TeamDynamix Group on-board – Technology Across the Curriculum – 6-20-2017

  • You can reassign tickets to the group.
  • You can assign tasks to the group.

Technology Across the Curriculum provides: 

  • Technology Assessment Consulting
  • Technology Strategies Consulting

Contact intake form is here:

Group name in TDx is “Technology Across the Curriculum (TAC)”

Information about the operations group can be found here –

Building Surplus Computers

It is a generally a bad idea for us to do a CN build for computers that came from OSU Surplus.

If a customer asks about this, please advise them that surplus computers are often too old to be set up with modern operating systems and software. Also, even if a surplus computer is not that old, it may have been sent to surplus because it has other reliability issues.

If a customer is adamant about having a surplus computer built as a CN device, please make a ticket and assign it to “Service Desk – Managers”. Let them know a member of the management team will get back to them.


Note: this notice applies to university-owned CN devices, not personally-owned devices. Also, I am not talking about “trickle-down” computers that came from another person or department. I am just talking about a computer that went to OSU surplus, and then was bought by a CN-supported department to be re-used as a CN machine.

Scheduling Computer Placements

Due to feedback from customers that a 90 minute appointment is too long for them, and from technicians that most placements do not take 90 minutes, we have made the following changes:

  • In Interview, the default appointment placement length is now 60 minutes.
  • The technician who does the interview may specify a different appointment length as needed. (See On Campus Interviews.)
  • The email response template notifying customers that they need to call us to schedule their placement no longer says how long the appointment will be. We can discuss that with them on the phone when scheduling the appointment.

If customers balk at a long appointment time, we can tell them that they really only need to be available for the first 30 minutes, but the technician may need longer to complete their setup. In such cases, we may miss some items, so it is preferable that they are available for the entire appointment. However, we can work around their schedule as needed.

Upcoming Change to note:

Many placements are pre-scheduled at the time we pick up the computer and do the interview, typically for 5 business days out. However, pre-scheduling the placement is not always possible. In the near future, BuildTracker/Interview will be updated to indicate the reason a placement was NOT pre-scheduled.

Example reasons to NOT pre-schedule placement include:

  • Extension customer (computer is shipped to them by Lisa Gillis, or picked up from Milne instead).
  • End-user not available to schedule placement.
  • Hardware issues may delay rebuild/repair.
  • Malware issues may delay rebuild/repair.

TeamDynamix group on-board – Enterprise Computing Services – Operations – 6-15-2017

The Operations group in Enterprise Computing Services has been on-boarded to TD.

  • You can reassign tickets to the group.
  • You can assign tasks to the group.

The Operations Group handles:

  • Tape backup processing
  • AppWorx job scheduling and changes
  • Banner, Nolij and DataWarehouse access requests

Current intake e-mail addresses:

Information about the operations group can be found here –

ISCS LAN Party June 16

It’s time for the Spring 2017 LAN party. Please join us this Friday night for PC games, console games and tabletop – or just to hang out with your fellow IT folks.

When: Friday, June 16, 5PM-Midnight (you don’t have to go home but you can’t stay here)

Where: Milne basement


There will be a PS4 console and Rock Band. Feel free to bring games and additional controllers.

Some of the lab computers will be loaded with Steam.

If you prefer to bring your own computer: we can provide keyboards and mice, but you should bring your own monitor and headphones.

There is room for table top. Bring a game you want to play!


We encourage everyone to bring snacks and (non-alcoholic) drinks.

Pizza will be provided at 6:30 PM. Donations of money towards pizza are appreciated – please see Kirsten before Friday afternoon if you wish to donate.