use silk to fly-VIDEO. James Gorman & Christopher Whitworth,
Don’t touch! a scientist’s advice for spotting poison ivy before it ruins your summer. (Blake Farmer,
New research showcases the best and brightest fathers of the insect world! (Adrienne Antonsen,
A host of Hostas. Hostas are a go-to plant for almost any gardener dealing with shade to part-shade in the garden (Carol Papas, Master Gardener; Penn State University)
How many ant species are there on Earth? About 20,000 (
Mans’, and now, plants’ best friend: Dogs can detect agricultural diseases early. Study shows dogs can sniff out laurel wilt-infected avocado trees well in advance. (
Aloe or Agave? “Convergent evolution is the process by which unrelated organisms evolve similar traits in response to similar environmental constraints. One amazing example of convergent evolution has occurred among the Aloe and Agave.” (
Huge, hollow Baobab trees are actually multiple fused stems. “Young trees, the researchers note, are usually single-stemmed. But as the trees grow, they produce new stems from roots or fallen stems. And over time, those stems grow and fuse with the older ones, producing the mammoth trees now found across Africa.”
Camouflaged plants use the same tricks as animals. (University of Exeter, United Kingdom;
Popular OSU publication REVISED for 2018: Vegetable Variety Trials-2017, EM 8777-10 (Brooke Edmunds, Shinji Kawai, Jim Myers, OSU)
How to remove a tick (More tick info at link also). “If you find a tick attached to your skin, there’s no need to panic—the key is to remove the tick as soon as possible. There are several tick removal devices on the market, but a plain set of fine-tipped tweezers work very well.” (
Avoid wearing this color if you hate spiders. (Rosie McCalll,
Trees in the rainforest make their own rain. (Wochitnews, via Youtube)
Six years ago, about four of these butterflies existed. This is how science saved them. (David Goodhue,
Beautiful plant species newly discovered in India; Brachystelma ananthapuramense. (
Coping with the Heat; Leafrollers on Succulents;
Japanese Beetle Update
Jean R. Natter, OSU Master Gardener
Japanese Beetle Update from ODA
Japanese Beetle
The Oregon Department of Agriculture has completed its main treatment operations for Japanese beetle for 2018. From April 2 to June 1, ODA and General Tree Service, a contracted pesticide applicator, treated approximately 5,800 residences, 5 schools and 4 parks, 2 shopping centers and 1 golf course for Japanese beetle in Washington County. This number was increased from the 2,100 homes treated in 2017. In addition, an area of Portland International Airport and about 30 homes in Oakland, OR, were also treated due to beetle detections in 2017.
Community support for the project is very positive. We received consent to treat from over 5,100 residents! This success of this project depends on this kind of support from the community. We also served around 400 administrative warrants to residences from which we had not received a response. Residents have been sending in reports of beetle sightings. Thankfully, almost all of the reports of “serious infestations” of Japanese beetle have been determined to be box elder bug or other pests. [Editor’s emphasis.]
The project has entered trapping and detection phase for 2018. Seasonal survey staff are in the process of deploying 5,900 traps to detect Japanese beetle throughout the greater Portland metro area and the northern Willamette Valley. . .
Image courtesy of the Oregon Department of Agriculture
It’s still too early to make any conclusions about success of the project from this season’s data, but early numbers are very encouraging. Our first detection of JB in Washington County this year was on June 17. . . As of July 21, 2018, we have captured 386 beetles total in the 9 traps. At the same time in 2017, we had captured 2961 . . . these numbers are early and there are many more traps to check, but a reduction is good news, especially in the most active beetle areas. Final trap catch numbers will tell the whole story, and will be available late Summer/early Fall . . .
Our containment operations are also in full swing. Curbside yard debris bin contents are being redirected to Hillsboro landfill, as they were in 2017. Debris moved offsite by landscapers working in the quarantine area are being reminded and encouraged to take debris to our drop-off site at Northwest Landscape services. Residents in the area and landscapers that we have contact information for have been sent two reminders this season. Flyers in English and Spanish are also available on our project website,
The Oregon Department of Agriculture would like to express its sincere appreciation to the residents in the Japanese Beetle treatment area for their cooperation, as well as all of the partner agencies that have offered support, advice, time and energy to the project. This eradication is one of the largest ever undertaken by the department and would not be possible without the help of the community and partner agencies. This is a multi-year project, and is proposed to continue until 2021. . . In the meantime, . . . check for updates on
Coping w/ the continuing heat:
– Water early morning (by 6 am) or late day.
– Don’t assume a droopy plant is dry; check the soil with a trowel or finger. Excess soil water can kill.
– Realize that plants (and soil or potting mix) are drying more rapidly than usual. (Blossom end rot is rampant during heat waves because of erratic water supply.)
– Move containers to the shade and/or rig temporary shade 18 inches above sensitive plants.
– Mulch: Add two inches of bark dust or, for shrubs and trees, 4 inches of bark chips.
– Don’t fertilize.
– Mow the lawn high, at 3 inches or so.
Oblique banded leafroller on succulents
Leafrollers and leaftiers are common minor pests of various trees but, this year, the oblique banded leafroller has targeted several succulents, making an unsightly mess of tip growth, precisely where the flower buds should be. The victims: two rather stately sedum cultivars, ‘Matrona’ and ‘Autumn Joy.’ The remedy is simple: Pull the webbing apart and squish the little beasts. See “leafroller and leaftier” in the PNW Insect Management Handbook: