And don’t think the garden loses its ecstasy in winter. It’s quiet, but the roots are down there riotous.
A New Year and a Year in Review
As this year starts off, we take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate the remarkable contributions of each OSU metro area Master Gardener volunteer. In 2024, you served nearly 30,000 volunteer hours, answered over 28,000 gardening questions, and reached 59,198 Oregonians in Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington counties!
Master Gardeners could be found throughout the community talking all things plants and sustainable gardening while tabling at farmers markets, community events, teaching classes and making presentations to a variety of community groups. Your dedication and passion shone brightly as you supported the community with solid gardening guidance and inspiration!
Kudos to each of you for your generous service!
Shout out of thanks!
Utmost thanks to the Perennial Master Gardeners who in 2024 developed and delivered twenty hands-on workshops, covering a wide array of gardening topics, across the metro area! These valuable learning opportunities allowed the Interns to reinforce and support their learning.
Welcome Kim!
We are excited to welcome Kim Butchereit, as the newest member of our OSU metro area Master Gardener team. Kim is serving as an Education Program Assistant based in Multnomah County. Kim comes to the Master Gardener Program with a professional background in the financial industry and a rich history of serving her community as a volunteer.
Kim is passionate about gardening, especially roses. Along with being an avid gardener, Kim enjoys being in nature, on both the beautiful Oregon coast and in the evergreen covered mountains, hiking in forests, traveling, and cooking.
Kim brings great enthusiasm and commitment to our metro area Master Gardener Program. Please join us in warmly welcoming Kim!
Associations Welcome Master Gardener Leadership
Last summer, metro area Master Gardener Associations welcomed statewide and local leadership to tour their gardens, meet members, and learn about their community outreach projects. Leslie Madsen, the new statewide OSU Master Gardener Program leader, and Srijana Shrestha, our metro area leader, along with the metro area program team, enjoyed meeting numerous Master Gardeners and learning about the various outreach projects associations are delivering to the community.
Congrats 2024 Master Gardeners!
We extend our hearty congratulations and warm welcome to our 2024 Master Gardeners! Over 9 months, our 2024 Interns dug into horticulture curriculum, successfully completed quizzes and a final exam, attended hands-on workshops to solidify their learning and enthusiastically joined in community service throughout the metro area. We are delighted to have the 2024 Master Gardener cohort joining our garden educator community!
You can see two familiar faces in the 2024 Master Gardener cohort. Metro area Master Gardener team members Amy Espinoza and Kim Butchereit, both successfully fulfilled the training requirements to join the ranks as Perennial Master Gardeners!
Congrats to one and all!
Metro-area Master Gardeners Recognized for Their Service
“Ask Extension” Volunteer of the Year
In December, at OSU Extension Service’s annual employee conference, metro area Master Gardener, Kris LaMar was honored with the“Ask Extension” (online Extension Q&A forum) Volunteer of the Year award in recognition of her service answering “Ask Extension” gardening questions.
Kris’s passion for research and education truly benefits the hundreds of gardeners whose questions are answered annually by Kris via “Ask Extension”. Yes, you read it right, “hundreds”! Kris answered a remarkable 655 questions in 2024 which brings her lifetime total to 20,435 questions answered!
Congratulations Kris and thank you for your dedication and generous service educating Oregon gardeners!
Oregon Master Gardener Association Awards
Each year, the three-metro area Master Gardener Associations nominate and designate members for special recognition through the Oregon Master Gardener Association (OMGA). Enthusiastic congratulations to each 2024 awardee for their invaluable service and contributions.
Larina Hoffbeck – Statewide Master Gardener of the Year
Larina Hoffbeck’s dedication to a Master Gardener program that is more accessible and inclusive for both volunteers and the public is just one aspect of her remarkable service that has brought her recognition as a co-recipient of the 2024 OSU Master Gardener of the Year award. She strives to reach groups that don’t typically interact with Master Gardeners, as seen in her work with the bilingual program, “Grow1Give1” event, outreach with HomePlate Youth Services, and as a founding member and chair of the Washington County Master Gardener Association’s “Growing and Belonging” committee. Larina has helped craft accessibility and inclusivity assessments for the WCMGA, and has extended her service as a participant in the statewide “Growing and Belonging” committee. In addition, Larina created youth education kits, such as “Invertebrates/Vertebrates” and “Calling All Pollinators!” which are used by Master Gardeners throughout the metro area.
County Association Awards
The following are the 2024 Award winners from each of the three metro area Master Gardener Associations.
