Spring 2022 – Issue 001

While summer means something different for everyone, it can often feel like a time of possibility and opportunity. Articles in this issue offer reading recommendations, a group conversation framework, considerations for teaching technology, team building ideas, and a new perspective on parenting and work. We hope this content will stir up something interesting for you to consider as you look ahead to the summer.

Further Reflections on Supporting Yourself in a Support Role

Carl and Sarah reflect on the process of setting up a conversation group and offer insights from how the group’s development and value has evolved over time.

Choosing a Peer Review Platform

Kelley gives an overview of four different peer review tools and offers a range of criteria instructors might consider when choosing a platform.

What Parenting Brings to the Table

Clare and other OSU parents share lessons learned from parenting which impact their identity and approach to work.

What Are OSU Colleagues Reading?

Colleagues from across the university share readings that have interested or resonated for them. Find your next summer read here!

5 Ways for Teams to Build Community Outside of Meetings

This listicle offers asynchronous team-building ideas that can occur over time and across different spaces.