“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”.
~Author Unknown


Thank You for Your Generous Service!

What a tremendous, positive difference metro-area OSU Master Gardener volunteers are making to the community!  We know that by reading your volunteer log sheets that you have submitted over the past few months.  We are awestruck by your generous service.  Utmost thanks however and wherever you contributed to and touched our community, whether answering the MG hotline and Farmers Market clinic questions, contributing to citizen science projects, digging deep at community gardens, or educating and presenting at community events!  Thank you for sharing your passion and knowledge, engaging and educating the gardening public on how to be good earth stewards and successful gardeners!


Show You Are “Current” – 2019 MG Sticker

For those who have fulfilled the requirements to maintain their status as an active and “current” Master Gardener you will receive a 2019 Recertification sticker to proudly display on your MG badge.  The sticker is a designation that you are current and up-to-date, having completed all required volunteer service hours, continuing education opportunities, and completed forms.  Stickers will be distributed at Fall Recertification and mailed (by year’s end) to those who can’t attend Fall Recertification. For MGs still needing information about how to remain current, please refer to the Volunteer Portal’s How to Maintain Active OSU Master Gardener Status page.

If you have yet to send in your volunteer log sheet and your signed 2018_2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service form – please send them in as soon as possible so you too can receive your 2019 Recertification sticker and we will keep you on our ‘active’ Master Gardener roles.

Spread the Word!  2019 MG Training Registration Open!

How do the majority of people learn about Master Gardener training?  From Master Gardeners of course!

Now is your chance to let others know about the rewarding opportunities available serving as a Master Gardener volunteer.  Registration is now open for the 2019 Master Gardener Training!  Share the word with your gardening friends, wanna-be gardeners, and fellow community members.  Direct those interested to our Metro-area Master Gardener website for easy online registration.

Reduced-priced application options are available on a limited basis.  If you know someone who would be interested while serving the community as a garden-educator and would qualify for a reduced-price option, please direct them to our MG Training registration page for an application and qualifications.  The MG Training Fellowship and Scholarships are offered thanks to the generosity and guidance of the metro-area Chapters.

Calling All MGs on Nextdoor, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

If social media is a favorite communication avenue for you, please consider sharing about the Master Gardener training registration on the social media sites on which you participate.  Share posts from our Facebook and Twitter accounts or direct those interested to our website.  We would love to cover all Nextdoor neighborhoods in the metro-area.  If you need more information or would like a promotional photo to post – please contact Marcia McIntyre: marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu

2019 MG training promotional fliers and postcards will be available at Fall Recertification to distribute to metro-area public venues.

Fall Recertification – Expand Your Horticulture Knowledge

Saturday, November 10, 8:00am to 3:30pm

  • Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus, building #9
    17705 NW Springville Rd, Portland, OR 97229 See campus map

This annual event is a day-long continuing education opportunity. See the detailed Fall Recertification agenda here.

Earn 6 hours of continuing education (recertification) credit for 2019 by attending.  Veteran MGs and “new” Veterans who trained in 2018 need 10 hours of continuing education training annually to retain status as an ‘active, current’ OSU Master Gardener.  Fall Recertification is a great way to get a start earning your continuing education hours for 2019.

This year’s presenters will be sharing their wealth of knowledge and expertise…

  • The Science of Ecological Gardening with Gail Langellotto, Ph.D., OSU
  • Plant ID, Beyond the Basics with Heather Stoven, OSU
  • Japanese Beetle Update with Jessica Rendon, Oregon Department of Agriculture
  • Never doubt how a small, thoughtful and committed pollinator habitat (in your garden) can change the world! with Andony Melathopoulos, OSU

Fall MG Recertification is also when we take the time to congratulate and cheer on the new 2018 Class of Master Gardeners who have successfully completed their training requirements and those who are continuing to work towards completing their volunteer service.  Weston Miller will present the new 2018 class to their fellow Veteran Master Gardeners between 11:45am and 12:15pm.  At that time Weston will also give an update on the metro-area MG program.

Lunch break highlights…

  • Pick-up OSU MG badges for new 2018 Veterans and certificates of appreciation for those who made the request!
  • Tour the Washington Co. Chapter’s new Education Garden located on the PCC Rock Creek campus!
  • Shop the Chapter fundraising tables for garden books, tote-bags, t-shirts, tools, and more!
  • Catch up with MG friends or meet someone new!

The event is free to all Master Gardeners both Veterans and those finishing their 2018 training year.

Bring a snack to share on the community table, your own sack lunch and wear your Master Gardener badge.

With Deep Gratitude and Fond Remembrance

Ray McNeilan
Photo courtesy of Jan McNeilan

It is with sincere sadness we report that Ray McNeilan, OSU Professor of Horticulture and head of the Extension Master Gardener program from 1978 to 1996, died after a long illness.  We remember Ray with deep gratitude and fond remembrance.  Read about the significant impact Ray had on the OSU Master Gardener program, Master Gardeners, and home gardeners throughout the state…

You’re Invited!
Online Survey Regarding Public’s Understanding of Pollinators

Study: Exploring the gap between public understanding of pollinators and pollinator needs in Oregon

You are invited to take part in a survey that will generate useful information on the public’s understanding of pollinators to help modify outreach and education documents in the future.  To learn about this study and to participate, follow this link: https://wp.me/p8Hgw7-l9

Speaking of Pollinators…

Mason Bee
Photo: Ramesh Sagili, OSU

In October, it was a delight to watch Oregon Field Guide, as they highlighted OSU Extension Service Master Gardener, citizen scientist, Ron Spendal, and his commitment to learning more about the mighty pollinator, mason bee.  How wonderful to recognize the dedicated, great work that Ron is doing!  Way to go Ron!

To view the episode: https://www.opb.org/news/video/dro-2-orf-3003-03-mason-bees/?t=86072

Message from State Master Gardener Coordinator Gail Langellotto:

“Several Master Gardeners and members of the general public have called on Extension to provide guidance on glyphosate use. Kaci Buhl (OSU Statewide Pesticide Safety Education) and Chip Bubl (OSU Extension Horticulture/General Agriculture) collaborated to develop a list of Q&As that might be helpful to MGs.”  See the document below…









Glyphosate Questions & Answers

Kaci Buhl, Chip Bubl, Oregon State University Extension

What is glyphosate?

It’s a weed-killing chemical found in Roundup and many other weed killers. Like other herbicides, it is usually combined with one or many other ingredients to make the final product.

Does OSU have an official position for or against using glyphosate?

No. It is our mission to educate, not to legislate. We’re happy to answer questions and help find solutions using any legal, effective methods, while considering the risks.

Does glyphosate cause cancer in humans?

Maybe, at high enough doses. If it caused cancer at realistic exposure levels from using weed-killers, then farmers and other applicators would be the first to show this effect. The largest study ever published, looking at farmers and other applicators, found no association between glyphosate and solid tumors, including Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL).

That study found a potential association between glyphosate exposure and a certain type of blood cancer that was not statistically significant. Another study suggested that using fertilizers could account for this risk.

Why do regulators disagree about this?

They don’t. Not really.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), determined in 2015 that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. That determination was surprising to many. IARC responded to critics by clarifying its intent – to identify potential hazards. They asked, “Can it cause cancer under any circumstances?” They group hazards based on the strength of evidence, not the potency of the carcinogen(s). They defer to national and international bodies to take the next step, which is risk-assessment. Risk assessment is based on expected levels of exposure and background cancer rates.

Many governments have published risk assessments about glyphosate, finding it is unlikely to cause cancer in humans when used according to the label directions as required.

To put the IARC determination in context, they put the following items in the same category as glyphosate, Group 2A “Probable human carcinogens.”

  • Red meat
  • Indoor emissions from burning wood
  • High-temperature frying
  • Late-night work shifts

The following items were placed in a stronger-evidence category, “Known human carcinogens.”

  • Processed meats
  • All alcoholic beverages
  • Sunlight
  • Engine exhaust
  • Outdoor air pollution

The work of hazard identification is important, but it’s only the first step in understanding risk.

What about the other ingredients in Roundup?

Researchers reviewed the scientific literature on glyphosate, its major metabolite AMPA, formulated Roundup® products manufactured by Monsanto, and the surfactant POEA. They concluded that none of the components caused cancer. However, POEA can be harmful to a variety of aquatic wildlife (i.e. minnows, frogs, micro-organisms).

