Web of Science (Science Citation Index and Social Citation Index) will be moving to a new interface over the next few months. You can start using the new interface now by clicking on the “Access the New Version” button on the center of the page header of the Web of Science page.

New features of the interface include:

  • Retrieve up to 100,000 results, automatically sorted by the journal cover publication date.
  • Easily refine and analyze your search results.
  • Saved searches from the previous version of ISI Web of Knowledge will run in the new version. Searches saved in the new version will only run on the new version.
  • Journal Citation ReportsĀ®, Essential Science IndicatorsSM, and Highly Cited ResearchersSM are available from the Additional Resources tab in the new version. They will be configured in the new interface in an upcoming release.
  • During the period of when both versions are available, items saved into EndNote Web from either version will link to the older version of ISI Web of Knowledge.
  • Marked List functionality will be provided by mid-November. In the meantime, users can output records by printing, emailing, or saving directly to EndNote Web.

The old interface will be available until January 2008.

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