Sunshining through branches of beech tree, illuminating call colors of leaves

Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree. ~Emily Bronte

Photo: Pixabay

October brings the start of a new year for metro-area OSU Master Gardeners!  As we look forward to a promising year full of fresh opportunities to educate the gardening public, we also look back at a tremendous year filled with your generous community service!

Thank you for your Volunteer Log Submissions!  Utmost thanks to all of you who have sent in your volunteer log sheets via the online submission, email, snail mail, or in person.  We are continually in awe of your dedicated service and the good seeds and deeds you have been sowing throughout the three counties!  Thank you for sharing your passion and gardening knowledge with the community!   

It’s Not Too Late…Submit your Volunteer Log!  For those of you, who have not submitted your volunteer log sheets, please send in your hours by Thursday, October 11th

We need all logs by that date to allow time to order new Master Gardener badges for those finishing their MG training and to have enough 2020 stickers for Perennial MGs and trainees alike.  Plus, we want to include your generous service contributions in the report sent to the state MG Program, which in turn is submitted to Oregon State University!   Help us to highlight all the great garden education Metro Master Gardeners are spreading throughout the tri-county region!

Signed, Sealed and Delivered!
Remember that every October you need to submit a signed Conditions of Volunteer Service form.  The form is a requirement for volunteering.  You can submit your signed form via DocuSign, use our online submission process (see details in the email Marcia McIntyre sent on September 5) or you can mail your signed form via snail mail to 200 Warner-Milne Drive, Oregon City, OR 97045.

To send your forms via DocuSign, please request a DocuSign form from

For your convenience:

Save the Date!
Fall Recertification, Saturday, November 9th!

Cup of tea sitting on a book - with autumn leaves in the tea and leaves on the book.

Our annual Master Gardener Fall Recertification Training is scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, 8:00am to 3:50pm, at Clackamas Community College, Gregory Forum Building. 

This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Please join us for an engaging day of training that will support you in your role as a garden educator.

‘A Diverse Garden is a Healthy Garden – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your role as an OSU Master Gardener volunteer.’  Presenters: Yolando Sánchez, Jeff Selby, and Koffie Dessou of the City of Portland, Office of Equity and Human Rights

‘How trees grow and why they die!’ Presenter: Glenn Ahrens, OSU Extension Forester, Clackamas, Hood River, and Marion Counties

‘Is the Insect Apocalypse Upon Us?’ Presenter: Gail Langellotto, Statewide Coordinator, OSU Extension Master Gardener Program, Associate Professor of Horticulture, OSU

The event is free to all Master Gardeners both Perennial and those who trained in 2019.

*Attendance and participation at the November 9th, Fall Recertification Training counts as 6 hours continuing education credit for the 2019-2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Season.  Record your attendance on your 2020 Volunteer Log.

Master Gardener proudly points at his OSU Master Gardener badge that is pinned to his shirt.

2019 Master Gardener Trainees to Receive OSU MG Badges!

Our November 9th, Fall Recertification Training (see details above) also gives us the opportunity to congratulate the 2019 class of Master Gardener interns as they step-up to Perennial Master Gardener status, after completing their volunteer requirements.

2019 Interns are cordially invited to attend the full day of Fall Recertification training, which will count toward your continuing education hour requirement for 2020.  If you are unable to attend Fall Recertification to receive your badge, it will be mailed to those not present in December.

Branch with olives hanging from the branch

OSU Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinars
This fall brings two more, informative, Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinars.

Each webinar counts as 1-hour continuing education credit.  Recordings of the webinars are posted a couple of days following the live webinar.

Introduction to Olives in Oregon
October 24, 11am PT
Presented by Victoria Binning and Heather Stoven (OSU Extension)
Register here:

What Can a Leaf Bud Tell Us About Environmental Change? Citizen Science, Master Gardeners and Nature’s Notebook.
November 8, 10am PT
Presented by Erin Posthumus (USA National Phenology Network)
Register here:

More Advanced Training Webinars
The OSU Advanced Training Webinars are a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest in horticultural science.   This series features University experts who offer a wealth of research-based information on home gardening topics, which support you in your role as a garden educator.   Check out the great library of webinar recordings.

2019 Advanced Training Webinars

2018 Advanced Training Webinars

2017 Advanced Training Webinars

*MG Advanced Training Webinars count as 1-hour continuing education credit.  You may count any webinar, from any year, that you watch for the first time. List any Advanced Training Webinars that you view on your Volunteer Log Sheet. 

MG HelplinesGuide home gardeners through the fall and winter season!   As the days shorten and the temperatures cool, a new host of gardening conundrums perplex the home gardener. You can assist and expand your own knowledge, collaborating with other MGs as you research and advise gardeners.  Sign-up on CERVIS or contact a phone coordinator.

Fall Volunteer Opportunities

  • Portland Nursery Apple Tasting – festive fun celebrating the apple!  Answer home gardeners’ questions at the MG table, under the big tent. October 12, 13, 19, 20, various shifts. Sign up on CERVIS
  • City of Portland, Safety Conference – answer home gardeners questions and offer advice on fire resistant gardening, IPM, pesticide safety, and safe garden practices at the City of Portland event being held at Camp Withycombe, Clackamas, OR Grab an open slot on CERVIS
  • Fix-it Fair – FREE City of Portland event where attendees learn simple ways to save money and connect to resources. Answer home gardening questions and give money saving tips for home gardeners.  Sign-up on CERVIS
  • Farmers Markets – opportunities to volunteer at a Farmers Market remain for Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsdale, Lake Oswego, Lents and Tigard.  Sign-up on CERVIS

Timely October Garden tips

old pear tree
starlings announce
harvest time

–  Philip Noble

Our Annual Harvest (of volunteer service hours that is!)

It is that time of year when we are busy harvesting in our gardens, whether herbs, fruit, vegetables, or flowers. For OSU Master Gardener volunteers, it is also time to gather and record your hours of volunteer service and submit your volunteer log sheet, prior to the October 1st deadline.

This year Metro-area Master Gardeners have made tremendous contributions educating and supporting home gardeners, and we want to share the news!

The October 1st deadline allows the metro MG program office enough time to compile and share your significant contributions, with the state Master Gardener program and OSU Extension Service.

Help us get those statistics to the state level by recording and submitting your hours this month!  We will celebrate and share the grand totals at our Fall Recertification Training.  See the article below for reporting details.

Online MG Volunteer Reporting System

We have an updated online volunteer reporting system to ease the process of submitting your volunteer hours and signed 2019-2020 Conditions of Volunteer Service form.

To report using the online system – follow the links sent to you in an email that was sent from Marcia McIntyre on September 5th

The online system prompts you through several questions to record your volunteer hours, provides a special email in which to send your volunteer log sheet, plus the options to send your yearly Conditions of Volunteer Service via mail, email or DocuSign!

You still need to record your volunteer hours onto a Word, Excel or PDF form – but now you can upload those hours via the online system.

NOTE:  You can refer to your CERVIS log to track your hours – but you also need to log all CERVIS hours on your volunteer log sheet.  Most “Program” hours are recorded in CERVIS.  “Partner” events and activities are not recorded in CERVIS (this includes Chapter events, plant sale support, Chapter demonstration/education garden volunteer service).  Be sure to record all your volunteer hours and continuing education hours on your log sheet.

A special thank you to those who have already submitted your hours!  Great going, early birds!

For those of you who are still seeking Recertification/continuing education or volunteer opportunities look for some great opportunities below.

How to Maintain Master Gardener Certification

Need a refresher on how to maintain your Master Gardener certification?  Here you can find the details.  Whether you are a 2019 trainee or a Perennial MG, to continue to serve as a “current” OSU Master Gardener you must submit an annual, signed Conditions of Volunteer Service form, which can be signed via DocuSign (see article above and email received from Marcia McIntyre on September 5th). 

Fun fall Farmers Market volunteer opportunities, sign-up on CERVIS!

3 OSU Master Gardeners at the Rocky Butte Farmers Market, talking to client

Fall is a wonderful time to volunteer at area Farmers Markets, as autumn produce lines the aisles and seasonal home gardening questions abound.

Opportunities to volunteer at a Farmers Market remain for Beaverton, Gresham, Hillsdale, Lake Oswego, Lents, and Tigard.  Grab an open slot on CERVIS

Guide home gardeners through the fall and winter season!

2 Master Gardeners sitting in Master Gardener helpline clinic, look at a large branch with leaves, as a client leans over and points at the branch.

As the days shorten and the temperatures cool, a new host of gardening conundrums perplex the home gardener. You can assist and expand your own knowledge, collaborating with other MGs as you research and advise gardeners.  Sign-up on CERVIS or contact a phone coordinator.

Save the Date!  Saturday, November 9th – FALL RECERTIFICATION! 

Metallic bee (bright green) on orange cone flower

Our annual Master Gardener Fall Recertification Training is scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, 8:00am to 3:45pm, at Clackamas Community College.  This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending.

Photo: Oregon State University

Please join us for an engaging day of training that will support you in your role as a garden educator.

‘A Diverse Garden is a Healthy Garden – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in your role as an OSU Master Gardener volunteer.’  Presenters: Yolando Sánchez, Jeff Selby, and Koffie Dessou of the City of Portland, Office of Equity and Human Rights

‘How trees grow and why they die!’ Presenter: Glenn Ahrens, OSU Extension Forester, Clackamas, Hood River, and Marion Counties

‘Is the Insect Apocalypse Upon Us?’ Presenter: Gail Langellotto, Statewide Coordinator, OSU Extension Master Gardener Program, Associate Professor of Horticulture, OSU

*Attendance and participation at the November 9th, Fall Recertification Training counts as 6 hours continuing education credit for the 2019-2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Season.  Record your attendance on your 2020 Volunteer Log.

