By Margaret Bayne, OSU Extension Service Staff Retired, OSU Master Gardener

Team Shows How Butterfly Wings Can Shift in Hue:Recent study leads to a deeper understanding of how butterfly wing color is created and evolves.” Diana Kenney, Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Chicago

A Field Guide to the Miniature Menagerie Inside Your Own Home: “There’s no social distance between you and your face mites.” Jessica Leigh Hester,

Hummingbirds Show Up When Tropical Trees Fall Down: “Treefalls happen all the time, but this one just happened to occur in the exact spot where a decades-long ecological study was in progress, giving University of Illinois researchers a rare look into tropical forest dynamics.” Lauren Quinn, Illinois ACES

Yellowjacket on food, “Western Yellowjacket” by K Schneider is licensed under CC BY-NC 2.0

Wasps: “Wasps make up an enormously diverse array of insects, with some 30,000 identified species. We are most familiar with those that are wrapped in bright warning colors—ones that buzz angrily about in groups and threaten us with painful stings.  But most wasps are actually solitary, non-stinging varieties. And all do far more good for humans by controlling pest insect populations than harm.”

Herbicide Carryover in Hay, Manure, Compost, and Grass Clippings: Minda Daughtry and last updated by Pam Kerley  NC Cooperative Extension)

A tale of two weeders – lessons in managing aggressive, perennial weeds Dr. Linda Chalker-Scott,

NASA Releases Satellite Images of California Superbloom From Space Madison Dapcevich,

Fertilizing Flower Gardens and Avoid Too Much Phosphorus – Tina Smith & Doug Cox, U of MASS at Amherst

A selection of apple varieties, Montana State University

Apple identification: “This website will help you identify apple varieties. If you have an unknown apple variety that you want to identify you can compare the key features you see on it with dozens of attributes and variety characteristics listed on this website.” Seattle Tree Fruit Society, Western Cascade Fruit Society Chapters, Home Orchard Society, BC Fruit Testers Assoc., & Orange Pippin

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