OSU Extension Service – Citizen Science Program

Oregon Season Trackers

Master Gardeners are you interested in honing your observation skills to be a part of this important citizen science network? Dedicate 20 minutes per week to tracking phenology and rainfall; help us build our knowledge base. We are seeking participants for a Spring 2019 OST training including two hours of self-paced online learning followed by an in-person skill-building session to be held at the Clackamas County Extension office annex (200 Warner-Milne Rd, Oregon City OR) on February 19, 2019 from 6-8 pm. The training fee is $40 per household and includes the program-approved rain gauge to set up in your site. Register online at http://bit.ly/ORSeasonTrackerTraining or contact Jean Bremer (503-655-8631, jean.bremer@oregonstate.edu).

By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Staff-retired, OSU Master Gardener

December 2018

Photo: OSU

Just say ‘no’ to bad gardening practices.  Learn what ‘not to do’ from OSU experts. (Kym Pokorny, OSU) https://bit.ly/2Dij9IQ

Are plants conscious?  “We tend to think of plants as passive organisms, the backdrop for looking at more interesting animals roaming around in the foreground. But the world of plants is by no means docile, it is simply working on a separate time scale and in a different medium, and we’re only just starting to decipher it.” (Josh Davis, iflscience.com) https://bit.ly/2pQZjwr

Red meat allergy associated with tick bites could also be passed on by tiny mites.After a series of strange medical cases, researchers discovered that bites from the lone star tick can induce a severe and persistent allergy to red meat. In the six or so years since this was identified, it has been determined that bites from multiple other tick species can also cause it. Now, evidence indicates that bites from another type of small, parasitic arachnid known as a “chigger” may do the same.”(iflscience.com) https://bit.ly/2zLQokc

New Ohio State app helps users identify, prevent and control Bed Bugs. (Ohio State U) https://bit.ly/2DhsHUi

Large cells for tiny leavesScientists identify protein that controls leaf growth and shape. (Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, sciencedaily.com) https://bit.ly/2PqLQdS

Freeze versus frost: A primer on how cold affects plants. (Beth Botts, Chicagotribune.com) https://trib.in/2DnkbmG

Interpreting soil testing analysis of compost.  While this publication is written for commercial growers, it has great general information on soil tests. (EM 9217, Dan M. Sullivan, Andy I. Bary, Robert O. Miller, and Linda J. Brewer, OSU) https://bit.ly/2JZYlat

Study finds fungi, not plant matter, responsible for most carbon sequestration in northern forests. (Bob Yirka, phys.org) https://bit.ly/2qJnzB7

Insecticidal soap vs dish detergents.  (Note: MGs do not recommend home remedies) (Matt Borden, Facebook.com) https://bit.ly/2PUiB2E

Native vs. nonnative – can’t we all just get along? Probably the most contentious gardening topic dealt with online is the native vs. nonnative plant debate. Here is an expert’s take on the topic. (Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, WSU) https://bit.ly/2K255EP

The myth of curative Kelp: “Seaweed extracts reduce disease, improve production, and increase stress resistance in landscape plants.”  Learn the true facts. (Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, WSU) https://bit.ly/2Tb9Rnm

Photo: T. Smith, University of Mass. Amhearst

Bagged potting mixes and garden soils for home gardeners-what’s in them?  “There are many types of bagged potting mixes and garden soils available. Some are intended to be used in the ground to supplement or fill areas for gardens. Other products are intended for plants growing in containers and pots. It is important to read the label before purchasing to learn the intended use for the product.” (Tina Smith and Dr. Douglas Cox, UMassAmherst) https://bit.ly/2qHiCso

Become familiar with the pests in your area. Don’t let pests surprise you! Become educated. Become prepared. (NPIC, OSU) https://bit.ly/2QDL4qv

The butterflies that hear with their wings.A petite group called the satyrines uses swollen veins to channel sound into tiny ears.” (Ed Yong, Theatlantic.com) https://bit.ly/2ECJ9kh

What are short day and long day plants? (Ann Marie VanDerZanden, OSU) https://bit.ly/2z37vP9

Test tube trees’: An insurance policy against extinction? (Helen Briggs, BBC News) https://bbc.in/2B31aEy

New, detailed snapshots capture photosynthesis at room temperature- Scientists use SLAC’s X-ray laser to watch water-splitting reaction-. Watch the video! (Stanford University) https://stanford.io/2OFsnRn

Negative gravitropism demonstration showing how mustard shoots react to change in pot position.  “Gravitropism is growth or movement response to gravity, observed in plants and fungus.” Watch the video. (Gphase, Youtube.com) https://bit.ly/2PUiPa0