2019 Master Gardener Trainees to Receive OSU MG Badges

2018 Master Gardener gives thumbs up as she proudly wears her OSU Master Gardener badge

Our November 9th, Fall Recertification Training (see details above) also gives us the opportunity to congratulate the new class of Master Gardener interns as they step-up to Perennial Master Gardener status, after completing their volunteer requirements.

2019 Interns are cordially invited to attend the full day of Fall Recertification training, which will count toward your continuing education hour requirement for 2020.  If you are unable to attend Fall Recertification to receive your badge, it will be mail to those not present in December.

Welcome Leah and Catalina!

Leah Sundquist and Catalina Santamaria

We want to introduce you to two new faces at the Clackamas County Extension Office (where our MG program team is located). 

Photo: Leah (left) and Catalina (right).

Leah Sundquist is the new Clackamas Co. Extension Office Manager.  Leah joins the Extension team after a 35-year career in the U.S. Army, where her final years of service included roles as the Chief of Staff and Director of Plans and Operations for the Oregon National Guard in Salem.  When asked about her experience with gardening, Leah shares that she is proud to be nurturing her office ‘welcome gift’ jade plant, the past 3 and a half months, with the plant showing nary a sign of distress.  She is nurturing an olive tree with hopes that, if it survives, she can reward herself by purchasing another one!

Catalina Santamaria joined our Extension team in July, as Office Specialist in the front office.  A portion of Catalina’s time will be supporting the Master Gardener and 4-H program.  We are excited that Catalina is joining our MG team. Catalina will be coordinating the Clackamas County MG office helpline and working alongside the MG team.  Catalina shares that her exposure to gardening started as a young child, as her father grew many plants at home.  She recalls many cyclamen and African violets brightening her childhood home.

Please join us in extending a warm, Master Gardener welcome to both Leah and Catalina! 

September Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinars

Here comes another great Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinar, offered on Tuesday, September 17th, 11am.

cherries on branch of cherry tree

Are Viruses Lurking in Your Backyard Cherries?
Presented by Lauri Lutes (OSU Botany and Plant Pathology PhD student)
Register here:

Join Lauri Lutes, PhD Candidate in OSU’s Department of Botany and Plant Pathology, as she shares what she has learned studying viruses and diseases to which cherries are susceptible in Oregon.  Lauri will share disease prevention and management for cherries in your home garden.  She will also cover how to choose the best tree, common virus symptom identification, and virus vector (insect and nematode) management.

If you are unable to watch the webinar live, check back in a couple of days at the 2019 Advanced Training Webinar page, where a recording of the webinar will be posted.

More Advanced Training Webinars

The OSU Advanced Training Webinars are a great way to stay up-to-date on the latest in horticultural science.   This series features University experts who offer a wealth of research-based information on home gardening topics, which support you in your role as a garden educator.   Check out the great library of webinar recordings.

2019 Advanced Training Webinars

2018 Advanced Training Webinars

2017 Advanced Training Webinars

*MG Advanced Training Webinars count as 1-hour continuing education credit.  You may count any webinar, from any year, that you watch for the first time. List any Advanced Training Webinars that you view on your Volunteer Log Sheet. 

Create Gardens Accessible to All!

raised garden bed with leafy vegetables, a wheel barrel alongside the raised bed. The wheel barrel is filled with plants.

‘Gardening is one of the more therapeutic things a person can do – emotionally, mentally and physically – but for some it seems out of reach. Good design and the practices can make a gardening accessible for everyone.’

Fellow Metro-area, OSU Master Gardener, Corinne Thomas-Kersting, shares some great recommendations for universal garden design in this article ‘Create Gardens Accessible to All’, by OSU Extension Communications Specialist Kym Pokorny.

Gardening Tips for Fall

For your viewing pleasure, we will reprise two great videos with tips for timely gardening activities.

“In summer, the song sings itself.” –William Carlos Williams


Summer Volunteer Opportunities Abound!

As summer temperatures rise – so do volunteer opportunities for metro-area Master Gardeners to share proven, successful garden practices with home gardeners.  Upcoming Master Gardener Clinic table volunteer events include the: Cracked Pots Art Show @ Edgefield, Backyard Certification Open Garden Event, Mt. Scott Fuel’s Centennial Celebration, the Clackamas County, Washington County and Oregon State Fairs!

Other rewarding, interactive, garden education volunteer opportunities are available at the Oregon Zoo’s Education Center and Metro’s Blue Lake Discovery Garden.

You can find details for all these educational events on CERVIS.







MG Office Helplines

Two women, and one man give a thumbs up in the Master Gardener office
Mary, Vaughn, and Leah give a thumbs up to volunteering at the MG office helplines.

“I can’t believe all that I’m learning volunteering here!” “It’s great to use the information I learned in class.” “Volunteering at the helpline is my favorite volunteer gig.” “I’m astonished, how much fun this is!”

These are comments shared by both Perennial and Intern Master Gardeners volunteering at the MG office helplines this past month.  Join in the fun!  Schedule a shift this summer!  Research and collaborate with fellow MGs while educating the gardening public.   Sign-up on CERVIS or contact an office coordinator.

Clackamas County, Janet Hohman,
Multnomah County, Janet Hohman,
Washington County, Jenifer Halter,




Summer Farmer’s Markets

Two Master Gardeners standing under a canopy with a banner reading 'Get the Real Dirt Ask a Master Gardener', talking to a man, woman, and child.
Lents Farmers Market

Farmer’s Markets are bustling and Master Gardeners are present at ten area markets to dispense gardening advice.

Schedule a shift via CERVIS for a great summer volunteer experience.  Don’t despair if your favorite market schedule appears full.  Check back often, as schedules change and openings arise throughout the summer – sign-up on the waiting list for a particular shift.  Let a clinic coordinator know if you are willing to serve as a substitute for last minute cancellations at your favorite market.



Beaverton – Gresham – Hillsdale – King – Lake Oswego – Lents – Milwaukie
Oregon City – Sherwood – Tigard


State and County Fair FUN!

2 woman serving at a Master Gardener booth, talking to a man, and showing the man a page in a book. Pointing at a photo in the book.
Clackamas County Fair

If you want a big dose of summer fun, sign-up for an MG Clinic table at one of the county fairs or the Oregon State Fair.  Give sage (OSU proven), garden advice to fair visitors and take a bit of time, before and after your shift, to grab some shaved ice and check out the fair competitions whether it is honey products, the biggest homegrown fruits and veggies, or the best home brew or chocolate layer cake!  Sign-up on CERVIS to grab a shift now!  Fair admission passes provided to all fair volunteers.

Clackamas County Fair, August 13 – 17 (Tuesday – Saturday). Master Gardeners are in a prime location at the Clackamas County Fair with our clinic table right by the entertainment stage, lovely display garden and plant sale. Join-in!   Sign-up on CERVIS or contact coordinator Jane Collier:, 503-266-1191.

10-Minute University at the Clackamas County Fair!
Informative 10-Minute University presentations will take place daily at the Clackamas County Fair at 11:00am in the Floral Department, near our Master Gardener booth.  Come on down, sit a spell, and be inspired!

11:00 am – Wednesday, August 13: Designing a Fall Container.

11:00 am – Thursday, August 14: Seed Saving.

11:00 am – Friday, August 15: Bugs, the Good the Bad, and the Annoying.

Washington County Fair, July 26 – 27 (Friday and Saturday). Master Gardeners will host a Master Gardener Clinic table under the OSU Extension tent at the Washington Co. Fair.  Answer home gardening questions and learn about all the other great OSU Extension Service programs that take place in Washington County.  Sign up on CERVIS

Fun for families too!  In addition to the MG Clinic table, Master Gardeners will be hosting two tables filled with educational resources and activities for families and children, with a focus on pollinators and pollinator-friendly plants.  To volunteer for the family activity tables contact Annie Raich at

Oregon State Fair, August 30 – 31. For the ultimate fair experience, take a quick jaunt to Salem for the Oregon State Fair.  Master Gardeners from around the state host the OSU Extension Master Gardener Clinic.  Our Metro MG program hosts the MG table on Friday, August 30th and Saturday, August 31st.  Don’t miss this festive state celebration! Sign-up on CERVIS

New Hands-on Workshops!

Pruning workshop. Photo courtesy of Angela DeHaven

We have added two new Hands-on Workshops.  First up, a Pruning Practicum at the Learning Gardens Laboratory, followed by a Plant Identification workshop at the Hopkins Demonstration Forest.  For details and to register go to CERVIS.

  • Thursday, July 18th, Pruning Practicum at the Learning Gardens Laboratory, with pruning expert Monica Maggio
  • Saturday, August 17th, Plant Identification, with OSU Forestry Graduate student, Jen Gorski











Community Open House!
OSU’s North Willamette Research and Extension Center

When: Wednesday, July 31, 4:00pm to 7:00pm
NWREC, 15210 NE Miley Rd, Aurora

Woman and man tasting blueberries.
Blueberry tasting at NWREC Open House

Enjoy a beautiful summer evening at the OSU North Willamette Research and Extension Center’s (NWREC) annual Community Open House, Wednesday, July 31, 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm.   NWREC is OSU’s field research center that serves agriculture in the Willamette Valley.  Research at NWREC focuses on berries, tree fruits, Christmas trees, vegetables, specialty seed crops, and small-scale farming.