It can be difficult to determine the risks associated with other ingredients in pesticide formulations, including Roundup. This is because manufacturers are not currently required to identify “other ingredients” on product labels.

How have the courts ruled?

Courts have ruled in different ways on this issue. A California jury found Monsanto liable in August 2018 for causing a man’s cancer. The man used glyphosate weed-killers for years. The case has been appealed. In contrast, a federal judge in California ruled in June 2018 against the state’s case for placing warning labels on containers of glyphosate under Proposition 65. It would have required warnings about the potential for glyphosate to cause cancer. The judge cited a “heavy weight of evidence” that the risk was very low. The courts will likely evaluate more cases in the future.

Are foods with glyphosate residue safe to eat?

A tiny amount of glyphosate is not likely to cause harm, even if we eat those foods daily. There are residue limits for glyphosate on many fruits, vegetables, corn, grains, milk, and eggs. The FDA monitors the level of glyphosate on foods in the marketplace. So far, they have not found foods with too much residue, based on risk assessments. The dose makes the poison.

How can I reduce my risk?

If you choose to avoid glyphosate exposure altogether, seek out organic foods with the official logo from USDA. Glyphosate is not allowed to be used in organic settings. Use alternative methods of weed control. Talk with your local master gardeners about what’s working for them..

If you choose to use glyphosate weed-killers, make sure to follow the product label carefully. The label is the law. While glyphosate is poorly absorbed through the skin, some parts of the body are more absorptive than others. Minimize your exposure, and keep others away until sprays have dried. Talk with your neighbors about any concerns they might have, and take steps to accommodate their needs.

Video Series – Fall Gardening Tasks

Ringing in the New Year!  The ‘Master Gardener New Year’ That Is!

‘Ringing in the New Year’ may sound like we are pushing the seasons a bit – but for the metro-area Master Gardener program, October 1st is the beginning of our new year.  Like the start of any new year – we take the time to reflect on the past and look to a promising future.

As we reflect, we see a dedicated group of garden educators who have provided generous committed service as OSU Master Gardener volunteers!  Thank you for sharing your time, knowledge and passion with the community and your fellow Master Gardeners.

We look forward to a new year that will be full of fresh opportunities to educate and support our community in successful and sustainable gardening practices!

Thanks for the Volunteer Log Submissions!

Marie submits her 2018 Volunteer Log

Thank you to all of you who used our new online submission system or sent in your volunteer log sheets via email or snail mail!  It is very impressive to see all the wonderful ways that you have been educating and serving the community!  Immense thanks to you all for your dedicated service to the OSU MG program and the greater community!

It’s Not Too Late…Submit your Volunteer Log!  For those of you, who have not submitted your volunteer log sheets, please send in your hours by Monday, October 8th.  To review how to submit volunteer logs see the article at the bottom of this newsletter “New MG Volunteer Reporting System”.

We need all logs by that date to allow time to order new Master Gardener badges for those finishing their MG training and to have enough 2019 stickers for Veterans and trainees alike. Plus, we want to include your generous service contributions in the report sent to the state MG Program, which in turn is submitted to Oregon State University!   Help us to highlight all the great garden education Metro Master Gardeners are spreading throughout the tri-county region!

Signed, Sealed and Delivered!
Remember every October a Conditions of Volunteer Service form needs to be ‘signed, sealed and delivered’.  You can submit your signed form via the new online submission process (see article, ‘New MG Volunteer Reporting System’ at the bottom of this newsletter) or you can mail your signed form via snail mail to 200 Warner-Milne Drive, Oregon City, OR 97045 or email them to marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu

For your convenience:

Expand your Garden Knowledge at the Fall MG Recertification Training

Speaker Gail Langellotto

Our Fall MG Recertification Training is being held Saturday, November 10th, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus, Event Center.

This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending.  Veteran MGs and new Veterans who trained in 2018 need 10 hours of recertification training annually to retain status as an ‘Active’ OSU Master Gardener.  Fall Recertification is a great way to earn 6 hours of credit for 2019.

We have a stellar line-up of speakers.  This year’s presenters all bring their wealth of experience from their work with OSU Extension Service.

  • ‘The Science of Ecological Gardening: updates from the Garden Ecology Lab’ with Gail Langellotto Ph.D., OSU
  • Plant ID – Beyond the Basics with Heather Stoven, OSU
  • Update Japanese Beetle with Jessica Rendon, Oregon Department of Agriculture
  • Pollinator Health with Andony Melathopooulos, OSU Assistant Professor, Pollinator Health Extensions

The event is free to all Master Gardeners both Veterans and those who trained in 2018.

Bring a snack to share on the community table and your own sack lunch.


2019 MG Training Spread the Word!

Some of you have said you have found your tribe, have nurtured a long-time passion or have expanded your garden knowledge through the Master Gardener training.  Help spread the word about the MG training program and let your interested friends, family and colleagues know that registration for the 2019 Master Gardener training will open on November 1.

Interested individuals can sign-up for open registration notification on our Metro Master Gardener Website at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7EaeXLdybb-CBKZBje1gTJ8cFPnTqX4j_Gz6bTdHJgsxxOA/viewform

Once again, training classes are held in Washington, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties.

More Continuing Education Opportunities

Photo credit: Aaron Anderson, Oregon State University

Many have enjoyed and learned from the Master Gardener Training Webinars, brought to us from Brooke Edmunds and her OSU colleagues.

3 more timely topics are being presented as live webinars in 2018.

  • Monday 10/22 at 11am PT. Aaron Anderson (OSU Ph.D. student in the Department of Horticulture) will present First Look: OSU Research on Native Plants in the PNW Garden. Details and pre-registration here: https://learn.extension.org/events/3494
  • Monday 11/19 at 11am PT. Melodie Putnam (OSU Plant Clinic) will present on The Weird and Wonderful World of Plant Galls. Details and pre-registration here: https://learn.extension.org/events/3493
  • Monday 12/17 at 11am PT. Kaci Buhl (OSU Extension) will present on Weed Management in the Garden & Landscape: Understanding Herbicides. Details and pre-registration here: https://learn.extension.org/events/3501

If you missed any previous live webinars, recordings are also available from earlier 2018 webinars and the 2017 webinar recordings too!

New MG Volunteer Reporting System

We are excited to have a new online volunteer reporting system (via Qualtrics) to ease the process of submitting your volunteer hours and signed 2018-2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service form.

If you still need to submit your 2018 forms, please consider reporting using the online system – follow the links re-sent to you in an email from Marcia McIntyre on October 2nd

The online system prompts you through several questions to record your volunteer hours, a space to upload your volunteer log sheet, plus the opportunity for you to rate your satisfaction with the Master Gardener program.  A separate link allows you to upload your signed, Conditions of Volunteer Service Form.

You still need to record your volunteer hours onto a Word or Excel form – but now you can upload those hours via the new online system.

NOTE:  You can refer to your CERVIS log to track your hours – but you also need to log all CERVIS hours on your volunteer log sheet.  Most “Program” hours are recorded in CERVIS.  “Partner” events and activities are not recorded in CERVIS.  Be sure to record all your volunteer hours and continuing education hours on your log sheet.


Basket of vegetable and flowers
Photo: Pixabay

It’s Harvest Season!

Not only in the garden, but also as an OSU Master Gardener volunteer – it’s harvest season!  Time to gather and record your hours of volunteer service and submit your volunteer log sheet, prior to the October 1st deadline.

Metro-area Master Gardeners, you are stellar in your contributions educating and supporting the gardening public, and we want to share that fantastic fact!

The October 1st deadline allows the metro MG program office enough time to compile and share the great news of your tremendous contributions with the state Master Gardener program and OSU Extension Service.

Help us get those statistics to the state level by recording and submitting your hours this month!  We will share the grand totals at our Fall Recertification Training.

New MG Volunteer Reporting System

We are excited to have a new online volunteer reporting system (via Qualtrics) to ease the process of submitting your volunteer hours and signed 2018-2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service form.

To report using the online system – follow the links sent to you in an email from Marcia McIntyre on August 28th

The online system prompts you through several questions to record your volunteer hours, a space to upload your volunteer log sheet, plus the opportunity for you to rate your satisfaction with the Master Gardener program.  A separate link allows you to upload your signed, Conditions of Volunteer Service Form.