Plants find ways to survive no matter the terrain. (Royal Holloway U) https://bit.ly/2OF5L3D

Cacao analysis dates domesticated chocolate trees back 3,600 years. (Eric Sorensen, WSU) https://bit.ly/2DkZrMp

The world’s largest organism, Pando (an Aspen), is dying. (Trevor Nace, Forbes.com) https://bit.ly/2PvvzEI

Moss rapidly detects, tracks air pollutants in real time. (ACS.org) https://bit.ly/2RSSBSu

Adelgid. Photo: Connecticut Agricultural Research Station


Meet the invasive insect that is changing an entire forest bird community. (GrrlScientist, Forbes.com) https://bit.ly/2RUUwpL




PDF 2018 December Horticultural Updates

Remembering with Fondness and Gratitude: Ray McNeilan

Ray McNeilan
Photo courtesy of Jan McNeilan

It is with sincere sadness we report that Ray McNeilan, OSU Professor of Horticulture and head of the Extension Master Gardener program from 1978 to 1996, died on October 4, 2018.

It is impossible to overstate the impact that Ray had on Oregon’s Master Gardener Program and on home gardeners across Oregon. He taught generations of Master Gardeners, was a gracious colleague to fellow horticulturists, and authored several books and countless Extension fact sheets.

Ray was instrumental helping to establish the Oregon Master Gardeners Association (comprised of individual, county Chapters), as a non-profit 501(c) organization dedicated to raising funds and supporting the Oregon State Master Gardener program.

Upon his retirement, he continued to volunteer his time and expertise to the Master Gardener Program and to the Oregon Master Gardener Association. In honor of his contributions, the Oregon Master Gardener Association funds a scholarship for an OSU Horticulture student, in Dr. McNeilan’s name.

His smile was huge, as was his heart. Together with his wife Jan (who was also an OSU Extension Professional, and the Coordinator of OSU’s Master Gardener Program from 2003 to 2007), the McNeilans helped to establish the Statewide Master Gardener Endowment Fund at OSU, which has been integral to keeping the program strong, to this day.

A giant in the world of horticulture, Ray was humble, generous, and always smiling. His legacy will live on in the many Master Gardeners he trained, the students who study horticulture at OSU via the Ray McNeilan scholarship, and the many colleagues he has supported and encouraged.

The metro-area Master Gardener program remembers Ray with fondness and deepest gratitude, knowing the significant, positive difference that he made to the OSU Master Gardener program, the gardening public and horticulture in Oregon!

In lieu of flowers, the family suggests tax-deductible memorial donations to the program closest to his heart: OSU Master Gardener Program Endowment, OSU Foundation, 850 S.W. 35th St., Corvallis, OR 97333-4015.


Ray and Jan McNeilan
Photo courtesy of Jan McNeilan


Natter’s Notes

A New Spider; Trellis Rust

Jean R. Natter, OSU Master Gardener

A new spider in Oregon: The Brown Widow Spider

The Brown Widow Spider (Latrodectus geometricus) recently identified (October 2018) in Oregon City, OR, is a tropical species unlikely to survive outdoors in the northwest. The hourglass mark on the ventral abdomen is orange instead of red as on the Black Widow (L. hesperus). (http://cisr.ucr.edu/brown_widow_spider.html)

Almost everybody loves to hate spiders. Especially during the late summer and fall, when the males are dashing around the house searching for females.

Well, let me introduce the Brown Widow Spider, Latrodectus geometricus, a relative of the black widow. Now, people have another spider to worry about. (The western black widow, L. hesperus, is scarce in western Oregon, more abundant in the south and east sections.)

A first-ever record for Oregon, the brown widow was found in Oregon City earlier this year. It resembles an adult-sized version of an immature black widow, a variable combination of off-white, brown, tan and black. It can be challenging to differentiate between the 2 species until they’re more than half-grown. Finding an egg sac makes it easier; the brown widow’s is “spiky” whereas the black widow’s is smooth.








Resources: Spiders

– Oregon Spider Facts, a livestream video, with the main topic the recently identified Brown Widow Spider (ODA 2018-10-01; Entomologists Jim LaBonte and Josh Vlach, ODA Insect Pest Prevention and Management Program; https://www.facebook.com/ORAgriculture/videos/1704791909648978/)

– “How to Identify the Brown Widow Spider” (R. Vetter; UC Riverside) –https://cisr.ucr.edu/identifying_brown_widow_spiders.html.

