By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Service Staff-retired, OSU Master Gardener

Are we going to see another “Heat Dome” this year? 
Hope not!…but be prepared!  Check out the resources below.

Brown leaves on a plant due to injury caused by a heatwave.
2021 Heatwave Damage – Kym Pokorny, Oregon State University

***Great Publication/book to add to your library: Abiotic Disorders of Landscape Plants; A Diagnostic Guide, Publication #3420, (University of California ANR) ISBN 1-879906-58-9.  Learn the difference between sunburn injury, sunscald injury, thermal/high temperature injury and high light injury.

Brown crinkled leaves of a blackberry plant and discolored, withered blackberries, all damage due to heatwave.
2021 Heatwave damage on blackberries
Bernadine Strik, Oregon State University

What Can We Learn from the ‘Pacific Northwest Heat Dome’ of 2021? (Nicole Bell, WSU)

June 2021 heat impacts on trees explained. (Glen Ahrens, OSU)

What is a ‘heat dome’. (NOAA)

How to care for heat-damaged plants. (Heather Stoven, OSU via Kym Pokorny, OSU)

Tips for gardening in extreme heat. (Erica Chernoh, OSU via Kym Pokorny, OSU)

Heat wave in the garden: how to identify and prevent heat stress in plants. (Nicole Sanchez, OSU)

Environmental injury: Sunscald and Sunburn on Trees

Rhododendron -Sunburn. PNW Disease Handbook

Rhododendron -Leaf Scorch. PNW Disease Handbook

Brown leaf scorch on leaves of Rhododendron plant.
Leaf scorch on Rhododendron
Jay Pscheidt, Oregon State University

The Myth of Hot-Weather Watering “Watering plants on a hot sunny day will scorch their leaves”, (Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott, WSU)

And/or search online:

1. Add “site:edu” to the search word or phrase, but omit the quotes.

2. If you search for sunburn, try “sunburn +plants site:edu” (omit the quote marks).  (Doing so will help limit the number of references to sunburned people!)

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