You still need to record your volunteer hours onto a Word or Excel form – but now you can upload those hours via the new online system.

NOTE:  You can refer to your CERVIS log to track your hours – but you also need to log all CERVIS hours on your volunteer log sheet.  Most “Program” hours are recorded in CERVIS.  “Partner” events and activities are not recorded in CERVIS.  Be sure to record all your volunteer hours and continuing education hours on your log sheet.

A special thank you to those who have already submitted your hours!  Great going early birds!

For those of you who are still seeking Recertification/continuing education or volunteer opportunities look for some great opportunities below.

How to Maintain Master Gardener Certification

Need a refresher on how to maintain your Master Gardener certification?  Here you can find the details.  Whether you are a 2018 trainee or a Veteran MG, to continue to serve as a “current” OSU Master Gardener you must submit an annual, signed Conditions of Volunteer Service form.  A 2019 certification sticker will be given to all MGs who meet the criteria and submit their signed forms.

Fun fall volunteer opportunities, sign-up on CERVIS!

MGs at Lents International Farmers Market
  • MG Clinic Table @ Hillsboro Ace Hardware Grand Opening! Friday and Saturday, September 7th and 8th.  Fun event with the opportunity to educate the eager gardening public. Sign-up on CERVIS.
  • Farmers Markets – opportunities to volunteer at a Farmers Market remain for Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsdale, Lake Oswego, Lents, and Tigard.  Grab an open slot on CERVIS

Guide home gardeners through the fall and winter season!

As the days shorten and the temperatures cool, a new host of gardening conundrums perplex the home gardener. You can assist and expand your own knowledge, collaborating with other MGs as you research and advise gardeners.  Sign-up on CERVIS or contact a phone coordinator.

Celebrating and Honoring Jordis

We bid a fond and grateful farewell to Jordis Yost – Read more here!

Save the Date!  Saturday, November 10th – FALL RECERTIFICATION!

Gail Langellotto

Gail Langellotto will be presenting ‘The Science of Ecological Gardening’ at the 2018 Fall Recertification

Our annual Master Gardener Fall Recertification Training is scheduled for Saturday, November 10th, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at Portland Community College – Rock Creek Campus.  This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending.

A great line-up of speakers is forming.  We are thrilled to announce that OSU’s Andony Melathopoulos, Gail Langellotto and Heather Stoven will be part of our line-up of guest presenters.

*Attendance and participation at the November 10th, Fall Recertification Training counts as 6 hours continuing education credit for the 2018-2019 Master Gardener Volunteer Season.  Record your attendance on your 2019 Volunteer Log.

2018 Master Gardener Trainees to Receive OSU MG Badges

Matt proudly displays his Veteran MG badge at the 2018 Recertification Training. Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen

Our November 10th, Fall Recertification Training (see details above), also gives us the opportunity to congratulate the new class of Master Gardener interns as they step-up to Veteran status after completing their volunteer requirements.

We will present 2018 Interns with their OSU Extension Service Master Gardener badges and a big shout-out for successfully completing the program.  2018 Interns are cordially invited to attend the full day of training – which will count toward your continuing education/recertification hours for 2019.

Two of Our Own Honored

We know very well, the tremendous contributions metro-area Master Gardeners accomplish through their volunteer service.  Now the public knows a bit more after two of our very own metro-area Master Gardeners were honored.

Eve Freeman and Nancy  Muir received the Fox News 12 “Be the Change Award” for their dedicated work, growing vegetables for area food banks – along with their fellow MG volunteers, at the Clackamas County Master Gardener’s “Grow an Extra Row” garden.

Congratulations Eve and Nancy for your remarkable dedication and service!


Continuing Education Opportunities

Are you a Veteran MG who is seeking opportunities for continuing education (recertification) credits before September 30th?  Here are a few great options to further your education and help to fulfill the annual minimum requirement to maintain your OSU MG certification.

  • Advanced Training Webinars
    A great way to further your garden education – watching recordings of the OSU Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinars.  The webinars focus on a garden pest or disease, with an OSU expert recommending Integrated Pest Management techniques for control.  Each webinar viewed earns 1 hour of continuing education credits.

2018 Advance Training Webinars

If you did not get a chance to watch the 2017 training webinars – you can also view those webinars for continuing education credit.

2017 Advance Training Webinars

        *List any Advanced Training Webinars that you view on your Volunteer Log Sheet. 

  • Metro-area Master Gardener Online Training Modules
    Another great way to earn continuing education credit is to view the 2018 metro-area Master Gardener training modules. Each module that you view and successfully pass the module’s quiz, counts for 2 hours continuing education.  Earlier in the year, you received an email with a link to access the online content, along with instructions.  If you no longer have that link and access, please email: marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu

Two more great videos with garden tips and tricks.

Tree pruning ‘How-to’

August Garden Checklist Video



We might think we are nurturing our garden, but of course it’s our garden that is really nurturing us.  – Jenny Uglow

July and August bring a profusion of fun and rewarding volunteer opportunities for Master Gardeners.  Phone hotlines, county and state fairs, farmer’s markets, the Oregon Zoo, Blue Lake Park, Cracked Pots Recycled Art Show and more! How do you learn about those great gigs?  Log-in to CERVIS to see new listings and recent openings as schedules change (don’t be discouraged if you find a full schedule – check back as openings always pop up).

The MG hotlines have been hopping with lots of intriguing questions. Sign-up to learn alongside your fellow MGs while answering client questions.  We have an increased need for volunteers in July at all 3 offices.  Please look at the schedule on CERVIS and consider signing up for a shift.  Special request:  Both the Clackamas and Washington Co. offices need volunteers the first week in July.  Can you help out?  That would be grand!

Pie Eating Contest!  Largest Watermelon!  Longest Bean!
Master Gardeners!  Oh my!

If you want a big dose of summer fun, sign-up for the MG Clinic table at one of the county fairs or, the ‘granddaddy of them all’, the Oregon State Fair.

Give sage (OSU proven) garden advice to fair visitors and take a bit of time, before and after your shift, to grab some shaved ice and check out the fair competitions whether it is honey products, the largest homegrown fruits and veggies, or the best home brew or chocolate layer cake!  You get free-entry into the fair the day you volunteer!

Clackamas County Fair
Although only a few volunteer slots remain for the ever-popular Clackamas County Fair – grab a remaining slot or be sure to check back closer to the date (August 14 – 18th) as inevitably slots will open up.  Sign-up on CERVIS

Child proudly holds carrot - just pulled from the Washington County Master Gardener's Demonstration Garden
Capturing a carrot! Photo courtesy of Anna Stubbs

Washington County Fair
Sign-ups for this stellar community event just opened – so sign-up today for best selection!  Enjoy the fair (July 26th – 29th) hosting guests at the Washington County Master Gardener’s beautiful Demonstration Garden.  Sign-up for “Tours and Clinics” to guide visitors in the garden and answer their gardening questions at an MG Clinic table.  Or sign-up to serve in the “Kids Zone” sharing the wonder of the garden with children – assisting them on a scavenger hunt and earning the supreme prize, of “capturing” a carrot from the garden.  Sign-up on CERVIS

Oregon State Fair, September 1-2. For the ultimate fair experience, take a quick jaunt to Salem for the Oregon State Fair.  Master Gardeners from around the state host the OSU Extension Master Gardener Clinic.  Our Metro-area MG program does the honors on Friday and Saturday, August 31st and September 1st. Don’t miss this festive state celebration!  Sign-up on CERVIS

Log Your Hours
Thank you for your passion, energy and volunteer service educating the gardening public.  We want to be sure to have a record of all your efforts.  Here is the link you need, to download the form, to log your volunteer hours.  All hours due by October 1, 2018.


MG Nuts and Bolts
Need a refresher on how to maintain your OSU Extension Master Gardener certification?  All the nuts and bolts can be found here!

2017 MG Advisory Meeting. Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen

Master Gardener Advisory Meeting July 25th: You’re Invited!

10:00am – 12:00pm at the Food Innovation Center (1207 NW Naito Parkway, Suite   154, Portland).  A light lunch will be provided following the meeting!  Parking is free.  RSVP required.