– “Brown Widow Spider: Facts from Entomologist Josh Vlach” (video; 2 min 35 sec; https://www.facebook.com/ORAgriculture/videos/2151585361748105/)

– “Oregon Spiders” contains basic information and numerous links –  https://www.oregon.gov/ODA/programs/IPPM/Pages/OregonSpiders.aspx.

– Overview of potentially venomous spiders in Washington (and Oregon): https://www.doh.wa.gov/CommunityandEnvironment/Pests/Spiders.

– “How to Identify the Hobo Spider” and the giant house spider (Eratigena atrica) – https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/408/2015/02/PLS-116-How-to-Identify-or-Misidentify-the-Hobo-Spider.pdf. The final verification step: Examine the male palps (p.7) or the female epigyne (p.9).

Trellis Rust on Pear

Trellis Rust on pear was submitted to the Clackamas County MG office last month (October 2018). To date, reported cases in the metro counties have been mild, with the unusual eruptions (“acorns”) on the leaf reverse of only a few leaves on each infected tree. (Client image)

An alert client submitted images of Trellis Rust on 3 y.o. pear trees to the Clackamas County MG office last month (October 2018), a disease first identified in Oregon during 2016. Signs, symptoms, and the alternate host (juniper) are quite different from those of the more common Pacific Coast Pear Rust (alternate host incense cedar).

The MGs reported the infection to Jay Pscheidt, the OSU Plant Pathologist. Here’s his response:

Looks like we have this disease on pear in Benton, Marion, Clackamas and Multnomah counties. I have not heard of any other places. No one has made mention of it on Juniper which is interesting in itself.

From our experience this year in the Corvallis area it has not been too severe on pear. A few leaves on a few trees. In the home landscape, leaf removal seems a viable option for the moment.

I suspect chemical management may help but timing is everything. Bonide Fruit Tree and Plant Guard RTS is registered for pear but also contains an insecticide in addition to a group 7 + 11 fungicide. It should have some activity on both scab and rust. But we don’t need to be spraying pear trees now as the spores are heading to the juniper alternate host. Infuse Systemic Disease Control is registered for juniper and may have some activity to prevent infection of rust. In other words, spray pears in the spring and junipers in the fall if you want to use chemical protection.

Separation of the hosts will be the best method.

Resources: Trellis Rust on Pear

– Trellis Rust (PNW Handbook; – https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/host-disease/pear-pyrus-spp-trellis-rust-european-pear-rust)

– Pacific Coast Pear Rust (PNW Handbook – https://pnwhandbooks.org/plantdisease/host-disease/pear-pyrus-spp-pacific-coast-pear-rust)

– “Pear Trellis rust, a new disease” (Natters Notes; 2017-10 – http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/mgmetro/index.php?cat=1179565&paged=2.)

– “Pear Trees: Rust, times 2” (Natters Notes; 2018-06 – http://blogs.oregonstate.edu/mgmetro/2018/06/01/pear-trees-rust-times-2/)

PDF Version:

Natter’s Notes Spiders and Trellis Rust PDF

By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Staff-retired, OSU Master Gardener

November 2018

Keep Monarchs Wild!  Why captive rearing isn’t the way to help monarchs. (Emma Pelton, xerces.org) https://bit.ly/2CeQnIL

Giant spider web stretches 1,000 feet across lagoon: They’re having a party!” (Jennifer Earl, Foxnews.com) https://fxn.ws/2OkoLJa

Fall is spider season and some may come inside-Citizen science project reveals where spiders prefer to hang out in your house. (Iflscience.com) https://bit.ly/2NaI0Er

How to spider-proof your house this fall. (Iflscience.com) https://bit.ly/2RMtTEf

Argiope aurantia
Yellow garden spider
(with zigzag stabilimentum)
5 July 2001
J. K. Barnes

More spiders:  Common Spiders of Washington.   Great publication! (Michael R. Bush et al, WSU) https://bit.ly/2RLN0Or

Oregon Department of Agriculture website has great spider info too! https://bit.ly/2PDuxSI

More people are turning to entomologists to identify parasites they believe are crawling on their bodies, but which turn out not to be real.  NOTE: While Master Gardener DON’T ever give out recommendations to someone with possible Delusionary Parasitosis, this is an interesting read…”Delusions of infestation aren’t as rare as you’d think.” (Erika Engelhaupt, Nationalgeographic.com) https://bit.ly/2RLNown

Hydrangeas play a pretty role in the garden.  Learn more from an OSU expert about these great plants! (Kym Pokorny, OSU, Heather Stoven, OSU; Oregon State news) https://bit.ly/2CE9NaI