The Open House will feature Extension faculty and staff sharing informational displays, demonstrations, and explaining their work.  Be sure to stop by the berry-tasting booth to sample recently developed berry varieties.  There will be fun for all ages, including a hay wagon tour, and the ever-popular tractor driving.  Of course, Master Gardeners will be hosting a clinic table answering home gardening questions, along with a garden related activity for visiting children.  OSU Family Food Educators will share resources and expertise for proper food preservation, along with a wide array of tasty preserved food to sample.

Grab a bite to eat at a fundraising barbecue, hosted by Canby, Future Farmers of America parents and students.  They will be serving up delicious grilled fare, plus fresh berry pie!  Farm fresh vegetables will also be for sale.

Join in this fun community event and learn about the valuable agricultural research done at the NWREC.




Log Your Volunteer Hours

Thank you for your passion, energy and volunteer service educating the gardening public.  We want to be sure to have a record of all your efforts.  Here is the link you need, to download the form, to log your volunteer hours.  Even hours recorded on CERVIS need to also be recorded on your individual Volunteer Log Sheet.  Log sheets are due by October 1, 2019.

MG Nuts and Bolts

Need a refresher on how to maintain your OSU Extension Master Gardener certification?  All the nuts and bolts can be found here!

Hands-on Workshops!

Woman talking to students in field.
Hands-on Workshop with Jen Aron

Our hands-on Workshops have had Master Gardeners digging-in with their hands in the soil, practicing pruning cuts, sowing seeds, propagating plants and soaking up a wealth of practical and successful gardening techniques.  This all thanks to our dedicated team of Hands-on Workshop instructors.

Thank you to our fantastic group of Hands-on Workshop instructors who generously shared their knowledge!

  • Jen Aron
  • Margaret Bayne
  • Jane Collier
  • Claudia Groth, with the generous assistance of Rich Becker, Marilyn Frankel, and Linda Goldser
  • Sandy Japely
  • Monica Maggio
  • Luke Maurer
  • Multnomah Co. Chapter Propagation Team – Sally Campbell, Gloria Bennett, Judy Battles, Linda Goldser, Marilyn Frankel, and Heidi Nichols
  • Washington Co. Chapter Propagation Team – Helen Dorbolo, Marian Ewell, Jan Guziec, Jim Kronenberg, Jacki Lindquist, Sally McCulloch, Jacque Myers, Ardis Schroeder, and Marilynn Turner

Best wishes and thanks, Elizabeth Price!

Woman kneeling next to rootball of plant. Others looking on.
Elizabeth Price

The metro-area Master Gardeners are losing a dedicated garden educator as Elizabeth Price packs-up and moves to Central Oregon.  Elizabeth has served the metro-area Master Gardener Study Group (formerly the Interest Group), as a team leader, coordinator, and curator for over 7 years.

Elizabeth created a learning environment that encouraged and fostered continuing education among Master Gardeners who attended the MG Study Group.  She generously shared her extensive knowledge with fellow Master Gardeners, leading Study Group sessions and special Study Group field trips.  Elizabeth would research topics extensively.  She would capture detailed images of subjects and curate highlights from the Study Group ‘Show and Tell’ sessions to share with Study Group participants and metro-area Master Gardeners.

We are grateful to Elizabeth for her selfless generosity educating and championing Master Gardeners as garden educators.  We send our best wishes to Elizabeth and her husband as they make their move to Central Oregon.  We have no doubt, with this move, that a certain Central Oregon Master Gardener program will be gaining a treasured volunteer!  Thank you Elizabeth!




Save the Date!  Saturday, November 9th – Fall Recertification!

Our annual Master Gardener Fall Recertification Training is scheduled for Saturday, November 9th, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at Clackamas Community College.  This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending.  Guest presenters will be announced in our September metro-area Master Gardener newsletter.

2019 Master Gardener Trainees to Receive OSU MG Badges

Woman smiling and showing her OSU Master Gardener badge.
Amanda proudly displaying her OSU Master Gardener badge.

Our November 9th, Fall Recertification event also gives us the opportunity to congratulate the new class of Master Gardener Interns as they step-up to Perennial status after completing their volunteer requirements.

We will present 2019 Interns with their OSU Extension Service Master Gardener badges and a big shout-out for successfully completing the program.  2019 Interns are cordially invited to attend the full day of training – which will count toward your continuing education/recertification hours for 2020.


Two bees on lavendar plants“The hum of bees is the voice of the garden.”
–  Elizabeth Lawrence













Bees and Master Gardeners are abuzz as summer approaches.  Master Gardeners are busy volunteering throughout the tri-county metro region.  Many opportunities are available for MGs to learn, educate, and serve the gardening public.
















Master Gardeners at Area Farmers Markets

Late spring harvests are filling neighborhood Farmer’s Markets as the first day of summer approaches and metro-area Master Gardeners stand by at MG clinic booths to answer market goer’s gardening questions.

These festive community events are a wonderful opportunity for MGs to educate beginning and advanced gardeners alike with proven gardening practices.  In addition, those volunteering have the chance to pick-up fresh-from-the-field produce, dine on market cuisine, and listen to cheerful tunes.

Schedule a shift via CERVIS for a great summer volunteer experience.  Don’t despair if your favorite market schedule appears full.  Check back often, as schedules change and openings arise throughout the summer – sign-up on the waiting list for a particular shift.  Let a clinic coordinator know you if you are willing to serve as a substitute for last minute cancellations at your favorite market.  The following markets currently have openings: Beaverton, Lents, Gresham, Hillsdale, Sherwood, and Tigard.

Two Master Gardeners, one sitting, one standing, to greet customers at a Master Gardener question and answer table at Farmers Market.
Photo courtesy of Angela DeHaven

Summer Farmer’s Markets
Beaverton – Gresham – Hillsdale – King – Lake Oswego – Lents – Milwaukie
Oregon City – Sherwood – Tigard



Two Master Gardeners in Master Gardener office talking to a client.MG Office Helplines are a Buzzin!

The Master Gardener Office helplines are buzzin’ with an interesting assortment of questions from home gardeners.  “Why do my grape leaves look bubbled and blistered? Will it affect my harvest?”, “Can you recommend tomato varieties resistant to Verticillium wilt?”, “What’s wrong with my small Douglas Fir tree? I notice the top branches are somewhat curled and, upon a closer look, the branches are covered with small, white tufts. What is this?”

The variety of inquiries brings great opportunities to practice your diagnostic skills, expand your garden knowledge and that of the home gardeners you assist.  Join the fun researching and collaborating with your fellow MGs, while educating others.  You will be surprised by the wealth of information you will learn!   Sign-up on CERVIS.







Master Gardener presenting gardening talk to audience.New Workshop!
Hone Your Skills as a Garden Educator!

Are you interested in making gardening presentations to the public as part of the metro-area Master Gardener Speaker’s Guild?  Do you want to refine your presentation skills?

Get ready to present interesting, engaging and impactful presentations in this all-day workshop. Hone your skills as a stand-up trainer.  Plan to attend this all-day session, Saturday, June 15, at the Washington County Extension office in Beaverton, from 9am to 3:30pm.

Workshop taught by Sandy Japely, OSU Master Gardener and professional trainer. Pre-registration required. Learn more about this workshop and register today on CERVIS

Beginning Vegetable Gardening Workshop – a few spaces remain.  Do you have your eye on one of the other remaining workshops that are full? Be sure to add your name to the waiting list as openings do arise.


Blue Lake Discovery Garden

Girl digging with plastic shovel in worm bin.A lovely place to volunteer in the summer is the Blue Lake Discovery Garden.  Registration is now open!

For four Saturdays this summer, Blue Lake Natural Discovery Garden will be offering free, family-friendly, education programming at the Discovery Garden!

During activity times, visitors of all ages—but especially younger kids—can participate in fun, hands-on learning. Master Gardeners assist visitors with various nature crafts, like critter coloring, seed planting, garden bingo scavenger hunts, and garden education for all ages..

For five Tuesdays this summer, garden volunteer service parties at the Discovery Garden have been scheduled. During these volunteer service parties we will be doing a variety of gardening tasks. Plus, occasionally planting and rebuilding sections of the garden.

Shift hours for all events are 10am until 2pm. Volunteer hours are for “Partner” credit.

Sign-up to volunteer for one of these valuable volunteer service activities on CERVIS.




Expand Your Horticultural Knowledge in the Garden!

Our metro-area Chapter-sponsored Demonstration and Education Gardens are fantastic places to expand your gardening knowledge with hands-on learning, plus the opportunity to educate the visiting public.  The Chapter gardens display best garden practices, provide teachable moments for gardening challenges, undertake citizen science projects, and grow thousands of pounds of nutritious fruits and vegetables donated to area food banks!  Drop-in and take part in these valuable Chapter projects. Contact a garden coordinator for volunteer hours.

Master Gardeners showing group of school students garden at Oregon Trail Garden.
Master Gardeners hosting visitors at End of the Oregon Trail Garden



Clackamas County has these great hands-on volunteer opportunities:

  • End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center – Check in to see how you can join the fun tending the garden and (for those interested) hosting school tours.
    Sharon Andrews 503-577-7493
  • Hopkins Demonstration Forest – Tend native plantscapes – in a beautiful forest setting!
    Frank Wille
  • ‘Grow-An-Extra-Row and Learning Garden’ Project at Clackamas Community College – Make a difference growing food for those experiencing food insecurity.
    Nancy Muir 503-789-6970




Master Gardener wearing hat, holds a large head of cauliflower.
Photo courtesy of John Jordan


Multnomah County Master Gardener’s Community Demonstration Garden in Southeast Portland. There is lots to do and lots to learn in the established edible garden and in the newly expanded annex garden which includes edibles, herbs, native plants and ornamentals!