Clackamas County Master Gardener Association
Master Gardener of the Year: Laura Oldenkamp
Laura Oldenkamp’s multifaceted volunteer efforts are spread over many CCMGA projects and activities. Laura has supported the CCMGA as an Executive Board member, served as a dedicated volunteer at the Oregon Trail Pioneer Garden and the Hopkins Demonstration Garden, along with supporting the association’s Spring Garden Fair. Laura also generously offers educational support and expertise on how to successfully grow dahlias to Master Gardeners and the public.
Behind the Scenes: Leah Puhlman
With a passion for native plants, pollinators, Leah has focused the core of her volunteer service on educating gardeners. Leah has volunteered on the Master Gardener Helpline, at the Oregon Zoo Education Center, and has taught metro area MG training workshops. In addition she has made gardening presentations through the MG Speakers Guild. She has been instrumental helping to extend the educational outreach of the CCMGA’s 10-Minute University by developing and teaching four 10-Minute University webinars and managing the 10-Minute University’s social media presence.
Multnomah County Master Gardener Association
Master Gardener of the Year: Rich Becker
For the second time, Rich is being recognized for his generous service as the MCMGA Master Gardener of the Year. Rich has led the MCMGA’s successful fundraiser, the Incredible Edibles Plant Sale for several years. He enjoys sharing his knowledge at Farmers Markets and with visitors and fellow MGs at the MCMGA Demonstration Garden. Rich has played an integral part of the leadership at the Demo Garden, including serving as project manager building the garden’s beautiful pergola. His incredible generosity has extended to seeding an endowment with the OSU Foundation to provide funding for the MCMGA Chapter.
Master Gardener of the Year: Lorna Schilling
Lorna has been serving as a Master Gardener since 2000. For many years she served as editor of the Grapevine newsletter that kept the fellow Master Gardeners and the public up to date on Master Gardener activities, education and outreach opportunities. During the challenges of the pandemic Lorna answered the call to lead the MCMGA for two years as chapter President, focusing on keeping members and the public connected to gardening education.
Behind the Scenes: Carole Hardy, Heidi Nichols, and Beven Peters
Carole Hardy’s passion for educating others on sustainable and restorative gardening drives her service to the community, volunteering at community events and at the MCMGA Demonstration Garden. For three years Carole has led the design, planting and maintenance of multiple beds in the Demo Garden sharing her knowledge of forest ecology and native plants. She is the program coordinator and one of the key content creators for the 2023-24 “Learn at the DG” webinars and in-the-garden learning sessions. Since June of 2022 Carole has been the MCMGA eNews writer and Editor. In addition, she has served as the OMGA Alternative Representative for the Chapter.
An OSU Master Gardener for over 23 years, Heidi Nichols has worn many hats supporting the OSU MG Program and the MCMGA, including phone clinic coordinator, MCMGA President, Membership Chair, Cashier Lead for the chapter’s fundraising plant sale and since 2008 Co-chair of the Demonstration Garden. Heidi spends hundreds of hours “behind the scenes” and on the ground for the Demo Garden managing task lists, garden schedules (including harvests) and record keeping, along with attending to the varied needs that sprout up in the garden weekly.
Beven Peters has been recognized twice as the MCMGA Master Gardener of the Year, highlighting her leadership with the Chapter’s fund-raising efforts, including the Incredible Edibles Plant Sale and as merchandise chair. She was also recognized for her dedication serving, for several years, as a coordinator for Master Gardener training. Most recently, she has focused her efforts “behind the scenes” where she fine-tuned and executed the plant sale order, site layout, and a signage system, all vital elements of many successful and prosperous events!
Washington County Master Gardener Association
Behind the Scenes: Terry Wagner
Terry Wagner has focused on honoring and celebrating the service of WCMGA members, including overseeing awards and recognition. In response to the pandemic, with the goal for WCMGA members to meet and engage with each other, Terry organized two social events, which are now yearly celebratory WCMGA gatherings. Terry has volunteered for a variety of public outreach events. She has developed and delivered worm bin composting classes and supported classes which were part of the “In the Garden Series”. In addition, she contributed to the redesign of the WCMGA website and helped establish a Little Free Library at the Jenkins Learning Garden.
The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.
Gertrude S. Wister
Welcome Srijana! Our metro area OSU Master Gardener™ Program leader
Srijana Shrestha
We are so very pleased to share the news that Srijana Shrestha, Assistant Professor of Practice, has started her position leading our OSU Extension Service metro area Master Gardener Program. Srijana’s position serves the whole metro region, which includes Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties.
Learn more about Srijana, her horticulture passions and her excitement about leading the Master Gardener Program.