These incredible videos reveal how plants send distress signals when under attack. (Iflscience.com) https://bit.ly/2RIwsqK

Freshwater insects contaminated by microplastics in rivers. (Cardiff University, via laboratoryequipment.com) https://bit.ly/2NDZMLK

Pruning may not solve shrub placement problems.  Check out this informative video. (Beth Bolles, U of Florida) https://bit.ly/2IScS7m

Roots, shoots and leaves: how plants keep symbionts in check. (Aarhus University via plantsarechemists.blogspot.com) https://bit.ly/2Ef1qnx

Check out these old, but beautiful photographs from botanical literature.The Biodiversity Heritage Library improves research methodology by collaboratively making biodiversity literature openly available to the world as part of a global biodiversity community.” https://bit.ly/2a3BIjv

Plant Pathologists are heroes. Understanding an imaginary virus could have real consequences. (Alun Salt, Botanyone) https://bit.ly/2NB58aN

Yellow Jacket
Photo: OSU

Why you really need to stop squashing wasps. (Iflscience.com) https://bit.ly/2OUNjrM

Check out these amazing photos from the 2018 Nikon Small World Microphotography winners. The beauty of the microscopic world – as you’ve never seen it before.” (Miss Cellania, neatorama.com) https://bit.ly/2IR6i0Y

How fruits got their eye-catching colors.  Fruits owe their rainbow of colors to the various animals that eat them, study shows.” (Robin A. Smith, Duketoday.) https://bit.ly/2OXkU4n

11 fun-gi facts: Fungi are frankly fantastic.  “From your daily bread to saving lives, they play a pivotal role in the world.  Here are a few facts you didn’t know about our fungal friends.” (Meryl Westlake,kew.org) https://bit.ly/2PvOtqO

Welcome to the hidden half of plants.  Plant roots are highly versatile structures with key functions that enable the plant to survive in the natural environment. (U of Nottingham) https://bit.ly/2NDJId9

How Dragonfly wings get their patterns.  New model sheds light on how nature generates diverse patterns. (Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences via sciencedaily.com) https://bit.ly/2A934mV

How a hormone helps plants build leaves’ ventilation system. (Standford U, via sciencedaily.com) https://bit.ly/2RL7VBl

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug
Photo: OSU

Could insecticide netting help manage Brown Marmorated stink bug infestations in homes? (John P. Roche, PhD, entomologytoday.org) https://bit.ly/2CF2XSt

The UK Heatwave Has Revealed a Secret Garden at Chatsworth House.  Very cool! (India Irving, theculturetrip.com) https://bit.ly/2pPLuOP

Beetle adapts chemical mimicry to parasitize different bee species. (University of California, Davis; via eurekalert.org) https://bit.ly/2Cag3G6

Just for fun-A beautiful hand cut paper zoetrope that shows the full metamorphosis of a caterpillar to butterfly.  (Lori Dorn, laughingsquid.com) https://bit.ly/2NIHUQ8

How two entomologists landed on TV with Bill Nye. (Laura Kraft, Entomologytoday.org) https://bit.ly/2ORp0Lv


PDF 2018 November Horticultural Update

“Volunteering is the ultimate exercise in democracy. You vote in elections once a year, but when you volunteer, you vote every day about the kind of community you want to live in”.
~Author Unknown


Thank You for Your Generous Service!

What a tremendous, positive difference metro-area OSU Master Gardener volunteers are making to the community!  We know that by reading your volunteer log sheets that you have submitted over the past few months.  We are awestruck by your generous service.  Utmost thanks however and wherever you contributed to and touched our community, whether answering the MG hotline and Farmers Market clinic questions, contributing to citizen science projects, digging deep at community gardens, or educating and presenting at community events!  Thank you for sharing your passion and knowledge, engaging and educating the gardening public on how to be good earth stewards and successful gardeners!


Show You Are “Current” – 2019 MG Sticker

For those who have fulfilled the requirements to maintain their status as an active and “current” Master Gardener you will receive a 2019 Recertification sticker to proudly display on your MG badge.  The sticker is a designation that you are current and up-to-date, having completed all required volunteer service hours, continuing education opportunities, and completed forms.  Stickers will be distributed at Fall Recertification and mailed (by year’s end) to those who can’t attend Fall Recertification. For MGs still needing information about how to remain current, please refer to the Volunteer Portal’s How to Maintain Active OSU Master Gardener Status page.

If you have yet to send in your volunteer log sheet and your signed 2018_2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service form – please send them in as soon as possible so you too can receive your 2019 Recertification sticker and we will keep you on our ‘active’ Master Gardener roles.

