February 24 – Black Lives Matter in Academic Spaces: 3 Lessons in Critical Literacy

Talk will be from 12pm-1:30pm PST

dr. Vay (Vershawn Ashanti Young) will be delivering a talk that describes ways that teachers and the public in both Canada and the USA have misappropriated the linguistic concept of code-switching as it applies to both Black language and Standard language speakers.

Attendees can expect to learn:

  • How race is related to writing instruction 
  • How to exploit the best culturally relevant literacy tools to boost academic instruction in writing 
  • Three lessons to explore and incorporate code meshing into literacy instruction 

February 25 – Workshop: Code-Meshing, Code-Switching, and Black Standard English: Implications for Classroom Writers 

Workshop will be held from 12pm-1:30pm PST

This OSU-exclusive workshop given by dr. Vay (Vershawn Ashanti Young) has three goals for its attendees:

  • Identify and describe prevailing models of writing/literacy instruction in relation to code meshing and identify your own. 
  • Revise your model of literacy instruction to support code-meshing and explain why code meshing is beneficial to students.  
  • Create a Black Body Acknowledgement that supports your current/present positive and supportive stance on code meshing. 

dr. Vay will lead participants through readings and exercises to help achieve the goals above.

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