As an Occupational Health & Safety Intern, you will gain practical, applicable experience by assisting in strategic and tactical work including performing root cause investigations, risk assessments, site GEMBAs, ergonomic reviews, job hazard analyses and developing and writing standards, training, safety alerts and safe work instructions. Must be a quick learner and demonstrate genuine interest in workplace safety requirements.

General Requirements:

  • Currently pursuing an undergraduate degree with an anticipated graduation of December 2023 or Spring 2024
  • Strong desire to work in a manufacturing, innovation or distribution facility required
  • Experience in a fast faced and matrixed environment is preferred
  • Ability to analyze problems, assess data, use basic math and statistics, and deal with ambiguity and frequent changes in priorities
  • Ability to manage a project and handle multiple competing projects simultaneously
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
  • Energetic team player who is eager to learn 
  • Knowledge of sporting goods products preferred
  • Passionate about Nike products and the consumer

Additional Requirements

  • Preferred degrees: Safety Engineering or similar program
  • Experience in technical safety training
  • Organized and capable of high-quality work
  • Good command of Excel and PowerPoint
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Project Management skills are a plus

About the Job

Nike Inc. teams include our Innovation (R&D), Manufacturing, and Distribution teams who constantly innovate to create the future of sports, challenge the assumptions about how products are made, what they are made of and how they are distributed to our customers. They come up with big ideas, innovate products and manufacturing capabilities, test principles and products, and perfect production processes. They work closely with Nike’s hundreds of manufacturing partners and suppliers across multiple countries to develop new methods of making to create better-performing products with less waste. We are looking for dynamic interns to join their teams across a variety of functional areas: AIR Manufacturing Innovation (Air MI), Nike Innovation, and Distribution Centers.


Placement may be in Beaverton, OR Memphis, TN

Review details and apply via LinkedIn Posting

OR OSHA is hiring for multiple Safety Compliance Officer positions at the Department of Consumer and Business Services.

4/26/225/17/22Safety Compliance Officer
(Occupational Safety Specialist 2)
4/26/225/8/22Occupational Safety Consultant
(Occupational Safety Specialist 3)
4/19/225/10/22Safety Compliance Officer
(Occupational Safety Specialist 2)
7 positions
4/18/225/9/22Safety Compliance Officer
(Occupational Safety Specialist 2)
two positions
The Department of Environmental and Occupational Health at the Colorado School of Public Health (ColoradoSPH) is looking for an innovative and inclusive leader who will continue the department’s evolution, growing its research, education, and outreach and engagement programs.
This department leads the school and the region by advancing new climate change and health initiatives, including a first-of-its-kind Climate and Health PhD program.

Environmental justice and health equity are embedded throughout the department’s activities.    The Department Chair for the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health is a 12-month, tenure-track, full Professor appointment, with the primary academic appointment to be held at the ColoradoSPH, located on the world-class University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in stunning Colorado.

Application deadline: June 1, 2022 Click here to apply.

We have an open rank tenure track position at the rank of associate or full professor in Climate and Health in the Environmental Health Division, Department of Public Health Science, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami. We have several exciting university wide initiatives in climate and health, including a Climate Resilience Institute and a new graduate program in the Climate and Health. The search is open to all areas of climate and/or environmental health, including chronic exposure to climate sensitive environmental exposures and cancer risks; time-space modeling of the health effects of climate and/or extreme weather events; environmental exposure assessment by developing and utilizing novel technologies and/or methodologies; environmental and/or weather and/or climate exposures related to health risk projections/predictions; the cost-benefit analysis of policies/interventions to mitigate/manage the health effects of climate, extreme weather events and/or other environmental exposures; developing and implementing evidence-based interventions to mitigate and manage the health effects due to environmental exposures, changing climate and weather patterns or climate/weather modified/mediated health environmental exposures.

More information on the position or to apply for the position visit the link below.

Public Health Sciences- Associate/Professor (

Lane County Public Health has an opening for an Environmental Health Specialist (1 or 2, Job#202200126). This new position is primarily responsible for conducting health inspections of restaurants, mobile units, hotels, motels, pools, spas, small drinking water systems, as well as other licensed and non-licensed facilities by the Lane County Public Health Environmental Health program. Successful applicants will receive on the job training and supervisory support necessary to become registered as an Environmental Health Specialist in the state of Oregon.

For more information and to apply, visit

Lane County Government offers generous benefits. Located in the lush Willamette Valley, flanked on both sides by towering forests, the Eugene-Springfield metropolitan area provides a thriving urban center for residents and visitors alike. Learn more about why people choose to work for Lane County.

The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services is pleased to announce an opening in Oregon OSHA:

Health Compliance Officer (Industrial Hygienist 2)

As a Health Compliance Officer, you will conduct health evaluations and investigations, take enforcement action in a broad range of workplaces to ensure employer compliance with the Oregon Safe Employment Act, conduct technical training, and provide abatement assistance for employers and employees.

For a complete listing of the duties and responsibilities of this position, please review the position description by clicking here.

To Apply: Send Resumes to, or visit to apply online

The Rationale for this Position

Since its founding in 2004, Agilyx has been committed to finding ways of turning plastics into a renewable resource. Given the utility of plastics to modern life, its use has proliferated in the past 50 years. For a variety of reasons, the recycling of plastics has been problematic. Agilyx, recognized as Waste Dive’s “Market Developer of the Year,” is systematically attacking those problems and is currently commercializing several product lines using mixed waste plastics as feedstocks.

Role Overview

The EHS Manager is responsible for driving the design, implementation, and training of the Health & Safety Program. It requires a hands-on, knowledgeable, highly responsive team player who is a self-starter, resourceful, brings creativity and strong interpersonal skills to the organization. This position acts as a collaborative team member and not a punitive enforcer.