Spring has sprung and our metro-area Master Gardener season is on its way as we welcome a new class of Master Gardeners.

After completing their in-class training, required modules, and final exam, 140 Intern Master Gardeners are joining the ranks and will be volunteering alongside Veteran MGs to venture into the community as garden educators!

2018 Trainees Jerry, Carrie and Ellen - give the thumbs up with Veteran Jack (second from left) at the final in-class training.
2018 Trainees Jerry, Carrie and Ellen – give the thumbs up with Veteran Jack (second from left) at the final in-class training. Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen

Congrats and Welcome, Class of 2018!

We congratulate and welcome our 2018 class of Master Gardener Interns.  We look forward to seeing you at Metro Master Gardener workshops, OSU Master Gardener clinics, and Chapter events.  You have learned so much in the past couple months – but that is just the start!

Your volunteer service offers even greater opportunities to learn in active, hands-on format.  Dig-in!  Branch-out!  Try something new and discover the wealth of knowledge you will acquire as an OSU Master Gardener educator!


Intern MG Volunteer opportunities

We encourage you to try an array of volunteer activities with the goal of maximizing your learning. Please volunteer at least 28 hours in OSU MG Program Activities and 28 hours in Partner Activities. You can sign up for OSU MG Program Activities in CERVIS and watch for special email and newsletter notifications. Please submit your volunteer hour log sheet by September 30, 2018.

In addition, our local Master Gardener volunteer groups (known as chapters) in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington counties provide monthly educational seminars on a wide range of topics. Check out a lecture of interest, meet other like-minded gardeners, enjoy!

Please note: these events are FREE of charge and open to the public. Bring your friends and family!

See our educational events calendar for details or visit the individual Chapter websites.

A message to Veteran MGs:
It’s time to brush-off your Sustainable Gardening Handbooks and sign-up for a MG Clinic or MG event!  Take the time in the next few months to welcome Intern MGs and offer your experience and knowledge.  You can find a wide-range of volunteer shifts to sign-up for on CERVIS. If you want to refresh your knowledge, remember that the online modules are available for you to take through September 30, 2018.

The “Volunteer Portal”

The portal leads metro-area Master Gardeners to valuable information. Once there you can read the monthly Metro MG newsletter; review how to maintain your active MG status, sign-up for volunteer shifts on CERVIS, check out the events calendar and more!  You can also find the links to volunteer log sheets and other formsBe sure to check it out!

Workshop series
Our training Workshops Series is a wonderful opportunity for enriched, applied learning with our fantastic slate of instructors.  It meets a training requirement for Interns and helps to fulfill the continuing education requirement for Veteran MGs.  We want to be sure that this opportunity is available to all interested Master Gardeners.  So we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines…

  • Master Gardener Volunteer Educator Interns (Options 1 and 3), you can enroll in up to two workshops, which are included in your tuition.  You must participate in one workshop to successfully complete your training.
  • Certificate of Home Horticulture students (Option 2), you can enroll in up to three workshops, which are included in your tuition.
  • Veteran MGs can enroll for one workshop.

IMPORTANT: If you have registered for more than your allotted number of workshops (see paragraph above) please unregister for any workshops above the allowed maximum.  This will allow those who were unable to register for any workshops to have the opportunity to sign-up..

If you are signed up for a workshop be sure to fulfill your commitment to attend.  If you are unable to attend please unregister yourself as soon as you know you can’t attend – thereby giving another MG the opportunity.

For those who have not be able to sign-up for a workshop…new workshops will be added to the schedule in the next few weeks.

Look for an email announcement once the workshops are open for enrollment.

Chip Bubl teaching his ever popular GMO Noon-time chat. Photo courtesy of Eddie Rosen

Thanks to our Inspiring Instructors!
With a fruitful and informative MG training behind us – we want to express our utmost thanks to our instructors and class coordinators.  The MG training would not have happened without your generosity!  Thanks for sharing your time, knowledge and inspiration!

  • Jen Aron
  • Margaret Bayne
  • Chip Bubl
  • Jane Collier
  • Jen Gorski
  • Claudia Groth
  • Monica Maggio
  • Jean Natter

Oregon City training Class Coordinators led by Cindy Manselle

Class coordinators, Thank you!
Our immense thanks to the 3 Master Gardener training class coordinators and their stellar crew of assistants.  Our MG training classes happen thanks to the dedication, warm hospitality, organization, and trouble-shooting chops of Trina Studebaker (Beaverton), Cindy Manselle (Oregon City), and Beven Peters (Portland) and their steadfast team of Veteran volunteers.  We are grateful to them all!

We also would like to give an extra shout-out to Trina Studebaker for her years of service coordinating at the Beaverton training class.  Trina has been organizing, guiding and brightening MG training in Beaverton for the past 7 years and is now stepping aside to pursue other Master Gardener adventures.

Trina, thank you for your many years of dedication and service.

We look forward to seeing you at other MG activities!

A Big Shout Out to the Chapters!
We would like to extend a big shout out of thanks to the Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington County Chapters for their financial support of the Metro MG training classes.  The facility, hospitality and parking fees would prohibit training happening in such great venues.  Thank you for your constant, generous, dedicated support of the OSU Metro Master Gardener training program.  Your contributions make a such positive and vital difference to the Master Gardener program!

MGs at the Milwaukie Farmers’ Market

Master Gardeners Make an Impact!

The Clackamas Co. Extension Service’s annual community report is hot off the press.  Take a look inside to see the valuable impact Master Gardeners make to the county, plus learn about the amazing community service being provided via 4-H Youth Development, Family and Community Health, Forestry and Natural Resources, and Agriculture.


It’s Plant Sale Season!  Don’t Miss Out!

All 3 of our supporting Chapters are rolling out fantastic fundraising plant sales.  Mark your calendars and save the dates.  With a bit of judicious planning you can volunteer and shop-till-you-drop at all 3!  These are extremely fun events to attend and most especially fun to serve as a volunteer.  Don’t miss out!

Washington County MGs Plant Sale – April 28th

Clackamas County MGs Spring Garden Fair – May 5th and 6th
Volunteer opportunities, see…
For Spring Garden Fair details, see…

Multnomah MGs Incredible Edibles Sale – May 5
To volunteer email multmastergardeners@gmail.com
Event details http://www.multnomahmastergardeners.org/edibles

Great Gardening Tips for the Edible Gardening Season

Fertilize your currant, raspberry and blueberry shrubs!  Slug patrol!  Get your veggie garden started!

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