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My new neighbor might be a ghost (shrimp)

Our next guest is Matt Vaughan, a third year PhD student in Integrative Biology working with Prof. Sarah Henkel in the Benthic Ecology Lab. Matt originally hails from Melbourne, Australia and recently joined the ID team as a host. A major theme of his research interest is biological “disturbance and change”, meaning the impact of stressors on organisms and ecosystems.

Matt’s PhD research centers around invertebrate life found on the ocean floor, known to researchers as the “Benthic zone”. He focuses especially on ghost shrimp, a type of crustacean that builds burrows on the ocean floor. In the Pacific Northwest, ghost shrimp have historically inhabited estuaries, the areas where rivers flow into the sea. Within the last decade however, a significant population of ghost shrimp has arisen much farther than expected for the species, more than seven miles off the coast of Oregon and southern Washington. This mysterious colonization could have been spurred by environmental disruptions such as climate change, and the shrimp also represent a significant change in the local ecology of the ocean floor. Firstly, ghost shrimp burrows alter the habitat for preexisting invertebrate species, reducing stability on the seafloor. The large and intricate burrows are often in high densities, and the sand they kick up through their bioturbation can affect the survival and behavior of invertebrates like bivalves. Ghost shrimp burrows also oxygenate the sediment and host vibrant microbial communities, together altering the biogeochemistry of the ocean floor.

Matt (orange hat), surveying the latest floor sample

Matt studies these ecological dynamics by surveying the ocean floor during boat trips out of Newport. His team samples the bed using box cores to collect, identify and count the invertebrates. Matt then uses computational and statistical analysis to characterize the population structure of these areas, particularly seeking to tease out the differences in species distribution between areas with and without ghost shrimp burrows. Ghost shrimp are also relatively large compared to other invertebrates in the area, so their arrival provides a significant potential food source for larger marine life like sturgeon and even gray whales. In the rest of his PhD, Matt hopes to model this trophic impact in the long term.


To hear more about Matt’s research and how his travels to the Great Barrier Reef and Southeast Asia helped him discover his love for science, tune into KBVR 88.7 tonight at 7pm or listen soon after wherever you get your podcasts.

The who eats whom of the Pacific

Trophic ecology studies how energy flows through food webs; basically who is eating whom in an ecosystem. Understanding the structure of feeding relationships among species in a system helps us to understand why populations may fluctuate in terms of abundance or distribution at different times. These dynamics are particularly important to consider in the face of a changing climate as conditions like increasing temperatures make resources less predictable. Our guest this week is Luke Bobay, who is trying to do exactly this for anchovy in the Pacific Ocean off the US West Coast.

Luke, a 3rd year PhD student in Integrative Biology, is researching the potential influences of climate change on anchovy abundance by studying its ecological effects on their early life stages. Anchovy are forage fish, which means they are eaten (aka foraged upon) by a lot of larger animals such as birds, marine mammals, other predatory fish, and humans. They are also short-lived and therefore we expect their population dynamics to respond pretty quickly to things that are happening in the environment.

For his research, Luke is looking at the larval stage of anchovy. He uses samples and plankton imagery data collected on weeks-long research cruises that Plankton Ecology Lab has conducted during the past six years, as well as samples collected by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) since 1996. The samples that Luke uses are collected using large nets with a very fine mesh that enables the collection of tiny plankton. The imagery data are collected using a sampling technology unique to Luke’s lab called the In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS). ISIIS uses a high-resolution camera to take images of the water column at a very high spatial and temporal scale, allowing the lab to basically take one long continuous image of what’s happening in the top 100 m of the ocean. These images are then run through an AI image classification model that automatically identifies and measures each individual plankter that is recorded. Both the net and the ISIIS also record data about the environment, such as temperature, salinity, and depth. By examining relationships between environmental conditions, the abundance of other plankton, and the abundance and other characteristics of anchovy larvae, Luke explores the factors that may contribute to variability in anchovy abundance.

In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS)

To hear more about the day in the life of an anchovy, as well as Luke’s journey from OSU to another OSU, tune in this Sunday, November 5th live on 88.7 FM or on the live stream . Missed the show? You can listen to the recorded episode on your preferred podcast platform!