Please join the conversation at a metro-wide Master Gardener advisory meeting to provide feedback and suggestions for the OSU Master Gardener program staff.  We value and appreciate your input as we look to the future.

RSVP to marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu no later than Monday, July 16th   to confirm your participation.   Space limited to 50 participants.

Goal: Gain insight and inspiration from MGs about the Master Gardener program and our public outreach service.

Save the Date!  Saturday, November 10th – FALL RECERTIFICATION!

Gail Langellotto will be presenting ‘The Science of Ecological Gardening’ at the 2018 Fall Recertification

Our annual Master Gardener Fall Recertification Training is scheduled for Saturday, November 10th, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at Portland Community College – Rock Creek Campus.  This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending.

A great line-up of speakers is forming.  We are thrilled to announce that OSU’s Andony Melathopoulos, Gail Langellotto and Heather Stoven will be part of our line-up of guest presenters.




2018 Master Gardener Trainees to Receive OSU MG Badges

Robin Greenwood holding her OSU Master Gardener badge
Robin Greenwood proudly displays her newly awarded OSU MG badge at the 2017 Fall Recertification

Our November 10th, Fall Recertification event also gives us the opportunity to congratulate the new class of Master Gardener interns as they step-up to Veteran status after completing their volunteer requirements.

We will present 2018 Interns with their OSU Extension Service Master Gardener badges and a big shout-out for successfully completing the program.  2018 Interns are cordially invited to attend the full day of training – which will count toward your continuing education/recertification hours for 2019.






European Chafer. Photo: Washington State Unversity

Advanced Training Webinars Continue
Two more informative online Advanced MG Training Webinars from Brooke Edmunds, Oregon State Extension and the OSU Master Gardener Program remain for July and August.

These webinars each count for 1 hour continuing garden education/recertification credit.  A wonderful way to expand your gardening knowledge in the comfort of your own home or sitting in a lovely garden watching on the electronic device of your choice.

Can’t make the webinar date?  No worries!  A recording of each webinar is posted a few days after the live webinar.  See the link below.

Upcoming Live Webinars

7/26 at 11am PST Meet the New Neighbors: Emerging Pest Issues in Oregon presented by Robin Rosetta

8/30 at 11am PST The Latest Research on Bees in the Garden: Results from the OSU Garden Ecology Lab presented by Dr. Gail Langellotto

For more information or to watch recordings of past webinars:

Photo courtesy of Bob Dueltgen

In fond remembrance…
It is with deep sadness that we share the loss of a valued and dear, OSU Extension Service Master Gardener.  Ann Dueltgen passed away on May 22nd, 2018.  Since completing her training in 1999, Ann was dedicated in her service as a Master Gardener.  Ann served alongside, her husband, Bob Dueltgen (training class of 1998).

Bob shared with us that being Master Gardeners was part of their retirement plan.  What a generous plan it was!  Throughout the years you could find Ann and Bob serving their community at Farmer’s Markets (Hollywood was a favorite), garden shows, the Portland Nursery Apple Tasting and the Oregon State Fair.

Ann and Bob combined their volunteer service with the Master Wildlife Stewards program working with area schools, educating students via the creation of wildlife habitats.  Ann and Bob also initiated a partnership with Marysville School and the Multnomah Master Gardener’s Community Demonstration Garden where students learned about composting for the garden.  As Master Gardeners fondly remember Ann, the resounding memory was of her kind heart, and how welcoming and encouraging she was to all she met.  We will miss Ann and are grateful for her two decades of generous service.  On behalf of the OSU Master Gardeners, we extend our sincere sympathies to Bob and his family.

Here is a memorial remembrance of Ann on Oregonlive.

Photo: Dave Shaw, OSU

What is happening to so many Willamette Valley Trees?
Have you noticed diseased and dying trees as you navigate around the Metro-area and Willamette Valley?  Or have you needed to answer clients concerns about the dead and dying trees they observe?

Here are two great, “Tree Topic” blog posts from Brad Withrow-Robinson, Forestry & Natural Resources Extension Agent for Benton, Linn and Polk Counties.  Brad shares his thoughts and insight on what he sees happening.

Another Rough Year for Willamette Valley Trees Part 1 and Part 2







View Our Garden Checklist Video for June


In early June the world of leaf and blade and flowers explode and every sunset is different.
– John Steinbeck

As the month of June ushers in summer, opportunities for Master Gardeners to guide and educate are flourishing.


Master Gardener Office Hotlines Hopping

The gardening public is calling, emailing and rolling into the metro-area Master Gardener offices with an intriguing assortment of questions.  “What are these white eggs on the underside leaves of my chard plant?”, “How deep do I plant a sweet pepper seedling?”, “I have rust spotting on my pear leaves, should I be worried?”, “Can you recommend a fast-growing plant to serve as a hedge?”

All inquiries bring the opportunities to practice your diagnostic skills, expand your garden knowledge and that of the visiting public.  Join the fun researching and collaborating with your fellow MGs while educating others.  You will be surprised by the wealth of information you will learn!   Sign-up on CERVIS.


MGs at Farmer’s Markets

Join-in amidst the seasonal bustle and bounty at a local-area Farmer’s Market by serving and educating the community at a Master Gardener market clinic table. These are fun events.  In addition to answering gardening questions, you can pick-up some fresh-from-the-field produce, dine on sublime food from market vendors, or go home with a gorgeous bouquet of flowers.

Schedule one or two shifts via CERVIS for a great summer volunteer experience.  Don’t despair if market schedules appear full.  Check back often as schedules change and openings arise throughout the summer.  Let a clinic coordinator know you if you are willing to serve as a substitute for last minute cancellations at your favorite market.

Summer Farmer’s Markets
Beaverton – Gresham – Hillsdale – King – Lake Oswego – Lents – Milwaukie
Oregon City – Sherwood – Tigard


Doing Good and Hands-on Learning in Demo Gardens

Marvelous things are happening at our metro-area Chapter sponsored Demonstration Gardens. Best garden practices are on display, citizen science is taking place, and fresh nutritious fruits and vegetables are being grown and donated to area food banks. Dig-in! Contact a coordinator for volunteer hours and make a significant difference teaching.

Clackamas County has the following hands-on volunteer opportunities:

Master Gardeners hosting visitors at End of the Oregon Trail Garden – Photo courtesy of Sharon Andrews
  • End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center – Check in to see how you can join the fun tending the garden and (for those interested) hosting school tours.
    Sharon Andrews 503-577-7493 sharonandrews402@gmail.com
  • Hopkins Demonstration Forest – Tend native plantscapes – in a beautiful forest setting!
    Frank Wille
    503-342-6699, franklyna@comcast.net



  • Grow An Extra Row Volunteers

    ‘Grow-An-Extra-Row and Learning Garden’ Project at Clackamas Community College – Make a difference growing food for those experiencing food insecurity.
    Nancy Muir ccmgextrarow@gmail.com 503-789-6970




Ravishing Radish Harvest at Multnomah Demo Garden – Photo courtesy of John Jordan


Multnomah County Master Gardeners Community Demonstration Garden in Southeast Portland. There is lots to do and lots to learn in the established edible garden and in the newly expanded annex garden that will include edibles, herbs, and ornamentals!

Heidi Nichols at heidinichols@comcast.net  or
Nancy Fine at soul_77777@yahoo.com or mcmgdemogarden@gmail.com




MGs at the Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate give “Peas a Chance”!

Washington County Master Gardeners have two wonderful demonstration garden locations and they are breaking ground at their new PCC Rock Creek Education Garden on June 6th!  See details for the special PCC Rock Creek Garden Ground Breaking Ceremony on our Partner Events page.

  • Washington County Fairplex Join in the fun tending this great garden!
    Bill Klug billklug@frontier.com 503-681-0143
  • Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate – Lend a hand in this beautiful landscape.
    Sandy Japely
    at sjapely@gmail.com 503-531-8482.
  • PCC Rock Creek – be part of the exciting beginnings of a fabulous community garden partnership!
    Sue Ryburn at sueryburn@comcast.net



Beautiful, historic gardens.  Consider spending time this summer in a beautiful, garden – dispensing reliable gardening information at the Pittock Mansion or guiding the public on a tour through the beautiful Washington Park International Rose Test Garden.  Sign-up for a shift via CERVIS or contact the clinic coordinator.


