Tag Archives: scheduling

CN Appointments and Service Desk Staff Schedule

Please read for some important updates on appointment scheduling and staff mentoring schedules.

If you are scheduling an appointment for another person, the following people have time available for Spring term:

  • Ken Howard
  • Steven Tom
  • Robin Castle
  • Jeff Bonnichsen
  • Max Schmidt
  • Zach Colbert
  • Vu Le
  • Mack Powers

As before, only schedule them during their available times. In particular, please be careful to only schedule student techs during times their calendars show as available for appointments.

If an on-site visit is needed in an emergency, please check in with Max Cohen or a call mentor to see if you can go on-site to assist the customer. If we have sufficient coverage for calls and walk-up at that time, and you are sufficiently trained to address that type of issue, we can accommodate emergency on-site visits in this way.

Steven Tom is helping to prepare more back-packs with supplies for on-site visits.

The Service Desk mentoring schedule for Spring term is as follows:

  • Walkup Mentor
    • 8:00-12:00 Jeff
    • 12:00-1:00 Keenan
    • 1:00-5:00 Pat
    • Backups: Keenan, David
  • Call Mentor
    • 8:00-12:00 Nephele, Robin
    • 12:00-1:00 Nephele
    • 1:00-5:00 Ken, Steven
  • Builds Mentor
    • 8:00-1:00 David
    • 2:00-5:00 Nephele
  • CN Accounts
    • 8:00-12:00 Keenan, Pat
    • 2:00-5:00 David, Keenan
  • CN Scheduled Appointments
    • 8:30-12:00 Ken, Steven
    • 1:00-4:30 Jeff, Robin

The basic responsibilities for the staff roles are defined in the Service Desk guide here: https://oregonstate.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/KB/ArticleDet?ID=23358#12.0


Scheduling Computer Placements

Due to feedback from customers that a 90 minute appointment is too long for them, and from technicians that most placements do not take 90 minutes, we have made the following changes:

  • In Interview, the default appointment placement length is now 60 minutes.
  • The technician who does the interview may specify a different appointment length as needed. (See On Campus Interviews.)
  • The email response template notifying customers that they need to call us to schedule their placement no longer says how long the appointment will be. We can discuss that with them on the phone when scheduling the appointment.

If customers balk at a long appointment time, we can tell them that they really only need to be available for the first 30 minutes, but the technician may need longer to complete their setup. In such cases, we may miss some items, so it is preferable that they are available for the entire appointment. However, we can work around their schedule as needed.

Upcoming Change to note:

Many placements are pre-scheduled at the time we pick up the computer and do the interview, typically for 5 business days out. However, pre-scheduling the placement is not always possible. In the near future, BuildTracker/Interview will be updated to indicate the reason a placement was NOT pre-scheduled.

Example reasons to NOT pre-schedule placement include:

  • Extension customer (computer is shipped to them by Lisa Gillis, or picked up from Milne instead).
  • End-user not available to schedule placement.
  • Hardware issues may delay rebuild/repair.
  • Malware issues may delay rebuild/repair.