We have moved our ANSI standards collection to the digital world. With our new subscription to the ANSI standards through Information Handling Services (IHS), you can search and obtain over 1,300 ANSI standards.

When you go to the IHS site, click on the Specs & Standards link. If you click on the Quick Searches tab on the upper left, you can limit the search to the titles included in our subscription. This subscription is only for ANSI standards – if you need a combined subscription (e.g., an ANSI/ASME standard), please contact Margaret Mellinger at margaret.mellinger@oregonstate.edu for assistance in acquiring the standard.

Very Important! Remember to logout after you finish using the ANSI standards database. We have a limited number of simultaneous users and other users might be locked out of the database. The logout button is in the upper right corner of the screen.

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