Fall 2023 – Issue 001

In our first issue of the new academic year, we inhabit liminal spaces, looking back to summer, reflecting on fall trainings, and looking ahead to the second half of the term. Within these spaces, we offer strategies that have worked for us to create community, engage with and learn from each other, and develop meaningful next steps. We hope you find points of interest and insight as you explore this issue. 

Belonging in Absence: Sarah reflects on unexpected life events in summer and the role belonging and community played in navigating time in and away from work.

Five Minute Feedback: Creating a Tool & Ritual for Meeting Evaluations: Anna offers a framework for obtaining constructive feedback to understand participant experience and shape content, design, and delivery of team meetings.  

Staff Picks – Valuable Training Activities & Topics: Chris prompts Office of Academic Support staff to reflect on training activities our teams have found valuable.

Five Ways to Prompt Midterm Reflection: Marjorie shares ways to support students in their reflections on midterms and their approach to learning.