A screenshot of a Zoom meeting with smiling faculty members

by Casey Dawson, WIC Graduate Assistant

TOP ROW: Sarah Tinker Perrault (WIC Director), Casey Dawson (WIC Graduate Assistant), Shelley Nelson, Joe Baio, Deborah Coehlo; SECOND ROW: Patti Hamerski, Alicia Leytem, Bruce Seal, Dennis Bennett (WIC Assistant Director), Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez (Ecampus Senior Instructional Designer); THIRD ROW: Vernita Ediger, Jiyao Chen, Liz Kelly, Tamas Golya, Sarah Harsey; BOTTOM ROW: J Webster (WIC Graduate Intern), Tara Chapmon

This Fall, the WIC team hosted our annual Faculty Seminar, a 5-week course for WIC faculty across OSU to develop practical skills for teaching writing in their disciplines. Our weekly sessions included lessons on understanding the goals of a writing intensive course, how to evaluate student writing, designing summative writing assignments, and more.

Along with Sarah Tinker Perrault, this year’s WIC team moderators and assistants included WIC Graduate Assistant Casey Dawson, WIC Graduate Intern J Webster, WIC Assistant Director Dennis Bennett, and Ecampus’ Senior Instructional Design Specialist Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez. Nadia worked with our Seminar cohort on how to integrate writing exercises and assignments (including peer review and group discussions) effectively in the online teaching environment.

Across Canvas discussion boards and Zoom breakout groups, our participants engaged each other in conversations on the challenges of teaching writing today while sharing their own strategies for teaching, assigning, and assessing writing in their respective disciplines.

The WIC team is proud to congratulate the Fall 2023 WIC Faculty Seminar cohort on their completion of the course! This term’s Seminar graduates include:

  • Alicia Leytem (Sustainability)
  • Alison Lay Cranston (Environmental Science, NR & S)
  • Bruce Seal (Molecular Biology)
  • Deborah Coehlo (Psychology)
  • Jiyao Chen (Business)
  • Joe Baio (Bioengineering)
  • Liz Kelly (Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Sciences)
  • Patti Hamerski (Physics Education)
  • Sarah Harsey (Social Psychology)
  • Shelley Nelson (Sociology)
  • Tamas Golya (Political Science & Public Policy )
  • Tara Chapmon (Recreation & Tourism )
  • Vernita Ediger (Forestry )


Faculty are nominated to attend Seminar by their unit heads and receive a $500 honorarium for their participation.

For the first time, WIC will be hosting Faculty Seminar during all 3 terms of the academic year! We’re looking forward to meeting our next faculty cohort this Winter. Click this link to learn more about WIC Faculty Seminar.

by the WIC Team

The WIC Faculty Seminar for the 2020-2021 school year will be held in fall term.

Faculty interested in participating should ask their unit heads to email a nomination to interim WIC Director Anita Helle at ahelle@oregonstate.edu (if before June 15th) and to incoming WIC Director Sarah Perrault at sarah.tinker.perrault@gmail.com (after June 15th).

The seminar is designed for faculty teaching WIC courses and faculty using writing in non-WIC courses, as it focuses on learning best practices for teaching writing across the disciplines. Upon completing the five-session seminar, participating faculty receive a modest honorarium.

The seminar is held on five consecutive Thursday afternoons, 3-5pm, on the following dates:

  • October 8th
  • October 15th
  • October 22nd
  • October 29th
  • November 5th

Depending on the situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the seminar may be held in Milam 215, via zoom, or through some combination of the two.

Registration is now open and will continue throughout the summer.

by Regan Breeden, WIC Intern

The WIC program and staff would like to congratulate the 16 faculty participants of the Fall 2019 WIC Seminar.

Top row, from left: Nadine Orozco, Paul Hughes, David Kerr, Angelika Buchanan, Kristen Macuga, Maddy Bean, Kate Shay, Ana-Maria d’Ernesti, Scott Ables, Matthew Fuller (WIC Intern)

Lower row, from left: Kim Townsend, Mary Smallman, Andrea Allen, Natasha Mallette, Vicki Tolar Burton, Betsey Miller, Alex Werndli (WIC Intern), Regan Breeden (WIC Intern)

Not pictured: Chris Stout, Kelly Chandler, Marisa Yerace (WIC GTA)

Over the course of five weeks, participants in the 2019 Fall Seminar explored pedagogical nuances of WIC through their engagement with numerous informal writing-to-learn exercises. These included write-and-pass, looping, a change-three-things exercise, and more. 