Northern anchovy (credit: Monterey Bay Aquarium)

Taking Inspiration from Life: Short stories on why we believe what we believe

This week we are chatting with new ID host Selene Ross on her path to earning an MFA in fiction in the School of Writing, Literature, and Film. Inspired by her upbringing and life in northern California, Selene’s interest lies in looking deeper at why we believe what we believe, exploring power, women, and trust through short stories. What makes a short story different than a novel? In short stories, nothing has to change except everything to change, leading to a “surprising but inevitable” ending.

Selene began her journey at UC Santa Barbara studying Environmental Science and Sociology, focusing on the native plants of Central California. Straight from undergrad, she moved to Berlin, Germany on an au pair visa and became part of a vibrant community of writers and poets. After moving back to the U.S., Selene looked to radio as a way to do creative work and worked with various production companies prior to starting here at Oregon State. In wanting to stay connected with the audio world she is starting her own show on KBVR, Mystic Yarn, and joining us here at Inspiration Dissemination.

What does getting an MFA in creative writing look like? This program encompasses two main areas, writing workshops and more interdisciplinary “craft” classes. The workshop is where students submit original work and gather critiques from peers, while the “craft” classes are more generative, and a place to draw inspiration from other areas of creative expression, like poetry or non-fiction. The final hurdle is the thesis defense, which can take many forms depending on the area of focus. In Selene’s case, this will look like a collection of fiction short stories.

Tune in this week to hear all about her writing process, how she incorporates “spooky” into her writing, and listen to an excerpt from her work.

Forever Chemicals: How can we better detect PFAS?

Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances, also known as PFAS, are widely used, long lasting chemicals, components of which break down very slowly over time. This is why you may have heard these substances called “forever chemicals.” Because of their widespread use in anything from firefighting foams to non-stick pan coating, and their persistence in the environment, many PFAS are found in the blood of people and animals all over the world. PFAS are found in water, air, fish, and soil at locations across the world and have been linked to harmful health effects, including various forms of cancer. However, the toxicity of these substances are not fully understood. 

There are thousands of PFAS chemicals, and they are found in many different consumer, commercial, and industrial products, making it challenging to study and assess the potential human health and environmental risks. Additionally, it is challenging to accurately detect and quantify PFAS levels in environmental samples. 

Esteban Hernandez is a chemistry PhD student conducting his research in the lab of Jennifer Field in the department of Environmental and Molecular Toxicology. His research focuses on developing fast and accurate detection techniques for PFAS. Specifically, he utilizes nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR), which provides an alternative to the canonical methods of PFAS detection such as mass spectroscopy. Esteban has found that utilizing NMR this way allows for detection of different varieties of PFAS, which had previously not been detectable with other methods. This has big implications for the field of PFAS research and environmental testing. 

Esteban comes from a part of North Carolina that has been highly impacted by environmental PFAS contamination, sporting the title of the second worst drinking water in the country behind Flint, Michigan. His research has a very personal connection to his history and where he comes from. However, researching forever chemicals was not always his plan. He started his undergraduate journey as a theater major at Mars Hill University, eventually finding his way to chemistry and the University of North Carolina. In his undergraduate research at UNC he worked on developing an estrogen analog to help treat breast cancer. During his masters (also at UNC) he worked on synthesizing an anticancer compound originally found in sea cucumbers from the sea of Japan. Even when he came to OSU he didn’t initially think he would be working on PFAS detection. When he joined the Field lab, and consequently the field of PFAS research, he found the right fit for him. Tune in to Inspiration Dissemination this week to hear all about Esteban’s research and pathway to graduate school.

The Lost Loggers:  the Erasure and Exclusion of the Black Logging Community of Maxville, Oregon

You don’t have to look hard to find signs of the long legacy of logging in Oregon. It’s evident in everything from the names of local sports teams and businesses to the clear cutting spread across nearby hills. 

But in Maxville, nestled in Wallowa County in eastern Oregon, there’s a story that often goes untold. Like many Oregon towns, Maxville was a timber town, but unique to Maxville is the community of Black loggers that lived and worked there after the Great Migration of the 1920s.

Maxville Logger Company Photo, circa 1926
(Photo courtesy of the Maxville Heritage Interpretive Center, Timber Culture Photos)

Lonni Ivey is a logger’s daughter. In her family logging goes back several generations on both sides. After graduating from OSU with a BA in Philosophy & Religious Studies, she fell in love with history and religious history, specifically that of the American West. While in her MA program in History, she learned about the community of Black loggers in Maxville and immediately knew she had to learn more. 