Heidi Nichols at  or 503-826-5851
Nancy Fine at or










Master Gardeners harvest peas at Jenkins Estate Garden, in front of sign that says 'Give Peas a Chance'

Washington County Master Gardeners have two wonderful gardens at which to discover and learn!

  • Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate – Lend a hand in this beautiful landscape.
    Sandy Japely
    at 503-531-8482.
  • Education Garden at PCC Rock Creek – be part of the exciting beginnings of a fabulous community garden partnership!
    Sue Ryburn at






Fall Recertification

Save the date for our annual Fall Recertification training.  This year we will gather at Clackamas Community College on Saturday, November 9th, 8am to 4pm.

This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Earn 6 hours of continuing education credit by attending.  More details to come in the July/August issue of our metro MG newsletter.

Fall Recertification also gives us the opportunity to congratulate the new class of Master Gardener interns as they step-up to Perennial status after completing their volunteer requirements.  We will present 2019 Interns with their OSU Extension Service Master Gardener badges and a big-shout out for successfully completing the program.  2019 Interns are welcome to attend the full day of training – which will count toward your continuing education/recertification hours for 2020.


Image from the Oregon Department of Agriculture of 10 invasive insects
Photo credit: Oregon Department of Agriculture (CC BY-NC_ND 2.0)

“Let’s Talk Invasive Insects!” – Advanced Training Webinar

‘Invasive Insects’ are an important and timely subject for the next online Advanced Training Webinars for Master Gardeners sponsored by Oregon State University Extension.  This live webinar is scheduled for Friday, June 28th, 10am.

“Did you know that we get about 9 new exotic invertebrate species established in Oregon every year? Want to know what you can do to reduce the impact of invasive species in Oregon? Join Joshua Vlach, entomologist with the Oregon Department of Agriculture, for a presentation on the risks associated with invasive species, the pathways that bring them here, their impacts, and what you can do to reduce the chance of bringing and spreading pests in Oregon. Specific resources for reporting suspected invasive species will be shared.”

Details & pre-registration info:

The Advanced Training Webinars each count for 1-hour continuing garden education/recertification credit.  A wonderful way to expand your gardening knowledge in the comfort of your own home or sitting in a lovely garden watching on the electronic device of your choice.

Can’t make the webinar date?  No worries!  Recordings of webinars are posted a few days after the live webinar.  Follow this link:

Photo credit: Oregon Department of Agriculture (CC BY-NC_ND 2.0)


Log Your Volunteer Hours

Thank you for your passion, energy and volunteer service educating the gardening public.  We want to be sure to have a record of all your efforts.  Here is the link you need, to download the form, to log your volunteer hours.  Even hours recorded on CERVIS need to also be recorded on your individual Volunteer Log Sheet.  Log sheets are due by October 1, 2019.


MG Nuts and Bolts

Need a refresher on how to maintain your OSU Extension Master Gardener certification?  All the nuts and bolts can be found here!

OSU Master Gardener Bob Falconer standing next to a field of blooming Phacelia.Metro-area Master Gardener Featured on PolliNation Podcast!

Metro-area Master Gardener Bob Falconer was recently featured on the PolliNation podcast.  Bob shares how to establish magnificent strips of pollinator attracting Phacelia and clover.  Check it out!








Three Cheers to Metro-area Chapters!

Congrats to the Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Co. Chapters for hosting three successful fundraising events this spring!  The Wash. Co. GardenFest, Clack. Co. Spring Garden Fair, and Mult. Co. Incredible Edibles Plant Sale were grand events, with quality plants galore to fill many a gardener’s wish lists.

Beyond the funds raised, each Chapter also focused time on educating home gardeners with reliable gardening advice.

Congrats to all who volunteered and supported the many facets of executing these amazing fundraisers!

Master Gardener watering plants at GardenFest plant sale







Master Gardener wearing hat and safety vest, smiling waiting to assist customers loading plants from plant sale.












Customer surveying plants for sale on tables at GardenFest plant sale, in greenhouse.










Spring Garden Fair

Smiling Master Gardener volunteer at raffle table at Spring Garden Fair.
Spring Garden Fair Photos courtesy of Trish Basler











4 Master Gardener volunteers sit around table, taking a break from activities at the Spring Garden Fair.














Raffle table and Master Gardener volunteer.











Incredible Edibles Plant Sale

Master Gardener holding to cardboard boxes full of donated plant starts from the Incredible Edibles Plant Sale.









Smiling Incredible Edibles Plant Sale customer holding two cardboard trays filled with vegetable plant starts.









Two customers at the Incredible Edibles Plant Sale each holding a cardboard tray of vegetable and herb plant starts.

“It was such a pleasure to sink one’s hands into the warm earth, to feel at one’s fingertips the possibilities of the new season.”
Kate Morton









The Merry Month of May!

OSU Master Gardener volunteer opportunities in the metro-area flourish in the month of May as the gardening season begins in earnest!  The Master Gardener helpline offices are abuzz with lots of inquiries from home gardeners.  The Farmer’s Market season is kicking off and there is a flurry of activity and need for eager volunteers at our supporting Chapter’s demonstration gardens!  There are also new learning opportunities with our Master Gardener hands-on workshops and mini-classes.  Learn all the details…

2019 Farmer’s Market Season Begins!

An early start to the Master Gardeners Farmer’s Market season, a chilly morning in April at the Hollywood Farmer’s Market

Master Gardener Clinic Booths are popping up at Farmer’s Markets around the tri-county area. Master Gardeners are answering home gardener’s questions at the following markets in May.

Beaverton – Gresham – Hillsdale – King – Lake Oswego

Milwaukie – Oregon City – Sherwood – Tigard

Sign up for a shift on CERVIS or contact the clinic coordinator, Marcia or Janet for assistance signing up.






Master Gardener Office Helplines

It’s amazing what you can learn educating others and that opportunity is there for all who volunteer at the Master Gardener office helplines!  Research and collaborate with fellow MGs while educating the gardening public.   Sign-up on CERVIS or contact a phone coordinator.

Clackamas County, Janet Hohman,
Multnomah County, Janet Hohman,
Washington County, Jenifer Halter,





Keep an eye out!  Special Volunteer Events.

Special volunteer events arise throughout the season so be sure to watch for email announcements from MG program staff or postings on CERVIS to snag a slot at one of the many special volunteer opportunities.



Speaker’s Guild Mini-Class

Are you interested in becoming a presenter for the Master Gardeners Speakers Guild or are you already a Speaker’s Guild presenter and you want to brush-up your presentation skills?

Our 3 Master Gardener Speaker’s Guild coordinators are presenting 2 mini-classes in May to support those interested in becoming a Speaker’s Guild presenter.

Friday, May 17th @ the Happy Valley Library, Happy Valley, 4pm to 5:45pm

Saturday, May 18th @ the Holgate Library, Portland, 3pm to 5pm

These mini-class will focus on tips and tricks for giving engaging presentations that offer quality garden information, while creating a welcoming, fun experience for your audience.  Learn how you can branch out as a garden educator sharing your passion for gardening and the proven gardening techniques you have acquired through your Master Gardener training.  Meet our 3 Master Gardener Speaker’s Guild coordinators and learn about the resources and support available for you as part of this fun, rewarding volunteer opportunity.

Register for a Speaker’s Guild Mini-Class on CERVIS.  Look for the ‘Speaker’s Guild Mini-Class’, pick your preferred date and register.

Speakers Guild

The metro-area Master Gardener’s Speakers Guild members make presentations on a variety of gardening topics to community groups throughout the metro-area.  Requests for presentations come from garden clubs, civic groups, libraries, schools and other organizations.  For some topics, we have prepared PowerPoint presentations and for other requests new programs are developed.  Through the Guild, you will find opportunities to develop and/or deliver programs in subjects that interest you.  Support is offered to those new to public speaking.  Volunteers can also shadow presenters that are more experienced.  You get to choose presentation opportunities that appeal to you (e.g. date, location, small groups, large groups, with PowerPoint presentation or simply a demo or talk).  The Speakers Guild is a rewarding Master Gardener activity where you can dispense sound gardening information to the gardening public.

*Time spent at these Speaker’s Guild mini-class can be counted as ‘Program’ volunteer hours.  Perennial Master Gardeners can count the class time as EITHER ‘Program’ volunteer service hours or ‘continuing garden education’ hours.



Hands-on Workshop Openings!

A few slots remain for our 2019 training workshops.  Sign-up on CERVIS, plus find details about the workshops, including location.  These workshops are a great way to expand your gardening know-how in an interactive, hands-on environment with expert instructors.

The following workshops still have openings as of the composition of this newsletter.

  • May 10 – Beginning Vegetable Gardening
  • May 31 – Summer Fruit Tree Care
  • June 1 – Summer Fruit Tree Care
  • June 8 – Beginning Vegetable Gardening
  • June 15 – Plant Propagation

Note: If you are interested in a workshop that is full, add your name to the waiting list – as openings often occur.

Another Great Series of Advanced Training Webinars

The 2019 Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinar Series is off to a great start.  Here are the next 2 scheduled webinars:

Coddling moth infested apple. Photo: Michael Bush, WA State University Extension

Project Happy Apples: Reducing Codling Moth Damage in Backyard Orchards
Presented by Amy Jo Detweiler (OSU Extension)
May 21, 10am PT
Details & pre-registration info:

“First Look” Reading a Pesticide Label to Protect Bees
Presented by Matthew Bucy (OSU Undergraduate Honors student)
May 30, 11am PT
Details & pre-registration info:

If you are unable to participate in the webinar live, be sure to check back as recordings are made available a couple weeks following the live event.