Cracked Pots Reuse Art Show

Don’t Miss Out! Special Volunteer Events.  Special volunteer events arise throughout the season so check postings on CERVIS often and MG program emails.  Then you won’t miss out on great volunteer opportunities like MG clinic tables at the Clackamas and Washington County Fairs, Cracked Pots Reuse Art Show at McMenamins Edgefield, or assisting at Metro’s Blue Lake Discovery Garden!  Yep, we aren’t fooling.  Now is a good time to go check CERVIS!

Master Gardener Advisory Meeting July 25th: You’re Invited!

10:00am – 12:00pm at the Food Innovation Center (1207 NW Naito Parkway, Suite   154, Portland).  A light lunch provided following the meeting!  Parking is free.  RSVP required.

Please join the conversation at a metro-wide Master Gardener advisory meeting to provide feedback and suggestions for the OSU Master Gardener program staff.  We value and appreciate your input as we look to the future.

RSVP to marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu no later than Monday, July 16th   to confirm your participation.   Space is limited.

Goal: Gain insight and inspiration from MGs about the Master Gardener program and our public outreach service.


Save the Date!  Saturday, November 10th FALL RECERTIFICATION!

Andony Melathopoulos, Photo: Oregon State University

Our annual Master Gardener Fall Recertification Training is scheduled for Saturday, November 10th, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at Portland Community College – Rock Creek Campus.  This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending.

A great line-up of speakers is forming.  We are thrilled to announce that OSU’s Andony Melathopoulos and Heather Stoven will be part of our line-up of guest presenters.  Andony is leading “OSU Extension’s efforts to design, develop, implement and evaluate a state-wide pollinator health program” and Heather is OSU Extension’s Community and Small Farms Horticulturist for Yamhill County. Look for more updates in our July/August newsletter.

Our Fall Recertification also gives us the opportunity to congratulate the new class of Master Gardener interns as they step-up to Veteran status after completing their volunteer requirements.  We will present 2018 Interns with their OSU Extension Service Master Gardener badges and a big-shout out for successfully completing the program.  2018 Interns are welcome to attend the full day of training – which will count toward your continuing education/recertification hours for 2019.


Advanced Training Webinars Continue
This summer brings 3 more informative online Advanced Training Webinars from Brooke Edmunds, Oregon State Extension and the OSU Master Gardener Program.

These webinars each count for 1 hour continuing garden education/recertification credit.  A wonderful way to expand your gardening knowledge in the comfort of your own home or sitting in a lovely garden watching on the electronic device of your choice.

Can’t make the webinar date?  No worries!  A recording of each webinar is posted a few days after the live webinar.  See the link below.

Upcoming Live Webinars

6/28 at 11am PST Practical Food Safety in the Garden presented by Sara Runkel





7/26 at 11am PST Meet the New Neighbors: Emerging Pest Issues in Oregon presented by Robin Rosetta

8/30 at 11am PST The Latest Research on Bees in the Garden: Results from the OSU Garden Ecology Lab presented by Dr. Gail Langellotto

For more information or to watch recordings of past webinars:


Milwaukie Farmer’s Market

The merry month of May brings a wide variety of volunteer service and continuing education opportunities for Metro-area Master Gardeners.  Both Farmers Markets and Master Gardener hotlines are starting to buzz with lots of activity and questions from the gardening public. There are still openings for a few of the Hands-on Workshops, and many more volunteer opportunities abound with our “partner” community demonstration gardens.

Dig-in as a garden educator volunteer, it’s the season!








Farmer’s Markets are sprouting up around the tri-county area.  Master Gardeners are hosting clinic tables at the following markets this month.

Beaverton  –  Gresham –  Hillsdale –  King – Lake Oswego

Milwaukie  –  Oregon City –  Sherwood – Tigard

Sign up for a shift on CERVIS or contact the clinic coordinator, Jordis, or Marcia for assistance signing up.

Multnomah Phone Clinic

Master Gardener Hotlines It’s amazing what you can learn educating others and that opportunity is there for all who volunteer at the Master Gardener phone clinics!  Research and collaborate with fellow MGs while educating the gardening public.   Sign-up on CERVIS or contact a phone coordinator.

Clackamas County, Janet Hohman, 503-655-8631 janet.hohman@oregonstate.edu
Multnomah County, Susan Marcus, 503-703-4937 susanmultphones@gmail.com
Washington County, David Butt, 503-645-5769 dandubutt@gmail.com



Keep an eye out!  Special Volunteer Events.  Special volunteer events arise throughout the season so be sure to watch for email announcements from MG program staff or postings on CERVIS to snag a slot at one of the many special volunteer opportunities.

Get Volunteering! CERVIS will get you there!

All of the OSU Sponsored volunteer activities are available for sign-up on CERVIS, our online volunteer registration system. Look for the “CERVIS volunteer event registration” link on the right side of our main website: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/mg/metro/ .

When logging into CERVIS for the first time, enter your email and click on “Don’t Know password/ Reset password” to get a temporary password.

Please only sign up for events that you know you can attend. If you need to cancel an event, please contact the clinic coordinator for a list of other volunteers interested in a particular activity. It is your responsibility to find a backup!

Remember “Partner” activities and some “Program” activities added at the last minute are not listed on CERVIS. So be sure to keep an eye out for special email and newsletter announcements.

Students at End of the Oregon Trail Garden
Photo courtesy of Sharon Andrews

Lending a Hand and Learning at a Demonstration Garden!

Hands-on learning in any of our ‘Partner’ demonstration gardens is rewarding.  Each garden offers unique active, relevant, learning opportunities.  Contact a coordinator and dig in!

Clackamas County has the following hands-on volunteer opportunities:

  • End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center – Check in to see how you can join the fun!
    Sharon Andrews 503-577-7493 sharonandrews402@gmail.com


  • Hopkins Demonstration Forest – Tend native plantscapes – in a beautiful forest setting!
    Frank Wille
    503-342-6699, franklyna@comcast.net


  • Grow-An-Extra-Row and Learning Garden’ Project at Clackamas Community College –
    Help to grow food for those experiencing food insecurity.
    Nancy Muir ccmgextrarow@gmail.com 503-789-6970

Guy Weigold at Community Demonstration Garden

Multnomah County Master Gardeners Community Demonstration Garden in Southeast Portland. Join them as they expand into a new Annex garden!
Contact: Heidi Nichols at heidinichols@comcast.net  or
Nancy Fine soul_77777@yahoo.com or mcmgdemogarden@gmail.com










MGs at Jenkins Estate Open House
MGs at Jenkins Estate Learning Garden Open House. Photo: Sue Ryburn

Washington County Master Gardeners have two wonderful demonstration garden locations and they are breaking ground at their new PCC Rock Creek Education Garden on June 6th!  See details for the special PCC Rock Creek Garden Ground Breaking Ceremony on our Partner Events page.





  • Washington County Fairplex Join in the fun tending this great garden!
    Bill Klug billklug@frontier.com 503-681-0143


  • Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate – Lend a hand in this beautiful landscape.
    Sandy Japely at sjapely@gmail.com 503-531-8482.


  • PCC Rock Creek – be part of the exciting beginnings of a fabulous community garden partnership!
    Sue Ryburn at sueryburn@comcast.net

Hands-on Workshops a few slots remain for our 2018 training workshops.  Use the links you were sent earlier in the year to sign-up for the workshops.  The following workshops still have openings as of the composition of this newsletter.

  • June 2 – Summer Fruit Tree Care
  • July 27 – Advanced Vegetable Gardening

A big shout out of thanks to our workshop instructors for their time and inspiration!

Jen Aron
Margaret Bayne
Jane Collier
Monica Maggio

Multnomah Co. MG Propagation Team:

Judy Battles
Gloria Bennett
Sally Campbell
June Davidek
Marilyn Frankel
Linda Goldser
Pete Jacobsen
Heidi Nichols

Washington Co. MG Propagation Team:

Helen Dorbolo
Marian Ewell
Jackie Lindquist
Sally McCulloch
Jim Kronenberg
Ardis Schroeder
Marilynn Turner

Advanced Training Webinars Updates

Photo credit: Aaron Anderson, Oregon State University

There are some great additions to the online Advanced Training Webinar series brought to you by Brooke Edmunds, Oregon State Extension and the OSU Master Gardener Program.  These webinars each count for 1 hour continuing garden education/recertification credit.  A wonderful way to expand your gardening knowledge in the comfort of your own home or sitting in a lovely garden watching on the electronic device of your choice.