Welcome to, and from, our new Statewide Master Gardener Manager, Dr. Leslie Madsen
Dr. Leslie Madsen
After a national search, Dr. Leslie Madsen (she/her) has joined OSU Extension as the Statewide Master Gardener Manager, beginning December 29th, 2023. She most recently was the Associate Director for Educational Development in the Center for Teaching and Learning at Boise State University. The OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Program extends a hearty welcome to Dr. Madsen!
Learn more about Dr. Madsen and read her note to all Oregon Master Gardeners HERE.
Master Gardener, Mariella teaching at Head Start event. Photo: Amy Espinoza, OSU
As we begin a new year, we look back with gratitude on the tremendous impact and contributions that metro area OSU Master Gardeners had in the community in 2023. Master Gardeners reached over 59,000 community members and answered over 12,000 gardening questions!
You served at resource fairs, farmers markets, libraries, schools, gardens, and a wide variety of community outreach events. Learn all the details in our OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener “2023 Impact Report”, click the download button below. Kudos to all, for your dedicated service educating Oregonians about successful and sustainable gardening practices!
Be sure to check out the 2023 Summer and Fall Recap highlighting how Master Gardeners gathered, learned and served. In addition, we congratulate the 2023 Master Gardener award winners.
We extend our best wishes and sincere thanks to Lisa Kirby, Education Program Assistant, who is setting her sights on new endeavors and has moved on from OSU. Over the past year, Lisa has enthusiastically supported the OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Program and volunteers. Lisa has been integral in event planning, delivering curriculum, and supporting community educational outreach. We are grateful for her dedicated service.
Community Outreach Events Commence
Photo: Marcia McIntyre
As we see signs of spring emerging in the garden, our Master Gardener community outreach events also start to bloom this time of year. Be sure to check CERVIS, periodically, so you can sign up for some fun, engaging opportunities as they are continually posted.
2024 Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up Series
One in five people face hunger in Oregon. The cost of food keeps climbing and the pandemic showed us the fragility of our supply system. Growing our own food – for ourselves, for our families, for our neighbors – is an action gardeners can take to strengthen food security in their local communities. This year’s “Growing Oregon Gardeners: Level Up series” is aimed at helping gardeners take a bite out of hunger.
Nine, free, closed-captioned webinars will be broadcast via Zoom and streamed on our Facebook page. You can view them on the second Tuesday of the month, at noon, from February through October 2024. Experts in their field from OSU and beyond, will present on topics such as how to get the most yield from cool season veggies, growing produce to donate to food banks, and how to grow culinary mushrooms.
The series is open to all, and each webinar will be recorded. “Growing Oregon Gardeners” webinars count for one hour of designated Master Gardener continuing education.
Master Gardener Training. Photo courtesy of Sherry Sheng
We are eagerly looking forward to and busily preparing for our 2024 OSU Extension metro area Master Gardener Training. The training will launch this spring in all three counties. If you know anyone who loves learning about gardening and has a desire to share their knowledge with the community as a garden educator, please direct them to our home page. Those who sign up on our interest list will be notified when we start accepting applications.
Annual Master Gardener Requirements
It is not too early to start keeping track of your Volunteer Service and Continuing Education hours for 2025 recertification. Please follow the link below for a refresher on the annual requirements to maintain your Master Gardener certification.
By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Service Staff-retired, OSU MasterGardener
Elizabeth Licata: No Mow May? No thank you. While not about our region, it has a regional expert (Linda Chalker-Scott) giving advice on how you can keep a lawn and still help pollinators. (Elizabeth Licata:
Who Has Seen the Wind? Learn about different types of ‘wind’ and how they can affect your garden.(Pam Knox,
You can have your trees and save water, too! (Linda Chalker-Scott,
Hot Competition: Climate Change, Invasive Fly Displace a Native Blueberry Pest. “A group of researchers from Rutgers University have investigated how climate change might affect the competition between these two major blueberry pests.” (Timothy Schwanitz,
International Cooperation Boosts Prep for Invasive Insects Before They Arrive. (Carolyn Bernhardt,
Informative videos from NPIC answering common pesticide related questions. Some include:
Did you know disinfectants are pesticides?
What does it mean when food is organic?
Can slug and snail bait hurt my pets?
How can I remove pesticides from fruit and vegetables?
Should I use food grade diatomaceous earth (DE) to kill bugs?
Why do I have cockroaches in my home?
Are spot-on flea and tick products safe around my pets?
Is it safe to use rat baits around children and pets?
