III completed the WebPAC Pro upgrade to our Oasis system so that now when you do a keyword search the results will be ranked by relevance.

One unexpected benefit is that finally it’s possible to just hit return instead of needing to click the Search button after you’ve entered your Keywords. This is something we’ve been requesting for quite a long time and it’s nice to see that it now works.

However, III encountered a problem that they have not observed before when upgrading other sites.

You’ll see this phrase: 25 results found. Sorted by relevance | date | title. Once you’ve gotten your results you should be able to click on either date or title to resort the list. This is not currently working. Instead you get an error message saying NO ENTRIES FOUND. III is working on this as an urgent problem, but since they have not seen this behavior before they’re unable to tell us how long it will take to fix it.

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