Upcoming Live Webinars

5/31 at 11am PST Dealing with Darling Dastardly Deer presented by Dr. Dana Sanchez

6/28 at 11am PST Practical Food Safety in the Garden presented by Sara Runkel

7/26 at 11am PST Meet the New Neighbors: Emerging Pest Issues in Oregon presented by Robin Rosetta

8/30 at 11am PST The Latest Research on Bees in the Garden: Results from the OSU Garden Ecology Lab presented by Dr. Gail Langellotto

For more information and to view recordings of past webinars go to:


How do I log my volunteer hours?
To maintain an ‘active’ Master Gardener status or to complete your Master Gardener training you need to log your volunteer and education hours on a 2018 Volunteer log sheet and submit them to the MG program office by September 30, 2018.

You can download the log sheets at the Metro MG Program Volunteer Portal.  Just click the ‘Volunteer hour reporting and forms’ link.  There you can choose between a Word Doc or Excel sheet.

Does CERVIS track my hours?  Yes, CERVIS does track your volunteer hours, BUT you need to transfer those hours onto your Volunteer Log sheet and submit them along with your other volunteer hours.  To access your history log into CERVIS and go to “Report Management”, then click “View or Print Volunteer Activity History” and transfer those hours to your log sheet.

What hours do I log?

  • Interns – log your volunteer hours and the Hands-on workshops that you attended
  • Veterans – log your volunteer hours and the continuing garden education/recertification hours you attended

Then simply submit all volunteer and education hours to the MG program office by September 30, 2018.

Plant Sale Nirvana!
The Clackamas Co. and Multnomah Co. Master Gardeners provide plant sale ‘Nirvana’ for all garden enthusiasts the first weekend in May.

  • May 5th and 6th the iconic Spring Garden Fair will satisfy anyone’s plant lust! Perennials, annuals, natives, ornamentals, veggie, fruit, herbs, and more!  Clackamas County Event Center, Clackamas








  • May 5th the Incredible Edibles Plant Sale a community celebration for home-grown goodness – organic veggie, fruit and herb starts will get you growing!  1624 NE Hancock Street, Portland







With a little judicious planning you can shop for plants all weekend!







Photo: Linda Brewer, © Oregon State University

Mulch – What, Why and Wherefore?

Have you ever been confused about using mulch in your garden or advising clients?  Master Gardener Chip Greening made a great presentation to the MG Study Group last month where he laid out the nitty-gritty research on mulch.  Chip is kindly sharing his presentation handout outlining what mulch is, how using mulch effects the garden and how to choose the appropriate type of mulch.  Check out his ‘Mulch – What, Why and Wherefore’










Did You Hear the Exciting News?

The Clackamas County commissioners voted unanimously to approve plans for a new OSU Extension Education Center!  Woo-hoo! This new home for the Master Gardener program will support our outreach and service to the citizens of Clackamas County and beyond!  Read all about the exciting news!

New OSU Extension Education Center in Clackamas County

Spring has sprung and our metro-area Master Gardener season is on its way as we welcome a new class of Master Gardeners.

After completing their in-class training, required modules, and final exam, 140 Intern Master Gardeners are joining the ranks and will be volunteering alongside Veteran MGs to venture into the community as garden educators!

2018 Trainees Jerry, Carrie and Ellen - give the thumbs up with Veteran Jack (second from left) at the final in-class training.
2018 Trainees Jerry, Carrie and Ellen – give the thumbs up with Veteran Jack (second from left) at the final in-class training. Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen

Congrats and Welcome, Class of 2018!

We congratulate and welcome our 2018 class of Master Gardener Interns.  We look forward to seeing you at Metro Master Gardener workshops, OSU Master Gardener clinics, and Chapter events.  You have learned so much in the past couple months – but that is just the start!

Your volunteer service offers even greater opportunities to learn in active, hands-on format.  Dig-in!  Branch-out!  Try something new and discover the wealth of knowledge you will acquire as an OSU Master Gardener educator!


Intern MG Volunteer opportunities

We encourage you to try an array of volunteer activities with the goal of maximizing your learning. Please volunteer at least 28 hours in OSU MG Program Activities and 28 hours in Partner Activities. You can sign up for OSU MG Program Activities in CERVIS and watch for special email and newsletter notifications. Please submit your volunteer hour log sheet by September 30, 2018.

In addition, our local Master Gardener volunteer groups (known as chapters) in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties provide monthly educational seminars on a wide range of topics. Check out a lecture of interest, meet other like-minded gardeners, enjoy!

Please note: these events are FREE of charge and open to the public. Bring your friends and family!

See our educational events calendar for details or visit the individual Chapter websites.

A message to Veteran MGs:
It’s time to brush-off your Sustainable Gardening Handbooks and sign-up for a MG Clinic or MG event!  Take the time in the next few months to welcome Intern MGs and offer your experience and knowledge.  You can find a wide-range of volunteer shifts to sign-up for on CERVIS. If you want to refresh your knowledge, remember that the online modules are available for you to take through September 30, 2018.

The “Volunteer Portal”

The portal leads metro-area Master Gardeners to valuable information. Once there you can read the monthly Metro MG newsletter; review how to maintain your active MG status, sign-up for volunteer shifts on CERVIS, check out the events calendar and more!  You can also find the links to volunteer log sheets and other formsBe sure to check it out!

Workshop series
Our training Workshops Series is a wonderful opportunity for enriched, applied learning with our fantastic slate of instructors.  It meets a training requirement for Interns and helps to fulfill the continuing education requirement for Veteran MGs.  We want to be sure that this opportunity is available to all interested Master Gardeners.  So we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines…

  • Master Gardener Volunteer Educator Interns (Options 1 and 3), you can enroll in up to two workshops, which are included in your tuition.  You must participate in one workshop to successfully complete your training.
  • Certificate of Home Horticulture students (Option 2), you can enroll in up to three workshops, which are included in your tuition.
  • Veteran MGs can enroll for one workshop.

IMPORTANT: If you have registered for more than your allotted number of workshops (see paragraph above) please unregister for any workshops above the allowed maximum.  This will allow those who were unable to register for any workshops to have the opportunity to sign-up..

If you are signed up for a workshop be sure to fulfill your commitment to attend.  If you are unable to attend please unregister yourself as soon as you know you can’t attend – thereby giving another MG the opportunity.

For those who have not be able to sign-up for a workshop…new workshops will be added to the schedule in the next few weeks.

Look for an email announcement once the workshops are open for enrollment.

Chip Bubl teaching his ever popular GMO Noon-time chat. Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen

Thanks to our Inspiring Instructors!
With a fruitful and informative MG training behind us – we want to express our utmost thanks to our instructors and class coordinators.  The MG training would not have happened without your generosity!  Thanks for sharing your time, knowledge and inspiration!

  • Jen Aron
  • Margaret Bayne
  • Chip Bubl
  • Jane Collier
  • Jen Gorski
  • Claudia Groth
  • Monica Maggio
  • Jean Natter

Oregon City training Class Coordinators led by Cindy Manselle

Class coordinators, Thank you!
Our immense thanks to the 3 Master Gardener training class coordinators and their stellar crew of assistants.  Our MG training classes happen thanks to the dedication, warm hospitality, organization, and trouble-shooting chops of Trina Studebaker (Beaverton), Cindy Manselle (Oregon City), and Beven Peters (Portland) and their steadfast team of Veteran volunteers.  We are grateful to them all!

We also would like to give an extra shout-out to Trina Studebaker for her years of service coordinating at the Beaverton training class.  Trina has been organizing, guiding and brightening MG training in Beaverton for the past 7 years and is now stepping aside to pursue other Master Gardener adventures.

Trina, thank you for your many years of dedication and service.

We look forward to seeing you at other MG activities!

A Big Shout Out to the Chapters!
We would like to extend a big shout out of thanks to the Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington County Chapters for their financial support of the Metro MG training classes.  The facility, hospitality and parking fees would prohibit training happening in such great venues.  Thank you for your constant, generous, dedicated support of the OSU Metro Master Gardener training program.  Your contributions make a such positive and vital difference to the Master Gardener program!