Building on faculty interest in peer review of WIC assignments, the seminar focused in on varied approaches for responding to student writing, including strategies for administering feedback for Ecampus students. Participants also reviewed assignments for each other and discussed ways to guide students through the drafting process.

At seminar’s end, faculty evaluated the seminar as effective and full of wisdom and useful information instructors might not otherwise learn; one faculty member said the best part was “hearing from other participants in the course as well as the formal presentation. It was a good balance of both.”

It was a pleasure and privilege sharing the learning space of the WIC Fall Seminar. This year’s participants were:

Scott Ables, History

Andrea Allen, Atmospheric Sciences, Geography

Maddy Bean, Health Promotion and Health Behavior

Angelika Buchanan, Management 

Kelly Chandler, Human Development and Family Sciences 

Ana-Maria d’Ernesti, World Languages and Cultures 

Paul Hughes, Food Science and Technology

David Kerr, Psychology

Kristen Macuga, Psychology

Natasha Mallette, Chemical, Biological, and Environmental Engineering

Betsey Miller, Horticulture

Nadine Orozco, Wood Science and Engineering

Kate Shay, Biochemistry and Biophysics

Mary Smallman, Animal and Rangeland Sciences

Christopher Stout, Political Science

Kim Townsend, Sustainability 

2018 WIC Fall Seminar Faculty Recognized

By Lindsay Schwehr, WIC GTA

The WIC Faculty and Staff would like to congratulate the 13 faculty participants of the Fall 2018 WIC Seminar.

(From left to right) Back Row: Ethan Minot, Jason Fick Fourth Row: Shawn Massoni, Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Betsy Rock Third Row: Tasha Galardi, Adela Hall, Jaga Giebultowicz Second Row: Lauren Dalton, Vicki Tolar Burton Front Row: Christy Anderson Brekken, Jonny Armstrong, Kelly Biedenweg Not Pictured: Justin Wettstein


Over the course of five weeks, participants in the 2018 Fall Seminar engaged in various in-class informal writing assignments and activities. These assignments included looping, a write-and-pass exercise, a change-3-things exercise, and more.

After engaging in these activities, participants returned to the group in order to discuss their process with these informal writing assignments and the explored topic. Faculty participants engaged heavily in pedagogy surrounding Writing-to-Learn ideologies, exploring new ways to engage their students in informal writing activities and ungraded writing. Participants also discussed new or different approaches to responding to and evaluating student writing. During one of the seminar sessions, faculty participants provided writing assignments used in their current curriculum for workshop and revision.

At seminar’s end, faculty evaluated the seminar as being highly engaging and thought provoking; one faculty member said, “The seminar allowed me the chance to experience the thinking process and experience myself, and see how these new ideas can be beneficial to my students.”

It was a pleasure and privilege sharing the learning space of the WIC Fall Seminar. This year’s participants were:

  • Jennifer Alix-Garcia, Applied Economics
  • Jonny Armstrong, Fisheries and Wildlife
  • Kelly Biedenweg, Fisheries and Wildlife
  • Christy Anderson Brekken, Applied Economics
  • Lauren Dalton, Biochemistry and Biophysics
  • Jason Fick, Music Technology
  • Tasha Galardi, Human Development and Family Sciences
  • Jaga Giebultowicz, Integrative Biology
  • Adela Hall, World Languages and Cultures
  • Shawn Massoni, Microbiology
  • Ethan Minot, Physics
  • Betsy Rock, Business
  • Justin Wettstein, Climate Science


Adela Hall and Shawn Massoni.

Jason Fick and Jaga Giebultowicz

Christy Brekken, Tasha Galardi, and Jonny Armstrong.

Lauren Dalton, Ethan Minot, and Kelly Biedenweg.










Call for Nominations: Fall 2018 WIC Faculty Seminar

By WIC Team 

The WIC Faculty Seminar for the 2018-2019 school year will be held in fall term. Faculty interested in participating should ask their unit heads to email a nomination to WIC director Vicki Tolar Burton at vicki.tolarburton@oregonstate.edu.

The seminar is designed for faculty teaching WIC courses and faculty using writing in non-WIC courses, as it focuses on learning best practices for teaching writing across the disciplines. Upon completing the five-session seminar, participating faculty receive a modest honorarium.

