Fall 2021 – Issue 001

In this issue of the Success Kitchen, we think about what fall term brings: program scale-ups, conversations about motivation, and using what we’ve learned this past year even as we look forward to new learning. We hope some of these topics spark thinking and conversation for you.

Below, you’ll find an overview of this issue’s content.

Unpacking Two Current OSU “Scale-Up” Efforts

Clare interviews Kim McAloney and Chris Gasser about current scale-up efforts in the Educational Opportunities Program and Supplemental Instruction.

Engaging with the Student Affairs Priority: How We Created a Structure for Collaborative Learning

Anna shares how the Academic Success Center and Writing Center engaged in a year-long learning project focused on equity.

Just Do It? Why Motivation Isn’t That Easy & How You Can Help Students Get Things Done

Anika reflects on motivation and offers strategies for how you can support students’ self-awareness around what works for them.

Staff Picks – Pets and Plants

As we transition back to the office, meet the pets and plants that kept us company and interrupted our Zoom meetings this past year.