MGs at the Milwaukie Farmers’ Market

Master Gardeners Make an Impact!

The Clackamas Co. Extension Service’s annual community report is hot off the press.  Take a look inside to see the valuable impact Master Gardeners make to the county, plus learn about the amazing community service being provided via 4-H Youth Development, Family and Community Health, Forestry and Natural Resources, and Agriculture.


It’s Plant Sale Season!  Don’t Miss Out!

All 3 of our supporting Chapters are rolling out fantastic fundraising plant sales.  Mark your calendars and save the dates.  With a bit of judicious planning you can volunteer and shop-till-you-drop at all 3!  These are extremely fun events to attend and most especially fun to serve as a volunteer.  Don’t miss out!

Washington County MGs Plant Sale – April 28th

Clackamas County MGs Spring Garden Fair – May 5th and 6th
Volunteer opportunities, see…
For Spring Garden Fair details, see…

Multnomah MGs Incredible Edibles Sale – May 5
To volunteer email multmastergardeners@gmail.com
Event details http://www.multnomahmastergardeners.org/edibles

Great Gardening Tips for the Edible Gardening Season

Fertilize your currant, raspberry and blueberry shrubs!  Slug patrol!  Get your veggie garden started!

Sights of Spring!Cherry blossoms

Crocus are blooming, daffodils are bursting out, cherry blossoms are unfurling and Metro-area Master Gardeners are in gear expanding their garden knowledge and sharing that knowledge with the gardening public.

The sights of spring herald new activity and volunteer opportunities for Master Gardeners. It’s time to reach out and engage in the myriad of clinics, projects and special events.  Look for opportunities on CERVIS and in upcoming newsletters and emails.



Welcome 2018 Master Gardener Trainees!

We are thrilled you are joining our team of committed garden educators.  You are over halfway through your training and soon you will be out in the community actively practicing and sharing your newfound knowledge.

Possibilities will abound with a wide-range of volunteer opportunities.  You will hear about the many OSU approved offerings during week #6 of class.  We hope you will dig in, have fun, and share your passion for gardening with fellow MGs and the gardening public.  This is an opportunity to further your garden education and to gain confidence in teaching others how to sustainably and successfully garden.


Key points for 2017 MG Interns:

  • Complete the quizzes for the three required training modules by March 31, 2018.
  • Complete the online final exam by March 31, 2018. The exam will be available starting the evening of March 9th. Please, allocate three to five hours to complete this online learning experience.  You can stop and start the exam, you can complete the exam in multiple sessions (be sure to save your work).  A score of 70 percent or more is required on the test in order to start volunteering at Master Gardener clinic activities (answering the public’s garden questions). You will receive a grade on the exam upon submission via Canvas.
  • For best selection, be sure to sign-up for your required Workshop before March 9. On that date, the Workshop schedule will open to all Master Gardeners and it will quickly fill.
  • Hear about the many volunteer opportunities during Week #6. This will be your opportunity to meet the volunteer coordinators, sign up for volunteer activities/events, and learn how to use our online volunteer system.

Special message to Veteran Master Gardeners
Vets, please join-in welcoming and guiding our new class of eager Master Gardener trainees by signing up for shifts at the Master Gardener phone clinics, area farmers markets, and other remote clinics.  We hope to have one Veteran per shift scheduled before March 9th – so when trainees sign-up for shifts at the MG training Resource Fair they will have a perennial MG to ease them into their new role as a garden educator.

To sign up for phone, farmer’s markets, and remote clinic shifts go to CERVIS or contact the coordinator.  Note CERVIS will be closed March 10th through March 19th to prepare for the Intern Resource Fair.  Be sure to read the article below about important changes in CERVIS.

Changes to CERVIS Volunteer Registration Service
This year when you sign-up for volunteer events in CERVIS, our online volunteer registration system, you may notice a few changes.

First off, visually it is a bit different in layout, color, and fonts.  This system wide change should make navigating the site easier.

We have added shift slots that are specific to 3 different categories of volunteers.

  • Veteran Only
  • Interns Only
  • Veteran or Intern

When registering on CERVIS please sign-up for the appropriate slot.

This change will assist coordinators in adequately filling shifts for their events. This change also will make it clearer and easier for Interns to serve on shifts with Veteran MGs.

All ‘current’ certified 2018 Veteran Master Gardeners have access to CERVIS.  If you are unable to access CERVIS, please contact Jordis Yost or Marcia McIntyre2018 Trainees, you will have access to CERVIS on March 19th.

2018 MG Training Kicks Off!

Our annual Master Gardener training kicked-off last month with over 140 eager trainees, our knowledgeable instructors, and a committed team of Veteran MG volunteer coordinators.





























Photos courtesy of Beven Peters and Eddie Rosen

Itching to get going in the garden? Check out some great garden tasks to satisfy!

Our Garden Checklist videos are brought to you in partnership with The Oregonian.







“Every gardener knows that under the cloak of winter lies a miracle … a seed waiting to sprout, a bulb opening to the light, a bud straining to unfurl.  And the anticipation nurtures our dream.”
– Barbara Winkler





Spring is on the verge of emerging and so is a brand, new Master Gardener season.  February is a great month to polish your MG badge and renew your engagement in volunteer activities and continuing education opportunities.

It is also an opportunity for you to help usher in the new class of trainees.  Come sit in on one of the MG training sessions (here’s the schedule).  Introduce yourself to a trainee.  Sign-up for phone clinics and farmers’ markets (via CERVIS,) so new trainees can have the experience of working with someone who can show them the ropes.  Share your passion for gardening and the Master Gardener program with the new trainees.  Note: phone clinic schedules and farmers markets will open at staggered times in the next few weeks.  Please check back on CERVIS if the event you are looking for is not posted.

Display Your 2018 Sticker!

OSU Extension Service Metro Master Gardener badgeAgain this year, we have distributed a new, 2018 MG badge sticker to indicate those Master Gardeners who are up-to-date with their volunteer, continuing education (recertification) hours and have submitted their signed 2018 Conditions of Volunteer Service agreement. You served diligently!  Now display your sticker proudly!



To maintain your certification, the following are the minimum criteria for Veteran MGs in 2018

Start logging your hours on either a 2018 PDF or Excel Volunteer Log Sheet.  Once that log sheet is brimming with your annual requirements, please submit your log to the Metro MG Program office, no later than September 30, 2018.

Expand Your Gardening Know-How – Earn your 2018 Garden-Ed Hours

There are many, varied options for Continuing Garden Education/Recertification in 2018.

  • 2018 Master Gardener Training – Attend any of the MG training classes offered in February and March at the 3 Metro-area training locations.  Morning sessions and afternoon sessions each count for 3 hours of continuing education.  Attending the training classes is a great way to brush up on the basics.  Here is the 2018 training schedule along with location addresses.
  • Online MG Training Modules – Take and successfully ‘Pass’ any of the online MG training modules. All MG training modules are offered free to current Veteran MGs.  Look for an upcoming email in late February for registration details.  Each module ‘passed’ counts for 2 hours credit.
  • Hands-on education workshops –  Dig in to one of the hands-on workshops being offered as part of the MG training curriculum.  A wide range of workshops will be offered…plant propagation, improving garden soil, fruit tree pruning, vegetable gardening, insect ID, and more! Current, Veteran MGs are allowed to take one of these workshops.  If space allows, a Veteran can get special permission to take an additional workshop.  Veteran MGs will be notified of workshop offerings and registration details via email in March.  Each workshop counts as 5 hours continuing education/recertification hours
  • Watch the OSU Extension Service Advanced training webinars
    A wonderful new addition for MG continuing education.  The webinars keep MGs up on the latest horticultural science developments.  For the upcoming 2018 webinars you must register in advance to watch them ‘live’.  Click on the following links to register for upcoming webinars or to access recordings of past webinars.  Each viewed webinar counts as 1 hour credit

  • Metro-area Chapter Presentations.  The Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Co. Chapters all offer several speakers and classes throughout the year that count as credit.  Find designated speakers and classes announced in the three Chapters’ monthly newsletters – easy to locate in the category tabs above, or on the Metro MG Garden Education Events Calendar. Always look for a designation like “approved for MG garden education credit” or “qualifies for continuing education/recertification hours”.
  • Growing Gardeners Conference Attend classes designated for continuing garden education at the Oregon Master Gardeners Association’s Gardeners Growing Conference (formally known as “Mini-College”).  The 2018 conference is scheduled July 12 through the 14th, at Linfield College in McMinnville. This 3-day conference will offer a wide-ranging slate of garden-focused classes. Any classes designated as continuing garden education/recertification can be counted for 2018 credit.  Details have yet to be posted – so be sure to check-out the OMGA website in the spring.
  • Upcoming education opportunities. Keep your eye out for additional designated continuing education credit opportunities as they surface throughout the year.  Be sure to read this monthly MG program newsletter and occasional email announcements.

