Natter’s Notes
Japanese Beetle Eradication: Update
Jean R. Natter, OSU Master Gardener

Japanese beetle eradication: One year down, 4 to go.
Japanese beetles (JB) will remain front and center as important invasive pests in Washington County. The eradication effort began in 2017 and will extend through 2021. The Oregon Department of Agriculture’s (ODA) 2018 plans are progressing well for the continuing effort against these serious invasive pests of agriculture and home landscapes.
Few questions were submitted to the Washington County MG office during 2017 about JBs, so, ODA did an excellent job explaining the project to affected citizens and recruiting their cooperation. (I responded to just 2 client inquiries, both from far outside the quarantine area. One about the dying birch trees on Cooper Mountain where the client was concerned he “saw some of those bugs” and even “dug some out of the trunk.”)
News from ODA
“Using data from our 2017 trap detections and the resulting predicted JB trap catches for 2018, we have expanded our treatment area for next year in Washington County. As was the case in 2017, consent is needed from residents for ODA and our contractors to be able to enter the properties and treat with Acelepryn G. In January, residents within the treatment area will receive notice in the mail with details about the infestation, our plans for eradication, and consent forms to return to us. Consent can also be granted using our online form. Treatment is scheduled for April and May 2018. In addition to the treatments in Washington County, we also plan to treat [a] small area at Portland International Airport and a residential neighborhood in Oakland, OR, [Ed. Note: Douglas County] based on 2017 detections. These infestations are believed to be unrelated to the Washington County populations.”

ODA’s Proposed Response Plan for 2018
ODA’s 2018 Proposed Response Plan for Japanese beetle has been finalized and is now available. As previously announced, all known infested properties will be treated.
ODA’s directives about yard debris
ODA’s “newest alert about the quarantine” describes appropriate handling of potentially contaminated yard debris and contains a brief FAQ. (

(Image adapted from Oregon Department of Agriculture)
Informational Open Houses by ODA
ODA has scheduled two open house events for Cedar Mill and nearby neighborhood residents to have their questions answered about the JB eradication project:
– Tuesday, February 13 at Leedy Grange, 835 Saltzman Rd, 9:30am-12:30pm
– Monday, March 5 at Cedar Mill Community Library, 12505 NW Cornell Rd, 5:15pm-7:15pm
FAQ about the granular Acelepryn G
During 2017, a granular product was applied to turf areas of affected properties using a drop spreader. A detailed FAQ concerning Acelepryn G is at the Oregon Health Authority (
What to do if a JB is seen
“If you see the adult Japanese beetle within the treatment area then the Oregon Department of Agriculture advises that you dispose of them in a container of soapy water.
“If beetles are observed outside the treatment area please put the specimen in a container or bag and email or call ODA.”
– ODA news release 2017-12-14: “ODA makes plans for Japanese beetle battle part 2“ (
– ODA’s Japanese Beetle website, an overview of the infestation and its management, now with extensive updates. (
– “Japanese Beetle Treatment Map with Trap Placement” outlines the proposed 2018 quarantine area in blue while dots indicate individual traps. (
– “Current Suppression and Eradication Projects” contains succinct summaries of the green waste quarantine, the 2017 JB detections, and a list of links to JB resources at ODA. (
– Oregon Health Authority has an extensive FAQ fact about Acelepryn G, the granular insecticide used against JBs in Washington County.
(Click the link below for PDF containing the above text and all the images.)