Natter’s Notes: Heat Stress
Jean R. Natter, OSU Master Gardener
September 2017
This has been an interesting year as far as plant problems go. The past winter was colder than usual; this spring was wetter than usual; this summer hotter and drier than usual; and, oh yes, we had a total solar eclipse (2017-08-21) even as I was writing this. Then, too, in spite of the plentiful rainfall this past winter and spring, established trees in forests and landscapes are dying from consecutive years of drought.
For the most part, causal agents of plant problems are abiotic, caused by naturally-occurring adverse environmental factors, also the garden’s care-takers, John and/or Jane Doe. So, when clients ask which disease afflicts their plants, we have a lot to consider. We need a detailed history of what occurred and when, including pre-plant preparations as well as follow-up maintenance.
Just how plants react to high temperatures depends upon numerous factors, among them the extent and duration of the heat; the relative humidity; wind conditions; soil moisture content; the kind of plant, its age, site, and general status before the heat hit. (Phew! That’s a lot to consider.) Sometimes leaves are only damaged superficially. Other times, tissues die. Tissue survival is most likely when the plant is fully hydrated well before the heat hits. If heat is predicted, water the night before or early morning, between 2 and 6 AM.
One good thing about the recent heat waves, the accompanying low humidity has helped limit common leaf diseases. Well, except for powdery mildew, the fungus that creates a whitish film on the leaf surface. If that’s the case, recall that most fungicides are preventive and must be applied at the very first sign of disease, long before the leaf is snowy white.
Accurately diagnosing heat damage relies, in part, upon how well you “read” the signs and symptoms. It’s a skill that requires time to develop. (You know the old saw: Practice, practice, practice.)
Let’s take a look at how heat damage may be expressed, especially on leaves, since that’s often the only thing a client submits for diagnosis.
Young dogwood (Cornus sp.), probably about 2 years old, in a commercial landscape. (Fig 1) Exposure to bright sunlight damaged superficial tissues, killed the chlorophyll (green), revealing the underlying anthocyanins (red pigments), resulting in a reddened sheen on only the most exposed leaves. The somewhat shaded leaves retain excellent green color.
![Signs of heat stress on dogwood leaves](
Vine maple leaf with dry, brown edges, evidence of acute water shortage to the shrub. (Fig 2) Sudden heat exposure to a 19-year-old shrub damaged many leaves in a wide swath across the shrub. Affected leaves were tan and shriveled while others only had dry edges. Client wondered if the tree was at the end of its life span. The Ask an Expert response, said essentially this: It’s the recent heat. (Client image; 2017-08) Click image for larger view.
![Vine maple leaves suffering from heat stress](
Hosta, exposed to sudden and extreme heat, accompanied by low humidity. (Fig 3) The most severely damaged tissue at the right edge of the leaf, outlined by a zone of white tissue, still retains normal color. This kind of damage can develop in susceptible plants even if they’re in full shade. (J.R. Natter; 2017-06-24)
![Heat Stress on Hosta plant](
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