CIOS has added a new feature to complement our ComIndex and ComAbstracts databases: ComVista.

ComVista is a guide to programs of study in communication-related departments in North American higher education. ComVista can help you make better decisions about places to work or study and it can assist in the evaluation of a program’s impact in the field.

1. Use ComVista to find information on colleges and universities by state or province. Select a state or province and you’ll be shown a list of all 4 year colleges and universities with substantial communication or journalism departments. Select an institutional profile to view a summary of the significant research specialties of faculty who work in the communication-related programs within the institution.

Or select the option to view a profile of departments and faculty. You’ll be shown a roster of communication-related departments and faculty teaching courses in them. Select a faculty member within a department and you’ll be able to review all his or her published research appearing in the CIOS’s comprehensive ComAbstracts database (personal or institutional subscription required).

2. Use ComVista to locate colleges and universities that are leading centers for research in the field’s primary areas of study. Select an area of research and you will be shown a ranked list of the top institutions associated with published research on the selected topic.

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