Windows Updates: Policy Change

I’ve updated Group Policy on all staff workstations to prevent installing updates immediately upon shut down. Previously when there were updates scheduled to install, the start menu Shut Down option would be replaced with “Install updates and shut down.” This update gives you back the ability to choose either option. At this point we’re just testing how this plays out for folks.



Pre-College Programs Setup

The Pre-College Programs department move/migration continues, but things are finally winding down. we are trying to encourage them to call the help line when they run into problems.

We now have survival instructions for getting customers set up if they are just logging into their computer for the first time since moving over to CN support. These instructions also cover machines on wireless and printer setups. The printers should be set up on all the machines, but just in case…

The document is located on Sharepoint in the following location:

Pre-College Programs Setup

You can also find instructions by looking at article 46 in ticket #0326350