Lonni devoted her research to discovering more about Maxville and giving this story the attention it deserves, leading to her capstone project “More Than a Footnote: Erasure, Exclusion, and the Remarkable Presence of the Black Logging Community of Maxville, Oregon, 1923-33.” Lonni was inspired by Gwendolyn Trice, the founder and executive director of the Maxville Heritage Ideology Center and herself the descendant of one of the Maxville Loggers.

At a time when Oregon’s constitution included laws excluding Black people from the state, the mere presence of a community like Maxville was remarkable, let alone their perseverance and persistence to thrive in such a racially hostile environment. Recruited by the Bowman-Hicks Lumber Company, these experienced loggers traveled in boxcars to Wallowa County all the way from states like Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, and Arkansas. Eventually, their families began to join them, and this influx of people proved to be a major economic boom for Wallowa County. Maxville had a Black baseball team, a post office, hotel, and the first segregated school in Oregon’s history. 

As a white historian researching a community of color, and one that has been erased and excluded for generations, it was important to Lonni to acknowledge that this research requires relationship building and that communities of color have the right to deny access to historical records to external researchers. In Lonni’s work she seeks to platform Black contributions to Oregon history and address racial inequalities and racism. Lonni’s own family’s history is one of racism and white supremacy, and she views her work not as redeeming her family (whom she no longer has contact with) but instead as reparative action to address the harm that racism has enacted in this state. 

As a non-traditional and disabled student, advocacy and allyship is central to Lonni’s work. She graduated in June 2023, presenting her project at the 100th anniversary commemoration of Maxville. She hopes to work as an advocate for minorized communities and to get grant funding for further research and digitization of the archive at the Wallowa County Museum.

Tune in Sunday, August 20th at 7pm on KBVR 88.7 to hear more!

Maxville today. Photo taken by L. Ivey June 2, 2023​

Bees get Degrees

We have a special guest this week on Inspiration Dissemination, our own Dr. Grace Deitzler (she/they) who is graduating this term with a PhD in Microbiology! Grace was on an episode of ID earlier in her degree and has served as a host since 2021. In this episode, we will mostly cover the remainder of Grace’s PhD work and give them a send-off both from OSU and from ID.

In the early part of her PhD, Grace worked on mice models of autism and examined the effects of bacterial infection on autism-like behaviors. Since then, her research has focused on a much different species – honeybees. A connective thread between these two disparate phases of research is the “double-hit hypothesis”. This refers to the idea that two concurrent stressors on an organism can increase vulnerability to or severity of disease, beyond the impact of either stressor individually. In mice, the two stressors were a simulated maternal infection during gestation and a subsequent infection of the offspring. In honeybees, the double-hit of interest to Grace is treatment with probiotics after an infection, in this case by a microsporidian fungus.

In comparison with mice or humans, honeybees have a very homogeneous microbiome, with just 8-10 bacterial species accounting for around 95% of the total. The minimalism of the honeybee microbiome and its conservation across individuals suggests that the insect and its bacteria have co-evolved for millions of years. As pollinators, honeybees are of vast ecological and economic importance, with $20 billion in agricultural activity sustained by managed colonies in the US. Beekeepers are understandably interested in protecting their colonies from infection by pathogens such as fungi and foreign bacteria. Much like the probiotic shakes marketed for human consumption, companies have developed probiotic products for honeybees and marketed them towards keepers.

Grace’s research findings cast this practice into doubt. They exposed the pupae to Nosema, a common fungal pathogen that targets the bees’ gut. Then they treated some bees with probiotics. Somewhat counterintuitively, infected individuals treated with probiotics died more quickly than those not fed probiotics! Premature death due to probiotic administration was even observed among healthy bees not exposed to the pathogen. This surprising result spurred Grace to investigate possible mechanisms for probiotic-induced mortality. The Nosema infection damages the bee’s microbiome, eliminating many species from the gut. Grace found that although the probiotic partially restores some of these bacterial species, it leads to more subtle disequilibria in the microbiome at the level of specific bacterial strains. She hypothesizes that this imbalance induces stress that is enough to worsen the bee’s ability to survive. Their results also raise questions about the efficacy of current honeybee probiotics, which appear to do more harm than good. After final analyses are complete, these results will be available in a forthcoming paper.

