The Oregon State University Libraries is cancelling its subscription to Ingenta Connect as of August 1, 2009. In anticipation of this you will find suggestions for alternative research alerting services available at: .

• In lieu of Ingenta for your Search Alerts, we recommend using a broad database like Web of Knowledge/Science as the closest equivalent to the broad coverage of Ingenta OR
• You may want to see if the subject specific database you use most frequently has an alerting service.
• In lieu of Ingenta’s Table of Contents alerts, we recommend you use the free JISC Table of Contents alerting service called “ticTOCs” ” (see at: http://, OR
• Ingenta offers a free personal Table of Contents services for up to five (5) titles. You fall in that category. If you would like to use the free version you can set this up by going to: . Note: This is probably better done from off campus or after August 1 so you do not inadvertently end up at our current institutional subscription site.

If you need additional assistance setting up search alerts please contact your subject librarian. If you are unsure which librarian covers your department, refer to this listing:

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