February Marks the Beginning of 2018 Training

Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen

We have a strong line-up of instructors and subjects for our 2018 MG Training classes.  The schedule offers some exciting new changes.  In support of the goals of the state Master Gardener program, instructors of our in-person classes are adding more interactive and hands-on activities to their presentations.

Join us to hear perennial favorite instructors and plus a few new instructors and subjects.  Also, take the time to welcome and introduce yourselves to members of the new class of trainees.

All of the 2018 Training classes will qualify for 2018 MG continuing garden education/recertification credit.

For the detailed 2018 Training schedule, please see the link below.

2018 Metro Master Gardener Training Schedule

Changes to CERVIS Volunteer Registration Service

This year when you sign-up for volunteer events in CERVIS, our online volunteer registration system, you may notice a few changes.

First off, visually it is a bit different in layout, color, and fonts.  This system wide change should make navigating the site easier.

We have added shift slots that are specific to 3 different categories of volunteers.

  • Veteran Only
  • Interns Only
  • Veteran or Intern

When registering on CERVIS please sign-up for the appropriate slot.

This change will assist coordinators in adequately filling shifts for their events. This change also will make it clearer and easier for Interns to serve on shifts with Veteran MGs.

All ‘current’ certified 2018 Master Gardeners have access to CERVIS.  If you are unable to access CERVIS, please contact: Jordis Yost – jordis.yost@oregonstate.edu  or Marcia McIntyre – marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu .

The Good News Gets Even Better!

Last month we posted our Metro Master Gardener Annual Report.  The numbers were stunning and a mere reflection of all the good work being done by YOU!  Well the good news is even better than we reported.  Regarding the number of public contacts Master Gardeners made in 2017, presenting to the community via our Speakers Guild and 10-Minute University we reported 2,820 contacts.  Our numbers actually chime-in at 3,927!  That is remarkable!  Kudos to all who diligently plan, coordinate, prepare, and present engaging, informative, OSU research-based, horticulture research to the gardening public!

Seeking Master Gardener Speakers

Would you like to join in making gardening presentations to community groups through our Speakers Guild?  The Metro MG program receives dozens of requests every year for garden presentations.  We have a small, but mighty, group of MGs who answer the call and present throughout the 3 counties – but requests greatly exceed what these dedicated MGs can handle.  Therefore, we are looking for even more MGs to share their research-based gardening know-how.  We will supply support materials, and those interested can shadow experienced presenters.  Reach out and have fun making a few presentations a year!

Master Gardener, Evie Hausman

Presentations are needed on a variety of subjects:

  • Beginning gardening
  • Vegetable gardening
  • Fruit trees
  • Pruning
  • Composting
  • Container Gardening
  • IPM for the Home Gardener
  • Small Fruits
  • Perennials
  • Planting
  • Soil
  • Beneficial insects
  • Pollinator gardens
  • Tomatoes
  • Small space gardening
  • Native plants
  • Seed starting
  • Propagation
  • What’s your garden passion that you are willing to share?

Would you like to be part of this vital community outreach?  If so, contact Marcia McIntyre, marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu

2018 Here we go!Purple crocus emerging from snow

We are looking forward to a stellar New Year, thanks to your commitment and generosity as garden educators.  So get your day-planners ready for some great training and outreach opportunities.  Here are a few to start your New Year…

2018 Training
Our 2018 Training kicks off in February.  As previously mentioned, we have a strong line-up of instructors and subjects for our 2018 MG Training classes.  The schedule offers some exciting new changes.  In support of the goals of the state Master Gardener program, instructors of our in-person classes are adding more interactive and hands-on activities to their presentations.

Join us to hear perennial favorite instructors as well as some new instructors and subjects.  Also, take the time to welcome and introduce yourselves to members of the new class of trainees.

All of the 2018 Training classes will qualify for 2018 MG continuing garden education/recertification credit.

For the detailed 2018 Training schedule, please see the link below.

2018 Metro Master Gardener Training Schedule

Class Coordinators Meeting for MG Training
MG training could not take place without the fantastic team of MGs who assist with coordinating the classes.

We are grateful to have our three amazing Class Coordinators, Cindy Manselle (Oregon City), Beven Peters (Portland), and Trina Studebaker (Beaverton) returning to lead the charge offering a well-organized and welcoming training environment.

Those of you who are interested in assisting Cindy, Beven or Trina at one of the three training locations, please join us for a Class Coordinators meeting on Tuesday, January 23rd, from 10am to 2pm at the Clackamas Extension office (200 Warner-Milne Road, Oregon City).  We will meet to discuss the upcoming training and will assemble Sustainable Gardening Handbooks for the new trainees.

If you wish to attend the meeting or have questions, please email Jordis Yost, Jordis.yost@oregonstate.edu

If you are interested in assisting with class coordination but can’t attend the January 23rd meeting, please let Jordis know your interest.

Being an ‘Active and Certified’ OSU Master Gardener

We have updated Master Gardener’s status in CERVIS for the 2018 season based on the completion of the following: OSU Extension Service Metro Master Gardener badge

  • Volunteer hours (20 hrs. for vets) and
  • Recertification credit (10 hrs. for everyone).
  • Conditions of Volunteer Service form for 2018 on file. (signed Conditions of Volunteer Service forms need to be submitted EACH year. Download
    the 2018 form here)

When these 3 requirements are met, we list you as “Current” in the CERVIS system and you will be able to sign-up for volunteer shifts.
Note: some MGs reported less than 20 hours of volunteer time and/or less than 10 hours of recertification credit. We realize that these requirements have not been rigidly adhered to in the past. However, current statewide guidelines require us to hold back on recertifying MGs until these minimums are met.

If you find that you are no longer able to use CERVIS, contact Jordis.yost@oregonstate.edu or marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu

Also contact Jordis or Marcia if you need guidance in how to reach your minimum requirements to renew your “active and current” status as an MG.

Winter in the Phone Clinic
Winter is a great time to volunteer at the metro-area phone clinics.  We get a surprising number of questions from gardeners itching to get out in their gardens. The pace of questions is slower in the winter so it is a good time to come in, be acquainted with the resource library, and maybe even do some detective work regarding your own garden quandaries. Shifts are available on CERVIS or you can email the following coordinators to help you sign-up.

We are opening shifts to the new 2018 trainees starting in late March so this is an ideal time for Veterans and Guides to get their names on the schedules. Having veteran MGs working alongside trainees, offering guidance and assurance is critical for the trainee’s success.

Garden Bridges: Growing Cross Cultural Connection In the Garden

Black and white drawing of a bridge arching over water.
Image courtesy of People, Places and Things

Would you like to garden with immigrants and refugees? Oregon State University is partnering with People-Places-Things LLC.  to build relationships between English language learners and Master Gardeners.  Master Gardeners will develop their intercultural communication skills, helping immigrants and refugees learn English and gardening skills.

The general commitment is two hours a week in a classroom setting developing relationships with language learners. Then when the weather gets a little better, we’ll welcome Newcomer gardeners and show them around, practicing English and tending your plots together. All experiences will be very practical and hands-on. You’ll make some new friends, learn about the amazing people in your neighborhood, and share your expertise.

Interested in becoming a cross cultural educator as part of this pilot partnership with People-Places-Things?

We will have an info session on Thursday, January 11 from 6:30pm to 7:30 pm at Kelly School Center 9015 SE Rural St in Portland.

Please RSVP to weston.miller@oregonstate.edu if you intend to come or have interest in this opportunity but cannot make this event.