Pre/Views: Counting What Counts

By Vicki Tolar Burton, WIC Director

“Not everything that counts can be counted.” Sociologist William Bruce Cameron’s quotation is one Vicki Tolar Burton uses frequently. In this issue of Teaching with Writing, we present some WIC-related numbers that, in fact, do count. Read more…


Microbiology Writing Guide’s Greatest Hits

By Ruth Sylvester, WIC Intern

We were surprised when Google Analytics on the WIC website revealed that an astonishing 53% of all traffic to our website is directed to the Microbiology Writing Guide. It gets hits that far exceed the number of Microbiology students at OSU! Ruth is on a mission to find out more. Read more…


WIC by the Numbers

By Mohana Das, WIC GTA

What is the optimum number of students in a WIC course that requires students to write at least 5000 words and instructors to offer copious feedback on drafts? With greater access to technology, modes of delivery of instruction are becoming more diverse. How many WIC courses are making the leap from traditional lectures to online classrooms? Mohana walks you through data on class sizes in WIC classes and modes of delivery in WIC courses by colleges. Read more… 

WIC Spring Lunch Series 2018

By WIC Team

We are happy to announce our Spring Lunch Series schedule for 2018. This year’s topics range from ethics to data analytics to a teaching showcase. We look forward to the stimulating conversations that will occur. All lunches will be held on Fridays in Milam 215 from 12 to 1 pm. As always, delicious American Dream pizza and beverages will be provided. Read more.

Nominate Your Best Student Writer for the WIC Culture of Writing Award in Your Discipline

By WIC Team 

As spring term arrives, please remember to nominate outstanding undergraduate writers for WIC Culture of Writing Awards. Recognizing exceptional student writing communicates to our students and the university that good writing matters in every discipline. To nominate outstanding undergraduate writers, interested units (schools, departments) seek nominations from the faculty and select the best paper from the major. Read more.

One-Day Conference: Open Resources for Writing-Intensive Courses


Join Open Oregon Educational Resources, in partnership with Open Oregon State, on April 23 in Corvallis for a statewide, discipline-specific conversation about open composition resources. OSU faculty and graduate students who teach writing-intensive courses are invited. Read more. 

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