PUBLICATIONS: Some new/revised research-based gardening publications that you can download for free…
Grow Your Own Peppers. “Peppers come in a great variety of sizes, shapes, colors and tastes. They produce a large yield in a small amount of space. Learn the secrets to growing great peppers in Oregon.” (Brooke Edmunds, James Myers, Ed Peachey, OSU, revised May 2023)
Getting to Know Oregon Bats. “Learn about the 15 species of bats in Oregon, their habitat needs, the significant ecological roles they play in our environment, the threats they face and how we can support our furry flying friends.” (Rowan Fay & Dana Sanchez, OSU, March 2023)
Shrubs and Trees for Bees. “Habitat loss is a factor in the decline of native bees. Planting key plants in yards and gardens may be one way to improve habitat and help these species recover. Learn how to increase the number and diversity of flowering plants that support bees with a look at this list of native trees and shrubs.” (Scott Mitchell, Sandra J. DeBano & Andony Melathopoulos, WSU, March 2023)
Praying Mantids: Defenders of the Home Landscape? (Home Garden Series). “Initially introduced from Europe to control garden pests, the praying mantid certainly looks distinct. This pub explores their history, life cycle, and efficacy in the home garden.” (Michael R. Bush, Linda Chalker-Scott, WSU, May 2023)
Manage Water by Adjusting Lawn Sprinkler Run Time- Instructions for the Columbia Basin of Washington State. “Seasonal adjustments with an automatic controller will save money on water bills, maintain your lawn, and conserve water. Easy-to-follow steps are included here!” (Andy McGuire, WSU, March 2022)
A Home Gardener’s Guide to Soils and Fertilizers (Home Garden Series).“From novice to advanced, all home gardeners should get to know their soil: the nuts and bolts of soil, and how to make it better, included here.” (Craig Cogger, WSU, revised 2020)
Assessing Tree Health.“Healthy trees are beneficial to our environment and our property values – but how do we determine if a tree is healthy? This publication briefly discusses common tree health problems…” (Kevin Kobrist, WSU 2011)
Voles (Meadow Mice). Learn about their biology, damage and management strategies. (R.A. Baldwin, UC Davis, revised April 2023)
We are so very pleased to share the news that Srijana Shrestha, Assistant Professor of Practice, has started her position leading our OSU Extension Service metro area Master Gardener Program. Srijana’s postion serves the whole metro region, which includes Clackamas, Multnomah and Wasington counties. Her office will be based in Washington County.
Srijana comes to us from Washington State University with a master’s degree in horticulture and a Bachelor of Agricultural Sciences. She is currently working on her Ph.D. in horticulture from Washington State University.
Srijana has a broad range of experience in nursery production, vegetable crop production, plant propagation, diversity-equity-inclusion work, and volunteer management. Additionally, Srijana has knowledge and experience in berry production, weed science, irrigation and nutrient management, climate change, integrated pest management and soil-biodegradable plastic mulches.
Srijana recently shared about her interest in horticulture and her excitement about leading the metro area OSU Master Gardener program. Read her comments below:
When did you first become interested in horticulture?
Growing up in the hills of Nepal, I was surrounded by beautiful nature including diverse flora and fauna. My mom loves gardening, it’s amazing how she gets a lot out of our small kitchen garden. Seeing and working with her ignited a spark of horticultural interest when I was still in my school. My dream to turn this interest into a profession landed me in the United States to pursue my higher degree. I did my master’s degree in horticulture from Washington State University (WSU) focusing on the new crops and production techniques for the Pacific Northwest. Currently, I am also a Ph.D. student at WSU working on the tea plant propagation project, another emerging specialty crop in the United States.
What excites you about leading the metro area Master Gardener Program?
I perceive Master Gardeners as selfless people who are dedicated to giving something back to the community. They are a great asset to the community. I take my position as a great opportunity to work closely with this wonderful group of people from diverse backgrounds. We need more such people in today’s world.
Do you have a particular gardening interest?
It makes me excited to see how plants grow from seeds and seedlings. I enjoy propagating plants by grafting and cuttings. I grafted melon seedlings and studied the plant growth and fruit yield as one of my master’s projects. I have been collecting tea cuttings of different varieties for my Ph.D. project. Moreover, I am interested in testing new alternative crops for a region.
Do you have a favorite plant that you like to grow?
I love growing indoor plants and vegetables, and recently, growing sweet potato has been my favorite one.
In the coming spring and summer, there will be opportunities to meet Srijana. She is looking forward to attending events to meet Master Gardeners and learn about the remarkable service you provide representing the OSU Master Gardener program in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties.
Stay tuned for details about a metro area wide meet and greet to officially welcome Srijana this spring!
Srijana’s email is:
During the summer and fall of 2023, our metro area Master Gardener Program was in high gear! Master Gardeners reconnected with fellow volunteers and served their communities in many different ways. Below, we take a look back at some of the activities, continuing education opportunities, and community outreach events that Master Gardeners participated in.
June 4th: Celebrate!