The seminar is held on five consecutive Wednesday afternoons, 3-5pm, in Milam 215 on the specific dates listed below:

  • October 10
  • October 17
  • October 24
  • October 31
  • November 7

Registration is now open and will continue throughout the summer.

WIC Fall Seminar Faculty Recognized

By Ruth Sylvester

The WIC program and staff would like to congratulate the 17 faculty participants of the Fall 2017 WIC Seminar.

WIC Seminar Fall 2017 Participants
Clockwise from top left: Ruth Sylvester, Dana Reason, Beau Baca, Randy Moore, James Stevens, Nate Kirk, Meta Landys, Elise Bradley, Linda Richards, Deborah John, Lisa Ellsworth Becky Haddad, Deann Garcia, Liz White, Vicky Tolar-Burton, Jennifer Anderson, Mohana Das, Natchee Barnd, Megan MacDonald

This fall, the seminar brought together faculty from such disciplines as economics, music, biology and design, among others. Over the five weeks of the seminar, faculty participants explored pedagogical nuances of WIC through their engagement with numerous informal writing-to-learn exercises. Following last year’s interest in peer review of WIC assignments, the seminar focused in on varied approaches for responding to student writing, including strategies for administering feedback for Ecampus students. Participants also reviewed assignments for each other, discussed ways to guide students through the drafting process, and shared rubrics for long graded writing assignments.

In evaluating the seminar, faculty showed their enthusiasm for teaching writing and learning new writing strategies. They appreciated “idea sharing among like-minded faculty members” and “the collegial environment…invaluable for generating ideas and building a network of resources.”

During Winter Term, the WIC program will offer a new workshop, Intersections of Critical Thinking and Assignment Design. This workshop will be held on Wednesday, February 21, 2018, from 2-4pm in Milam 215, and refreshments will be provided. Sign up for it here.

It was a privilege and pleasure sharing the learning space of the WIC Fall Seminar. This year’s participants were:

*Jennifer Anderson – Education
*Beau Baca – Academic Advising/College of Liberal Arts
*Natchee Barnd – Ethnic Studies
*Elise Bradley – Education
*Lisa Ellsworth – Fisheries and Wildlife
*Deann Garcia – Graphic Design
*Becky Haddad – General Agriculture
*Deborah John – Kinesiology
*Nate Kirk – Integrative Biology
*Meta Landys – Integrative Biology
*Deanna Lloyd – Crop and Soil Sciences
*Megan MacDonald – Kinesiology
*Randy Moore – Fisheries and Wildlife
*Dana Reason – Contemporary Music
*Linda Richards – History of Science
*James Sterns – Applied Economics
*Liz White – Education

Some snapshots from the seminar:

Liz White and Randy Moore

Jennifer Anderson and Linda Richards

Deanna Lloyd and Elise Bradley

(L to R) Natchee Barnd, Beau Baca, and James Stevens

Writing Values Exercise

L to R: Beau Baca, James Stevens, Meta Landys, Deborah John, and Megan MacDonald


























Thanks to Teagan Lochner and Caryn Stoess for the photographs.

By WIC Team 

The WIC Faculty Seminar for the 2017-2018 school year will be held in fall term. Faculty interested in participating should ask their unit heads to email a nomination to WIC director Vicki Tolar Burton at vicki.tolarburton@oregonstate.edu.

The seminar is designed for faculty teaching WIC courses and faculty using writing in non-WIC courses, as it focuses on learning best practices for teaching writing across the disciplines. Upon completing the five-session seminar, participating faculty receive a modest honorarium.

The seminar is held on five consecutive Wednesday afternoons, 3-5pm, in Milam 215 on the specific dates listed below:

  • October 11
  • October 18
  • October 25
  • November 1
  • November 8

Registration is now open and will continue throughout the summer. As of now, eight spaces are available.


By WIC Team

The WIC program and staff would like to congratulate the 16 faculty participants of the Fall 2016 WIC Seminar. We are pleased to have these members of the WIC community committed to seeking professional development in the teaching of writing across the disciplines.

