By Vicki Tolar Burton

Let’s Celebrate!

The OSU Twitter feed on Tuesday, June 5, 2018, carried the following happy student message:

Feeling so thankful that a paper I wrote last term was nominated for, and won, the Kinesiology Culture of Writing Award. What a great way to finish off my last term at @OregonState

Kinesiology winner, Jordan P. Pascua, joins thirty other OSU undergraduates as recipients of the WIC Culture of Writing Award in their discipline. This is a record number of WIC awards. Congratulations to the student winners, and Congratulations and thanks to the nominating faculty members for taking the time to honor your students. Nominating faculty are listed with the student winners here.

This was also a record year for the number of Category II WIC proposals reviewed: 21. New WIC courses are being designed and existing courses updated. The WIC curriculum is thriving with more than 150 courses across the university.

Part of this curricular energy comes from faculty who have participated in the WIC Faculty Seminars, both on the Corvallis campus and at OSU Cascades, where we held a modified WIC seminar for twenty enthusiastic faculty.

I invite you to get to know two of OSU’s most innovative WIC instructors, Deanna Lloyd and Nate Kirk, through inspiring interviews featured in this issue.

This is also the time of year when I thank those who have helped WIC to succeed. First, thanks to this year’s WIC GTA, Mohana Das, who is graduating this month with an MFA in poetry.  With an undergraduate major in Computer Engineering, she brought disciplinary breadth, thoughtful analysis of WIC proposals and assignments, and a willing spirit that will make her welcome in any work environment.  Thanks also to WIC Intern Ruth Sylvester, a first-year MA in Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture, for her help in every part of the program. Finally, thank you to Caryn Stoess, EA for Academic Programs, WIC, and DPD, who has made event planning look easy and helped us take assessment of WIC courses to a new level using CORE data.

And thank you to all who taught a WIC course this year. May you grade with ease. Happy summer!

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