On June 4th, 2024, metro area Master Gardeners enjoyed a lovely sunny afternoon as they gathered to celebrate and cultivate community at Millennium Park Plaza in Lake Oswego. The event provided an opportunity to re-connect with fellow volunteers and also to make new connections. Informational and educational displays, door prizes, food, drink, and a lovely cupcake tree made the celebration festive.
Community Outreach
Metro area Master Gardeners ventured far and wide across communities in the metro area to share solid gardening information with Oregon Gardeners. Master Gardeners could be found at area farmers markets, community resource fairs, making gardening presentations, hosting classes, and teaching in the garden.
Metro-area Master Gardeners Recognized for Their Service
Each year, the three metro area Master Gardener Association chapters nominate and designate members for special recognition through the Oregon Master Gardener Association (OMGA). This year, one group project and two metro area Master Gardeners received special statewide recognition for their exemplary service.
We extend our sincere gratitude to the following Master Gardeners and enthusiastically congratulate them for their valuable contributions!
The Clackamas County Master Gardener Association’s “10-Minute University™ Let’s Grow Together!” webinar series, has been awarded the statewide “Search for Excellence” award. The webinar series, developed and launched in 2020, delivers sound and sustainable gardening information on essential gardening topics, from fruit tree pruning to garden wilding. The team is being recognized for their high-quality programming and its positive impact on gardeners in Oregon and beyond. Recordings of the webinar series can be viewed HERE.
Marilyn Berti – Statewide Master Gardener of the Year
Marilyn Berti – Statewide Master Gardener of the Year Photo: Marcia McIntyre
Marilyn Berti, co-recipient of the statewide “OSU Master Gardener of the Year” award, is being honored for her strong commitment to the educational outreach mission of the Program. A Master Gardener volunteer since 2009, Marilyn was instrumental in the development of the Washington County Master Gardener Association’s Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate. She has also worked on a wide variety of educational outreach programing and informational signage at the garden. Marilyn is always keenly focused on sharing sustainable gardening information with the community, whether developing educational programing, giving tours at the garden, or tabling at community events.
Dennis Brown – Statewide Growing and Belonging Award
Dennis Brown – Growing and Belonging Awardee Photo: Marcia McIntyre
Master Gardener volunteer, Dennis Brown, is the inaugural recipient of the statewide, “Growing and Belonging” award. The award honors a Master Gardener volunteer who works collaboratively with community to advance diversity, equity, inclusion, and/or social justice in the Master Gardener Program and in the wider community. An OSU Master Gardener since 2017, Dennis has initiated innovative partnerships with community organizations such as developing garden curriculum for under-served communities. Most recently, Dennis has been working with individuals experiencing houselessness at the Bybee Lake Hope Center. He teaches “Gardening for Life” classes on sustainable gardening to Hope Center participants and other community members. In addition, Dennis makes dozens of gardening presentations annually to community groups, libraries, and at events including the City of Portland’s “Fix-it Fair”. You can learn more about Dennis’ service in this OSU Extension Service article. You can also hear Dennis talk about cultivating community in his February 2024 presentation for the Washington County Master Gardener Speaker Series. Follow this link. Once there use this passcode: T+128y^J
County Association Awards
The following are the 2023 nominees from each of the three metro area Master Gardener associations:
Clackamas County Master Gardener Association
Kathy Krentz – Master Gardener of the Year
Kathy Krentz – CCMGA Master Gardener of the Year
Before she even finished her Master Gardener training in 2019, Kathy Krentz was generously volunteering to support the Master Gardener program. The Clackamas County Master Gardener Association (CCMGA) recognizes her tremendous contributions by naming her their 2023 Master Gardener of the Year. Kathy volunteers over 400 hours, annually, at the “Grow an Extra Row” garden, which grows food to donate to area food pantries. She has served as the CCMGA Board treasurer for 4 years. Her dedication extends to the “Spring Garden Fair”, where she has volunteered over 600 hours serving as the Vendor Sales Chair.
Cheryl Borden – Behind the Scenes Master Gardener
Cheryl Borden, CCMGA Behind the Scenes Master Gardener
For the past 15 years, Cheryl Borden has been working quietly behind the scenes educating Oregon gardeners from youth to adults. She is part of the 10-Minute University team and was responsible for developing and delivering three new 10-Minute U. webinars. She offers generous support to the Master Gardener Program teaching hands-on workshops and has served many years answering questions on the Helpline. In her commitment to educate youth, she has developed curriculum for Master Gardener outreach education kits and often volunteers for community events serving young gardeners.