To hear more about the details of bees and bacteria as well as Grace’s experiences in science communication, tune in this Sunday, June 11th, at 7PM on 88.7 KBVR. 

Fighting for your French fries

This week’s guest is Alexander Butcher, a second-year master’s student in the Department of Crop and Soil Science. Alexander has a wide variety of interests related to minimizing food waste and improving global food security, but his current research focuses on protecting potato crops from insect pests.

Typical chemical pesticides are effective deterrents against invading insects but can cause significant harm to the environment and to humans. Such substances can present health risks to the farm workers that apply the pesticides as well as the consumers who purchase and eat the treated crops. Runoff from agriculture can also cause damage to surrounding ecosystems. In light of these downsides, scientists are interested in finding safer alternatives to conventional pesticides. Alexander studies an alternative class of chemicals called elicitors, which act as signals to activate defense mechanisms of plants. Plants have evolved numerous chemical and structural defenses for fending off insect and microbial attackers as well as competing against other plant species. One such product of this evolutionary arms race is the caffeine that you might enjoy in your morning cup of coffee. Elicitors can selectively turn these defenses on or off. This gives farmers and plant breeders a lot more possibilities for using plant defenses to manage insects.

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The Colorado potato beetle

Alexander’s research focuses on potatoes, which are an important agricultural product in northeastern Oregon along the Washington border. One of the biggest insect pests of potato is the Colorado potato beetle. Alexander is testing strategies for using two synthetic chemical analogs of natural plant signal hormones– salicylic acid and jasmonic acid — to stimulate the natural defenses of potato plants. Jasmonic acid is a phytohormone that promotes defenses against insects that chew, like the Colorado potato beetle. Some of Alexander’s research shows that these defenses can lower the weight of beetles. He thinks that this is due to protease inhibitors, which disrupt the enzymes insects use to digest proteins. Similarly, salicylic acid plays a major signaling role in plant development and defenses against insects that pierce into the plant and suck out fluids, like aphids. While these natural products have the potential to serve as affordable and effective pesticides, their sublethal effects lag behind the efficacy of more lethal chemicals. To help close this gap, Alexander has been researching how potato defenses induced by elicitors can impact the behavior of the beetle and its ability to reproduce.

Alexander first came to an interest in agriculture through his passion for food. He was classically trained in French cuisine and worked as a chef for twelve years, where he experienced first-hand the amount of waste that happens in the food system. His travels in countries affected by food insecurity helped solidify a desire to return to school, and he attended Portland State for a degree in biology. Despite his day job defending crops from insect invaders, he maintains a significant interest in bugs, founding an entomology club at Oregon State. Alexander will be transitioning into the PhD degree in the fall and switching topics towards defending vineyards from vine mealybugs. He eventually hopes to pursue a career in academic research and education.

Alexander treating crops with elicitors

To hear more about Alexander’s story, including why he advocates for insects as a sustainable protein source, tune in this Sunday, May 28th, at 7PM on KBVR 88.7 FM.

The noxious nucleocapsid

“Structure informs function” says Hannah Stuwe, a second year PhD student in Biochemistry and Biophysics (BB), summing up the big picture of her discipline. Hannah works in the lab of Prof. Elisar Barbar, using biophysical techniques to study essential proteins encoded by the SARS-Cov2 virus.

Much attention has been paid to the spike protein of the SARS-Cov2 virion, which is the target of the vaccines developed during the COVID-19 pandemic. Hannah’s research digs into another crucial protein called the nucleocapsid, which plays a role in organizing and packaging the viral genome. Proteins are the primary molecular actors in most biological process, so a detailed structural understanding of the proteins involved could shed light into how the virus disrupts the infected cell. It could also help to develop therapies for people who contract COVID.

The SARS-Cov2 genome is made of RNA wound around nucleocapsids.

The primary analytical technique that Hannah uses is nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), which probes the atomic nuclei within the protein using magnetic fields. Proteins mainly consist of hydrogen and nitrogen, so these two elements are analyzed separately with different NMR protocols. The resonance information from the individual hydrogen and nitrogen atoms can be combined into a two-dimensional landscape. This gives a rich picture of the protein structure, including how the conformation changes over time and how it interacts with RNAs and other proteins.