This year’s seminar reflected growing interest in peer review within WIC courses and between WIC faculty. Our participants were so encouraged during a peer review session of class assignments that they expressed interest in future opportunities to consult their WIC colleagues. As a result, the WIC staff plans to organize peer review sessions for WIC faculty beginning in Winter 2017. Seminar participants also found discussion on feedback and evaluation strategies helpful, many of them vowing to improve the feedback students receive in their classes. Not to worry though, their students will have many opportunities to practice writing before evaluations in the form of minimally-graded writing-to-learn activities our faculty tried and enjoyed during the seminar. In general, seminar participants were enthusiastic about taking activities, strategies, and ideas from discussion and implementing them into their classes.

In evaluating the seminar, participants noted that they enjoyed the interdisciplinary collaboration. One seminar member saw this collaboration as a reminder of what writing challenges our students navigate on a daily basis:

The best part of the seminar was “discussing things in small groups with faculty from other programs. I think hearing other perspectives is helpful in understanding how they use writing because I do end up teaching many students from other schools and colleges.”

It was a privilege and pleasure sharing the learning space of the WIC Fall Seminar. This year’s participants were:

  • Julia Bradshaw (Art)
  • Rachael Cate (Electrical Engineering)
  • Marjorie Coffey (Academic Success Center)
  • Ashley D’Antonio (Forest Ecosystems & Society)
  • Kimary Fick (Music)
  • Reem Hajjar (Forest Ecosystems & Society)
  • Elizabeth Helman (Theatre)
  • Nicole Holck (New Media Communication)
  • Ian Munanura (Forest Ecosystems & Society)
  • Ted Paterson (Business)
  • Matt Powers (Forest Engineering, Resources & Management)
  • Walt Ream (Microbiology)
  • Ana Ribero (Writing, Literature & Film)
  • David Rothwell (Human Development & Family Sciences)
  • Kirsten Winters (Computer Science)
  • Mila Zuo (Writing, Literature & Film)

We were excited to work with you and look forward to continuing to do so in the future!


By WIC Team 

The WIC Faculty Seminar for the 2016-2017 school year will be held in fall term. Faculty interested in participating should ask their unit heads to email a nomination to WIC director Vicki Tolar Burton at vicki.tolarburton@oregonstate.edu.

The seminar is designed for faculty teaching WIC courses and faculty using writing in non-WIC courses, as it focuses on learning best practices for teaching writing across the disciplines. Upon completing the five-session seminar, participating faculty receive a modest honorarium.

The seminar is held on five consecutive Tuesdays, with the specific dates listed below:

  • October 11
  • October 18
  • October 25
  • November 1
  • November 8

*All seminars are conducted 3-5pm, Milam 215.

Registration is now open and will continue throughout the summer.

By Kristina Lum, (MA 2016, SWLF) WIC GTA

The WIC program and staff would like to congratulate the 13 faculty participants of the 2016 WIC Winter Seminar. We are pleased to have these members of the WIC community committed to seeking professional development in the teaching of writing across the disciplines.

This year’s seminar reflected growing interest in how to create support for student writing development over the course of the students’ college career. Faculty were filled with suggestions regarding better ways to support and integrate writing into courses, which included the role of GTAs in WIC courses. These discussions revealed a possible need for GTA training/support so that GTAs involved in teaching or assisting with WIC classes are familiar with the key elements of a WIC course, such as writing-to-learn activities, peer review, and instructor feedback to guide revision. In doing so, participants contributed to a dialogue that is likely to influence future WIC events and the larger university teaching communities.

In evaluating the seminar, participants noted that they enjoyed the interdisciplinary collaboration. One seminar member saw this collaboration as a point of creative inspiration for their own curriculum design:

“It was good to see how people from different departments approach challenges. The solutions they implement have helped me think more deeply about how to make my own class better.”

It was a privilege and pleasure sharing the learning space of the WIC Winter Seminar. This year’s participants were:

  • Jeneva Anderson (Microbiology and BioHealth Sciences)
  • Kim Gratz (Civil and Construction Engineering)
  • Kelsy Kretschmer (Sociology)
  • Kevin McGrath (Electrical Engineering and Computer Science)
  • Cynthia Mojica (School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences)
  • Ryan Mueller (Microbiology and BioHealth Sciences)
  • Andrea Myhre (Human Development and Family Sciences)
  • Monica Olvera (Human Development and Family Sciences)
  • Doug Reese (Fisheries and Wildlife)
  • Kim Rogers (Kinesiology)
  • Aimee Snyder (School of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences)
  • Jason Tanenbaum (Political Science)
  • Paul Thompson (Economics)

We were excited to work with you and look forward to continuing to do so in the future!