Multnomah County Master Gardener Association
Marilyn Frankel – Master Gardener of the Year
Marilyn Frankel, MCMGA Master Gardener of the Year Photo courtesy of John Jordan
The Multnomah County Master Gardener Association’s 2023 Master Gardener of the Year, Marilyn Frankel has dedicated hundreds of hours of her time volunteering, annually, at the MGMGA’s Demonstration Garden. Marilyn serves at the garden in every capacity, from designing to constructing, to digging and installation.
In addition, Marilyn has actively served as an OMGA representative. She has also been a generous supporter of the Master Gardener Program through assisting with training.
Mary Abplanalp – Behind the Scenes Master Gardener
Mary Anplanalp, MCMGA Behind the Scene Master Gardener of the Year Photo courtesy of Carole Hardy
Mary Abplanalp was recognized as the Multnomah County Master Gardener Association’s (MCMGA) “Behind the Scenes” Master Gardener as she quietly made big contributions in support of the Association. Mary served as Editor for MCMGA’s eNews in 2021-2022, delivering engaging messages to their membership. She also dedicated time to the design and development of the “Naturescape” bed at the Association’s “Demonstration Garden”. Along with her daughter, Mary developed a detailed new map of the “Demonstration Garden” to guide volunteers and visitors alike.
Washington County Master Gardener Association
Leslie Ray – Behind the Scenes
Leslie Ray, WCMGA Behind the Scenes Master Gardener
For nearly 10 years, Leslie Ray may have been tirelessly volunteering behind the scenes, but her service has had a direct impact on the community. She is a dedicated Helpline volunteer, spending time answering gardener’s questions. She initiated a Washington County Master Gardener translation project which makes resources available in Spanish. She was an integral part of the WCMGA’s “Grow 1 – Give 1” project where Master Gardeners grow veggie starts to distribute to food pantries. In addition, she has served on the statewide level as the WCMGA Oregon Master Gardener Association (OMGA) representative.
Empowering Master Gardener Educators
To bolster volunteers in their role as garden educators, two skill-building workshops were held in September and October. Speakers Guild and Educational Outreach workshops were offered as opportunities for volunteers to train in how to give presentations and how deliver engaging gardening curricula in youth educational settings.
Both events were fun, engaging and power our service educating gardeners.
Special thanks to Kelly Welch and Wendy Wilson for developing the curriculum for the Education Outreach training. They generously shared their professional insight, leading the training and guiding participants.
The beautiful spring came; and when Nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.
Harriet Ann Jacobs
The arrival of spring has metro area Master Gardeners eagerly awaiting so many opportunities. The opportunity to return to active gardening once again by plunging hands into the warm soil, sowing seeds and nurturing garden dreams. It also means a return to favorite Master Gardener service activities or trying new ones. So much is in store for our Master Gardener Program this spring season.
Save the Date! Celebrate our Master Gardener Community!
Metro area Master Gardeners are invited to a celebratory gathering to cultivate community and seed our future! The date is Sunday, June 4th, from 1:00pm-3:00pm at Millennium Park Plaza in Lake Oswego.
Look forward to an afternoon filled with informational and educational displays, door prizes, food, drink, and festive celebration!
We hope you will join in, and bring family and friends as we joyfully reunite and celebrate our Master Gardener Community, together.
More event details to come!
“Let’s Talk Plants” at Markets and Community Events
Our Master Gardener ‘Let’s Talk Plants’ information tabling opportunities at area Farmers Markets and community events are launching soon! Check your schedule and get ready to sign-up for your favorite market or try visiting a market new to you.
Please look for an email notification this week announcing the opening of registration on CERVIS for most market/community events. Continue to check CERVIS throughout the season as more opportunities are posted.
Important Note: to allow as many MGs as possible to volunteer for their favorite market, we are limiting sign up for one specific market to 2 shifts maximum, for the first two weeks that registration is open. Please honor this request so that we will not need to unregister those who sign up for more than 2 shifts.
Update Your CERVIS Profile
Sign-up for upcoming volunteer shifts at Farmers Markets and other special volunteer opportunities will be on CERVIS. In order to be ready to sign-up, when the time comes, please visit CERVIS and update your profile, including your email address, mailing address and phone numbers.
Weston Miller, A Grateful Farewell
Weston Miller
It is bittersweet as we send a fond and grateful farewell to Weston Miller. In February Weston sent a letter to all metro area Master Gardeners sharing the news that he was moving on to a new career opportunity.
Read more as we wish Weston the best on his new venture.
Welcome Amy and Lisa!
We are pleased to welcome two new members to the metro area OSU Master Gardener Program team.
Amy Espinoza
Amy Espinoza is serving as an Education Program Assistant based in Washington County. She supports the Master Gardener volunteer program with a focus on expanding community outreach and service.