2019 Webinar recordings:

2018 Webinar recordings:

Frequently Asked Questions…

How do I log my volunteer hours?
To maintain an ‘active’ Master Gardener status or to complete your Master Gardener training you need to log your volunteer and education hours on a 2019 Volunteer log sheet and submit them to the MG program office by October 1, 2019.

You can download the log sheets at the Metro MG Program Volunteer Portal.  Just click the on the 2019 Volunteer Log Sheets link.  There you can choose between a Word Doc or Excel sheet.

Does CERVIS track my hours?  Yes, CERVIS does track your volunteer hours, BUT you need to transfer those hours onto your Volunteer Log sheet and submit them along with your other volunteer hours.  To access your history log into CERVIS and go to “Report Management”, then click “View or Print Volunteer Activity History” and transfer those hours to your log sheet.

What hours do I log?

  • Interns – log your volunteer hours and the Hands-on workshops that you attended
  • Perennials – log your volunteer hours and the continuing garden education/recertification hours you attended

Then simply submit all volunteer and education hours to the MG program office by October 1, 2019.



The Plant Sale Trifecta Continues!

Megan displaying a plant for sale at Gardenfest 2019

The Washington Co. Master Gardeners had a hugely successful fundraising plant sale on April 27th.  All who attended the inaugural, 2019 Gardenfest found glorious plant offerings, valuable gardening information to ensure a successful garden, and happy gardeners all around!  Hats off to all who made Gardenfest a wonderful success!

The plant sale trifecta continues, so be sure to join in the upcoming Chapter festivities…

Spring Garden Fair, Saturday, May 4th , 9am to 5pm, and Sunday, May  5th, 9am to 4pm
Cruise on over to the iconic Spring Garden Fair to find a treasure trove of perennials, annuals, shrubs, trees, small fruiting plants, veggies, herbs, garden tools, and garden art!  10-minute University garden classes, pH soil testing, kids activities, a raffle, and more!  Clackamas County Event Center, Canby

Incredible Edibles Plant Sale, Saturday, May 11th, 10am to 3pm, a community celebration for home-grown goodness – organic veggie, fruit and herb starts will get you growing!  Plant. Grow. Eat. Workshops, music, kids activities, a raffle and more! 1624 NE Hancock Street, Portland.

Dig-in!  Lend a Hand and Learn at a Demonstration Garden!

Hands-on learning in any of our ‘Partner’ demonstration gardens is rewarding.  Each garden offers unique active, relevant, learning opportunities.  Contact a coordinator and dig in!

Clackamas County has the following great hands-on volunteer opportunities:

  • End of the Oregon Trail Interpretive Center – Check in to see how you can join the fun!  Contact: Sharon Andrews 503-577-7493
  • Hopkins Demonstration Forest – Tend native plantscapes – in a beautiful forest setting! Contact: Frank Wille 503-342-6699,
  • Grow-An-Extra-Row and Learning Garden’ Project at Clackamas Community College – Help to grow food for those experiencing food insecurity. Contact: Nancy Muir 503-789-6970

Multnomah County Master Gardeners have over 1.5 acres of garden where you can learn and grow:

MGs at the Jenkins Estate Garden Give Peas a Chance

Washington County Master Gardeners have two wonderful demonstration garden locations:

  • Learning Garden at Jenkins Estate – Lend a hand in this beautiful landscape. Contact: Marilyn Berti, MG contact: Marilyn Berti
  • Education Garden at PCC Rock Creek – be part of the exciting beginnings of a fabulous community garden partnership! Contact: Sue Ryburn at







Woodland Wildlife Field Workshop

Our Clackamas County Extension Forestry team is presenting a Woodland Wildlife Field Workshop, on Saturday, May 18. Spend an informative day in the beautiful Hopkins Demonstration Forest.  This workshop will be led by two great wildlife biologists: Fran Cafferata-Coe, certified wildlife biologist with extensive consulting experience in applied wildlife biology on working forests; and Jimmy Taylor, research wildlife biologist for the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) in Corvallis.

Register now and learn more here!


Spring has returned.  The Earth is like a child that knows poems. 
–  Rainer Maria Rilke


Master Gardeners Grow!

Our gardens are bursting forth with color and new growth and the Metro-area Master Gardener program is growing too!  This past month, nearly 190 Master Gardener trainees finished their in-person classes, online modules, and final exam, and they are now venturing out and joining-in to serve as garden educators in the OSU Master Gardener program.

Class of 2019 Master Gardener Interns Dig In!

A warm welcome and congratulations to our 2019 class of Master Gardener Interns.  Now that you have completed the in-person class and final exam, you have the opportunity to dig deeper to expand your gardening knowledge during hands-on workshops and in your role as a volunteer garden educator.  Your volunteer service offers opportunities to learn in an active, hands-on format.  We hope you will try a variety of volunteer opportunities…Master Gardener office or market clinics, Chapter demonstration gardens or one of our many partner events.  Trying a variety of volunteer opportunities will help you to discover the wealth of knowledge available to you as an OSU Master Gardener!  We hope you enjoy your educational journey!

Message to Perennial Master Gardeners

Hearty spring greetings and ‘welcome back’!  As the growing season and the Master Gardener program gets it’s jump-start we look to you for your steadfast dedication to educating the gardening public.  We also rely on you to welcome our new class of Master Gardeners.  Do you remember how you felt during your first volunteer shifts?  Perhaps excited, nervous, apprehensive, unsure?  When you volunteer in the next few months take extra time to welcome and assist Intern Master Gardeners.  Provide a welcoming environment, orient Intern MGs regarding procedures, and guide them towards our OSU information resources.  The Interns are coming fresh from MG training – and so they also have knowledge and experience they can share.  It is an opportunity to learn and support each other.

We look forward to seeing you this gardening season and remain grateful for your continued, generous, dedicated service.  Thank you!

Office Orientations OPEN on CERVIS!

Orientations for Master Gardener office hotlines are open for Interns or Perennial Master Gardeners. Office orientations are a great way to learn or be reacquainted with our 3 metro-area Master Gardener office hotlines.  Openings remain for all three locations: Beaverton, Oregon City and Portland.

Learn more about the ins and outs of answering home gardening questions in the Master Gardener offices.  A Perennial Master Gardener will lead a brief tour of the office, review basic procedures and answer your questions.  Sign-up for office orientations on CERVIS.

The “Volunteer Portal”

Located on our Metro Master Gardeners website the Volunteer Portal leads metro-area Master Gardeners to valuable information. Once there you can read the monthly Metro MG newsletter; review how to maintain your active MG status, sign-up for volunteer shifts on CERVIS, check out the events calendar and more!


Oregon Zoo Education Center Orientations

Photo: courtesy of Metro

Volunteer at the Oregon Zoo Education Center answering gardening questions, while working closely with Metro education specialists. Interact with both adults and children.  Highlights include features for winged wildlife and wise-water use. Master Gardeners provide the Zoo visitors with garden guides on natural gardening, native plantings, and composting (including a live demo on worm bins).

Attendance at one of the orientations is required for all volunteers at the Oregon Zoo.

Sign up for an orientation on CERVIS.

  • Saturday, April 13, 9:30am to 1:30pm
  • Friday, April 19, 10:00am to 2:00pm

Volunteer shifts for the Oregon Zoo Education Center will be made available to those who complete an orientation.  Sign-up will be open following the April 19th orientation.


Workshop Series OPENS for Perennial Master Gardeners!

We have opened the metro-area Master Gardener Hands-on Workshop Series for all current, certified Perennial Master Gardeners!  We have a stellar line-up this year with over 15 workshops.

Perennial Master Gardeners can sign-up for one workshop.  To register for a workshop go to CERVIS.

For Master Gardener Volunteer Educator Interns (Options 1 and 3), if you haven’t already – you can enroll in up to two workshops, which are included in your tuition.  You are required to complete one workshop to complete your Master Gardener training. For Certificate of Home Horticulture students (Option 2), you can enroll in up to three workshops, which are included in your tuition.

IMPORTANT: If you have registered for more than your allotted number of workshops (see paragraph above) please un-register for any above the allowed maximum to allow those who were unable to register for any workshops.

WORKSHOP FULL?  If you find the workshop you are interested in attending is full – be sure to sign-up on the waiting list.

Utmost Thanks to Our Stellar Instructors!

Margaret and Jane teaching Plant Diagnostics class

Our Master Gardener training offers the best in solid research-based horticulture curriculum due to the knowledge and generosity of our instructors!  We extend immense thanks to all of our instructors for educating and inspiring our 2019 Master Gardener trainees and those Master Gardeners who attended training to keep their diagnostic skills sharp.  We are grateful to our instructors for the time they spent preparing, teaching and engaging all who attended the classes.  Thank you!

  • Margaret Bayne
  • Nick Bezzerides
  • Chip Bubl
  • Sally Campbell
  • Jane Collier
  • Claudia Groth
  • Monica Maggio
  • Jean Natter
  • Rachel Suits
  • Ron Spendal
  • Heather Stoven


 Extending Immense Thanks to Our Class Coordinators!

“Wisdom is knowing what to do next; virtue is doing it.”  – David Starr Jordan

Hillsboro MG class coordinators Louise and Marti compile Sustainable Gardening Handbooks

There is no doubt we have a wise and virtuous team of volunteer coordinators for our three Master Gardener training venues!  Our lead volunteer coordinators:  Louise Gomez-Burgess and Marti Farris (Hillsboro class), Cindy Manselle (Oregon City class), and Beven Peters and Rich Becker (Portland class); along with their supportive team of volunteer’s displayed beyond measure dedication that made for a very successful Master Gardener training!

Each volunteer team attended to the biggest and tiniest details to ensure a successful training and a welcoming venue for the new trainees.  Thanks for compiling, hauling, setting up, attending to AV needs, announcing, assisting Interns, spreading out the hospitality table, and cleaning up the last crumb before turning off the lights.  We are grateful for your time, assistance and attentiveness!

