Winter Greetings!
The Metro Master Gardener Team wants to extend warm winter greetings to you all! As the year ends, we reflect on the amazing generosity of YOU! We are grateful for all the hours you have dedicated to educating and inspiring the community to practice successful and sustainable gardening! Thank you for making such a tremendous difference to our OSU Extension Service Master Gardener community and the communities in which we live.
We hope you enjoy all the wonders of the winter season!
Weston, Jordis, and Marcia
Spread the Word! MG Training Registration is OPEN!

One of the most common ways people learn about Master Gardener training is through word of mouth from other Master Gardeners. Now is your chance to let others know about the great opportunities available for serving as a Master Gardener volunteer educator. Registration is now open for 2018 Master Gardener Training! Share the word with your friends, family and fellow community members. Direct those interested to our Metro-area Master Gardener website for easy online registration.
2018 Training Line-up!
We have a strong line-up of instructors and subjects for our 2018 MG Training classes. The schedule offers some exciting new changes. In support of the goals of the state Master Gardener program, instructors of our in-person classes are adding more interactive and hands-on activities to their presentations.
Additions to this year’s schedule are Berries, taught by fellow MG Jane Collier and Plant ID, taught by Jen Gorski, from the Clackamas Extension Forestry Department. We look forward to both Jane’s and Jen’s presentations, which will incorporate active learning.
We are grateful to have our perennial favorite instructors joining us for 2018. Jen Aron, Chip Bubl, Claudia Groth, Monica Maggio, Jean Natter, and Weston Miller.
All of the 2018 Training classes will qualify for 2018 MG continuing garden education/recertification credit.
For the detailed 2018 Training schedule, please see the link below.
2018 Metro Master Gardener Training Schedule
Class Coordinators Meeting for MG Training – Save the Date!
MG training could not take place without the fantastic team of MGs who assist with coordinating the classes.
We are grateful to have our three amazing Class Coordinators, Cindy Manselle (Oregon City), Beven Peters (Portland), and Trina Studebaker (Beaverton) returning to lead the charge offering a well-organized and welcoming training environment.
Those of you who are interested in assisting Cindy, Beven or Trina at one of the three training locations, please join us for a Class Coordinators meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd, from 10am to 2pm at the Clackamas Extension office (200 Warner-Milne Road, Oregon City). We will meet to discuss the upcoming training and will assemble Sustainable Gardening Handbooks for the new trainees.
If you can attend the meeting or have questions, please email Jordis Yost jordis.yost@oregonstate.edu If you are interested in assisting with class coordination but can’t attend the January 23rd meeting, please let Jordis know your interest.

Seeking Plant Gatherers
Thank you to those who kindly volunteered to assist Jen Gorski, our Plant ID instructor, in collecting plant samples to provide for the class attendees. We still need a couple more volunteers. As mentioned before, this will require some major specimen gathering, and we are seeking a few dedicated MGs to serve as Plant Gatherers to assist with the project.
Jen will coach and educate the team on what plant samples are needed and how she would like the specimens gathered. Volunteers must commit to meeting with Jen in January prior to collecting and to collect the specimens, per Jen’s specifications, the week of February 19th, come rain, sun, snow or sleet. This will be a great learning opportunity to work with Jen and a lot of fun plant gathering with other plant enthusiasts. If interested, contact Marcia McIntyre marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu
Changes afoot at the Clackamas County Extension Office!
Many changes are afoot at the Clackamas County Extension office. Although most of you do not have contact with the office staff. Their contributions and effect on the Master Gardener Program are invaluable – so we want to share the news and our wishes.

Congratulations and Our Utmost Gratitude!
The Metro-area Master Gardener team joins in sending our sincere congratulation to long-time Clackamas County Extension Office Manager, Roxie Applebee who is retiring. Roxie has been managing and guiding the office staff for nearly 45 years! We are truly grateful to Roxie for her incredible, dedicated support of the Master Gardener Program. Thank you Roxie for your amazing attention to detail, watching out for the MG program and staff, your kindness, and making the Clackamas office such a welcoming and professional environment! Our utmost thanks!
Photo courtesy of Trisha White
Welcome Lynn!

We want to extend a warm welcome to Lynn Squire the new office manager for Clackamas County Extension. Lynn and his family are moving from Utah for a new adventure in Oregon. We have alerted Lynn to the grey days and rain – but also the many rewards of living in Oregon. We are very much looking forward to working with Lynn and sharing the world of the Master Gardener program with him.
Photo courtesy of Lynn Squire

Thank you Jean!
Many of you who drop-by or call the Clackamas Extension office have had the pleasure of meeting Jean Bremer, our front office support staff, for the Master Gardener Program the past 7 years. Jean’s responsibilities are changing. She now is support for Extension Forestry in the Clackamas office. We will miss her presence working with the MG program, but are happy we will still be seeing Jean at the office daily. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Jean for her stellar support of the MG program. Jean we are sincerely grateful to you for all your hard work, diligence, and ever-welcoming, kind and patient presence!
Welcome Janet!

We are pleased to welcome and introduce Janet Hohman, who joined the Clackamas Extension team this past October. Janet is serving as front office support for the Master Gardener Program, and we are looking forward to working with her. Janet has jumped right in, learning the nitty-gritty of our expansive MG program. She has not skipped a beat – and maintains a smile and eager effort with all that has been sent her way. A few fun facts about Janet…she has confessed to LOVING dirt (hey, we are fans too!), has a keen interest in composting, and plays the banjo! If you come to the Clackamas office to volunteer – be sure to join us in giving Janet a warm welcome. We are thrilled to have her working as part of the MG team!
Photo courtesy of Janet Hohman
Keeping the public in-the-know with great garden tips for fall!

Master Gardeners Invited to Join Portugal Garden Tour
Master Gardener, Jane Miller, is organizing a group of MGs for a journey through the gardens of Portugal, April 10 – 21, 2018. If you are interested in joining fellow Master Gardeners for this private tour of inspiring gardens, please follow this link: Portugal Garden Tour, April 10-21, 2018
Thank you for the warm welcome. I look forward to getting to know everyone!
–Lynn Squire