Hannah preparing samples for NMR analysis.

Hannah focuses on a short stretch of the nucleocapsid which is intrinsically disordered, meaning that it does not fold to a stable configuration. Instead, the structure of this region varies according to chemical modification by other proteins. When phosphoryl chemical groups are added, the region adopts an open configuration that exposes the viral genome, allowing it to be transcribed by the hijacked cell’s machinery. Without phosphorylation, the structure becomes more compact, possibly making it easier to spread the virion to other cells.

Hannah went to Oregon State for her undergraduate degree in BB and knew her advisor at the time. After graduating in 2019, she worked for a while at an industrial hemp company, working with natural cannabinoid products. Soon after, she felt the call to return to graduate school and accepted a laboratory job and eventually a PhD position with Prof. Barbar. For the rest of her degree, Hannah will analyze the mutations that are continually reshaping the SARS-Cov2 genome.

This is also a special episode because Hannah is in the process of joining the ID team as a host! To hear more about her research before she becomes a regular on the other side of the mic, tune in tonight, April 30th, at 7pm on 88.7 KBVR.

The opposite of a pest: Bees, wasps and other beneficial bugs

Lots of terrestrial invertebrates have bad reputations. Spiders, bees, flies, wasps, ants. They’re thought of as pests in the garden or they are perceived as threatening, possibly wanting to sting or bite us. I’ll admit it, I’m terrified and grossed out by most invertebrates every time I see one in my house. But this week’s guest may have successfully managed to get me to change my tune…

Scott (left) and his intern/doppelganger Tucker (right) in the field.

Scott Mitchell is a 4th year PhD student in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences advised by Dr. Sandy DeBano. His overarching research goal is to understand how different land management practices may impact beneficial invertebrate communities in a variety of managed landscapes. Yes, you read that right: beneficial invertebrates. Because while many invertebrates have a bad rep, they’re actually unsung heroes of the world. They pollinate plants, aerate soil, eat actual pest invertebrates and are prey for many other species. In order to tackle his overarching research goal, Scott is conducting two studies in Oregon; one focuses on native bees while the second looks at non-pollinators such as wasps, spiders, and beetles.

(See captions for images at the end of the blog post)

The first study occurs in the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range which is managed by the US Forest Service. The initial research at Starkey in the 1900s was about how cattle grazing impacts on the land. Since then, many more studies have been undertaken and are ongoing, including about forest management, wildlife, plants, and recreation. For Scott’s study, he is collaborating with the Forest Service to look how bee community composition may differ in a number of experimental treatments that are already ongoing at Starkey. The two treatments that Scott is looking into are thinning (thinned vs unthinned forest) and ungulate density (high vs low). The current hypothesis is that in high ungulate densities, flower booms may be reduced due to high grazing and trampling by many ungulate (specifically elk) individuals, thus reducing the number of available blooms to bees. While in the thinning treatments, Scott is expecting to see more flower blooms available to bees in the thinned sites due to increased access to light and resources because of a reduced tree canopy cover. To accomplish this project, Scott collects bee samples in traps and handnets, as well as data on blooming plants.

(See captions for images at the end of the blog post)

Scott’s second study explores non-pollinator community composition in cherry orchards in the Dalles along the Columbia River Gorge. Agricultural landscapes, such as orchards, are heavily managed to produce and maximize a particular agricultural product. However, growers have options about how they choose to manage their land. So, Scott is working closely with a grower to see how different plants planted underneath orchards can benefit the grower and/or the ecology of the system as a whole. 

To hear more details about both of these projects, as well as Scott’s background and several minutes dedicated solely to raving about wasps, tune in this Sunday, April 23rd live on 88.7 FM or on the live stream. Missed the show? You can listen to the recorded episode on your preferred podcast platform! 

Figure captions

Image 1: This bright green native bee is foraging on flowers for nectar and pollen. It is probably in the genus Osmia.

Image 2: A brightly colored bumblebee foraging on a rose.

Image 3: This is one of the most common bumblebee species in western Oregon – the aptly named yellow-faced bumble bee (Bombus vosnesenskii).

Image 4: Most native bees, like this small mining bee are friendly creatures and will even crawl onto your hands or fingers if you let them. No bees (or human fingers) were harmed in the making of this photo.