Special thanks to Marilyn Frankel and Jane and Mike Collier for lifting and hauling PNW books and supplies across the tri-counties far and wide!

Kudos Metro-area Chapters!

Thank you to the Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington County Chapters for their financial support of the Metro MG training classes.  The facility, hospitality and parking fees would prohibit training happening in such great venues.  Thank you for your constant and generous support of the OSU Metro Master Gardener training program.  Your contributions make such positive and vital difference to the Master Gardener program!


Plant Sales Galore!

Get ready!  April brings the start of our 3 supporting Chapter’s as they roll out a series of three fantastic fundraising plant sales.

Mark your calendars, save the dates and get ready to volunteer and shop-till-you-drop!  These are extremely fun events to attend and most especially fun to serve as a volunteer.  Don’t miss out!

Washington County MG’s Gardenfest Plant Sale – April 27th

A successful fundraising tradition emerges as the Washington Co. Master Gardener’s hold their first annual Gardenfest Plant Sale.  A fundraising plant sale that guides home gardeners in creating beautiful gardens that thrive!  Perennials, shrubs, vegetables, annuals, herbs, and garden tools!  Classes that support successful gardening!  Find ideas that inspire as you tour the Washington Co. Master Gardener’s new Education Garden. PCC Rock Creek Campus, Portland 17705 NW Springville Rd, Portland, OR 97229

Clackamas County MG’s Spring Garden Fair – May 4th and 5th

The iconic Spring Garden Fair will satisfy anyone’s plant lust! Perennials, annuals, natives, ornamentals, veggie, fruit, herbs, garden art and garden supplies!  10-minute University classes, Soil pH testing, New Plant Introductions, fabulous raffle and more! Clackamas County Event Center, Canby.

Volunteer opportunities, see…
For Spring Garden Fair details, see…

Multnomah MG’s Incredible Edibles Sale – May 11th
To volunteer email
Event details

The Incredible Edibles Plant Sale is a community celebration for home-grown goodness – organic veggie, fruit and herb starts will get you growing!  In addition, find a great selection of garden tools, garden art, classes filled with tips and tricks for gardening and cooking up your harvest! Live music! Kids Grow tent! Raffle! Fun for all ages!  1624 NE Hancock Street, Portland






Thumbs Up for 2019 Master Gardener Training!













I love spring anywhere, but if I could choose, I would always greet it in a garden. – Ruth Stout

We know spring is near, despite the wintry precipitation and biting cold, as we welcome a new class of 2019 OSU Master Gardener Interns and gear up for an exciting season educating the home gardener in successful gardening practices! So polish up your OSU Master Gardener badge and get ready for a new slate of MG activities and volunteer opportunities.

It’s time to reach out and engage in the myriad of clinics, projects and special events.  Return to your favorite Master Gardener activity or try something new! Look for opportunities on CERVIS and in upcoming newsletters and emails.

Welcome Class of 2019 Master Gardeners!

A hearty welcome to our 2019 class of Master Gardener Interns!  We are excited to have you joining our program of committed garden educators.  You are over halfway through your training and soon you will be out in the community actively practicing and sharing your newfound knowledge.

Possibilities will abound with a wide-range of volunteer opportunities.  You will hear about the many OSU approved offerings during week #6 of class.  We hope you will dig in, have fun, and share your passion for gardening with fellow MGs and the gardening public.  This is an opportunity to further your garden education and to gain confidence in teaching others how to sustainably and successfully garden.

Key points for 2019 MG Interns:

  • Complete the four required training modules plus the corresponding quizzes, and an additional module of your choice, along with the quiz, by March 31, 2019.
  • Complete the online final exam by March 31, 2019. The exam will be available starting the evening of March 15th. Please, allocate three to five hours to complete this online learning experience.  You can stop and start the exam, and you can complete the exam in multiple sessions (be sure to save your work).  A score of 70 percent or more is required on the test in order to start volunteering at Master Gardener clinic activities (answering the public’s garden questions). You will receive a grade on the exam upon submission via Canvas.  The exam is open book.  Feel free to refer to your online modules, Sustainable Gardening Handbook, and in-class handouts.
  • For best selection, be sure to sign-up for your required Workshop before March 31st. Soon after that date, the Workshop schedule will open to all Master Gardeners and the offerings will fill quickly.
  • Hear about the many volunteer opportunities during Week #6. This will be your opportunity to meet the volunteer coordinators and learn how to sign-up for volunteer activities via CERVIS (our online volunteer system).

Special message to our “Perennial Master Gardeners”

Perennial Master Gardeners, please join-in welcoming and guiding our new class of eager Master Gardener Interns by signing up for shifts at the Master Gardener phone clinics, area farmers markets, and other remote clinics.  We hope to have one Perennial MG per shift scheduled before March 10th – so when trainees sign-up for shifts at the MG training Resource Fair they will have a Perennial MG to be there to support and guide them in their new role as a garden educator.

To sign up for phone, farmer’s markets, and remote clinic shifts go to CERVIS or contact the coordinator.

When signing up for CERVIS be sure to only sign-up for slots labeled “Perennial” or “Perennial/Intern”.  Please do not sign-up in slots labeled “Intern only”

All ‘current’ certified 2019 Perennial Master Gardeners have access to CERVIS.  If you are unable to access CERVIS, please contact Marcia McIntyre   2019 Interns, you will have access to CERVIS on Saturday, March 16th, after the week #6 Resource Fair.

Photo credit: Sterling College

Demystifying Grafted Tomatoes: The Why & How for Gardeners

If you have been curious about grafting tomatoes then catch the next OSU Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinars!  You can take part in this informative webinar, presented by Dr. Cary Rivard, of Kansas State University, on Friday, March 15th, at 11AM.  To register, go to:

If you can’t view the live webinar, a recording will be available a week or so after the live event.

‘Demystifying Grafted Tomatoes’ is just one of many webinars produced by OSU Extension to supplement your OSU Master Gardener continuing education.  If you missed any previous webinars from 2017 or 2018 – please take the time to view the recordings.

Each webinar viewed counts as 1-hour continuing education credit for Perennial Master Gardeners.

2018 Webinar Series

2017 Webinar Series–4l3B4VCJPvw

2019 Master Gardener Training Begins!

Our annual OSU Master Gardener training has commenced!  We welcome over 190 eager Interns, extend sincere gratitude to our inspiring instructors, and express our utmost thanks to 3 committed teams of Perennial MG volunteer coordinators!

“The flowers of late winter and early spring occupy places in our hearts well out of proportion to their size.”
–  Gertrude S. Wister

With thoughts of spring, now’s the time to consider how you would like to serve and grow this gardening season in your role as an OSU Master Gardener.  What community service events would you like to be involved with?  A long time favorite event or a new one?  How do you plan to expand your gardening know-how through our many continuing education opportunities?  See some possibilities in the articles below.

Now is a good time to sign-up for our Master Gardener office hotlines (via CERVIS,).  Farmers Market schedules open over the next several weeks, so please check back if the event you are looking for has yet to be posted.

It is also the perfect time to help welcome and usher in the new class of Master Gardener trainees.  Come sit in on one of the MG training sessions (here’s the schedule).  Introduce yourself to a trainee.  Learn what interests brought them to our training program. Share your passion for gardening and the Master Gardener program with those new to the program.

Welcome Janet!  A new member of our MG program team!

We are excited to announce and welcome Janet Hohman as Administrative Program Assistant for the Metro-area Master Gardener program team.  For the past year, Janet has served as an Office Specialist for the Clackamas Co. OSU Extension Service office.  A portion of her position included time supporting the Master Gardener program.  In her role as office specialist, Janet has been assisting and supporting Master Gardeners signing up for the Clackamas phone hotline and the MG program team.  You may have met Janet at our Fall Recertification events in 2017 and 2018.

There is a bit of a transition time as Janet continues to assist in the front office, but starting April 1, Janet will be moving full time into her new position!  We are thrilled to have Janet, her skills, and positive energy contributing to the metro-area OSU Master Gardener program.

Janet will be supporting Master Gardeners with using our online systems.  Need help getting logged into CERVIS?  How about navigating the online modules in Canvas?  Janet will be sharing her knowledge with encouraging guidance.

A few fun facts about Janet…she has confessed to LOVING dirt (hey, we are fans too!), has a keen interest in composting, and plays the banjo!  Please join us in giving Janet a warm welcome!

2019 Master Gardener Training to Commence!

February marks the beginning of our 2019 metro-area OSU Master Gardener training.  For 7 weeks starting the first week in February and running through March, we will have science-based instruction from a stellar group of horticulture experts.  Perennial favorite instructors are returning…Jen Aron, Margaret Bayne, Chip Bubl, Jane Collier, Claudia Groth, Monica Maggio, Weston Miller, and Jean R. Natter. In addition, we welcome 3 new instructors, metro-area Master Gardener Sally Campbell, and OSU Extension’s Heather Stoven and Rachel Suits.

Each AM or PM session attended counts as 3 hours of continuing education credit for 2019.

We are thrilled that we will be welcoming over 180 new Master Gardeners!  If you attend training class, please take the time to say hello to new trainees and welcome them to the Master Gardener program.

