The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.
Gertrude S. Wister
Welcome Srijana!
Our metro area OSU Master Gardener™ Program leader
We are so very pleased to share the news that Srijana Shrestha, Assistant Professor of Practice, has started her position leading our OSU Extension Service metro area Master Gardener Program. Srijana’s position serves the whole metro region, which includes Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties.
Learn more about Srijana, her horticulture passions and her excitement about leading the Master Gardener Program.
Welcome to, and from, our new Statewide Master Gardener Manager, Dr. Leslie Madsen
After a national search, Dr. Leslie Madsen (she/her) has joined OSU Extension as the Statewide Master Gardener Manager, beginning December 29th, 2023. She most recently was the Associate Director for Educational Development in the Center for Teaching and Learning at Boise State University. The OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Program extends a hearty welcome to Dr. Madsen!
Learn more about Dr. Madsen and read her note to all Oregon Master Gardeners HERE.
Master Gardeners Impact Community
As we begin a new year, we look back with gratitude on the tremendous impact and contributions that metro area OSU Master Gardeners had in the community in 2023. Master Gardeners reached over 59,000 community members and answered over 12,000 gardening questions!
You served at resource fairs, farmers markets, libraries, schools, gardens, and a wide variety of community outreach events. Learn all the details in our OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener “2023 Impact Report”, click the download button below. Kudos to all, for your dedicated service educating Oregonians about successful and sustainable gardening practices!
Be sure to check out the 2023 Summer and Fall Recap highlighting how Master Gardeners gathered, learned and served. In addition, we congratulate the 2023 Master Gardener award winners.
Thank you and best wishes Lisa!
We extend our best wishes and sincere thanks to Lisa Kirby, Education Program Assistant, who is setting her sights on new endeavors and has moved on from OSU. Over the past year, Lisa has enthusiastically supported the OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Program and volunteers. Lisa has been integral in event planning, delivering curriculum, and supporting community educational outreach. We are grateful for her dedicated service.
Community Outreach Events Commence
As we see signs of spring emerging in the garden, our Master Gardener community outreach events also start to bloom this time of year. Be sure to check CERVIS, periodically, so you can sign up for some fun, engaging opportunities as they are continually posted.
2024 Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series

One in five people face hunger in Oregon. The cost of food keeps climbing and the pandemic showed us the fragility of our supply system. Growing our own food – for ourselves, for our families, for our neighbors – is an action gardeners can take to strengthen food security in their local communities. This year’s “Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up series” is aimed at helping gardeners take a bite out of hunger.
Nine, free, closed-captioned webinars will be broadcast via Zoom and streamed on our Facebook page. You can view them on the second Tuesday of the month, at noon, from February through October 2024. Experts in their field from OSU and beyond, will present on topics such as how to get the most yield from cool season veggies, growing produce to donate to food banks, and how to grow culinary mushrooms.
The series is open to all, and each webinar will be recorded. “Growing Oregon Gardeners” webinars count for one hour of designated Master Gardener continuing education.
2024 OSU Master Gardener Training
We are eagerly looking forward to and busily preparing for our 2024 OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Training. The training will launch this spring in all three counties. If you know anyone who loves learning about gardening and has a desire to share their knowledge with the community as a garden educator, please direct them to our home page. Those who sign up on our interest list will be notified when we start accepting applications.
Annual Master Gardener Requirements
It is not too early to start keeping track of your Volunteer Service and Continuing Education hours for 2025 recertification. Please follow the link below for a refresher on the annual requirements to maintain your Master Gardener certification.