Image 5: While Scott doesn’t know what his favorite wasp is, this large furry, friendly bee is his favorite native bee species. It is known as the Pacific digger bee or Anthophora pacifica. This is his favorite bee because they are very agile fliers and fun to watch foraging on flowers. They are a solitary species that lives in the ground.

Image 6: Not only are wasps beautiful, but sometimes the signs they leave behind can be too. This is a gall from a gall forming cynipid wasp. Wasp galls are a growth on plants that occurs when a wasp lays its eggs inside of a leaf or other plant structure.

Image 7: This is a pair of wasps in the family Sphecidae. The wasp on top is a male wasp (males are often smaller than females in wasps and bees) and he is likely guarding a potential mate by hanging onto her back.

Image 8: This is a beautiful bright metallic jewel wasp, probably in the family Chrysididae. This wasp was mentioned in the episode.

Image 9: This sphecid wasp is foraging on nectar on flowers. Many insects, including wasps, use nectar as an energy source in their adult life stage – even if they act as predators when foraging for their young.

Image 10: This is a tiny wasp on a flower. This wasp is around 1.5-3 millimeters long.

Local Game Developer and OSU Alumni Leads Second Annual TTRPG Fundraiser to Support Trans Advocacy Groups in Florida

Rue Dickey (they/he) is a returning guest to ID this week. You may remember Rue from last year as the organizer who helped raise over $400,000 for two trans rights organizations in Texas via Tabletop Role Playing Games (TTRPGs). Well, they’re back at it this year and we’re here to tell you all about it!

In February, 2022 Texas governor Greg Abbott called for teachers and members of the public to report parents of transgender children to authorities, equating providing support and medical care for trans youth to child abuse. This combined with a climate of increasing anti-trans legislation across the US, led Rue to take action. Rue is an Oregon State University alumnus and a freelance game developer, designing games for Hitpoint Press, Cobalt Press, and publishing independent work on game hosting platforms such as Wanting to do something to help children and transgender people living in Texas, Rue decided to turn his passion for TTRPGs into a fundraiser. The online indie game hosting platform has been used in the past to create fundraisers for charities by bundling together and selling games. A few of Rue’s friends who run a BIPOC tabletop server have had experience with creating profit-sharing bundles using the platform in the past, so after he consulted them and walked through the steps, he set up a bundraiser. By the time of our interview with Rue in April, 2022 they had raised over $400,000 for TENT (Transgender Education Network of Texas, a trans-led group that works to combat misinformation on the community level through the corporate level, offering workshops as well as emergency relief funds for trans folks in need) and OLTT (Organización Latina Trans in Texas, a Latina trans woman-led organization focusing on transgender immigrants in Texas, assisting with the legal processes of immigration, name changes, and paperwork.) In addition to this they had been interviewed by several national news outlets, including NBC, Gizmodo, and The Mary Sue, as well as gaming-centric websites like Polygon, Dicebreaker, and GamesHub

Rue is a 2019 graduate of OSU’s Communications and Microbiology programs.

This year Rue is continuing the fundraiser, but focusing on Florida which has garnered national attention for anti-trans legislation such as the Parental Rights in Education Act, which restricts schools from including LGBTQ+ topics in curricula. The proposed expanded provisions to the act would ban teachers from addressing students by pronouns that differ from those they were assigned at birth, and staff would also be unable to share their own preferred pronouns if they deviate from those assigned at birth. Additionally, the Florida Board of Medicine enacted a rule that bars minors from starting puberty blockers or hormone therapy, essentially banning transition for those under the age of 18.

The organizations benefiting from the bundraiser this year are Zebra Youth Coalition (a network serving youth ages 13-24, that run shelters for youth that need safety and resources) and Transinclusive Group (a trans women of color-led coalition aimed at offering peer support, access to resources like HRT, and educating care providers in how to better take care of trans youth.) The current bundle launched on March 13th and has 505 game supplements and zines, the base price of which is $5 but the top donation is $1000. The fundraising goal for this year’s bundle is $250k, but in the couple of weeks since launching there’s already been $208k raised.

The bundle is live through April 6th, so there is still time to help reach their fundraising goal! To learn more about the fundraiser, tune into Rue’s episode this upcoming Sunday, March 26th at 7 PM! Be sure to listen live on KBVR 88.7FM, or download the podcast if you missed it.