The training sites and days are:

Tuesdays, February 5 – March 19, 9AM to 4PM
Hillsboro United Methodist Church, 168 NE 8th Avenue, Hillsboro

Thursdays, February 7 – March 21, 9AM to 4PM
Museum of the Oregon Territory, Museum of the Oregon Territory 3rd floor- 211 Tumwater Drive, Oregon City

Fridays, February 8 – March 22, 9AM to 4PM
Multnomah County Headquarters, Multnomah County Headquarters -501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland

See the 2019 Metro-area Training Schedule HERE


Demystifying Grafted Tomatoes: The Why & How for Gardeners

Photo credit: Sterling College

Now there’s a topic of great interest to many vegetable gardeners and it happens to be the latest topic for the OSU Master Gardener Advanced Training Webinars!  You can take part in this informative webinar, presented by Dr. Cary Rivard, of Kansas State University, on Friday, March 15th, at 11AM.  To register, go to:

If you can’t view the live webinar, a recording will be available.

‘Demystifying Grafted Tomatoes’ is just one of many webinars produced by OSU Extension to supplement your OSU Master Gardener continuing education.  If you missed any previous webinars from 2017 or 2018 – please take the time to view the recordings.

Each webinar viewed counts as 1-hour continuing education credit.

2018 Webinar Series

2017 Webinar Series–4l3B4VCJPvw


Display Your 2019 Sticker!

Again, this year, we have distributed a new, 2019 MG badge sticker to indicate those Master Gardeners who are up-to-date with their volunteer, continuing education (recertification) hours and have submitted their signed 2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service agreement. You served diligently!  Now display your sticker proudly!

To maintain your certification, the following are the minimum criteria for Veteran MGs in 2019

Start logging your hours on a 2019 Volunteer Log Sheet.  Once that log sheet is brimming with your annual requirements, please submit your log to the Metro MG Program office, no later than September 30, 2019.


Supporting the OSU Master Gardener Program through Chapter Membership

The metro-area OSU Master Gardener program has 3 vital, and active Chapters.  Each Chapter is part of the Oregon Master Gardeners Association, which formed to support the OSU Master Gardener program.

With the start of a New Year, our three metro-area Chapters have been accepting membership renewals.  Chapter membership is optional and not required to maintain active Master Gardener status. Many choose Chapter membership for the added benefits that these OSU Master Gardener supporting associations provide.  You can belong to any Chapter you would like.  Some Master Gardeners belong to multiple Chapters.  To renew your Chapter membership contact Chapters through their websites.

For those of you who took your MG training in 2018, during your training year you received complimentary Chapter membership in the county Chapter where you reside.  You now have the option of belonging to the Chapter of your choice.  The Chapters each have varying annual fees.  For more information visit their websites:

Clackamas County Master Gardeners

Multnomah County Master Gardeners

Washington County Master Gardeners


Fondly remembering Bill Greer

If you attended Master Gardener training in Washington County in the past 25 years, upon arrival you received a warm, friendly welcome from OSU Master Gardener, Bill Greer.  Bill volunteered at the check-in table at MG training for longer than anyone can remember. He was a fixture who could be counted on to welcome all, with a kind word and his delightful sense of humor.  We were deeply saddened to learn that Bill died on January 1.  Continue reading our fond remembrance of Bill Greer…


Anyone who thinks that gardening begins in the spring and ends in the fall is missing the best part of the whole year. For gardening begins in January with the dream.
– Josephine Nuese

Happy 2019 Master Gardeners!

Yes, January is a great time to begin or rekindle your garden dreams and plan for the future.  Whether curling up with a great seed catalog, charting out your garden plans on graph paper, perusing garden inspiration online, or pacing around your garden to determine a plan of attack for those pesky weeds that seem to be flourishing in our mild winter, there’s definitely plenty to do right now!

It is also the perfect time to plan how you would like to volunteer as a Master Gardener in the coming year.  Will you volunteer at your usual volunteer venue?  Or will you explore and try something new, like lending a hand and a shovel at a chapter Demonstration Garden, offering garden advice at one of the Master Gardener Hotline offices, volunteering at a favorite farmers market, or making gardening presentations to the public?  The possibilities are many!  Look for volunteer openings on CERVIS, with new postings being added every month, or check in with Chapters for opportunities.

We look forward to seeing you in 2019 wearing your OSU Master Gardener hat – sharing your passion for gardening, dispensing reliable gardening advice and serving our community!

Hearty Heap of Gratitude for 2018!

Volunteers at the Grow an Extra Row Garden

Upon the start of a New Year we take time to reflect on the year gone by.  For the metro-area OSU Master Gardener program, 2018 was another stellar year thanks to the extraordinary contributions of Master Gardener volunteers!




Look at these impressive numbers…

Master Gardeners Number reporting Total hours
2018 Interns   89   6,979
2018 Veterans 447 34,162
                                          Total 536 41,141

While serving the community with 41,000-plus hours of volunteer service, metro-area Master Gardeners had 34,431 public contacts.  With each of those public contacts Master Gardeners were educating, guiding, and inspiring home gardeners to be successful and environmentally responsible gardeners!

Master Gardeners made more community contributions by growing and donating over 18,407 lbs. of nutritious produce. Of that total, chapter demonstration gardens donated 7,241 lbs. of fresh vegetables and fruits, and individual MGs contributed over 11,246 lbs.!  That is a remarkable contribution in assisting those who are experiencing food insecurity!

We extend a hearty heap of gratitude to all metro-area Master Gardeners for sharing your time, energy, and passion for gardening by educating the public and supporting the OSU Master Gardener program.  Thank you!

2019 Master Gardener Training to Begin

Thumbs up from 2018 MG trainees Jerry, Carrie, (far left, and second from left) and Ellen (far right), along with Veteran MG Jack (second from right).

Join us in 2019 for Master Gardener training.  We will be holding 7 weeks of training classes starting the first week in February and running through March.  So mark your calendars.  Each AM or PM session attended counts as 3 hours continuing garden education credit for 2019.

The training sites and days are:

Tuesdays, February 5 – March 19, 9AM to 4PM
NEW LOCATION! Hillsboro United Methodist Church,
168 NE 8th Avenue, Hillsboro

Thursdays, February 7 – March 21, 9AM to 4PM
Museum of the Oregon Territory,
Museum of the Oregon Territory 3rd floor- 211 Tumwater Drive, Oregon City

Fridays, February 8 – March 22, 9AM to 4PM
Multnomah County Headquarters,
Multnomah County Headquarters -501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland

2019 Master Gardener training will include perennial favorite instructors: Jen Aron, Margaret Bayne, Chip Bubl, Jane Collier, Claudia Groth, Monica Maggio, Weston Miller and Jean R. Natter.  In addition, we welcome 3 new instructors, metro-area Master Gardener Sally Campbell, and OSU Extension’s Heather Stoven and Rachel Suits.

See the 2019 Metro-area Training Schedule HERE

Spread the Word!  2019 MG Training Registration Open!

How do the majority of people learn about Master Gardener training?  From Master Gardeners of course!

Now is your chance to let others know about the rewarding opportunities available serving as a Master Gardener volunteer.  Registration is now open for the 2019 Master Gardener Training!  Share the word with your gardening friends, wanna-be gardeners, and fellow community members.  Direct those interested to our Metro-area Master Gardener website for easy online registration.

Calling All MGs on Nextdoor, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

If social media is a favorite communication avenue for you, please consider sharing information about the Master Gardener training registration on the social media sites on which you participate.  Share posts from our Facebook and Twitter accounts or direct those interested to our website.  We would love to cover all Nextdoor neighborhoods in the metro-area.  If you need more information or would like a promotional photo to post – please contact Marcia McIntyre:

Being an ‘Active and Certified’ OSU Master Gardener

MG Connie Leben’s OSU Master Gardener Badge sporting a 2019 Recertification Sticker

This month we are updating Master Gardener’s status in CERVIS for the 2019 season based on the completion of the following:

  • Volunteer hours (20 hrs. for vets) and
  • Recertification credit (10 hrs. for everyone).
  • Conditions of Volunteer Service form for 2019 on file. (signed Conditions of Volunteer Service forms need to be submitted annually! Download form here.)

When these 3 requirements are met, we list you as “Current” in the CERVIS system and you will be able to sign-up for volunteer shifts.  Current statewide guidelines require us to hold back on recertifying MGs until these minimums are met.  Those who meet the requirement are issued a 2019 sticker to display on their badge.  See photo.

If you find you are no longer able to use CERVIS, contact Marcia McIntyre

Also contact Marcia if you need guidance in how to reach the minimum requirements to renew your “active and current” status as an MG.

Advanced Training Webinars for 2019 Continuing Education Credit

Photo: OSU Ebba Peterson

We have heard rave reviews this past year from Master Gardeners regarding the OSU MG Advanced Training Webinars!  Master Gardeners are discovering valuable gardening information from OSU experts that they can watch via an interactive webinar or a recording at a convenient time.  Another series is slated for 2019 and it is sure to please as well.

First-up in 2019…

Update on Sudden Oak Death in the Pacific Northwest
Presented by: Sarah Navarro (Oregon Department of Forestry) and Norma Kline (OSU Extension)
January 29, 11am PT
Details & pre-registration info:

Did you miss any of the 2017 or 2018 webinars?  They are still available.  Follow the links below and you can binge watch them all!  Each webinar can be counted as 1-hour continuing education credit the first time it is viewed.

2017 Webinar recordings

2018 Webinar recordings

Winter at the Master Gardener Hotlines

Stephanie, Jane and Marie at the Clackamas phone clinic.

Winter is a great time to volunteer at the metro-area Master Gardener Hotlines.  We get a surprising number of questions from gardeners itching to get out in their gardens. The pace of questions is slower in the winter, so it is a good time to come in, acquaint yourself with the resource library, and maybe even do some detective work regarding your own garden quandaries. Shifts are available on CERVIS or you can email the following coordinators to help you sign-up.

Join-in the Master Gardener Speakers Guild!