Amy holds a bachelor’s degree with a dual major in Spanish/Arts & Letters, and a Master of Education in Library Media/K-12 classroom teaching. She brings over 20 years of professional experience working with several school districts and libraries, including teaching adult Spanish classes through Portland Community College.
Amy has a passion for gardening, instilled in part by her mom and aunt, both accomplished gardeners. This year she is keenly focused on ensuring that her one-year-old Pix Zee peach tree will bear fruit despite our cold, wet start to spring.
Lisa Kirby
Lisa Kirby joins the Master Gardener team as an Education Program Assistant based in Multnomah County. She is enthusiastic about the OSU Master Gardener Program having served 10 years as a Master Gardener volunteer.
Lisa has a broad outreach and engagement background with non-profit organizations. Recently Lisa served as both a volunteer and staff member at the Leach Botanical Garden. Her experience with plants extends to working for a number of nurseries in the area.
Lisa is a dedicated sustainable gardener and readily speaks about the impact gardeners can have taking care of the earth and each other. Whether a gardener grows native plants to support pollinators, veggies and fruits to bring to the table, or flowers to share beauty with others.
Both Amy and Lisa bring a wealth of skills and enthusiasm to support the Master Gardener program. Welcome, Amy and Lisa!
Dam Proud Day – One Day, Everyone Together
On April 26, 2023, Master Gardeners and supporters will come together to show our belief in the Master Gardener program and Oregon State University’s Dam Proud Day.
This 24-hour period is dedicated to celebrating the accomplishments of the Oregon State community, including supporting Master Gardeners, and stretching ourselves toward our aspirations.
The Master Gardener Program as been chosen as a featured fund on Dam Proud Day, so we have a special opportunity to raise money to support our work.
On one day, can you imagine what we could do together?
Here’s how Master Gardener volunteers, past and present, can help NOW.
1. Follow OSU Extension Master Gardener on social media. and @mastergardenersOSU on Instagram. Share our stories and posts about Dam Proud Day with your friends and followers.
2. Show up on April 26th and make a donation online signaling your support for the Master Gardener program. It’s all online, all on one day. Donations large and small are all appreciated. Let’s see if the Master Gardener program can solicit the most donations on Dam Proud Day!
For Oregon State University’s Dam Proud Day, the Master Gardener Program is fundraising to support the Seed to Supper Program and an update of our foundational textbook, the Sustainable Gardening Handbook. The Seed to Supper program is a introductory vegetable gardening course for beginning and low-income gardeners, that includes considerations for gardeners who don’t have easy access to land. Our Sustainable Gardening Handbook is the text used to teach new Master Gardener volunteers. We need to update this resource, to include advances in the science of sustainable gardening, as well as consideration of climate change impacts on Oregon gardeners.
Donations can be as low as $5. A symbolic gift of $50 recognizes the 50 years that the Master Gardener Program has been serving communities across the United States! Every donation helps us get closer to our goal, and unlocking the FIVE challenge grant gifts that we have set up.
On one day, we can show up for gardening and Master Gardeners in Oregon!
OSU Master Gardeners Showing their Pride
Check out the stories of OSU Master Gardeners who reached out to the statewide program team to share why they are #DamProud to be a Master Gardener. Plus see some familiar faces of your fellow metro area Master Gardeners. To read their stories visit the OSU Master Gardener Program News
Get Ready! It’s Plant Sale Season!
We are all eager for high gardening season and with that comes the excitement of the annual fundraising plant sales of the three metro area Master Gardener Associations. A chance to load up on wish-list plants and to sign-up for some fun volunteer opportunities
Spring Garden Fair!
May 6th and 7th the iconic Clackamas County Master Gardener Association’s Spring Garden Fair will satisfy anyone’s plant lust! Perennials, annuals, natives, ornamentals, veggie, fruit, herbs, garden art and garden supplies! 10-minute University classes, Soil pH testing, New Plant Introductions, a fabulous raffle and more! Clackamas County Event Center, Canby.
May 6th the vibrant Washington County Master Gardener Association’s Gardenfest Plant Sale guides home gardeners in creating beautiful gardens that thrive! Perennials, shrubs, vegetables, annuals, herbs, and garden tools! Classes that support successful gardening! Find ideas that inspire as you tour the Washington Co. Master Gardener’s Education Garden. PCC Rock Creek Campus, Portland
To volunteer for the Gardenfest contactLarina Hoffbeck:
Incredible Edibles Plant Sale!
Order TODAY! Plant orders are now open for the Multnomah County Master Gardener Association’s Incredible Edibles Plant Sale. The sale has moved to a pre-order format and is taking orders for organic veggie, fruit and herb plant starts now! Mini classes will guide gardeners in growing a bountiful harvest. Plant orders will be available for pick-up on Saturday, May 13th (NE 16th and Hancock Street).