Spread the Word!  2019 MG Training Registration Open!

How do the majority of people learn about Master Gardener training?  From Master Gardeners of course!

Now is your chance to let others know about the rewarding opportunities available serving as a Master Gardener volunteer.  Registration is now open for the 2019 Master Gardener Training!  Share the word with your gardening friends, wanna-be gardeners, and fellow community members.  Direct those interested to our Metro-area Master Gardener website for easy online registration.

Reduced-priced application options are available on a limited basis.  If you know someone who would be interested while serving the community as a garden-educator and would qualify for a reduced-price option, please direct them to our MG Training registration page for an application and qualifications.  The MG Training Fellowship and Scholarships are offered thanks to the generosity and guidance of the metro-area Chapters.

Calling All MGs on Nextdoor, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

If social media is a favorite communication avenue for you, please consider sharing about the Master Gardener training registration on the social media sites on which you participate.  Share posts from our Facebook and Twitter accounts or direct those interested to our website.  We would love to cover all Nextdoor neighborhoods in the metro-area.  If you need more information or would like a promotional photo to post – please contact Marcia McIntyre: marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu

2019 MG training promotional fliers and postcards will be available at Fall Recertification to distribute to metro-area public venues.

Fall Recertification – Expand Your Horticulture Knowledge

Saturday, November 10, 8:00am to 3:30pm

  • Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus, building #9
    17705 NW Springville Rd, Portland, OR 97229 See campus map

This annual event is a day-long continuing education opportunity. See the detailed Fall Recertification agenda here.

Earn 6 hours of continuing education (recertification) credit for 2019 by attending.  Veteran MGs and “new” Veterans who trained in 2018 need 10 hours of continuing education training annually to retain status as an ‘active, current’ OSU Master Gardener.  Fall Recertification is a great way to get a start earning your continuing education hours for 2019.

This year’s presenters will be sharing their wealth of knowledge and expertise…

  • The Science of Ecological Gardening with Gail Langellotto, Ph.D., OSU
  • Plant ID, Beyond the Basics with Heather Stoven, OSU
  • Japanese Beetle Update with Jessica Rendon, Oregon Department of Agriculture
  • Never doubt how a small, thoughtful and committed pollinator habitat (in your garden) can change the world! with Andony Melathopoulos, OSU

Fall MG Recertification is also when we take the time to congratulate and cheer on the new 2018 Class of Master Gardeners who have successfully completed their training requirements and those who are continuing to work towards completing their volunteer service.  Weston Miller will present the new 2018 class to their fellow Veteran Master Gardeners between 11:45am and 12:15pm.  At that time Weston will also give an update on the metro-area MG program.

Lunch break highlights…

  • Pick-up OSU MG badges for new 2018 Veterans and certificates of appreciation for those who made the request!
  • Tour the Washington Co. Chapter’s new Education Garden located on the PCC Rock Creek campus!
  • Shop the Chapter fundraising tables for garden books, tote-bags, t-shirts, tools, and more!
  • Catch up with MG friends or meet someone new!

The event is free to all Master Gardeners both Veterans and those finishing their 2018 training year.

Bring a snack to share on the community table, your own sack lunch and wear your Master Gardener badge.

With Deep Gratitude and Fond Remembrance

Ray McNeilan
Photo courtesy of Jan McNeilan

It is with sincere sadness we report that Ray McNeilan, OSU Professor of Horticulture and head of the Extension Master Gardener program from 1978 to 1996, died after a long illness.  We remember Ray with deep gratitude and fond remembrance.  Read about the significant impact Ray had on the OSU Master Gardener program, Master Gardeners, and home gardeners throughout the state…

You’re Invited!
Online Survey Regarding Public’s Understanding of Pollinators

Study: Exploring the gap between public understanding of pollinators and pollinator needs in Oregon

You are invited to take part in a survey that will generate useful information on the public’s understanding of pollinators to help modify outreach and education documents in the future.  To learn about this study and to participate, follow this link: https://wp.me/p8Hgw7-l9

Speaking of Pollinators…

Mason Bee
Photo: Ramesh Sagili, OSU

In October, it was a delight to watch Oregon Field Guide, as they highlighted OSU Extension Service Master Gardener, citizen scientist, Ron Spendal, and his commitment to learning more about the mighty pollinator, mason bee.  How wonderful to recognize the dedicated, great work that Ron is doing!  Way to go Ron!

