SpringerLink is moving to a new and much improved platform on November 26, 2012. The new SpringerLink is faster, easier to use and optimized for most mobile devices.

Redirection and Linking:

Springer will redirect all users to the new SpringerLink upon migration. Meaning that if you try to access any Springer content within your institution you will be redirected to link.springer.com. So whether you find a Springer article on Google, via our catalogue or even using an old Springerlink direct url, you will be redirected to the article on link.springer.com.


My SpringerLink:

Individual accounts from the old SpringerLink will unfortunately not be migrated.

You will need to go to link.springer.com and set up a new profile/account. Make sure to do this while within the institution’s IP range as you will then be automatically associated to the institution’s access rights. Meaning that remote access to link.springer.com is set up immediately.


Webinar training sessions will be available throughout the coming months. During these sessions you will be informed about features and functionalities of link.springer.com. There will also be plenty of time to ask questions.


You can register for one of these training sessions via the Springer training page. An extensive FAQ and future training dates can be found here.


In case you have any questions please feel free to contact us at e-resources@oregonstate.edu

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