Be sure to mark your calendars to join in the fun volunteering and/or shopping to your heart’s content!
In remembrance: Dr. Bernadine Strik
Dr. Bernadine Strik Credit Dave King
We saddened to share that Dr. Bernadine Strik passed away on April 24. Dr. Strik was a renowned OSU berry researcher, and educator for 34 years. She was incredibly generous, sharing her time and vast knowledge teaching Master Gardener classes over the decades. No doubt thousands of Master Gardeners have benefited from her teachings, as she traveled across the state. We send our heartfelt sympathies to her family. Here is more about the dedicated, amazing, kind, generous, Dr. Strik.
It is bittersweet as we send a fond and grateful farewell to Weston Miller. In February, Weston share with all metro area Master Gardeners that he was moving on to a new career opportunity.
Weston has served as our metro area Community and Urban Horticulturist and manager for our metro area Master Gardener Program for the past 15 years. He has led the program with phenomenal vision, great passion, and modeled leadership for those of us lucky to work alongside him.
He has taught thousands of Master Gardener volunteers and community members across the state about sustainable gardening and has been a wonderful community partner to many metro area organizations.
Weston held unwavering dedication to expanding the reach of the Master Gardener Program to an even wider audience and breaking down barriers to participation.
His vision to provide a user-friendly online resource for effective, low risk pest solutions for all Oregonians was recently realized with the launch of Solve Pest Problems.
We are grateful to Weston for being a steadfast leader and visionary for the OSU Master Gardener Program and our community. We wish him the very best in his new journey.
By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Service Staff-retired, OSU MasterGardener
Are Ladybugs Harmful? “A Texas A&M AgriLife Extension expert answers questions about the annual swarm of the beetles as temperatures drop.”(Adam Russell, Texas A&M AgriLife Communications)
Bumble bee – Photo: Sandy Debano, OSU
Adorably, Bumblebees Enjoy Playing Ball For Fun Just Like Dogs And Dolphins- “The next step is to get them to master fris-bee.” (Eleanore Higgs,
Another drainage solution that makes problems worse. (Linda Chalker-Scott,
Boy’s discovery reveals highly complex plant-insect interaction. “Research conducted at Penn State and SUNY Buffalo State uncovers a previously unknown insect-plant-insect interaction.” (Sara La Jeunesse, PennState University)
9,500-Year-Old Tree Found in Sweden Is the World’s Oldest Tree. (
Potential Contaminants in Residential Rain Barrel Water (Home Garden Series). “Residential gardeners often use rain barrels to collect rainwater from roofs as a supplement to summer irrigation. Rainwater is a natural and unchlorinated water source for aquatic plants and animals. However, rooftop runoff can be contaminated by chemical and biological pollutants from atmospheric deposition, bird droppings, and the roofing material itself.” (Linda Chalker-Scott, WSU)
Lady Beetles: Should We Buy Them for Our Gardens? (Home Garden Series). “Many gardeners purchase these insects online or at nurseries and garden centers for release on their property. This publication discusses the drawbacks to the use of purchased lady beetles and suggests some alternatives for attracting and retaining local species.” (Linda Chalker-Scott, Michael R. Bush, WSU)
New tomato bred to naturally resist pests and curb disease. “A Cornell researcher has completed a decades-long program to develop new varieties of tomato that naturally resist pests and limit transfer of viral disease by insects.” (Krishna Ramanujan, Cornell University)
The World’s Largest Giant Waterlily was Found for the First Time in More Than a Century (
Why Larvae of One Wasp Species Often Eat Their Siblings. “While episodes of sibling rivalry among humans can sometimes be amusing, it is not so funny in the animal kingdom, where it often results in cannibalism and “siblicide.” Researchers at Japan’s Kobe College have been studying this phenomenon in the parasitoid wasp Isodontia harmandi for the past few years.” (Ed Ricciuti,
Petroleum Distillates – NPIC
Petroleum distillates. “Petroleum distillates are separated from crude oil for many industrial uses. They can be found on a pesticide product label as active or “other/inert” ingredients. Mineral oil, naphtha, heavy fuel oil, waxes, and benzene are examples of petroleum distillates.” Learn more:
Pesticide Home Remedies. (Master Gardeners do not give out home remedies) (
Plant Stressors: 10 Ways You Unknowingly Stress Your Plants. “Plants can help us overcome stress in a variety of ways, but did you realize your plant can exhibit stress symptoms as well. A stressed plant is more susceptible to insect and disease problems. Here are ten ways you may unknowingly stress your plants.”(Maxine Hunter,