by Casey Dawson, WIC Graduate Assistant

TOP ROW: Sarah Tinker Perrault (WIC Director), Casey Dawson (WIC Graduate Assistant), Shelley Nelson, Joe Baio, Deborah Coehlo; SECOND ROW: Patti Hamerski, Alicia Leytem, Bruce Seal, Dennis Bennett (WIC Assistant Director), Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez (Ecampus Senior Instructional Designer); THIRD ROW: Vernita Ediger, Jiyao Chen, Liz Kelly, Tamas Golya, Sarah Harsey; BOTTOM ROW: J Webster (WIC Graduate Intern), Tara Chapmon

This Fall, the WIC team hosted our annual Faculty Seminar, a 5-week course for WIC faculty across OSU to develop practical skills for teaching writing in their disciplines. Our weekly sessions included lessons on understanding the goals of a writing intensive course, how to evaluate student writing, designing summative writing assignments, and more.

Along with Sarah Tinker Perrault, this year’s WIC team moderators and assistants included WIC Graduate Assistant Casey Dawson, WIC Graduate Intern J Webster, WIC Assistant Director Dennis Bennett, and Ecampus’ Senior Instructional Design Specialist Nadia Jaramillo Cherrez. Nadia worked with our Seminar cohort on how to integrate writing exercises and assignments (including peer review and group discussions) effectively in the online teaching environment.

Across Canvas discussion boards and Zoom breakout groups, our participants engaged each other in conversations on the challenges of teaching writing today while sharing their own strategies for teaching, assigning, and assessing writing in their respective disciplines.

The WIC team is proud to congratulate the Fall 2023 WIC Faculty Seminar cohort on their completion of the course! This term’s Seminar graduates include:

  • Alicia Leytem (Sustainability)
  • Alison Lay Cranston (Environmental Science, NR & S)
  • Bruce Seal (Molecular Biology)
  • Deborah Coehlo (Psychology)
  • Jiyao Chen (Business)
  • Joe Baio (Bioengineering)
  • Liz Kelly (Fisheries, Wildlife, & Conservation Sciences)
  • Patti Hamerski (Physics Education)
  • Sarah Harsey (Social Psychology)
  • Shelley Nelson (Sociology)
  • Tamas Golya (Political Science & Public Policy )
  • Tara Chapmon (Recreation & Tourism )
  • Vernita Ediger (Forestry )


Faculty are nominated to attend Seminar by their unit heads and receive a $500 honorarium for their participation.

For the first time, WIC will be hosting Faculty Seminar during all 3 terms of the academic year! We’re looking forward to meeting our next faculty cohort this Winter. Click this link to learn more about WIC Faculty Seminar.

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