To view the episode: https://www.opb.org/news/video/dro-2-orf-3003-03-mason-bees/?t=86072

Message from State Master Gardener Coordinator Gail Langellotto:

“Several Master Gardeners and members of the general public have called on Extension to provide guidance on glyphosate use. Kaci Buhl (OSU Statewide Pesticide Safety Education) and Chip Bubl (OSU Extension Horticulture/General Agriculture) collaborated to develop a list of Q&As that might be helpful to MGs.”  See the document below…









Glyphosate Questions & Answers

Kaci Buhl, Chip Bubl, Oregon State University Extension

What is glyphosate?

It’s a weed-killing chemical found in Roundup and many other weed killers. Like other herbicides, it is usually combined with one or many other ingredients to make the final product.

Does OSU have an official position for or against using glyphosate?

No. It is our mission to educate, not to legislate. We’re happy to answer questions and help find solutions using any legal, effective methods, while considering the risks.

Does glyphosate cause cancer in humans?

Maybe, at high enough doses. If it caused cancer at realistic exposure levels from using weed-killers, then farmers and other applicators would be the first to show this effect. The largest study ever published, looking at farmers and other applicators, found no association between glyphosate and solid tumors, including Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (NHL).

That study found a potential association between glyphosate exposure and a certain type of blood cancer that was not statistically significant. Another study suggested that using fertilizers could account for this risk.

Why do regulators disagree about this?

They don’t. Not really.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), determined in 2015 that glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. That determination was surprising to many. IARC responded to critics by clarifying its intent – to identify potential hazards. They asked, “Can it cause cancer under any circumstances?” They group hazards based on the strength of evidence, not the potency of the carcinogen(s). They defer to national and international bodies to take the next step, which is risk-assessment. Risk assessment is based on expected levels of exposure and background cancer rates.

Many governments have published risk assessments about glyphosate, finding it is unlikely to cause cancer in humans when used according to the label directions as required.

To put the IARC determination in context, they put the following items in the same category as glyphosate, Group 2A “Probable human carcinogens.”

  • Red meat
  • Indoor emissions from burning wood
  • High-temperature frying
  • Late-night work shifts

The following items were placed in a stronger-evidence category, “Known human carcinogens.”

  • Processed meats
  • All alcoholic beverages
  • Sunlight
  • Engine exhaust
  • Outdoor air pollution

The work of hazard identification is important, but it’s only the first step in understanding risk.

What about the other ingredients in Roundup?

Researchers reviewed the scientific literature on glyphosate, its major metabolite AMPA, formulated Roundup® products manufactured by Monsanto, and the surfactant POEA. They concluded that none of the components caused cancer. However, POEA can be harmful to a variety of aquatic wildlife (i.e. minnows, frogs, micro-organisms).

It can be difficult to determine the risks associated with other ingredients in pesticide formulations, including Roundup. This is because manufacturers are not currently required to identify “other ingredients” on product labels.

How have the courts ruled?

Courts have ruled in different ways on this issue. A California jury found Monsanto liable in August 2018 for causing a man’s cancer. The man used glyphosate weed-killers for years. The case has been appealed. In contrast, a federal judge in California ruled in June 2018 against the state’s case for placing warning labels on containers of glyphosate under Proposition 65. It would have required warnings about the potential for glyphosate to cause cancer. The judge cited a “heavy weight of evidence” that the risk was very low. The courts will likely evaluate more cases in the future.

Are foods with glyphosate residue safe to eat?

A tiny amount of glyphosate is not likely to cause harm, even if we eat those foods daily. There are residue limits for glyphosate on many fruits, vegetables, corn, grains, milk, and eggs. The FDA monitors the level of glyphosate on foods in the marketplace. So far, they have not found foods with too much residue, based on risk assessments. The dose makes the poison.

How can I reduce my risk?

If you choose to avoid glyphosate exposure altogether, seek out organic foods with the official logo from USDA. Glyphosate is not allowed to be used in organic settings. Use alternative methods of weed control. Talk with your local master gardeners about what’s working for them..

If you choose to use glyphosate weed-killers, make sure to follow the product label carefully. The label is the law. While glyphosate is poorly absorbed through the skin, some parts of the body are more absorptive than others. Minimize your exposure, and keep others away until sprays have dried. Talk with your neighbors about any concerns they might have, and take steps to accommodate their needs.

Video Series – Fall Gardening Tasks

Ringing in the New Year!  The ‘Master Gardener New Year’ That Is!

‘Ringing in the New Year’ may sound like we are pushing the seasons a bit – but for the metro-area Master Gardener program, October 1st is the beginning of our new year.  Like the start of any new year – we take the time to reflect on the past and look to a promising future.

