Winter 2021 – Issue 002

Hello! We hope your winter term is coming to a healthy close as we look ahead to spring. In this issue of The Success Kitchen, we reflect on how our work in one context might lend insights in another. We share these thoughts knowing that others are engaged in the work of providing feedback, mentorship, training, content creation, transition support, and more.

Below, you’ll find an overview of this issue’s content.

Strategies for Writing Feedback

Chris breaks down the approach writing consultants regularly use to provide feedback and offers techniques to explore when giving feedback on writing in our work.

The Transit of Transitions

Sarah takes stocks of a few techniques and strategies she’s used to communicate with students during the past year and notes how these can be useful on a personal level as well.

Preparing for Mentorship

Anika reflects on a recent experience of designing and facilitating training for the CEOAS mentorship program and unpacks a unique opportunity to view mentorship from multiple angles.

Staff Picks – Technology Tips

Our team often shares technology shortcuts and tools with each other, and we offer up some of our favorites—both old friends and recent discoveries.