Master Gardener, Evie, presenting to a group at the Learning Gardens Laboratory

Take your role as a garden educator to the next level, by volunteering to be a presenter for the Master Gardener Speakers Guild!

The Metro MG program receives dozens of requests every year for garden presentations to community groups.  We have a small, but mighty, group of MGs who answer the call and present throughout the 3 counties – but requests greatly exceed what these dedicated MGs can handle.  Therefore, we are looking for additional MGs to share their research-based gardening know-how.  We will supply support materials, and those interested can shadow experienced presenters.  Volunteers can also take advantage of a new 2019 workshop that will focus on strengthening presentation skills.  Volunteers can select how many presentations a year they would like to make and the topics they feel most comfortable presenting. Please consider joining in this fun, valuable volunteer activity!

Presentations are needed on a variety of subjects:

  • Beginning gardening
  • Vegetable gardening
  • Fruit trees
  • Pruning
  • Composting
  • Container Gardening
  • IPM for the Home Gardener
  • Small Fruits
  • Perennials
  • Planting
  • Soil
  • Beneficial insects
  • Pollinator gardens
  • Tomatoes
  • Small space gardening
  • Native plants
  • Seed starting
  • Propagation
  • What’s your garden passion that you are willing to share?

Would you like to be part of this vital community outreach?  If so, contact Marcia McIntyre,

Warm Winter Wishes and Thanks!

Red rose hips with frost crystals
Photo: Pixabay

As Master Gardener activities and the gardening pace slows – we want to take the opportunity to send you warm winter wishes and sincere thanks for your remarkable service as OSU Master Gardeners.  Thank you for your selfless dedication to educating others on how to be good earth stewards and successful gardeners!  YOU are making such a positive difference to so many in our community!  We look forward to seeing you in the New Year, as you continue to share your passion for education and gardening!

Congrats 2018 Master Gardeners!

Amy sporting her shiny, new, Veteran, OSU MG badge!

At our annual Fall Recertification training Veteran Master Gardeners joined in giving a standing ovation, and cheer to our 2018 class of Master Gardeners as Weston introduced them.  Shortly thereafter, they received their OSU Master Gardener Veteran badges, which they have been wearing proudly in the days since.

We extend our sincere congratulations and a hearty welcome to all 2018 Master Gardeners.  We are glad to have you as part of our garden educator community and look forward to seeing you in 2019!

Note: MG badges will be mailed to anyone who was not able to pick up their badge at the Fall Recertification.  Expect the badges to arrive in mid-December.

With Utmost Appreciation!

Susan Albright

Our Fall Recertification training on November 10th, was an opportunity to extend a special certificate of appreciation, to six Master Gardeners for their significant contributions to the Metro Master Gardener Program.  We are grateful for their generous and dedicated service!  Utmost thanks to them all!

Susan Albright – dedicated phone clinic volunteer, served as librarian for the Washington Co. phone clinic, serves as Metro MG liaison representing the Washington Co. Master Gardeners Association and generously volunteers her support to the Program.  Serves as MG Guide.

Helen Dorbolo

Helen Dorbolo – instrumental in organizing and leading Propagation workshops for the Metro MG program the past 4 years. Serves as MG Guide.

Ginger Edwards – King Farmers Market coordinator, developed interactive activities, including insect coloring sheets to educate kids and adults alike who visit the market booth. Serves as MG Guide.

Jim Kronenberg

Jim Kronenberg – Lake Oswego Farmers Market coordinator, dedicated Speakers Guild Presenter, Propagation Workshop instructor and known for his iconic role playing ‘Logan Berry” in the Master Gardener video series.  Serves as MG Guide.

Winnie Mauch – dedicated phone clinic volunteer for both the Washington Co. and Multnomah Co. phone clinics over the past 18 years – has served orienting, and coaching phone clinic volunteers, attending to phone clinic office needs. Serves as MG Guide.

Patti Wroblewski – Lents Farmers Market coordinator, checks in with market volunteers each market day.  Delivers a bag of potting soil, lushly planted with lettuce, to inspire home gardeners that they can grow some vegetables with limited space.

Show You Are “Current” – 2019 MG Sticker

For those who have fulfilled the requirements to maintain their status as an active and “current” Master Gardener you will receive a 2019 Recertification sticker to proudly display on your MG badge.  The sticker is a designation that you are current and up-to-date, having completed all required volunteer service hours, continuing education opportunities, and completed forms.

Stickers will be mailed (by year’s end) to those who have met the annual requirements and did not receive a sticker at Fall Recertification.

For MGs still needing information about how to remain current, please refer to the Volunteer Portal’s How to Maintain Active OSU Master Gardener Status page.

If you have yet to send in your volunteer log sheet and your signed 2018_2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service form – please send them in right away so you too can receive your 2019 Recertification sticker and we will keep you on our ‘active’ Master Gardener roles.

Spread the Word!  2019 MG Training Registration Open!

How do the majority of people learn about Master Gardener training?  From Master Gardeners of course!

Now is your chance to let others know about the rewarding opportunities available serving as a Master Gardener volunteer.  Registration is now open for the 2019 Master Gardener Training!  Share the word with your gardening friends, wanna-be gardeners, and fellow community members.  Direct those interested to our Metro-area Master Gardener website for easy online registration.

Calling All MGs on Nextdoor, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

If social media is a favorite communication avenue for you, please consider sharing about the Master Gardener training registration on the social media sites on which you participate.  Share posts from our Facebook and Twitter accounts or direct those interested to our website.  We would love to cover all Nextdoor neighborhoods in the metro-area.  If you need more information or would like a promotional photo to post – please contact Marcia McIntyre:

Join-in the Master Gardener Speakers Guild!

Take your role as a garden educator to the next level, by volunteering to be a presenter for the Master Gardener Speakers Guild!

The Metro MG program receives dozens of requests every year for garden presentations to community groups.  We have a small, but mighty, group of MGs who answer the call and present throughout the 3 counties – but requests greatly exceed what these dedicated MGs can handle.  Therefore, we are looking for additional MGs to share their research-based gardening know-how.  We will supply support materials, and those interested can shadow experienced presenters.  Volunteers can also take advantage of a new 2019 workshop that will focus on strengthening presentation skills.  Volunteers can select how many presentations a year they would like to make and the topics they feel most comfortable presenting. Please consider joining in this fun, valuable volunteer activity!

Presentations are needed on a variety of subjects:

  • Beginning gardening
  • Vegetable gardening
  • Fruit trees
  • Pruning
  • Composting
  • Container Gardening
  • IPM for the Home Gardener
  • Small Fruits
  • Perennials
  • Planting
  • Soil
  • Beneficial insects
  • Pollinator gardens
  • Tomatoes
  • Small space gardening
  • Native plants
  • Seed starting
  • Propagation
  • What’s your garden passion that you are willing to share?

Would you like to be part of this vital community outreach?  If so, contact Marcia McIntyre,

2019 Master Gardener Training Is Just Around the Corner!

Weston and Claudia set to instruct in 2019.

Join us in 2019 for Master Gardener training.  We will be holding 7 weeks of training classes starting the first week in February running through March.  So mark your calendars.  Each AM or PM session attended counts as 3 hours continuing garden education credit for 2019.

The training sites and days are:

Tuesdays, February 5 – March 19, 9AM to 4PM
Hillsboro United Methodist Church,
168 NE 8th Avenue, Hillsboro

Thursdays, February 7 – March 21, 9AM to 4PM
Museum of the Oregon Territory,
Museum of the Oregon Territory 3rd floor- 211 Tumwater Drive, Oregon City

Fridays, February 8 – March 22, 9AM to 4PM
Multnomah County Headquarters,
Multnomah County Headquarters -501 SE Hawthorne Blvd., Portland

2019 Master Gardener training will include perennial favorite instructors: Jen Aron, Margaret Bayne, Chip Bubl, Jane Collier, Claudia Groth, Monica Maggio, Weston Miller and Jean R. Natter.  In addition, we welcome 3 new instructors, metro-area Master Gardener Sally Campbell, and OSU Extension’s Heather Stoven, and Rachel Suits.  Look for the detailed training schedule in the January 2019 MG newsletter.

December MG Advanced Training Webinars

Be sure to catch the final MG Advanced Training Webinar for 2018 on Monday December 17, at 11am PT. Kaci Buhl (OSU Extension) will present on Weed Management in the Garden & Landscape: Understanding Herbicides. Kaci is a dynamic educator who will share her expertise.

Details and pre-registration here:

Remember, if you are unable to participate in the webinar live – all webinars are posted for viewing a few days after the scheduled date.  Webinars count as 1 hour continuing garden education credit.

You can find all past webinar links here:

Tree-ific Timely Tips

Find some great timely tips on Christmas tree care in this article from OSU Extension Service’s Public Service Communications Specialist, Kym Pokorny.

Photo: Oregon State University

Treat your Christmas tree to vodka?  Only if you want to waste it!

OSU MG Oregon Zoo Volunteers Appreciated!

2018 Oregon Zoo MG Volunteers

Our Oregon Zoo Education Center MG volunteers enjoyed a lovely appreciation night hosted by Metro in thanks for their volunteer service this season.  A light dinner, door prizes, and free entrance to Zoo Lights was the enjoyed by those who attended. Thanks to all who volunteered this season at the Zoo.

Special thanks to Shawn Van Doren and Rob Kappa for serving as coordinators.

If you are interested in volunteering at the Zoo Education Center in 2019, be sure to watch for updates in the newsletter.

Congrats to the Class of 2018 Master Gardeners!
Here’s just a few 2018 Master Gardeners donning their OSU Master Gardener badges.







Kasey’s new Veteran MG badge