As we reflect, we see a dedicated group of garden educators who have provided generous committed service as OSU Master Gardener volunteers!  Thank you for sharing your time, knowledge and passion with the community and your fellow Master Gardeners.

We look forward to a new year that will be full of fresh opportunities to educate and support our community in successful and sustainable gardening practices!

Thanks for the Volunteer Log Submissions!

Marie submits her 2018 Volunteer Log

Thank you to all of you who used our new online submission system or sent in your volunteer log sheets via email or snail mail!  It is very impressive to see all the wonderful ways that you have been educating and serving the community!  Immense thanks to you all for your dedicated service to the OSU MG program and the greater community!

It’s Not Too Late…Submit your Volunteer Log!  For those of you, who have not submitted your volunteer log sheets, please send in your hours by Monday, October 8th.  To review how to submit volunteer logs see the article at the bottom of this newsletter “New MG Volunteer Reporting System”.

We need all logs by that date to allow time to order new Master Gardener badges for those finishing their MG training and to have enough 2019 stickers for Veterans and trainees alike. Plus, we want to include your generous service contributions in the report sent to the state MG Program, which in turn is submitted to Oregon State University!   Help us to highlight all the great garden education Metro Master Gardeners are spreading throughout the tri-county region!

Signed, Sealed and Delivered!
Remember every October a Conditions of Volunteer Service form needs to be ‘signed, sealed and delivered’.  You can submit your signed form via the new online submission process (see article, ‘New MG Volunteer Reporting System’ at the bottom of this newsletter) or you can mail your signed form via snail mail to 200 Warner-Milne Drive, Oregon City, OR 97045 or email them to marcia.mcintyre@oregonstate.edu

For your convenience:

Expand your Garden Knowledge at the Fall MG Recertification Training

Speaker Gail Langellotto

Our Fall MG Recertification Training is being held Saturday, November 10th, 8:00am to 3:30pm, at Portland Community College, Rock Creek Campus, Event Center.

This annual event is a daylong continuing education opportunity.  Earn 6 hours of continuing education/recertification credit by attending.  Veteran MGs and new Veterans who trained in 2018 need 10 hours of recertification training annually to retain status as an ‘Active’ OSU Master Gardener.  Fall Recertification is a great way to earn 6 hours of credit for 2019.

We have a stellar line-up of speakers.  This year’s presenters all bring their wealth of experience from their work with OSU Extension Service.

  • ‘The Science of Ecological Gardening: updates from the Garden Ecology Lab’ with Gail Langellotto Ph.D., OSU
  • Plant ID – Beyond the Basics with Heather Stoven, OSU
  • Update Japanese Beetle with Jessica Rendon, Oregon Department of Agriculture
  • Pollinator Health with Andony Melathopooulos, OSU Assistant Professor, Pollinator Health Extensions

The event is free to all Master Gardeners both Veterans and those who trained in 2018.

Bring a snack to share on the community table and your own sack lunch.


2019 MG Training Spread the Word!

Some of you have said you have found your tribe, have nurtured a long-time passion or have expanded your garden knowledge through the Master Gardener training.  Help spread the word about the MG training program and let your interested friends, family and colleagues know that registration for the 2019 Master Gardener training will open on November 1.

Interested individuals can sign-up for open registration notification on our Metro Master Gardener Website at this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe7EaeXLdybb-CBKZBje1gTJ8cFPnTqX4j_Gz6bTdHJgsxxOA/viewform

Once again, training classes are held in Washington, Clackamas, and Multnomah counties.

More Continuing Education Opportunities

Photo credit: Aaron Anderson, Oregon State University

Many have enjoyed and learned from the Master Gardener Training Webinars, brought to us from Brooke Edmunds and her OSU colleagues.

3 more timely topics are being presented as live webinars in 2018.

  • Monday 10/22 at 11am PT. Aaron Anderson (OSU Ph.D. student in the Department of Horticulture) will present First Look: OSU Research on Native Plants in the PNW Garden. Details and pre-registration here: https://learn.extension.org/events/3494
  • Monday 11/19 at 11am PT. Melodie Putnam (OSU Plant Clinic) will present on The Weird and Wonderful World of Plant Galls. Details and pre-registration here: https://learn.extension.org/events/3493
  • Monday 12/17 at 11am PT. Kaci Buhl (OSU Extension) will present on Weed Management in the Garden & Landscape: Understanding Herbicides. Details and pre-registration here: https://learn.extension.org/events/3501

If you missed any previous live webinars, recordings are also available from earlier 2018 webinars and the 2017 webinar recordings too!

