Looking for a different type of learning activity for your course? Did you know that in this version of Blackboard you can create a ‘wiki’ for your class? A wiki is a collaborative space that allows anyone to add or edit content. It is a place in which knowledge can be pooled and improved on by the class. As people contribute to the wiki, a unique resource is created by and for the group. And – by having students build their ‘wiki’ within Blackboard, you have the ability to track each student’s contribution and grade them from within the tool itself.

Here are some ideas for using a wiki in your course:

  • Create a glossary of technical terms
  • Create a newsletter for reporting on a breaking event
  • Create a community of practice virtual space
  • Create a student-constructed FAQ list
  • Post research project results for group analysis
  • Create an online guide, reference lists or outlines
  • Research items of local interest that can be updated and shared.

View this short video to learn exactly how to set up a wiki in your course.

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