New MG Volunteer Reporting System

We are excited to have a new online volunteer reporting system (via Qualtrics) to ease the process of submitting your volunteer hours and signed 2018-2019 Conditions of Volunteer Service form.

If you still need to submit your 2018 forms, please consider reporting using the online system – follow the links re-sent to you in an email from Marcia McIntyre on October 2nd

The online system prompts you through several questions to record your volunteer hours, a space to upload your volunteer log sheet, plus the opportunity for you to rate your satisfaction with the Master Gardener program.  A separate link allows you to upload your signed, Conditions of Volunteer Service Form.

You still need to record your volunteer hours onto a Word or Excel form – but now you can upload those hours via the new online system.

NOTE:  You can refer to your CERVIS log to track your hours – but you also need to log all CERVIS hours on your volunteer log sheet.  Most “Program” hours are recorded in CERVIS.  “Partner” events and activities are not recorded in CERVIS.  Be sure to record all your volunteer hours and continuing education hours on your log sheet.


Natter’s Notes 

When Pesticides Change

Jean R. Natter, OSU Master Gardener

You know the rule about pesticides: “Read and follow label directions.”

Well, that catchy little phrase has become more critical than ever. Several popular home-use products have changed their formulations with minimal fanfare. There’s no indication of “new” on the label.

To compound the confusion, labels on the revised formulation closely resemble the old ones. Unless the user is more observant than average, it’s very likely something may go awry. The application method may have changed; the precautions may have been modified; and/or the end result may be different than expected.

The explanations below were published in “When Familiar Pesticides Change.” (“Pests in the Urban Landscape;” August 29, 2018. https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=28074)

When Sevin is no longer carbaryl

Sevin is a familiar insecticide brand name for home gardeners used to control insects in lawns, on ornamental plants, and on vegetables. Sevin and the active ingredient carbaryl are practically synonymous. Recently, the active ingredient in some Sevin products was changed from carbaryl (a carbamate) to zeta-cypermethrin (a pyrethroid).” . . .  This pyrethroid is less toxic to mammals but both carbaryl and zeta-cypermethrin are highly toxic to bees and aquatic species. The new label on Sevin Insect Killer states that it controls more pests than the old product containing carbaryl, which may seem great, but the product may also kill some of the good bugs like lady beetles (ladybugs).

Product labels often look very similar, even when the ingredients change. On the left is the recently released product containing zeta-cypermethrin; the former version on the right contains carbaryl.

Another very important difference is the time the products can safely be applied on fruits and vegetables before harvest (called preharvest interval or PHI). Following the PHI reduces your pesticide exposure when you eat the food. For fruits such as apples and peaches, the PHI for the zeta-cypermethrin Sevin is 14 days, but for the Sevin with carbaryl it’s 3 days. For other fruits and vegetables, the PHI for the new Sevin label may be shorter than the carbaryl label. Again, check the label.

When Roundup is no longer glyphosate

Another familiar pesticide name is Roundup, a product known historically for containing the herbicide active ingredient glyphosate. Monsanto, the manufacturer of Roundup, now produces an extensive line of Roundup products containing multiple active ingredients, rather than just glyphosate alone. Many of these products contain triclopyr or diquat in addition to glyphosate. Some don’t contain any glyphosate at all

“Roundup Landscape Weed Killer” is a new product which contains pendimethalin instead of  glyphosate. It’s both a non-selective herbicide and a pre-emergent.

When Corry’s Slug and Snail Killer is no longer metaldehyde

In 2012, the active ingredient of the well-known Corry’s Slug and Snail Killer was changed from metaldehyde to sodium ferric EDTA, but the general look of the product box didn’t change. This relatively new active ingredient is less toxic and less attractive to dogs and still effective against snails and slugs. However, the amount users apply and how quickly it works both differ from the previous active ingredient. If you are familiar with the old product you may have noticed a change, but unless you read the label, you may not know why.

A Bonus Snippet on a different topic

MGs who volunteered this summer probably received multiple inquiries about the seemingly overabundant wasps this summer.  Well, the general public is seriously confused concerning the differences among bees, yellowjackets, and paper wasps. When they see a somewhat elongated yellow and black insect, they assume “wasp;” that is, yellowjacket. (Don’t bother asking how I know.)

But yellowjackets have a near twin: European paper wasps, Polistes dominulus, invasive insects officially identified in Oregon years ago. Most paper wasps are mild-mannered whereas P. dominulus is nasty. To easily differentiate them from yellowjackets, check the antennae. Text and images are at “Invasive paper wasp responsible for increasing yellow jacket complaints.” (http://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=11412 )

PDF Version:
When Pesticides Change